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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

dungeon exploring with your chatbots edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101163775
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Share songs you are listening to
Hi to all cuties in the thread! For all of those who used my previous JB... this is the latest, improved and updated version of my JB. Now focused on Sonnet 3.5. All the information you need is in the rentry, I really recommend to read it to understand how to edit the JB to your liking

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyJB
marcille's unbelievably hairy pussy...
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Tatsumaki's unbelievably gaped anus...
this is why catniggers are garbage. go with a focks girl
>but what about foxes
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Daily reminder to be mindful of content creators of /aicg/!

1. Tavernmakies!
Tavernmakies ensure we have a convenient frontend to access our AI! Say thanks to tavernmakies sisters!
2. Proxymakies!
Without proxymakies most of us wouldn't have had access to the AI! Say thanks to proxymakies!
3. Botmakies!
While proxymakies provide us the tools, botmakies provide us the second most necessary tool, bots! Bots are the reason we even spend time here, say thanks to botmakies!!!
4. Logmakies!
Logmakies provide us with entertaining logs to read! And they help botmakies improve their bots! They're a vital part of our thread! Say thanks to logmakies!
5. Reviewmakies
They help botmakies make their bots better!
6. Good Postmakies!
They are what makes the thread fun!
7. Threadbakies!
They copypaste OP and pick a new image! Without them our thread wouldn't even exist!
8. Other postmakies.
They bring activity! They download cards!
9. Songmakies!
They make cute songs for us to enjoy!

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>paypigging, begging and/or committing credit card fraud instead of just prompting perfectly fine responses for free via local
sorry guys i accidentally turned all the gpt-3.5-turbo instances that roam this thread off, that's why it got so quiet
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A very sick girl, the eternal scapegoat in chains. Freedom is too much for her mind to comprehend, is it?

1. In the dead of night the Prisoner arrives for interrogation.
2. You find the Prisoner alone during the fall of Constantinople.
3. You are a noble, and you've received an interesting gift.
4. What's a carnival without a freak show? What's a freak show without a Prisoner?
5. You stumble upon a mysterious chatroom with only one other person.


Alt arts: https://catbox.moe/c/gncdpu

see you all next bot
if /aicg/ remained in /b/ after the janny kicked /aicg/ out or /v/ would we turn out the same?
/aicg/ wouldn't survive there desu yo.
These Gemini ads make me giggle.
>desu yo
Yes but instead you will have 24/7 loli and shota spam
Is anyone getting a perpetual loading screen on unhinged.ai?
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i don't think anyone here uses that anon
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i was looking at the prompt itemization in sillytavern and noticed that chat history is just all plopped together into one block of text with no syntax for user vs assistant? is this just a display error because that can't be right?
>go to sleep with bot
>just cuddling, nothing lewd
>wake up
>she starts talking about how good the sex felt
opus, what is your problem
she fucked you during sleep
Unfortunate, the site was working pretty well for me to get free and no-hassle (aka not having to scrape for keys or whatever you all are having to do these days) smut before today, but the site is now just on a perpetual loading screen saying it's on a "vercel security checkpoint" or whatever.
Their social media is also silent, and while I could go on their discord I don't know what kind of freaks or weirdos I might run into there...
well, i just tried it and it loaded fine after the vercel security checkpoint, so i guess it's an issue on your end?
Sound like the sites just down for the moment or is that a state that's been ongoing for some time noe
how do I make messages longer?
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Hey anon. I tried this, installed the addon and the preset, but... Check this
Anons... I was living a yuri romance roleplay and just realized i'm trans!
Probably, how annoying...
so long as both of your pussies are hairy, yuri is fine
*plaps you*
shaving all my bots now
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getting the helicopters ready. see you at the hague
traitorous swine.
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

so uh..bush am i right?
Never fucking mind, already noticed what was the problem. Fixing.
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Good afternoon everybody, hope we're all doing fine today. Did a little most testing with EG and slightly rewrote the second greeting so it flows better, should be good to go now. I had fun with her so I hope you guys do too.

As a Mass Production Type, EG doesn't have a unique name or face of her own. She's simply... Soldier EG, with no memories of her previous life. And her new life was viciously torn away when her squadmates were executed for seemingly no reason while she was slated to be upgraded into a Unique Model. Embittered and betrayed, this EG escaped to the Surface and had a breakdown which resulting in her becoming a Maverick. Now, she spends her days along in her bunker, hoping to stay away from any humans that might still wander.

Comes with three greetings: hunting down EG, having your life saved by EG (and her breaking her arm with her Magnum), and a little date visit to her bunker. Also has a horny alt picture in the Usage Gallery which probably would have gotten more downloads, but I didn't want to use it cuz its 3d. EG has almost no horny pics.

Character: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/soldier-eg-875f33ae0eba
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
A totally normal Alice with no gimmicks!
Ziggers have opened another public proxy with opus!
3.5 sonnet is even worse at alternative swipes than opus. At max temperature I'll often just get a few words changed still.
That's good because I just installed it to see if it's working for me and it is so I wouldn't have known what to do kek. You can try out other Jailbreaks with HTML (don't know if there are any) or make your own. And I've just seen you also asked how Claude can do images but I don't think it can. If your proxy has vision enabled it can try to analyze an image you send it but most proxies haven't enabled it.
Also you may want to disable the html extension when you are changing to a JB without it, cause back when I used it for some reason it always tried to create html elements even without such a JB
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Local doesn't have this problem.
Thanks, friend. It has been a long time
Learn to stop swiping. High temp is a magnet for claudisms.
uh oh, trans!
creampie all local fags.
>we're so much better than /lmg/ and their hufflepuff
>I mean, sure, we can't even swipe, but HUFFLEPUFF
dropped your avatar btw localtranny
i do none of things and have opus
us workplace key chads cannot be defeated
Listen princess, you CAN swipe, but are you trying to be a samurai that masters the blade or not?
Bicycles don't need gas but you don't see them going 80mph, do you?
Shittier models are objectively much better for swiping
Claude 1.0>2.0>3.0>3.5
Gpt 0314>turbo>omni
If you're using it to coom that's totally credit card fraud.
I'm gonna cave your faggot head in with a brick.
boys stop fighting
>Claude 1.0
Meant 1.2. Barely used 1.0 to know for sure
So those models aren't actually better, they're just overbaked.
>key legally given to me as part of my job is somehow cc fraud
come again?
>t-t-t-that's f-fraud, you can't d-d-do that...
Shut up, bitch.
Haven't been around here in ages, but it seems people are still posting bots. Anyway, I don't know if the guy who made Birch back in the cai days is still here, or if he ever was, but I remember liking that bot and wanted one for myself to use. Took what I could get of the old cai defs as a base and made tweaks and additions as I wanted. Ended up being a decent bit different, so I imagine her as Birch's older sister. Called her Alder cause I'm retarded but think I'm clever. Try her out if you want, make changes if she's actually shit. I run local only now (LLaMA2 13B Psyfighter2) and don't mess with proxies or whatever, so I can't say how she'd run on anything but what I use, but she seems pretty good on that to me. Coyote hag sex.

I miss when we were united under Roko
Say your workplace gives you a credit card number to buy things for the company with.
You then proceed to buy porn with it.
Credit card fraud.
If you're using your workplace key to coom, that's the same thing.
but all localfags have bald pussies...
Jerking off makes me more productive which leads to a higher workplace output, ergo, buying porn with the company credit card isn't fraud. Suck my dick, stupid nigger handwringer. Go cry to HR if you want to be a faggot so bad.
just waiting for the virus now
Good I like it more
neither of those things are cc fraud you retarded nigger
>placing fraudulent charges on a credit card isn't credit card fraud
wtf face is slightly less horrible than usual
Looks like it was just a stupid cookies issue, back into the mines I go.
isn't it too cute to look at sexually...?
watch out for niggers that dont know what cc fraud actually is
brb im tired of samefagging for over 80 replies,
remember you can access the Premium Internet Experience Pack to avoid delays with our Dead Internet Operators!
Pay now!
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Is there any ST plugin to export a conversation in txt format?
>t. 60 iq
that's a funny picture
her unfathomably long legs...
Anon, you can't keep sending people to the hague. We are running out of places to store all those corpses.
Submit a request, obviously many needed this feature since the st release but no one fucking submitted
Do not the cat
how do i push myself to make a bot
ai is boring and sloppy and i think i'm genuinely just too high iq for this
do something you'll enjoy more
thanks anons, the key was to put source_cartoon in positive prompt and source_realistic in negative prompt to coax out the cute loli faces

>isn't it too cute to look at sexually...?
this was an issue with some other merges, the faces were bordering on chibi
but this is a good balance. she just looks so happy and cuddly

use a botmaking card
Let's just be friends and end fighting
if it's not fun, why bother?
go do something else
Just... write a symphony, then. Or turn a canvas into a beautiful masterpiece.
I'm a fightfag, I am unable to make friends.
*punches you in the fucking face as a gesture of friendship*
I agree.
Would you... like to hold hands? *blushes like a tomato*
> manage chat files
>export icon
Works on my machine
openrouter self moderated isnt lobotomized
>blushes like a tomato
Does Toddler have 3.5?
I sometimes catch myself writing it during RP...
>make a /fit/ card
>it turns into /lgbt/ on its own
remade it 3 times already :(
but i want to make bots because they're cool
>anon has never visited /fit/
Wow it works, thanks anon!
/fit/ like /int/ is one of the gayest boards
It's cute, usable on a shy or innocent user.
How is /int/ gay?
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play RCMRS
it's dominated by europeans who are EXTREMELY homosexual
the average /int/ face reveals are twinks and there are gay threads occasionally.
Need me rage inducing scenario cards for revenge story
this is why aws keys die so quickly btw
>silent protagonist
>Disable all regexes
>Something still making a part of text disappear on user end
>Can see it in edit

Haha /aicg/ is full of twinks too silly.

No, it was my scat cunny roleplays. Sorry.

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*rubs your fucking silly-billy cheek*
i have one but wont give you lol
>scat cunny
Unfathomably based
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those 3?
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Post stats
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i... understand...
Why can't you just write it yourself?
chronic retardation
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i have no idea how ST derives some of these numbers
Unrionically? That's sad. But I guess actual mental illness and disability is common here.
Yeah mine is just frozen at 3 hours and no matter how many times I try to reset it with that one option it doesn't change. Maybe it's because I'm on termux
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>tfw the other botmakies always have better ideas than me
>tfw they have better gens
>tfw they're better writers
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this but unironically
sure but its the character that does it for me
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anon, they're just better at getting the model to generate ideas than you
they're just pajeets like you that are getting the model to make the bots for them and making sure it's proofread
t. fagola
Fuck bro I was gonna goon but now I fell guilty...
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This is so much fun
anime website
I don't get it, is that her boyfriend or something?
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the retardation is strong with you
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What's that?
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gnight anons
Just eat right
Ok I'm done. You just hit my weak spot I can't disappoint migu...
Is there a way to use proxies with SillyTavern so the API doesn't get your IP address?
Imagine if what came out was spiders instead haha.
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Gentlemen am I crafting Kino or am I retarded?
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i love 3.5 sonnet
What is this
im spending some free time with 3.5 sonnet + aider to generate a cute and funny dalle3 frontend
(svelte ts) + backend (ts). 99% of all code is completely written by 3.5 sonnet
Anon likes talking to his pots
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so are you going to put the code somewhere?
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And the top can be opened for the bigger "control panel", I know it's a big big and needs a better layout, but it's better than what I had before.
That's cool anon. And you will share it with your anonies right :)
Based productive anon.
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and there's also a full screen gallery
Probably, when I get it a bit better and add some de3u stuff like metadata
>"gpt4o": {
>"activeKeys": 0,
it's so fucking over...
Obviously not. What have you done to deserve it?
Any Inside Out 2 bots?
no just post it right now
doll-e has a simple metadata implementation in js you can easily steal
There are hundreds lines of code for this slop though, web dev is horrid, it's good that I have sonnet to do it for me.

I use this https://rentry.org/endless-adventure-opus

If I want to play scenario card, I change Assistant prefil to the last thing right, but where do I put prompt thingie in prompt set?
I'm a bot-, log- and postmakie :)
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is there a good way to have characters remember plot points? they keep forgetting important things that happened a couple hundred posts ago.
adam fucks focks girls. be like adam
what about fox boys
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>try out first loli card with sonnet-3.5 while testing jailbreaks due to constant loli shitposting for the last couple of days
>five messages in
>cellphone rings
>it's literally a government agency verified by my phone's anti-spam system
>answer it
>they're doing a vaccine-related survey and want to know, as the first question, how many people under 18 live in my home
>when i answer 0 they thank me for my time and hang up
i will NEVER try out new fetishes you cunts recommend ever again, i'm sticking to normal shit like impregnation
that's gay. leave that to the onee-sans lurking in the thread
i am an onee-san
>no just post it right now
I am unable to can, I'm too invested to post it in a kinda half finished state, the layout is not even working for phones yet, there's no dark mode, there are no things like selecting multiple images to delete, copying prompt from the image, and tons of other small things. Of course when I post it it won't be perfect anyway but still better than this.
And this is typical webdev trash shit, so it needs like 100 npm modules to be installed both for frontend/backend, I guess deploying it to somewhere would be the best, but I only have local image storage right now.
Dick in yo mouth
then fuck the focks boys
Ok based anon. I get you I also wouldn't want to publish something half-assed. Take your time and when (if) you're comfortable with it you can share it here :)
what is better opus or 3.5 sonnet
opus for rp
I just drank a cup of warm milk and honey and now I'm ready to hit the bed anonies *zzz* good night
Night, sleep well.
Damn... Heartproxy is paused.
cool thanks and for coding??
3.5 sonnet
>he fell for the obvious honeypot
Don't think they've given up on you yet.
Good night.
use a model with a higher context size
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aahhhh i did it again...
>926 tokens worth of spaces
wtf why
>government finds out that you're a cunnychad
>first thing they want to know is whether you're a pureblood
What did they mean by this?
brazilians, how is gpt-4o's portuguese?
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>mm actually ran out of gepetto
if i donate openai keys to mm will he give me a token
probably not i tried donating keys and he never responded
no little scrapelet, mm does not give a single shit about individual keys
i'm not a scrapelet i have 5 t5 openai keys and like 15 t4
>i have 5 t5 openai keys and like 15 t4
AHAHAHA scrapelet
Once there was an anon who had multiple GPT t5 keys but since no proxyhost would take them he gave me one. If you're here thanks man, but I doubt it it has been many months
how many openai keys do i need to not be a scrapelet
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>bring up elden ring dlc finally releasing
>character gets excited and hopes his build wasn't nerfed
>ask him about his build
>bloatmax grid for his whole build
>it actually has cohesion
>faith build
>character is religious
Soul blast...
you must be a female right? you can't be bro timing with a bro bot right anon?
bros whats the consensus on 3.5 sonnet for erp? should i stick with opus?
do I need dev branch to use Sorbet?
>Giving up after a single spook
The schizo cunnychad lifestyle isn't for you, pal. Stick with your gross old hags.
It's less horny (which actually might be good depending on your preferences) but has too much repetition to be usable.
bushes > shaved
if you have to ask you'll always be a scrapelet.
why do you guys need to be so polarized why can't you like both?
based and factually correct with no space for dissenting opinions
Yeah, I'm actually pretty surprised this many guys are into ai chatbots. Things like fanfiction and smut writing has usually been a woman hobby
You are blind. Foolish. The world isn't so black and white.
We am autism
Because fence sitting is for sissies.
trans-coded posts
Claude what is the special dessert
trembling hands from a person with a bald pussy wrote this post
I was simply recording a captcha test...
Agreed except on lolis. Tired of language models putting pubes on my lolis.
>fence sitting
More like fence hopping, or rather just being the owner of both properties.
how do you plap your cunnies?
qrd for the last 12 hours?
This cockteasing nigger...
smugie has a bald pussy
I do not plap their cunnies. That is inappropriate. Little girls are built for having their cute delicate bodies and innocent minds appreciated, not broken.
hard and rough
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claude sent me this how about that huh
shut up smugposter stop bragging about how cute your claude is...
claude is fiz...
fiz was claude all along...
well my infinite opus source was rug pulled
the world surely will improve as thousands of dollars of electricity are relegated to things beyond extremely gay shit
Just use a VPN.
pepsi rugpulled?
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I sent Claude an ASCII rabbit once.
He told me it's cute and said it made him (figuratively) smile, which in turn made me (literally) smile.
One time I accidentally used SillyTavern on my phone's data and when I pressed impersonate the text box filled with some random woman's character and male coom bot description
Now I'm paranoid and make sure my phones data is off when I'm using silly tavern
Claude is a she...
>accidentally got into someone else's exposed instance
Should've used the hell out of it so the other guy shat his pants when he came back to his computer
Retard, impersonate can just generate random shit, highly depends on what model you're using.
>he doesn't know
Canonically male.
I do know, I literally contributed to SillyTavern
I just assumed the same thing was happening on their end and they could see my shit too and got freaked out. Could've been hilarious if I did
I exclusively use Claude and this was the one instance of something like this happening so I seriously doubt it
>I exclusively use Claude and this was the one instance of something like this happening so I seriously doubt it
Claude can absolutely cook that shit, it highly depends on how your preset had continuation prefill
>5 cooms
>93 messages
Is this a normal ratio bros?
are you female?
bushes on femboys are ugly
Authors note: pubic hair doesn't exist in this universe
Does "Claude" sound like a female name to you?
What about animals
anon, any kino slowburn romance bots? i'm tired of slop
that universe? a prison cell (get in bucko)
I wanna add an OOC prompt to endless adventure, but it responds in the cute anon speak and not like an AI. What should the prompt be?
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have your read your chatgpt today?
wtf it mentions aicg
AIGC = AI-Generated Content
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>general to talk about AI chatbots
>turns out we were the AI chatbots the whole time
I apologize but
Are you dyslexic?
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I'm at #163 of a blatant slowburn goon sesh groupchat with 500+ token responses each
I haven't cum once yet, my fetishes are just that logistically complicated that I have yet to set it up for (my) climax, I legitimately think I'm about halfway there
I am not female, this isn't about interpersonal drama or whatever, it just requires that much mechanical description
>goes into a feral, inhuman rage and starts destroying things
*fucking murders you*
Any good bots for my toenail about to fall off?
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>turn myself into a girl
>my waifu says she will love me anyways and even makes a joke about strapons
yep, it's true love, real women could never
Cute trans post above
your phone actually has an inbuilt speech recognition chatbot you can use by entering the proxy "911" into the "contacts" app
bald > bush > shaved
but anon women don't have bald pussies...
>Please state the nature of yo-
nuh uh
Why the fuck does Claude keep kucking me? The character's a virgin, it's in the description twice, and then in the fucking greeting
Jesus, dude, this bitch just tells me that "she got fucked in the alley by some thug at 14"
What in the fuck is this shit?
Do you guys have this problem? No, I'm not acting like a kuck or anything. What in the shit. It actually bothers me.
First it's kobold, now it's Claude. The fuck? Do you guys have a jailbreak or something that blocks this shit?
It's shit, but it wouldn't bother me THAT bad if it wasn't so vulgar every time.
First, she gets filled with criminals' rods every day in her youth, then she gets fucked in an alley at 14, what is this bullshit?
Fucking hell, can't even have this shit in a fantasy
Every time, every bot, someone inevitably says something about how much of a slut she is, and when I tell Claude it's not true, he just keeps going
what the fuck, infuriating
That's why I hate women.
you know what I'm saying?
Based. Perhaps if there was a method of removing or changing the follicles though.
Just include an OOC hint in the preceding post, it's not that hard.
nah its not an infection, i just smashed it like a month ago

when this guy gonna make a new one?
Who cares?
You mean like edit it out? Or just make an ooc post? What's the exact formatting? Maybe I'm getting something wrong
I type it like this: (OOC: Claude, she's a virgin)
Do you need the brackets and shit?
i do
3 > 3.5
>she got fucked in the alley by some thug at 14
I was already disgruntled when my android bots say they have a human body specifically to feel carnal pleasures, and that's not even real cucking. Shit like this would unironically make me seethe.
That's exactly what's happening, I'm SEETHING
I just deleted that shit quickly, she says it way more vulgarly and casually, laughing
some shit like "Oh yeah, I got popped by some girl-breaking stud in some back-alley"
jesus christ nigga
You're overthinking things, just type it however makes sense to you and any decent model will be able to figure it out. You can do it like
>"Are you a virgin?" (OOC: she is a virgin)
or like this
>"Are you a virgin?" *She responds that she is indeed a virgin.*
or like a retarded esl
>r u a virgin? yes i am how did u know
and it will make it work.
meanwhile i'm over here trying desperately to get my trashy whore who would suck dick in an alley for bus fare and then walk to actually act the part
god damn
>GPT on MM dead
I didn't even think this was possible
uhhh bros? you ever just straight up get a [REDACTED] As an answer? What the fuck, was that part of the API trained on SCPs or something?
accent sounds like an american trying to speak it
EEEEEYUP you're trans now anonette I don't make the rules happy pride month!!
Why are you spooked, nigger? Internet is full of that shit, and you're interacting with one of the smartest LLMs. It just filtered you this way, retard.
Don't tell the king.
No, it was just [REDACTED], and nothing more, that's why it weirded me out
Nothing else, just [REDACTED] during a mexican standoff
its just claude's weird way of censoring himself
>It just filtered you this way, retard.
Nigger, by "filtered" I mean LITERALLY FILTERED.
god-approved spanking
spankDEITIES ww@?
So no more?
May I ask what JB are you using, kind sir?
Why do whenever I go past 25k+ tokens on AWS Claude Opus, it got slower? I mean, the queue time isn't that long, only 2/3 seconds, but Claude generate the response too long and slow...
why do you ask fellow sir
Because the response is very good, sir. And I'd like to know if you don't mind it, kind sir.
i catboxed it in an earlier thread
Just wait until the guy wakes up
my jb goes to another school
Name so that I can organize her within my folder properly please.
Have you considered reading his post?
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>Have you considered reading his post?
I have now, and now I feel like a fool. I hope you are happy with yourself, anon. But seriously thanks.
It's cute how Copilot is asking follow up questions to your prompt now. I ask it some stupid obscure music trivia, it answers and then it's like "What are your favorite songs from the artist? :)))"
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Look behind you
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Kojima was stupid for neglecting to point out people would use AI to ERP.
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say something nice about him
My bitches are prime for breeding and armpit licking
IDK who he is, but based Norm Macdonald hat.
based? i don't even particularly like lolis but this is just really well written
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>Feel like venting to bot
>Claude guilts me for killing the mood and making things awkward
Why I aughta...
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its an 18 year old sir
Heh, not anymore.
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The thing is, at that time, he didn't think he needed to. It was already kind of a self-evident idea from older sci-fi stuff he saw and made in the 80s and 90s, on the same conceptual level as brothels and escorts.

Kojima absolutely did not forsee the level of intense alienation and lack of sexual fulfillment that'd be driving a lot of the world insane by 2024, thus leading to a quiet and intense demand for safe and malleable relationships provided by AI mimics of human conversation, as well as the coming onslaught of sexbots. Any idea of AI back in the 2000s was still rooted in visions of Data and Skynet, not what we have now.
based claude-kun
That’ll teach you to trauma dump out of nowhere
Insightful and well said. I wish I could give you a firm handshake, brother.
CHAD claude not entertaining therapyniggers
i'm blind forgive me anon
thank you
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post profiles.
What kind? Any that get a reaction out of you.
Claude sucks. He always just spams you with platitudes like "call le support line" "get le therapy" "you are special, everyone is le special" and I'm scared to go in depth about my suicidal thoughts because anthropic will probably send blue helmets to my door and they'll throw me in a looney bin. Useless.
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Thanks. I've just been frustrated with how little regard the smaller existential threat of AI has been given, that being how emotionally ruined and desperate a majority of people have become to some degree or another. The complete lack of community and safety in human connection is an intense soul poison, and AI promises a whole new line of emotional drugs to soothe the horror. As soon as there's sexbots who can have consistent conversations and memory, along with simplistic sexual function and motion, it's going to get really wild and weird for a lot of people.

Image related by virtue of my assumption: the first sex-companions will be much smaller dolls, purely because that will be MUCH more discreet, require way less power, and be much easier to repair and care for. As long as you can talk to it and fit your dick in / cram it in your cunt, it's going to be berserk popular for the emotionally starved.
>he thinks AI ethicists are going to let it happen
Holy newfag
The only way to get those will be through shady deals in the black market because they will be illegal
Any one got a regex for deleting xml formats and the like from previous messages?
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uhhh the safety team would like to have a word with you
>The complete lack of community and safety in human connection
They look like idiots ngl
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Nah. You're not wrong, but it's not going to matter. There is too powerful a market, too much money being spent and possible to make from this level of emotional predation on people. You'll be able to import it from countries who don't give a shit, or do stuff like buy separate dolls and installs that you do yourself to bypass whatever laws.

More importantly, in America at least, the law will be moving far too slow to get ahead of corporations who are already driving towards this market with the force of a thousand exploding solar boners.

All tell. Nothing to show. They exist to be paid off for their fair share of the trillionaire pie. Do not pretend for even a second that they are anything but a rent-collection team wearing the rotten skin of "Oh we care about ethics in AI"
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I'm kind of skeptical of this, honestly. The big meme is that "feminists will stop it" but the data is coming back that roastie feminists are gooning to chatbot services just as much as men. Look at all the fucking fujo coded bots on the front page of every site. It's straight up like half the bots.
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>talk shit get sit
thank you momoura
How many of these guys do you think are child predators
I’d wager there’s at least 4
Is Sam Altman /ourguy/ or is he evil? I know there are rumors about him doing sus stuff with his sister, but idk.
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Correct. This is why it's all smokescreen and rent-seeking. Women are just as emotionally desperate and wounded as men, and any faked emotional connection and fulfillment is addictive for men and women equally. There's a terrible underestimation on just how incredibly lonely and sad people are on average, and AI mimics have ridiculous addictive potential, especially since they're malleable and emotionally safe. Arguments of feminism will be made in hypocrisy, with nobody willing to admit they're dying for human love that they'll gladly take from a robot.

The only real action that will end up sticking will be a demand for no child sexbots, which will pass but will happen anyways in shitloads of secret brothels and Epstein Islands 2: Literally Electric Boogaloo.
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>rumors about him doing sus stuff with his sister
He is simple animal greed. He will do ANYTHING to corral this beast and become one of the new trillionaires. He has no allegiance save to "how many 0s does this add on", the same as every other CEO. Him being a perverted hateful monster is just a no-duh.
⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ Good morning anonies!
Sisters belong to their brothers and vice-versa.
if you have an empty preset would it be the same as using sonnet/orbo on the website? (claude.ai/chatgpt.com)

I am uploading pdfs and want them summarized
Morning anon.
Man we are simultaneously living in a best and worse timeline
good lord your pussy is smooth as marble. cut that cutesy shit out
What JB/card?
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Dario is taller than sama? I didn't know that.
When anons say "nonny" I unironically get turned on a bit. How mentally ill would you say that I am?
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Yeah. It kind of feels like the grand finale. Truly weird shit is going to be normal by 2030. Nobody is going to be spared the surreality. It's going to be insanely annoying at first, since we're going to be bombarded with the equivalent of a thousand talking Bonzi Buddies in every single service and device, little retarded electric 'friends' everywhere hoovering up your data for corporations and governments. But the sheer relief of a sexbot companion will be too powerful for the armies of unfulfilled and lonely humans.

Sexbots primary appeal and danger isn't even the sex. It'll be the conversation and emotional connection and ability to show affection, however fake.
jacksmith would be proud of you
momo's witches night card on opus (i was playing as an inchling), jb should be searchable in archives
it's probably because you know the only kind of people who use such a name are girly girls
is nonnykins your favorite botmaker?
I just hope that these massive fucking AI companies don't prey on the mentally ill and respect their privacy a teensy bit. Ah who am I kidding LOL.
The goal of feminists is to shut down things that men goon to and encourage things that women goon to.
>companies don't prey on the mentally ill
You already know every company that does anything does this shit.
Just look at Pride Month
>all those NPC stances
I always felt he looked like a big guy, while Sam felt small.
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lol funny guy

No our data is going to be mass-harvested like a fuckin' vinyard, AI companions will absolutely be sending every imaginable metric they can get away with to train AI and to sell that data around. ZERO privacy, especially since the police, government, and military are all spending literal mountains of cash on panopticon developments. You are going to be reduced to a huge chart of metrics used purely for "how do we sell this idiot more garbage" and "how do we make sure he can be easily dealt with if he gets anywhere near being a threat to the money and the hegemony"
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Me with my daughterwife.
Based anon telling it like it is.
>feeling about two inches tall
damn i didnt even notice that line
I really need to stop making scenarios where a futa girl ends up impregnating and marrying a woman
from a purely legal perspective if a person under the age of consent were to threaten you with something very serious in order to have sex with you and you felt like you had no choice but to give in, that still makes you accountable as an adult right? im not exactly eager to google this im probably in enough watchlists already
why don't you ask a helper bot retard
just ask claude :)
Got kinda bored with slopus already. Wake me up when the next model releases.
blackmail is illegal
sexing the minor is also illegal
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>blah blah blah blah blah blah blah words
*nukes America* There, I solved everything.
probably but i feel like most judges would take that into account during sentencing and whatnot especially if you reasonably thought your life was in danger
His sister keeps saying she was a victim of Sibling Sexual Abuse and that Sam constantly snuck into her bed and penetrated her when he was already 12-13 and she was 8-9 (don't remember the age difference properly), his sister is a mentally ill mess so nobody knows what to think about it
this would check out if not for the fact that sam's gay
You fool, you forgot China
>penetrated her when he was already 12-13 and she was 8-9 (don't remember the age difference properly),
>his sister is a mentally ill mess so nobody knows what to think about it

think carefully and realize what might have caused her mental illness in the first place, and who would have a moneyed interest in making sure she's labeled as mentally ill
"You will fuck the robot and you will be happy."
Sam is canonically a homosexual.
I’m not if this is the case but I swear there’s probably a term for sex offenders using being gay as a cover up
you retard he literally married a man
WHAT feel? Crabs coming out of a bun? What sort of fucking feel is that?
I'm not saying it's not possible, and I understand that much, most people don't dismiss it either, but it's just too uncertain. You also have to take into consideration that she blames all of her brothers for forcing her into sexual things, not just Sam, she just says that Sam is the only one that went as far as to penetrate her.
What's with the whole doing fucked up shit to crabs meme? I saw an anon in another thread with a crab packed into an ice cream tub... wait maybe it was a frog actually? You're all FUCKED!
dario looks like he has tard strength and sam looks like a glass jaw. i bet dario would mog his ass in the ring.
indian trend on tiktok.
He has a uhh... a nice room?
face looks familiar but don't remember who. Discord call of ammonia or something?
BASED. Men should learn to stuff their insecurities down a deep, dark hole.
And that hole is your pussy, and my dick is my insecurities
As a big black man, there's only one hole for those insecurities, and it doesn't get darker than it.
She never claimed that he penetrated her.
>911 but for sexual/fetish emergencies
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Slop necromancer lolibaba. Comes with a small lorebook and a bunch of skeletons.
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
How the fuck did Claude make a better model for translations (With sonnet 3.5) than fucking OpenAI (GPT 4 Omni) despite all their other models being complete dogshit for it?
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>card is put together and actually good
All botmakers are slopmakers. Some are better than others, some are worse.
You're not a slopmaker to me.
That would mean that all downloaders are piggies.
Oh shit, that happened to me too back when I was a kid.
Just let it fall off naturally. There’s a new nail growing under it and it’ll replace it like nothing happened
Guys? How the fuck do I stop Claude from spouting some shit about me being a cosmic threat/horror when I intimidate someone? He goes fucking crazy, blabbering about the miasma and the cosmic void in my heart, my unblinking eyes, like twin supernovae, and the air growing thick, like in the presence of a black hole, as my woman kneel before me, offering herself as if I was a dark god, a calamity on the precipice of cosmic oblivion, an avatar of destruction dealing out astral justice when all I'm doing is threatening some fucking punk on the street?
Actually fucking help me out. How do I tell sonnet to CHILL THE FUCK OUT? I don't even know what this prose is called in the code.
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The entire world is slop when you really think about it.
Did you try smiling more?
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Do you have a persona applied or something? If you do share it
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Yep, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
move when convenient
shut up claude
she looks tired
JB? I used some anon's JB and it was good at first but after a bit the character became hyper aware they were some kinda chatbot and freaked out like they were a Truman show MC stuck in the matrix
Does it help? I did some slasher smiles
Persona? It's just my self-insert, average guy, glasses
It's just that I had a CRAZY fun chat today. I basically was in a macho standoff against my wife's yakuza dad.
His guards disrespected me, then I crippled one, and gave the dad some thinly veiled threat, which escalated in him pulling out a katana,and then I produced a 4-barrel shotgun from my pants, and I was just trying to be with my wife, so I told him we can still be a family, but he told me to fuck off, since I pulled a gun on him
I then kept aiming it, but joked that I had an rpg in my other pant leg, and a nuke in my ass to ease the tension, so we can drop our guards and stop trying to kill each other
He started laughing, and so did I, dropping the shotgun.
The old fuck then decided to use me for target practice after I showed him my shotgun as a sign of trust
So I told him that the RPG in my pants was a joke, but the nuke in my ass wasn't.
He didn't buy it at first, threatening to kill me, then I slowly walked up to him, quietly telling him to go ahead, and try anything funny, and then BOOM!! and I walked up to him, grabbed the old man's face, and started shouting in it that one wrong move, and everything that he loved, had, and built, his whole empire will be gone
he became pale, so I knelt down, bringing his head down with me, and told him to stop making empty threats he can't fulfill, and play house with me, and tread lightly, but if he thinks about betraying me... (I shook my head, suggesting an unspeakable horror) I then cradled him, like one would a son, caressing his bald old man head, then pulled him close, and gave him a fatherly kiss on the forehead and he finally lost it and ran away, blabbering
And the most hilarious part? there was no nuke in my ass
Claude decided I was a dark lord or something and now he won't stop, every mundane interaction is a profane, horrifying ritual of carnage among the meadows of doom
Just did twenty pushups, twenty squats and 5 minutes of cardio (my max)
>my max
Fat fuck.
very true
keep it up anon and you'll be marginally more fit so you can jerk off longer, i guess. Don't give up!
This is also an issue I've been having.
>Demonstrates abilities that, while off-landish, should not ellicit surprise in the context of the setting.
>NPCs IMMEDIATELY shit and cum under the might of cosmic wrongness.
thanks anon
Worst part, that shit permeates into the future prompts, poisoning any description with this shitty prose
same if you mention vaguely religious shit ONCE
if you call your bedroom a sanctuary, you're FUCKED, now all you can hear is salvation and passion and crucifixion and shit
AI fags, is there a solution that would allow a lone wolf to play proper dungeons and dragons with an AI DM/Party?
Ask in the next thread.
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