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What are you working on, /g/?

previous >>101130465
int main(){const char * b = "Hello world!"; write(1,b,strlen(b));}

also zero indexing makes things easier, not harder.
getting errors in header files
watching a video about databases
>hi, I'm the instructor for this course 15-445/15-645 Database Systems at Carnegie Mellon University
>unfortunately I can't be on campus right now
>one of the TAS is having some problem and we're trying to lay low
>I'm not on campus right now so I'm also here in the back with one of the TAs
then later:
You are an insect
rough day at work?
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These got old after about 15 minutes, man. Just wait until something better comes along and then spam that, fucking loser.
this new AI is going to get annoying very quickly
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>These got old after about 15 minutes, man. Just wait until something better comes along and then spam that, fucking loser.
Do an AI roast about C++ or Bjarne Stroustrup
reported :)
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Nvm I got one lol.
HASKELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY
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That is a good maid, thank you for posting her.
is this that guilty tripnigger feeling? like your favorite wife finding out about the second family?
>my feelings are hord
this is 4channel newfriend
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please make one with a toddler saying rule 2
I got a segmentation fault in-kernel during a voluntary exit on error, looking at the bianry everything is fine with the exit function, the dmesg log said BUG so idk, the only other option would be speculative execution on one of the arguments within the struct (null pointer to it) i was supposed to pass to a function
it got annoying about three minutes after retarded jeets realized it existed
generative ai is cancer
I have this function
print_string(int fd, const char *s) {
if (fd == 1)
write(fd, s, strlen(s));

I call it with a string literal in a few places. Like
print_string(2, "low voltage");

GCC optimizes strlen out in those cases but clang doesn't, it always calls strlen. Why?
move it into header and mark it static inline, also stop being retarded and check if write succeeded or failed to write everything.
0 contributions aaaaaaa!!!!!
GNU Chad Compiler.
try to make them const char * instead of char *
this doesn't affect whether compiler inlines things, and it's already const, C is just a terrible language and relying on compiler optimizations to do trivial things like printing string literals will make you deal with shit like this
can I just freestyle a game in cplussy or do I have to watch some shmucks flappy bird tutorial?
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I do NOT understand Go's Context and I'm considering suicide over it.
you could start by detransitioning
would break her pelvis if you know what i mean
She is very gorgeuouse to me
What can I not do on an old ass 32 bit cpu laptop? Do newer programming languages even support 32 bit architecture?
with gcc, you can compile multitude of languages for 32bit system with just -m32 pretty much
it's interesting reading through Agner Fog's microarchitecture guide. if you read it in order, you can get a sense of some of the design challenges play out as the microarchitectures evolve, like branch prediction constraining the usefulness of deeper pipelines. super interesting shit
looks like RAII but for Go
>hardware has basic nuance
we are the real deal, nigger.
at least you aren't getting ICE's from using C++20 modules correctly.
this would be good if passing a short instead of an int didn't create a whole new function.
not sure what this has to do with anything, you can make a function that accepts long long and you will be able to accept any signed integers from signed char to long long
Am I the only one who finds it degrading to read documentation?
yes you're the only brown man on this board
What about end user license agreements, do you read them too Mr. White Man?
not documentation, rajesh
It is legal documentation
not technology
The law is more important than any piece of technology
yeah you cope about it in >>>/pol/ while I will continue breaking it because it's not enforceable.
>not enforceable
Famous last words
>"Unix is the future"
>still using a terminal 1970
but this literally shows that Unix really was the future...
Currently watching anime that I didn't pay for, come enforce it.
Oh, also I'm redistributing it, some of the torrents have ratio in the thousands by now.
>come enforce it
Ok. Give me your full name and address
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enforce it without my help
Well I could report you for violating US law but announcing reports is against the rules so I'll just say I may or may not have done that ^_^
which US law did I violate?
You have admitted to copyright infringement
>saying things is illegal
to think I don't even live in US... /pol/tards are utterly mindbroken
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80. columns. wide.
So is emoticons you insufferable newfag.
80 columns wide is impractical if you give your variables/functions proper names
Emoticons are not banned. You have no authority to speak on this topic but speak as if you do. That's basically impersonating 4chan staff which is in fact yet another violation of the rules.
grats on figuring out html. did you know you could do this on most sites https://lukesmith.xyz/articles/notes-on-learning-languages/#are-you-actually-thinking
h a s k e l l
Was gonna post about something else but then I saw that the "Nooo you'll get arrested if you pirate mp3s!" guy didn't die in 2005 like I thought he did and that's way more interesting desu.
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Ok, I think I have to move on from Logisim to an actual HDL. I also need to simulate the hardware. Anyone know some good environments for a beginner?
>language has a limit of 64k total objects per app
>not an issue though because the hardware has a 32kb memory limit
fucking kill me
thank god for Apache Commons

>inb4 pajeet
[  +0.000447] Device-monitor: retrieved physical configuration controller-mapped address.
[ +0.000027] Device-monitor: opened logs file.
[ +0.000021] Device-monitor: virtually mapped the configuration space.
[ +0.010066] BUG: unable to handle page fault for address: ffffb796c12be000
[ +0.000011] #PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode
[ +0.000003] #PF: error_code(0x0000) - not-present page

32kb is plenty. Have you actually hit this limit or are you just mad about the idea of hitting it?
gonna try to map my pageroot and do the tables myself, which i had wanted to do anyway so i could do contiguous virtual memory for all of the ranges i am checking but after freezing my screen i realized that device registers need to be treated more carefully than "just dont burn it bro" so i am logging multiple files with an array of ranges instead, well, when i can even do BARs in the first place
he is used to mmaping 200 gigabytes of memory and letting Torvalds program for him
Oh it's just this kid talking to himself still? I should have paid closer attention before responding.
>schizoing out
luckily i barely ever do anything with filesystems and files, but holy cow Python is ATROCIOUS for anything ever having to deal with files

i doin't think there's a programming language in existence that deals with files as terribly as Python
/qa/ lost
what a shit thread made by manchildren.
The OP meme image does not mention zero indexing but null termination of strings. You're outing yourself as a retard.
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here's that schizo again that regularly comes in to make sure /dpt/ is dead
fucking die already
Why is /sqt/ so tranquil in comparison to this thread?
REMINDER that xonotic won, reifaggot has never recovered and instead only spiraled deeper into pediphilia and jewish faith

Programming attracts people who dont mind spending 24+ hours awake, inside in one go,.
Tired == schizofrenic.
people who visit 4chan to get help vs people who visit 4chan to avoid getting help
Because it's summer. Kids probably don't go into /sqt/ as much because they already have no reservation about polluting the board with stupid questions in the first place.
C libraries should be distributed as single header file.
Worse is better.
this shitty idea should've been distributed as a single post
No, you're retarded and that doesn't solve anything.
it solves everything, actually
It's basically just forced static linking with extra steps, and does nothing to solve resolving dependencies, and wreaks fucking havoc on compile times.
Unless you're also proposing the ultra-retarded version where everyone ships a fucking copy inside of their own source tree, which then is a nightmare from maintainability and then you have multiple copies of a library trying to get compiled into the same thing, which breaks shit too.

I get that you've been programming C for 2 months and you think you're some super hacker or whatever, but just learn C library management is actually not hard, and pkgconf exists.
why is making functions in powershell a pain or am I doing it the wrong way?

function Test {
param (


Write-Host "$users and $group"

but in python I can just do this which is way less lines
def test(users: list, group: str):
print(f"{users} and {group}")
I'm reading some mailing lists and a guy is complaining about
>programming by extension
What does that mean?
never head this term, hard to say without context
Making a core program and extending it.
Like making a database handler as a bridge between user and data, and shoveling all business logic and graphics in the database. You can then program new features without recompiling.
AKA a coping man's Lisp.
if it's about java, he might mean inheritance because of the "extends" keyword
current general practice is to use composition over inheritance
>forced static linking
i get you have been programming in C for 3 months but in the real world we use things aside from the stl.
by extension is a logical proposition
Made a GUI queue for yt-dlp in C#
You add the URL and the program takes care of running yt-dlp for each one
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ok i can finally draw anime girls from imagination, now how do I git gud at competitive programming so i can pay rent?
Thanks, this is what the guy meant, as he also criticised interfaces. Interesting to consider what is there really in OOP if you abort inheritance and interfaces. Probably just old-school procedural code with base classes and function calls.
>Interesting to consider what is there really in OOP if you abort inheritance and interfaces. Probably just old-school procedural code with base classes and function calls.
might very well be someone that got filtered by OOP
I can understand avoiding extending classes in favor of only using interfaces, but dropping any inheritance in a Java codebase, while doable, will certainly make your code go to shit as soon as you need to abstract anything
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learning about databases, it's interesting. although what the hell?
>SQL is declarative
>CREATE INDEX is needed to make efficient queries
Indexes are created automatically on keys althougheverbeit.
all databases have one index tables for each row of each table and it is done automatically when doing CREATE TABLE?
what about multiple-column index tables?
i'm reading this
Apparently there's an alternative syntax for parameters that's a bit more terse: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_functions?view=powershell-7.4#functions-with-parameters
>all databases have one index tables for each row
*for each column
It's called a clustered index.
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I hope you're doing your part to protect all of our freedoms, anon!
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Only Apple and Microsoft make good ui frameworks, change my mind
I do that why i use mit, companies are people and they have the right to freedumb too
for me its https://plusnigger.org/MIT+NIGGER.txt
cuck license
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>*laughs in buffer overflow*
FSF approved
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Discovered the limit when I tried to allocate an array of 1k integers (as a workaround to other, completely unrelated bullshit limitations) and it crashed, leading me to find out about the memory limit and that I was already dangerously close to it without realizing.

Future ideas involving three tiny monochrome bitmaps were scrapped after instantly blowing past the memory limit and workarounds using manual drawing or tiling even smaller bitmaps were too janky to proceed with on principle alone.

Just found out I can store an additional 32k in persistent storage and read it into memory as needed, but I've only got about 5k left to play with in active memory so this would still require slicing things up so unclear yet if it will actually help.
Stallman wouldn't approve or racism though, he'd say it's toxic or something.
Are there any C/C++ alternatives that give me identical speed+power without the bullshit? Did some embedded projects and C++ was fine, but even attempting to do some shit on the desktop is torture trying to manage dependencies and all the fucking stupid bullshit
It would be approved as it doesn't infringe on any user freedoms

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That moment when you have a faster than o(n) sort method for a 3d object and camera renderer but you didn't implement it so you have to use some bubble sort and you're unemployed.
This is one of the most embarrassing posts I've seen someone make on here in a long time.
Yea I've seen those programs around, those are the programs that have 1 minute + loading times.
oh you sweet summer child
>messagepack, avro, capnproto
which one am I supposed to use in cpp
>12 files
>total size is 21.1 megabytes
>use 7zip to compress them into a single .zip file
>.zip file size is 20.9 megabytes
Rust? Largely a C++ alternative. Cargo is both the build system and package manager. Maybe Zig too?
However, I think CMake works pretty well for C++.
>but even attempting to do some shit on the desktop is torture trying to manage dependencies and all the fucking stupid bullshit
it's just add_subdirectory on cmake and you're done.
Can I tell a C function that it should accept either a char array or an int array as argument?

Or do I have to make two separate copies of the function that do the same thing for each argument type?
void + element size and interpret all elements as numbers
cheers, i'll try that

... are they going to be doing completely different things? if it is setting / copying just use string.h

almost there...
>no pointers to incomplete types
who is the fucking brainlet who designed this thing? ever heard of registers? there is a reason we can base + index
>but anon is all you want for the compiler to write the allocation code for you?
YES, just like with any other fucking class
did the bot just samefag? they are evolving
Fraid it didn't work, unless I misunderstood you
#include <stdio.h>

void array_set(void array[6], int count)
int i;

for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
array[i] = 0;

int main(void)
int i;
char test[6] = "pizza";

for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
printf("%d ", test[i]);
array_set(test[6], 6);
for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
printf("%d ", test[i]);

return 0;

results in
doesthiswork.c:3:21: error: declaration of ‘array’ as array of voids
3 | void array_set(void array[6], int count)
| ^~~~~
doesthiswork.c: In function ‘array_set’:
doesthiswork.c:3:21: warning: unused parameter ‘array’ [-Wunused-parameter]
3 | void array_set(void array[6], int count)
| ~~~~~^~~~~~~~
doesthiswork.c: In function ‘main’:
doesthiswork.c:15:14: error: declaration of ‘test’ as array of voids
15 | void test[6] = "pizza";
| ^~~~
doesthiswork.c:21:19: error: type of formal parameter 1 is incomplete
21 | array_set(test[6], 6);
| ^~~~~~~
doesthiswork.c:15:14: warning: unused variable ‘test’ [-Wunused-variable]
15 | void test[6] = "pizza";
| ^~~~

It's just for setting yeah. I know I can do it other ways, just curious
nevermind the "void test[6]" in the errors, I just wanted to see what happened if I did that instead of char test[6]
(this is the one that works with just plain char)
#include <stdio.h>

void array_set(char array[], int count)
int i;

for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
array[i] = 0;

int main(void)
int i;
char test[6] = "pizza";

for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
printf("%d ", test[i]);
array_set(test, 6);
for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
printf("%d ", test[i]);

return 0;
there are a bunch of rookie mistakes in there. ask chatgpt to correct your code instead
i'd rather you just told me
like i said above, the "void test[6]" was just trying shit, and array_set(test[6], 6) is also obviously wrong, but the one here is fine >>101170095
just trying to follow anon's instructions to take me from >>101170095 to what they were describing
void array_set(void *array, int count, int type)
int i;

for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
((char*)array)[i] = 0;
} else {
((int*)array)[i] = 0;

you can use an enum or switch-case or whatever instead
>compiles into a segfault
works on my machine
ah I see, it needs to be a void pointer and you need to cast array into int pointer or char pointer. they didn't mention that at all

Is this style frowned upon by the way?
        if (type) {
((int*)array)[i] = 0;
} else {
((char*)array)[i] = 0;

It worked fine for me, as long as I didn't make char use the wrong type when calling the function
char test => array_set(test, 6, 0);
char array => array_set(test, 6, 1);
Oops, meant
char test => array_set(test, 6, 0);
int test => array_set(test, 6, 1);
yeah because it compiles to exit(0);
I guess this is a bot
just dont ever do ((different_pointer_t)pointer)[i] in code you actually need to work because it will compile into nonsense 100% of the time that the compile doesnt recognize it as "oh he is ugabuga setting a range of memory"
for example if you wanted to take the top short of an int in an int array, compiler will explode

be a woman
the hell is a "top short of an int"
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I've been simplifying things dramatically by switching styles to something more functional.
Rectifying the mistakes made by myself in the past, by refactoring/rewriting currently.
The heat wave is ruining my productivity. I'm die.
>Is this style frowned upon by the way?
it seems c11 has some fake function overloading with preprocessor directives (_Generic), so you could write it in a cleaner way.
other than this, there isn't really much todo differently. search for "c function overloading void pointer" and you'll see all examples are like that.
4 bytes, 32bits
2 bytes, 16bits

the top of 4 bytes is 2 bytes
i have never ran into an example that compiled to what was on the label
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Draw anime girls on to circuit boards.
i was talking about
>if (var)
instead of
>if (var == 1)
since vars in C are treated as false if 0 and true if anything else

oh that's what you meant, ok
what if var is 2?
oh also anything with the highest bit set is treated as false because x86 assembly does signed comparisons
if var is 2 it evaluates to true again
if that's not desired then i'd be specific about the value equality instead of relying on true/false
uuh, for me -1 still evaluates to true. and I'm on x86
>i was talking about
with the if-else imo you do it the way you like best, there won't be any difference if you compile with -O3. but if you want to show it to your boss or something they'll probably be happier if you use a gay ass switch-case.

typedef enum inputTypes
} inType;

void myfunc(void* param, inType type)
switch(type) {
case INT:
printf("you passed in int %d\n", *((int *)param));
case DOUBLE:
printf("you passed in double %f\n", *((double *)param));
case CHAR:
printf("you passed in char %c\n", *((char *)param));
printf("I like dicks\n");
US text messaging rules are so gay

twilio makes me have to fill out some dumb application. and have a dumb privacy policy and terms of service page on my site. what a bunch of tomfoolery
Speaking of _Generic, you could use make a utility macro that selects the type integer based on whether the pointer is a char* or a int*. But then again, you can do more interesting things with macros
Assuming you're not actually just setting the array to 9 where you could just use memset, you can honestly this kind of code can just be a macro.
#include <stdio.h>

// Add an argument for the length if you want to, to make it a bit more general
#define set_array(a) \
do { \
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof (a) / sizeof (a)[0]; ++i) { \
(a)[i] = i; \
} \
} while (0)

#define print_array(a, fmt) \
do { \
printf("{"fmt, (a)[0]); \
for (size_t i = 1; i < sizeof (a) / sizeof (a)[0]; ++i) { \
printf(", "fmt, (a)[i]); \
} \
printf("}\n"); \
} while (0)

int main()
int intarray[20];
char chararray[10];
float floatarray[5];


print_array(intarray, "%d");
print_array(chararray, "%hhd");
print_array(floatarray, "%.2f");

{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19}
{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
{0.00, 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00}

Using a void * and maybe a switch over a type is sometimes called for, but I wouldn't say this is one of these situations.
The world would be much better if people started using c with templates in g++ instead of macros
yeah, gcc does test reg,reg and not cmp 0
Writing functions within a class gets your productivity up by approximately 200%, i dont think i am ever touching C again desu.
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Sorry, but if I was going to cut off my penis, I may as well full-troon out and use Rust.
What’s the language for normal crossdressers? I like the penis
virtual Class File{
uchar_t name[64];
union {
File ** entries;
direntries_t entries_cnt;

File * override get_file(uchar_t * path, File ** entries){
ustd_t entries_iterator = 0;
uchar_t * comparison = entries[i]->name;
for (ustd_t i = 0; path[i] == comparison[i]; ++i){
if (path[i] == 0){
return entries[entries_iterator];
else if (path[i] == '/'){ get_file(path[i+i],entries[entries_iterator];}
return 1;

ondisk_t nonvol_position;
void * mem_contents;
user_t owner;
void write(filelen_t number, void * source); //TODO
void read(filelen_t number, void * destination); //TODO
pcibus_t bus;
pcidevice_t device
pcifunction_t function;
vendorid_t vendor_id;
modelid_t model_id;
devreg_t dma_ranges[6];
devreg_t write(devreg_t destination, devreg_t source); //TODO
devreg_t read(devreg_t source, devreg_t destination); //TODO
struct{ //say /dev/random
void write(filelen_t number, void * source); //TODO
void read(filelen_t number, void * destination); //TODO
mode_t mode;
Class Directory : File;
Class Storage : File;
Class Device : File;
Class Utility : File;
*segfaults passing char as char pointer*
use rust
$ cat zinita.c 
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void zinita(void *arr, size_t sz)
// memset(arr, 0, sz);
for (int i = 0; i < sz; ++i)
((char *)arr)[i] = 0;

int main()
int arri[6] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
char arrc[9] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};

zinita(arri, sizeof(arri));
zinita(arrc, sizeof(arrc));

int arri2[6] = { 0 };
char arrc2[9] = { 0 };

for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(arri) / sizeof(arri[0]); ++i)
printf("%d ", arri[i] == arri2[i] && arri[i] == 0);

for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(arrc) / sizeof(arrc[0]); ++i)
printf("%d ", arrc[i] == arrc2[i] && arrc[i] == 0);

return 0;
$ gcc zinita.c && ./a.out
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
$ tcc -run zinita.c
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

You don't need a function to initialize arrays to zero. If you are writing GNU C and want to initialize to some other integer value then you can use designated initializers.
>Do retarded thing
>Compiler warns you that you're retarded
>OS tell you you're a retard
You might see a pattern here, anon
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Would you use WinUI 3 for your next windows project anon?
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Is it possible to solve this problem using the same 'style' I have here? i.e, using a for .. of loop? I know my code is wrong, not sure how to link 'the remainder of the array' after I pull the current element.
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Why does it do what I want but backwards?
ok i get why it's backwards but dont' know how to get it the way i want in this style, any help would be great i gotta go to work
Because that’s how you programmed it. Try a little harder before you ask questions, this isn’t chatgpt

Recursive would be far easier, but a for loop is possible
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>try rust
>do basic ass hardware emulation
>have to now add 300+ verbose u8::wrapping_add(a,b) / u8::wrapping_mult(a,b)/ u8 as usize everywhere

>try C
>do basic ass hardware emulation
>it just werks, and if it doesnt.. well..
>learning bash and bash accessories
>barely scrapped the surface
>it's already being niggerlicious
Alright back to python, perl or some other shit it's just not worth it beyond being the most basic glue.
It’s absolutely ludicrous that in the year of our lord 2024, the document format is being owned by Adobe. Not only that, pdf is a shitty format that can only display text and pictures and doesn’t adapt to different resolutions. In a time where people
>have different devices with completely different screen resolutions and aspect ratios
>multimedia is the standard
It’s unacceptable that pdfs are still the norm.

I propose a collective effort to make a new document system with the following capabilities
>multimedia embedding of pictures, videos and 3D models via a USD render delegate
>layout system based on grid and flexbox to support dynamic resolutions
>ditching the page format, printers are for boomers (individual readers can still make an adapter)

I’m not asking you to contribute right now. But, assuming such a project takes off, how many of you would be willing to contribute?
Assume the initial groundwork had been laid and there’s a working proof of concept of a writer + reader + document standard
Why don't you actually prove there's something worthwhile to do? Shitty formats exist like epub and djvu as alternatives.
Most people just use md/rst -> html these days.
In a C++ project? Probably not, I'll go with Qt. Perhaps in a C# project.
What's worse is this is true of all nulangs. They all add a bunch of verbose code to do shit that is trivial in c. This is true even of the nulangs that have zero actual safety (ie memory safety) over c.
Go contexts are nodes in a linked list data structure. They are immutable. When you make a new context with value, you add another node in the linked list. When you look for values on the context, you do a linked list traversal.
It also carries signaling information so you can cancel some piece of work. Cancellation must be implemented by the observer of the context, however; goroutines cannot be unilaterally terminated by the caller, only signalled to.
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>and doesn’t adapt to different resolutions
nroff solved this in 1972
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how can I make the powershell try catch block better?

It looks messy
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I'm the one who asked about LISP in the last thread. Can I get some feedback on this AOC solution? I'd appreciate it if anyone more familiar with LISP could point out potential misconceptions or better ways of doing things.
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I've seen the light of first class functions and closures. One day I will migrate to LISP.
Kek, what a champion
Forget lisp, learn Haskell
rate my stack

tailwind + htmx
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>Working on big project at work
>I architected the entire thing
>other engineers pushing back on a key design component because they think it'll be hard for them to code
>boss is 50/50 on my solution vs theirs
>they say they'll have to rewrite the core module of their service to make it work
>I go in their code
>Come up with a solution in 10 lines involving a binary search tree of nothing but integer comparisons
>entire solution adds tow O(logn) calls after an O(n) loop (i.e: full module is O(n) + O(logn))
>it was 10 lines of java

I think these people are intentionally sabotaging me
Is there a way to intercept a post request without knowing the payload? I've used axios in the past for GET requests and those work fine but apparently you need to know the payload to intercept the POST request. Is there not a way to intercept all POST requests? Or is there another library that does it? Before you ask, it's impossible to know the payload ahead of time.
What does "intercept" mean, here? Intercepted by who
Should pointers instantiated in a loop be assigned nullptr on each iteration?

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
void* SomePtr = ReturnsAPtr();

// Do something with SomePtr

SomePtr = nullptr;
No, you are redeclaring a new SomePtr on every iteration. The next time through is creating an entirely new object and resetting it at the end is pointless because it will be soon destroyed. Research the distinction between declarations and definitions.
Good morning, sirs! Javeet learning Python here.
I'm used to an established folder structure in project, but it appears there is no one good solution for Python projects. What do you use?
Also, is OOP the way to go in Python or should I just export functions?
for me it's hatch
The only reason to set a pointer to null explicitly when you're done with it is when you will hold onto that pointer beyond the current scope. e.g: you delete the last element in a linked list, so the 2nd to last element now points to null. If the pointer is about the fall out of scope there's no reason to set it to nullptr and I think a good compiler will optimize that away anyways
maybe look at rye too
Directory structure:

Functions are objects and modules containing functions are too. You cannot escape "OOP" in Python.
Switch Go for Swift or Nim and you're golden
I have a 3rd party script that is calling some HTTP requests. I want to wait for any POST requests with a known URL but unknown payload and intercept the response. If it's an error I want to do something with that information.
Yh I can check on devtools fine and it's a POST request but there's no way of predicting the payload since the 3rd party script is generating it on the go and it's different each time.
Appleshit lmao
To be more specific, I want to intercept this in react and do something like render an error message to the user.
Thanks, I'll check it out.
React. I need to do this in react which I hate but I'm forced to do so.
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>wanna learn to code
>can't think of a signle thing worth making
please consulting of the google
another doxing thread? you kidding me?
"To code" really means "to write programs" so if you have nothing you want to make then what is your motivation for wanting to learn?
It's fun. I have been using python for job and it has been fun. I wanna go deeper but can't think of a thing.
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opinions on this side project idea?

Symbolic Math GTK Suite
Desktop GTK3 Application which allows the user to write symbolic mathematical expressions and see the result immediately. Numerous different results will show and are available for viewing to conceptualize the math in different ways. A simple numerical readout, and also graphical readouts for things like graphing functions, and 2D/3D visualizations.

The purpose of this project is to learn numerous Mathematical concepts and also learn Haskell and functional programming through the symbolic parser.

The project's core math logic, GTK3 GUI, and graphics will be written completely in C.
The project's symbolic parser will be written in Haskell.

The project will not utilize parsec, I'll build the parser from scratch.

-Learn basic and advanced math.
-Learn functional programming

Math Concepts Included:
-Linear Algebra
-Calculus I through Multivariable Calculus
-Discrete Math
-Probability and Statistics

-Math Logic. Comprehensive headless C Math Library ( C )
-Symbolic Math Parser for notation ( Haskell )
-GTK3 GUI Interface ( C )
-Graphical Representations ( C )

Tech Stack
i think you're too optimistic about how you'll be able to analyse it
also its kinda odd to have so much in c then just the parser in haskell
>The project's core math logic, GTK3 GUI, and graphics will be written completely in C.
why do the math logic in C? wouldn't Haskell be way more fit for that purpose, if we're talking about higher symbolic math?

sounds like a fun project, do you have the chops to pull it off? I ask because this sounds like some kind of project proposal. why not just dive in ASAP?
the real question is why not do it all in haskell which literally has gtk3 bindings

I mainly develop in C so if I'm going to go through all this math I might as well make my own C library out of it.

I'm sure the Haskell parser from scratch will be more than enough for Haskell learning.

Yeah, I think I can pull it off, I just wanted to post about it.
because I mainly develop in C and if I can get a comprehensive custom C math library out of it, then it's going to be two birds with one stone.

maybe I optimize that library later and use it in my other projects.
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>Desktop GTK3 Application which allows the user to write symbolic mathematical expressions and see the result immediately. Numerous different results will show and are available for viewing to conceptualize the math in different ways.
>The project's symbolic parser will be written in Haskell.
>The project will not utilize parsec, I'll build the parser from scratch.
you're gonna find parsing math expressions is ambiguous
>Yeah, I think I can pull it off, I just wanted to post about it.
ah ok
good luck and keep us posted
Put the catch on the same line as the brace of the preceding line. Much more elegant; ties it to the associated try instead of pretending it is unrelated.
Or just don't use powershell.
I used to work with someone who gave his loop variables 40 character names.
When he left, we immediately shortened them by 39 characters. Just sayin'...
Is there a good compilation of recursive problems with solutions? (preferably in C/C++ or python)
hi i am making 3 things

1. an emacs lisp mode for detecting your mood
2. a firefox extension that stores your reccomendation data across 10 different websites and then gives you access to an interactive and explorable latent representation of the search space when ranked by similarity

basically you can say "i want to wach family guy"
and then you can say "whats that joke louie ck said"
and then you can ask "was kanye really anti semite or was that a psyops?"

and it organizes all your bookmarks and does automagic bucketing / back linking / formatting and spaced reptition using flash cards so you reain all the knowledge. its kinda like apple intelligence, but only for linux, and you 100% own all the data and gpu shit and source code.

3. a robot assassain that pretends to be a doctor.

anyway please let me know how to make landing pages or if you see any i should use also what are lottie files
haha goddamn
that's next level anal retentiveness
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I'm using PhysFS to load some files from a .zip. The code in the pic does NOT work, because apparently the "buffer" vector has to be in-scope when calling Mix_LoadWAV_RW(), otherwise the Mix_Chunk* will be a nullptr. Can anyone think of a nice way around this? Obviously I can just copy the code from the right into the left, but then I'd have a BUNCH of duplication, since I'll also be using this same method for music, sprites, text, etc.
put the two into one struct and make sure it doesn't move
take the buffer by lvalue reference and assign it
take an operation to perform on the result and call that before the buffer is destroyed
You should steal algorithms from Maxima and company
>bash is useless
history | perl -MList::Util=pairmap -anE '$count{$F[1]}++; END { say for map { "$_->[1]\t$_->[0]" } sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } pairmap { [$a, $b] } %count }'
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rate my C++23 unix sockets wrapper /dpt/
Can't you add Mix_LoadWAV_RW call to the right since you're using it only once? If you have multiple different functions operating on SDL_RWops returned from the right, make it take a callback and pass a lambda if needed.
>find() != end()
Supposed to be finishing my masters degree but I am instead annoying the trannys and feds.
I investigated this further. I call print_string from within a loop in main() and return an error code. If I change return x with _exit(x) clang optimizes strlen out
Seems like a lot of pointless masturbatory boilerplate.
>learning about databases, it's interesting.
how the fuck do people like databases
how do you like sql
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how they work is interesting, they are supposed to magic you know
>how do you like sql
sql is gross but at the same time it's sort of powerful
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In Plan9 C this is just
#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
path = argv[1]
fd = dial(netmkaddr(path, "unix", "discard"), 0, 0, 0);
if(fd < 0) {
sysfatal("can’t dial %s: %r", path);
That looks better. I don't miss doing low level socket shit.

What is always a pain is https.
Why the hell does the C version not have indentation?
Also it should be using getaddrinfo, or even some other DNS requester (ideally async) if you wanted to be extra fancy.
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I couldn't find the original source paper's example. The one I did find was partial and has messed up formatting.
(https://docs.huihoo.com/plan9/Plan9.pdf - Pg.23)
Updated it.
Refine the function and suggest modifications if you want to.

#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
struct sockaddr_in sock_in;
struct servent *sp;
struct hostent *host;
memset(&sock_in, 0, sizeof(sock_in));
sock_in.sin_family = AF_INET;
f = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (f < 0)
if (bind(f, (struct sockaddr *)&sock_in, sizeof sock_in) < 0) {
host = gethostbyname(argv[1]);
if (host) {
sock_in.sin_family = host->h_addrtype;
memmove(&sock_in.sin_addr, host->h_addr, host->h_length);
} else {
sock_in.sin_family = AF_INET;
sock_in.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(argv[1]);
if (sock_in.sin_addr.s_addr == -1)
error("unknown host %s", argv[1]);
sp = getservbyname("discard", "tcp");
if (sp)
sock_in.sin_port = sp->s_port;
sock_in.sin_port = htons(9);
if (connect(f, (struct sockaddr *)&sock_in, sizeof sock_in) < 0) {
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would you guys say this is very niggerlicious or is it forgivable?
#include <netdb.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main()
// For this example, these hints are not actually needed, but the
// original included SOCK_STREAM, and NULL hints would include
static const struct addrinfo hints = {
.ai_flags = AI_ADDRCONFIG,
.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC, // IPv6 or IPv4 is fine
.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM,
struct addrinfo *info;
int sock = -1;
int res;

res = getaddrinfo(NULL, "discard", &hints, &info);
if (res != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(res));
return 1;

for (struct addrinfo *iter = info; iter; iter = iter->ai_next) {
sock = socket(iter->ai_family, iter->ai_socktype, iter->ai_protocol);
if (sock == -1) {
// May not actually want to print this to not produce
// unnecessary error messages

// Deliberately not call bind, because connect will give us an
// ephemeral address if we don't.

if (connect(sock, iter->ai_addr, iter->ai_addrlen) == -1) {
// Same as above
sock = -1;



if (sock == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to any address\n");
return 1;

// Just testing that it actually set up correctly.
// `sudo nc -6l 9`
// 9 is the discard protocol socket.
char garbage[] = "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm\n";
send(sock, garbage, sizeof garbage - 1, 0);

>C is just a terrible language and relying on compiler optimizations to do trivial things like printing string literals
So you're complaining that the compiler is smart enough to know about C Language intrinsic functions, and can turn a function call into a constant value because it can make the determination at compile time?
How is this retarded?
if you mean colors yeah they suck
if you mean { on its own line and no space between if and ( then yeah that sucks too
that sucks worse
both wrong
I will call that code retarded myself
i must have been so tired that my iq dropped by half, i unfucked it and some other files today, i came back to the thread thinking i would have 20 (You)s calling me a nocodeshitter kek
>cant into opening a file in memory and writing to / reading from it
sad where programming has gone
:: is nice to remember that something is a singleton
Probably the best way to understand them is their use. So here's the problem they solve: if you have an operation that spans multiple concurrent processes, possibly across RPC boundaries, how do you terminate that operation? Contexts are the answer to that question: you have a helper variable with a channel that is closed when the operation should be canceled. Functions taking a context that run an indefinite or long-running loop should select{} over the context's channel and, if it's closed, perform cleanup operations and return. For RPCs, you can set the context up to automatically close when a specified timeout is reached, and I believe gRPC natively supports sending a context with a timeout over the wire so that a timeout can persist across multiple RPC calls (e.g. service A gets called with timeout 30s, exhausts 7s, calls service B - service B now has a timeout of 23s).

If you aren't trying to solve this problem in your program, don't use contexts. If a function you're calling takes a context, use context.Background() to create a simple context that does nothing. If you have a reason to use them, then their behavior will start making sense very fast.

(There's some other stuff you can do with them, but it's probably not relevant.)
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I'm not going to read all of that code, but here's my solution in Clojure

also, >>>/g/lisp
t. Arttranny on suicide watch
How do you do progress bars in tkinter (in python)? I made a progress bar and passed it to a function which increments it as it does it's thing, but since bar only gets updated in the main loop it's static while the function is running.
Run the function in its own thread or use async.
symbolic math is hard for a reason. You can try to implement the human way of doing things but you will soon realize it can't be done elegantly.
Is casting uint64_t to uint16_t safe in c++? i have bad experience in gcc and would prefer not writing assembly
i was bullied for creating makefiles for my latex projects
its safe if you do static_cast
but the behaviour might not be what you expect

lookup the default static_cast operator on uint64 and uint16. It'll obviously cut off something but im not sure where it cuts off
just looked it up for you
c++ defines it to always truncate the high bits
My doujin tool is progressing well. It's my first time trying to do any kind of gui stuff.
you should have made a bash script
makefiles suck dick
knock knock
race condition
who's there?
you'd think after more than a decade, browser devs would have figured out how to write a video player that doesn't "buffer" inbefinitely until you give the player a nudge by interacting with it in some way
why is this industry so fucking incompetent
they aren't paid to make a good product retard
something like vidrelated is the first thing I think of when I hear "race condition"
works on my firefox
Can someone find the average of my two-sum solution? I know it's worse than the hash solution, but is it better or worse on average than the naive solution? My gut says it's the same or worse
compare the array for target
if you find it then compare the array for 0
repeat for target+-1..n and if you find it compare the array for +1..n
doesn't work on mine
just write it out as code and benchmark it?
if target is bigger than n it's worse
How do you into c?
I wrote this
int dest;
for ( int i = 0; i < 1000 ; i++ ) {
asm("popcnt %1, %0;"
"and $1, %0"
: "=r" ( dest )
: "r" ( i )
printf ( "%d", dest );

but I want something like this:
char arr [ 1001 ];
int dest;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 1000 ; i++ ) {
asm( "popcnt %1, %0;"
"and $1, %0"
: "=r" ( dest )
: "r" ( i )

arr [ i ] = ( char ) dest;
arr [ 1001 ] = '\0';
printf ( "%s", arr ); /* just doesn't print */

or this
char arr [ 1000 ];
int dest;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 1000 ; i++ ) {
asm ( "popcnt %1, %0;"
"and $1, %0"
: "=r" ( dest )
: "r" ( i )

arr [ i ] = ( char ) dest;
write ( 1, arr, 1000 );

But the last 2 programs just don't print anything.
I frequently get dc'd from my network with my new ISP so I wrote a script & systemd service that checks my network status every 2 seconds, and if I get dc'd for any reason it reconnects me. I would rather deal with this than speak to Pajeet over the phone for 5 minutes.
I'm dumb they work fine, I just forgot to add '0'
depending on your usecase you can try scanline rendering
and 1 is 1.06 +- 0.14 times faster than 0
and 2 is 1.18 +- 0.16 times faster than 0
which doesn't sound like a lot but in (pretty much) the same time interval that's
0 average 6k runs w/ no optimization (max ~7k w/ o2/3)
1 average 7.5k runs w/ no optimization (max ~9k w/ o2/3)
2 average 8 runs w/ no optimization (max ~10k w/ o2/3)

Probably best to not loop over functions in c, even with an optimizing compiler, maybe gcc does better with asm() but don't hold your breath.
just write them as %%al and %%cl
That's not how popcnt works
done paging for x86
#include <stdbit.h>

so if i want to do 32bit into 64bit i am fucked?
good to know, thank you Anon.
>race conditions
impossible to prevent in userspace, either futex or into arrays.
>impossible to prevent in userspace
there are ways, but most programmers don't know a damn thing about writing realtime code
>into arrays
what did you miss? i was assuming that he was talking about LCOCK# or whatever
Am I doing SFINAE right?

template<typename T>
optional<T> tryParseToken(string const& input, string& parsedString);

optional<NumberToken> tryParseToken(string const& input, string& parsedString) noexcept(false)
smatch matches;
if (regex_match(input, matches, s_numberRegex))
f32 value;
stringstream ss;
ss >> value;
if (ss.fail())
throw new InvalidNumberException(matches[0]);
parsedString = matches[0].str();
return NumberToken(value);
return nullopt;

optional<StringToken> tryParseToken(string const& input, string& parsedString) noexcept
smatch matches;
if (regex_match(input, matches, s_stringRegex))
parsedString = matches[0];
return StringToken(matches[0].str());
return nullopt;
i don't think that applies to explicit template specialisation
That's just an incomplete type, SFINAE is something else.
thats not an incomplete type
If you try to instantiate it with anything else then it will be
>picrel vs 2 assembly instructions
The absolute state of you
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Oh no, a standard library header has stuff in it!
header files are free if your time has no value.
how about you just parse the fucking token and give a best effort token and not some nigger shit
>how about you just parse the fucking token
that part is right, reading a token can fail
>give a best effort token
THAT is some nigger shit
I’m generally very unpretentious when it comes to programming but christ NO ONE else seems to have even a remotely good grasp of git and I don’t understand how they function. It’s a DAG of the repository state with movable tags it’s really not complicated.
don't care. git is not programming, programming is not git
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what the fuck does it say?
git clone
do changes
delete git
reupload project cardano.contract.final.final.v6.final.0.1.xlsx
It says
>You need a 4chan gold account to read this message.
Is there a convention in C for the order of the arguments of a function?
Alphabetical? By type? Whatever?
lol. cope you incel dweeb
>compiles to what you want in real programs
nothing personal, kid

also if you do objdump you will see that when giving you registers the compiler wont bother integrating them into the code, instead it will back them all up and say "play with the xbox"
so the builtin is just faster.
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>when giving you the registers
>integrating them into the code
You write like a cargo culting Indian. If you are trying to say that the intermediate won't have popcnt and and then you are wrong, I don't care about the name of the register it uses.
The builtin not only pulls 20000+ lines of useless code through the compiler, it is probably 1000+ assembly instructions itself. Not to mention a call. Please explain how this beats 2 sequential instructions in a ~50 loac plus a write syscall program. If you could do it in English I would be impressed.

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