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Lazy Wednesday edition.
>spent 6 hours downloading a wallpaper
It really was a pain in the ass. I looked through ISOs and like a dozen GNOME-related RPMs (there was even one called GNOME backgrounds) and I still couldn't fucking find it. Whoever runs that sketchy VM site probably got confused as hell when they read the datamining logs.
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Right here stands a man with the power to make a diamond with his bare hands.
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reposting from neofetch thread because im not home rn

also updated to plasma 6 since then, the shader background is slightly redder now until they patch it

also https://files.catbox.moe/whex5t.mp4 so you can see the background is animated
>captcha: JAPNA8
>prism launcher
everything else is comfy
winamp is good, bland otherwise (i understand)
Fixed it a little bit and got the official RHEL 7 icons (general icon theme and the application button) installed. It's pretty much perfect now.
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checkin in
why dont you use rocky instead? same shit without the subscription-manager
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reposting my ctwm setup
blur looks good on this setup
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nice, clean.
whoa, nice. love it.
Nice wallpaper vir/gin!!! :D
dope, dig the notebook term bg
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>Not using Prism Launcher
I want to customize my launcher like I customize my body.
This is my little travel buddy. I kind of want to get a more up to date one (2013) because I want a usb-c charger instead of this proprietary thing.
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I've wanted to rice this, but all W10 visual styles are flat garbage.
Wonderful wallpaper.
>that specs
Did you win the Lottery? WTF are you even using it for?
incase you want it
What's with the T1000 mobile, and why does the resolution not match?
Thank you, Anona.
I wanted to ask you a thing, how did you link a post from an archived thread on to this current one?
its archived and not deleted yet, so you can just >> it
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Quick, i need a good stacking WM that works with Wayland. Dubs decide also if i should install Devuan or not. Seems like the kind of Distro you'd put this wallpaper in.
I don't throw shade at the effort of Minetest but i guess i'm too old for this anymore. I'm not the same 12 y/o that could go hardcore for 7hs to come up with a Buildcraft setup i like.
Why Red Hat and not AlmaLinux? Curious.
its nice, install it
How to copy a particular post's url in order to paste it & do >>
copy the ID, like --> >>101170128
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i wish everyone a good day :3
why the fuck aren't you using supermium
thanks nigga
Maybe Anon would rather have 100% Red Hat compatibility. The real question is why use RHEL 9 and LARP as RHEL 7 instead of just using RHEL 7
please show your SimCity
aliased font with modern slick UI is cursed
Around ni..elves watch yourself.
Nice hat, sir.

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Reminds me of
wallpepe pls
>Poorfag is a chudcel
>Poorfag is a tranime poster
Wallpaper, please?
Why did you add 11 pixels?
This pape reminds me of a time i was doing "data recovery" for 30$ a drive with ddrescue/clonezilla via systemrescue and my life fucking sucked. Thanks for bringing that up, asshole.
>tech nerd thinks he can make fun of anyone else for trannies when hobby programming is the most tranny infested hobby in the world
ur welcome bro
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Thanks for reading my blog post.

tl;dr Why Linux theming is so bad now? Why no "stable distro with GUIs and automatic background updates like Linux Mint with latest packages and better init like Artix with Dinit"?

Imagine distro that is
>stable and has GUI for everything like Linux Mint
>has largest amount of latest versions of packages and better init like Artix with Dinit
>one consistent 100% coverage of one retro theme, one skeuomorphic and one flat theme with light/dark supports and support for blurry weird unreadable font like macOS, one good font like Windows and for retro users some bitmap font
>common theming API or something
>standard for stuff in the OS that application packages can use
>standard format for application packages
>everything is optimized autistically to be compressed to nothing so we can have 1 KB applications that doesn't need more
>everything works without internet access
>OS has base distro and version where all is installed and enabled as default for normies
>license that literally makes illegal to share anything that brokes something
>Linux kernel fork without code of conduct
>no shit licence like BSDs have
>EU, US and China forcing companies to either provide software and hardware support for this or fuck off
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>cinnamon, mate, xfce, lxde, lxqt etc. all have themes that are 99% flat squares with outlines 1-4 colors max
>icon packs are 99% of the time flat squares with outlines 1-4 colors max or straight neon colored outlines
>kde themes were 99% broken and had missing icons, corners, wrong text colors in menus etc. but now those half broken themes don't even work at all in KDE Plasma 6
>nothing saves you from this flat one color mess, even trinity de, openbox, fvwm, dwm etc. all have libadwaita, multiple qt and gtk versions, flatpacks, spotify, steam, electron apps, browsers and other applications using their custom theming and faking "being gtk" or "being qt" while actually almost fully something else and you get only window buttons from the actual gtk/qt theme
>you can broke Ubuntu LTS and similiar distros and Gnome by installing Gnome Tweaks, changing something simple like cursor theme and after restart your pc doesn't boot anymore
>there is nice kvantum/gtk3/cinnamon/etc. theme but it doesn't have 9001 other toolkit theme counterparts so it is 100% useless
>what was before 5 minutes theming operation to create your own custom theme from scratch, is now 5 year long development operation for 10 person team to create one theme that works for top 10 toolkits for one week and after that you have to have that 10 person team to maintain that theme forever and most of the teams give up after 6-12 months and archive the theme git page
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I used oxygen dark but it doesn't even have gtk2/3/4/libadwaita versions of it, only light version. There is aerothemeplasma, but it doesn't have dark variant, doesn't support wayland or even scaling. One of the best examples of good theme, but creating and maintaining something like that is almost impossible and I'm suprised that theme even exists and looks so good. If I could have that theme, with dark variant that replaces "Windows 7" logos and some of the things with "oxygen looking" counterparts. Basically have dark version of that and normies would look at the theme and not think about Windows 7 clone. That glass look, but with oxygen buttons, that glass bar with some oxygen style circles instead of the normal texture etc.

Also why we can't have something like Artix (large amounts of packages that are latest) but with good things from Mint (normie can install it, enable automatic updates, use gui for everything and just forget all of the maintanence and do actual things with that pc). It is always either "your hobby is to tinker and fix things having latest" or "boring work pc that has 10 year old yt-dlp and mpv that throws errors when you try to open youtube url". There is something like Artix with Dinit and KDE Plasma that has gui for everything but first update and your pc doesn't boot, because distro didn't have hook for nvidia and pacman or something. I can fix these in 1 minute with Arch Wiki, but my dad can't or care to fix. In Linux Mint those GUIs really work and are stable. Automatic updates have never broken anything (except Firefox asks to restart random times after automatic background update) but thats it.

For example my dad asked why Linux Mint doesn't have "images when selecting images to send" and I didn't even know that Linux Mint still doesn't have thumbnails on file dialog. I thought that was fixed?
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Why not openbsd ?
It makes me mad that even the "skeuomorphic projects" are now flat. This https://unityd.org/ is Unity but now it is also flat. Oxygen theme has new version, but it is also now flat. There is multiple "skeuomorphic icon packs" and you browse through their images and realize it is now flat. WTF is this? Half of the Windows 7 and Vista themes are almost all flat. Even the cool tiling window managers are now mostly flat like dwm, fvwm etc. I installed the only theme that survived this, Vertex and the cinnamon theme is flat except the selection background. Why? Then I did browse some "skeuomorphic" themes for literally every wm and de and most of them are flat. Don't people even know what "skeuomorphic" and "flat" means?
>Why Linux theming is so bad now?
Same reason it's bad on every other OS. Too many competing toolkits and nobody follows OS or DE human interface guidelines anymore.

That and many developers are against the concept of theming as a whole. E.g. the "stop theming my app" initiative (https://stopthemingmy.app/). They are basically against any concept of a unified interface consistency within a desktop platform, instead believing they should be in full control of their interface's look due to it being part of their "brand."
How much ram do you require, chuddie?
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I got other aspect ratios too, if you want
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Thank you, Anona. Noi, this seems ample! In fact, even this is overkill, as mine is only 1080p.
This theme and the tasteful combination of blue, grey and black are so comfy and lush
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I extended the black background for a wallpaper.
lazy you say? lazy it is
4 gigs is pretty good for me, especially on old systems and using it as a media/cloud server.
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I would like to apologize, Anon. I mistook your RAM as being thirty thousand MB instead of some three point something thousand MB, i.e., 3+ GB.
So, how's the summer coming along?
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I wonder if there is an one liner way to do these on ImageMagick, this is how i figured them out
magick -size 2400x1500 xc:black ./background.png

magick composite -gravity west -geometry 100%x100%+200+0 ./1719492307216066.png ./background.png -colorspace sRGB test.png

Dunno if is possible to generate the background on the fly without the leftover file around.
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good morning saars
plz upscale that, plz bruh

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>zero taste
Like clock work, at least upscale that piece of shit.
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my potato desktop :<
>Why not openbsd ?
a bunch of software i use is unported and battery life sucks, plus the security is more server oriented than eg freebsds jails
i do use it, just not on my laptop
make the menubar font smaller
why the hell does one window use MS sans and everything else use tahoma
>Lazy Wednesday Edition

I deliberately chose that font size. Its better for my eyes in the long term
Mint-X is so comfy
All, ney, most Linux users are cunny and cheese pizza storers.
Praise the sun ni/g//g/ers
try humanity icons instead, they have nice gradients.
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No one does skeumorphic design anymore because it was 10x the work for little return. It is far less work to create an interface programatically using existing bindings in a UI toolkit than having to create seperate textures for things like backgrounds, buttons, highlighted objects, shadows, animated textures etc. The death of skeumorphism came from developer fatigue and I dont blame them for it. Design trends point to a type of skeumorphic design coming back in the form of neumorphism however, which can be created entirely programitically and likely much quicker than the older style skeumorphic designs.
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It just works
Tatsumaki pic please?
install latte dock
>he doesn't know
Did everyone drop GNOME?
Who even needs a desktop environment?
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the rest are tranny tier
Yes everyone dropped the desktop environment that tells you not to theme their applications
I have no idea what GNOME is or does sorry.
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whats the usecase for gnome?
posting with gnome in these threads is like posting stock windows 10/11
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How hard is to do it, anyways? Like you don't need to go extremely overboard, something like this looks good enough and doesn't have excesive amounts of decorations.
Maybe there'll be a toolkit someday that allows you to use SVG pictures for this kind of touches.
this shit looks like shit nigga
>Maybe there'll be a toolkit someday that allows you to use SVG pictures for this kind of touches.
beautiful paper, what wm is that?
based wallpapers, did they influence your choice of distro?
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First time i post my desktop
Linux Mint, xfce
I don't want to post my neofetch, cause i think they use that for data mining.
how does every post you make mention trannies
get help brother.
mfs insulting other people and watches fucking stargate sg-1
How is RHEL these days anyway? I don't enjoy the latest GNOME shit and I found the GNOME project apps to be pretty barebones. Like, shaving with a bowling pin levels of barebones.
Is it even all that rock solid compared to Debian? Does it have high quality packages? What's the reason to go for RHEL Workstation.
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>cause i think they use that for data mining
says the retard who posted his desktop
It's fine if you enable EPEL and RPMfusion. Anything else that's not available works flawlessly as a flatpak. The main reasons I switched were reliability and the cool factor.
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of course my friend
literally just install mate at this point
neumorphism looks gay as shit
Any other offensive city names would be appreciated, I am running out of ideas
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>No one does skeumorphic design anymore because it was 10x the work for little return.
>The death of skeumorphism came from developer fatigue

Yeah, but it's also easy for them to not be a lazy fuck, simplistic yet somewhat detailed UIs are doable btw.
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it's thursday but hello
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is that kasumi
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>did they influence your choice of distro?
What can one do with a screencap of my background and a pdf?
Serious question btw

It's only revealing when you post your host name and specs and everything.
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here. can this be done locally with magick?
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Sometime simple is best. These are very nice wallpapers

>Halo CE
Yep... those were the days...
>what wm is that?
just i3
The best resolution.
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Based Bustling County
Rather nice! if possible, please do give updates on the subsequent desktop threads.
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Please share the pape.
Could you post wall?
Based Sid-runner. If it wasn't for Arch, I would probably be on Fedora or Sid.

So, how is it these days? I haven't run it for ages.
Wow! It can do (3) things!
I'm running trixie, actually. trixie is completely superb, zero problems. I've read some personal opinions on using Sid. bugs are expected, but nothing too dramatic. no heavy troubleshooting either, overall it's fine
>Dixie runs Trixie
You can use this for upscaling
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im a simple man
arch btw
Good morning to Madam Comrade Deputy Department Director.
I like this. will try this layout with gnome.
I heard people were having issues with Nvidia on Debian. On RHEL you just download kmods straight from Nvidia. You get twice the support time compared to Debian and it's backed by a company rather than volunteers, so more quality. There's fewer packages, but as the other anon said, Flatpak exists.

And yes, it's also a good way to keep GNOME retardation at bay; anything you don't like about the current version you can probably fix with some extensions and not worry about them breaking down the line. Most of the other DEs are available on EPEL anyway.

>What's the reason to go for RHEL Workstation
You want ten years of support and don't like what Canonical is doing with Snap. Or you want to learn the ecosystem to gain skills that might help you in your career, gain Red Hat certifications, etc.
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Fuck Gnome.

this is basically https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elementary_cellular_automaton but extended to more states (5 here) and neighbors (also 5)

the rule number is 244118892332806722 but considering only "symmetric rules" (where you add neighbor values and then determine the state as a function of the sum) like here: https://www.youtube.com/live/pMfrRFNCKhE?si=B4HTBwG-FIT4itCb&t=2727
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here is another cool one
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and another
very weird icon and terminal theme combo, try out pywal
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pic rel
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Does EPEL tend to go out of sync with the main repos too often? Is there a way to do a "dry run" trnsaction with dnf (so i can catch that's going to be a desync and just hold off the update until EPEL is synced againd)? If a repo going out of sync every so often is all the main gotcha EL has i wouldn't mind using that.
Also what about Podman? Do they keep it reasonably updated like Debian? If there's a problem with a native package, i wouldn't mind running it through Distrobox. Or maybe even Brew if shit gets to be that fucked.
>Does EPEL tend to go out of sync with the main repos too often?
The only time I had something like that happen was when a package was discontinued on the mainline repo and got moved into EPEL, it was fairly straightforward to resolve. EPEL packages tend to take a few minor releases to appear, but generally everything becomes available by like .3 or .4.

>Is there a way to do a "dry run" trnsaction with dnf

>Also what about Podman? Do they keep it reasonably updated
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Yes... it's been on for 5 minutes
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After years on dwm, I'm slowing trying to adapt to dwl.
>solarized bg
>not solarized polybar
>not solarized terminal
what does dwl do differently from dwm that requires you do adapt? can't you configure it to behave like dwm?
what is it with dwmfags and trying to look intellectual on desktop threads
>what does dwl do differently from dwm that requires you do adapt? can't you configure it to behave like dwm?
Out of the box it's pretty close if you add the status bar patch.
On my own dwm build, I'd added functions to snap a window into a half or quartile of the screen.
I had to rewrite those for Wayland.
I'd also written dwm keyboard shortcuts for move/resize and have yet to-do that on Wayland/DWL.

Yep. Way back I had a 10" netbook running Arch. A close approximation in 2024 is a used 11" Macbook Air running Arch. An i7 is a nice step up from an Atom.
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does anyone dislike panel bars or application launchers on their screen? I feel like they get in the way even when set to autohide because I am accidentally opening them when trying to interact with the side or top of my screen.

I use krunner to do all panel bar tasks on my system like shutting it down, checking the time, or launching applications I don't have a keyboard shortcut for.
Why not a 4k monitor??
Captcha: GVNG
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Wallpaper, please!
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im a broke mathematics student right now, but the goal is to update my setup by christmas this year.

the monitor is well over 4 years old from when I was waging.
I still like a status bar to monitor things like battery or plugged drives but is true that on screen launchers are unnecessary.
Get a PhD.
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All yours my friend!
Based. Keep it up anon, hope you make it.
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Thank you, matey.
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I'm applying to PhD positions next year.

Me too, but its a very competitive area of study.
because it triggers you, tranny
>not watching sg-1
trannies dont exist outside the internet
youre obsessed with something nonexistant
get help brother
glowie-free computing
Kick that nigger bitch down the plane!!!
based beyond all comprehension
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how did you do the textured background?
like this
HOW did I not know about this? I've been using Mate for years. I love you.
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Gnome sisters rise up.
hello again kids
and RISC-V too!
night time is one of my favourite albums
>I'm applying to PhD positions next year
Whatcha gonna study/write about?
Good evening slackers
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>trannies don't exist outside the internet
>tranny desktop
not based

love from >>101180155
maybe they just dont exist outside muttistan, wouldnt know
>This https://unityd.org/ is Unity but now it is also flat.
pretty sure ubuntu unity comes with the ambiance/oldschool unity theme
stargate <3 general hammond left us too soon
people who use gnome actually get shit done, and have no need to show off their desktops, cuz we have nothing to prove, we aren't useless women who need the approval of others to live our lives
here develop some taste
don't you want to at least make dwm's font match with your terminal?
not him but wow that is some gay music
listen to this instead fren
thanks for the advice I will look into it
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Hey /g/ thinking on daily driving pic related.
good taste in games
Shall wall-pape plz brother :)
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>Shall wall-pape plz brother
Apologies that it's pre-scaled for this small display
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To the anon that asked about the 1070 forever ago, I got a 4070 SUPER now.
So what's the ISO you use for installing it as a desktop? I lookee around and there seem to be only two, a very bloated one and a minimal one.
Plasma 6 works well but for some reason it doesn't work good on my PC for whatever reason despite it being all AMD and me trying a different GPU. It has bugs like stuttering and freezes so I just settled for cinnamon while I wait a year.

Maybe because it's my asrock motherboard or CPU because I literally cannot think of anything else conflicting with with it.

It works flawlessly on my thinkpad which has intel integrated graphics
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Share wallpaper pls?
image reverse search yourself, you fucking lazy nigger.
It's a live wallpaper.
Thanks a lot
KWin theme?
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Get a better wallpaper.
Use the netinstall, which fetches the latest packages during the installation. Use the DVD ISO only if for some reason you need your installation to be offline.
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get your eyes checked but good pape
good choice fren
shitware looks like it was made for incapacitated iToddlers.

deadbeef, clementine, musicbee(wine), or TUI. Pick one.
damn those are good options too I'll try clementine rn
Your kindness has gotten the better of me-- Sorry for being rude, you seem nice. :)
Is on the Neofetch
Oh i didn't notice, thank you
I go on crusades here pretty often but sometimes you'll snap out of it and want to go back and delete rageposts. Know the feel
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Back on Arch this week after way too long being exclusively on Windows 11.
Might as well use Plasma.
What is the RAM and storage usage indicator in your system tray called?
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Several of my friends are currently doing work in Operator Theory and C*-algebras. I might follow the pack because I find the material interesting.
im more worried about ur potato eyesight
and you managed to choose kde
but you also made a thread about how arch is great and how you can restore your system from archinstall and tar files.
So which one is it?
Did you just came to arch from win11 or you were using it since forever? faggot!
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Which termina colorscheme is this anon?

Desktop looks great btw
lol, retard. when did i say that i am new to linux? try using your brain before you speak next time.
also, kde is the best linux desktop. i tried gnome, xfce and cutefish tonight for fun. they all suck in comparison, and i used to be a fanboy for both of them (except cutefish, i hadn't even heard of that one before). gnome gets the closest, but it is retarded.
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>Get a better wallpaper.
I like it, I think its funny, it switches every 6 hours or so. How about this time around?
>when did i say that i am new to linux?
>kde is the best linux desktop
opinion discarded
rofl what do you think i was running before windows, you mongoloid?
also, look up the meaning of the word "exclusively" holy shit
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good evening gang
Gorgeous. My favorite in this thread.
Cuck license.
Pretty damn good.
You're not Ross!
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Good evening
I did try out Plasma 6 for a few months and it was a broken mess, so I went back to Gnome. I might give Plasma another shot now. Also I only have 2 extensions for Gnome: Dash to Panel and Blur My Shell.
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So god damn good, lush, and luxuriant.
Please share the wallpaper.
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it's a photo I took myself, will put the higher res .jpg somewhere later
Fellow /g/entooman

I like your hostname
It's a bash script output displayed with the Generic Monitor, it's reading free and df with awk.
Wtf how did you get money to build this monstruosity?
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Absolutely based.
may i have the pape please?
>glowie free
>funded by glowies
>>funded by glowies
Care to provide a source for that?
I have done the needful.
OpenBSD received a lot of FBI funding some years ago.
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Coke nails she got coke nails...
gives the ick
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This is the gayest desktop I have ever seen.
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Wait till you see the previous state of it...
Pape please?
Why are (You) like this? :/
lol isn't contributing code to it as an american literally illegal?
If anything, glowies use it themselves.
post pape
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is this the new desktop thread
with how ridiculously overpowered the raspberry pi is you probably could.
keep it up anon
moving from manjaro to arch, there anything i need to know?
Chaotic-AUR is a package repository with pre-built AUR packages. You might find it convenient. (It's unofficial; use at your own risk.)
what are you doing
who made this lol
>pre-built AUR packages
how is that different from doing it myself from the AUR? sorry if i sound retarded
Sometimes the build scripts in the AUR don't work and need debugging. And compiling can take a long time.
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>compiling can take a long time.
joke's on you, i've got nothing but time
also just fully moved to arch from manjaro right now. damn near lost my wallpaper folder, skipped a heartbeat there.
>hes finally back
/g/ is saved
I don't really know, I might have some issues with my brain, but I can assure you that living like that is much more fun
That is indeed a nice wallpaper
Checked and comfy.
Cinnamon uses a lot of memory (last I checked, at least), so I'd avoid it on a low-memory machine like yours. But if it works for you...
>modern thinkpad
>that shit ass panel
>>>/r/unixporn faggot
What do you use, Sway?
Post pape?
Who gives a fuck?
but why
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>the monitor is well over 4 years old
my previous monitor did about 8 years so don't fret too much about it; they can last pretty damn well
still got it, but I want the desk space for my newer bigger monitor (and other shit too)
16:9 is a scam.
Gay thread
troon desktop wallpaper for now, im tryna find some cool higher res old cg photos from the 90s, if anyone can hook me up
don't let trannies claim sailor moon
why should trannies be able to claim anything?
they also try to claim madoka
truth, i use to watch dbz and sailor moon on toonami as a kid, based lineup
Watch me sway deeznuts
still peak linux after 8 years
Based Tatsumaki appreciator
Pape please?
Pape irl location?
t. >>>/out/ crossboarder
Oh you're that retarded OP from the other thread. Jesus christ anon you aren't doing anything with this OS anyway just install Mint and be done with it.
Disregard that. Keep rocking stock Mate on RHEL, anon.

P.S. Jenny left some stale cookies in the break room, enjoy.
>lil peep
>sam hyde
>mental outlaw
>anime wallpaper
unfathomly based fellow
explain how hyprland is bad without resorting to calling it transphobic
what DE/theme is this? its nice.
Thinking of switching to a wm.
Which are the best?

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