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Computer Haters' Ball Edition

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters!

>Helpful YouTube Channels
https://www.youtube.com/@ByteByteGo (systems design at a high level)
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)
https://www.youtube.com/@hnasr (for studying backed architecture)


Previous thread: >>101158839
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>have guy above me in title (i'm senior, he's staff)
>guy literally does not do _anything_ over the course of two years
>"""working""" remote and every single day, either through exageration or obfuscation, finds a way to get absolutely nothing done
>sometimes the dog is sick, sometimes it's a contractor doing work on their home, sometimes it's insane Rube Goldberg machines like "it's raining and my wife has astigmatism so I have to drive her around town so she can do her errands"
>does weird pseudo-work like "research" or "collaborating with <team>" which is the engineering equivalent of shuffling papers around on a desk
>unironically steals an idea for a project I came up with, after I already sold it to management
>myself a couple mid/juniors author 100% of the code for the prototype, Staff Do-Nothing guy makes a slide deck and shows it to the company's board of directors
>they love it, he gets all credit for being the talking head
>even claims authorship of the code (C-level retards don't know nor care about git history)
>everyone starts noticing this dude is a total bum who just LARPs and steals credit from others
>he gets dodgy and starts pretending to do work even harder
>calls myself and mid/juniors into a meeting
>"Guys, I'm moving to another team"
i really hate this archetype of person who does fuck-all but runs around with their head on fire saying a lot of nice words to naive management. they always move faster than they can be shot, so to speak.

i just checked his corpo github page, last activity was 8 months ago (created a repo which is still empty to this day for a project he gassed up to management [they think he's actively working on it])

not sure if this guy is based or cringe
that guy is working on a skunkworks assignment and could have you ki**ed
third for farding and sharding everywhere
can't believe anon is gonna get kiked
almost time to clock out, CST chads
tfw est and still working
Fuck you you jackal kissing hoe

tfw CEST (yurop) and still working, and i started working at 7am today
fuck startups
He is cringe
Doing nothing is based only if it is because you are too good and figured out how to break the system
Not cause you are thief, bootlicker scum

I can't believe you are asking this question after he tried to steal your idea
is it better to get kiked or niggered?
Found a job post where the Senior Manager is listed. Should I reach out to the guy personally and try to have a conversation about how I present myself in my resume and portfolio and how I can improve them or would that just be a waste of both our times? I'm going to apply either way. It's basically a Hail Mary.
niggered, definitely. you can recover from the physical wounds of getting nigged on. mind wounds from kikery don't heal, that shit lasts generations
how would you feel if some schmuck cold called you to ask for a job
only if you are willing to go all the way and suck his dick
otherwise stick to the normal procedures
Either take a look and chat if worth it or ignore him

2 years without a job so I'm pretty desperate
good thing im a techcel because i walked outside for 60 seconds and almost died

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