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General dedicated to creative use of free and open source text-to-image models.

Previous /ldg/ bread : >>101155934

Nightly Edition

>Beginner UI
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io

>Advanced UI
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
StableSwarmUI: https://github.com/Stability-AI/StableSwarmUI
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI

>Auto1111 forks
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Models, LoRAs & Training

>Pixart Sigma & Hunyuan DIT
Comfy Nodes: https://github.com/city96/ComfyUI_ExtraModels
*SD.Next also works with PixArt-Sigma


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Try online without registration
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Share image prompt info

>Related boards
Is this the blessed bread?
Blessed thread of frenship
>The midjourney pic made the collage
Sorry, flew over my head.
which one is it?
Big knight girl in bottom right.
I can do a quick rebake if you mind it enough.
can you write a prompt for it? I'll try to dupe it and we'll ignore it.
interior, small kitchen on a space station, planet and stars and space station out the window, junk art, gadgets, post apocalyptic, star wars outpost, style of ian mcque and joe madureira, a man cooks on a stove, slice of life, light leaking through window --ar 16:9 --stylize 400 --niji 6

interior, small bedroom on a space station, planet and stars and space station out the window, junk art, gadgets, post apocalyptic, star wars outpost, style of ian mcque and joe madureira, cinematic lighting, a house cat looks out the window, star wars themed --ar 16:9 --stylize 400 --niji 6
Can we add MJ to the OP, please?
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How's this?
the space cockpit ls also made by MJ kek
Was bound to accidently happen at some point with how many images are posted. I'm surprised it took this long. Shit happens.
Close but no cigar.
Half the collage is just random MJ images that were posted specifically to mog on the shitty local gens ffs
>freetards subconsciously recognize saas is simply better
MJ isn't [LOCAL] diffusion.
...I'll be cooking for a while then.
This is an exaggeration. Anyway b8
>Still got an MJ pic in it
it's so over for local gen christ
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I'm not sure I have a model that imitates that strongly of the roughdraft/painting art style of that MJ pic, but I'm sure it exists because plenty of people like that look.

Also, isn't it kind of noisy like a DALL-E3 gen?
local or bust
local is a bust*
local makes me bust a nut (because i love it so)
we all do
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I might need to build a workflow for this one...
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Three times the fucking charm, one more and Imma bust a nut.
Point out MJs beside the knight one.
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forgot to inpaint her face
I can vibe with this 1girl
There is still one more MJ - the second anime knight
>just as I posted rebake of the rebake
nut it is then
please don't fuck with me, I'm sleepy enough
so what's the deal with the open model project thing? looking at the discord, it looks like a case of too many cooks.
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There is no discord only Thread...
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She is the one that Slaps
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hell yeah
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There are two projects: one is clearly trying to cash in on the demise of SAI, assuming they can even train a model it's going to be more censored that SAI and they have the same hemming and hawing and hand wringing. The other is just a bunch of Reddit 16 year olds larping about training a model, you won't get anything out of them outside of their list of datasets.
We do need good datasets for training
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Yeah they had one that was good that I haven't seen before.
do you have huggingface link?
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I knew I recognized that artist. Wlop. for MJ to clone from.
you aint him
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Still building workflow.
https://huggingface.co/datasets/UCSC-VLAA/Recap-DataComp-1B is all you need (the new LAION)

https://huggingface.co/datasets/tomg-group-umd/pixelprose - huge Gemini captioned dataset

You could probably make a foundational model with Pixelprose. And definitely could with the DataComp dataset.
sweet now if only this would kick in
otherwise I'm stuck waiting for christmas to get my shitty 4090
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>you aint him
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You're winning in the race so far m8
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Two for the price of one? kek
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Going to need to change my prompt.
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After so many gens I already forgot how the original looked like.
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hibernation mode activate

Well yes there is hemming and hawing because legally they could be fucked if the law gets changed at any moment.

If its made illegal to allow prompting artist names then they have to retrain the whole god damn model. They leave loras for styles up to the community so their asses won't get sued.

Otherwise our only other option is another NAI leak but good fucking luck with that.
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Gen is taking a while now since I'm trying to do upscale of this one
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Is this AOM? Or 1.5 it's got that sheen to it.
why did you take the tracker out retard?
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been working on some liminal spaces what do you guys think
very nice and very liminal
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thanks man trying to figure out how to make it look like shit while also not looking like shit

does anyone have any upscalers they recomend for non-humanoid gens im trying 4x_nmkd_siax_200k and idk
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Whats the artist style on that?
creepy (in a good sense)
AOM gives blurry gens, it is pretty annoying, though I bet that's a non-issue with refiner. But then you probably have to lean harder into booru tags, which don't lead to the best results in many anime models and it is best to try and make do without them, in my experience. While I didn't use AOM that much before deleting it from my system, a bunch of better models have it mixed in, so it is not a bad ingredient for mixes, apparently.
I dun reckon that you answered your own question there, m8
torrent tracker was in the OP
>booru tags, which don't lead to the best results in many anime models
>people actually don't do 2nd passes/hires fixes
What in the god damn fuck?
try not using them, booru tags suck
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I installed SwarmUI with SD 3 and it fucking stank.
Good, now go use something else.
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Is there a guide on how to setup krita+comfyui so I can feed it my base sketches and have it finish them for me? I'm comfortable with node based workflows, I've done a bunch of unreal blueprints stuff.
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10 scoops and leave humanity behind
theres a new photoshop plugin but im not sure how much more difficult it is than krita. either way, if you're using scans and not digital like that pic you might as well feed them into the sampler regularly with base comfy but thats just me.
you should find guides / examples on the relevant software pages. cute pic btw
oh I don't touch photoshop

also if anyone wants to run that drawing through any model I would have fun seeing where it goes.
IDK but the plugin https://github.com/Acly/krita-ai-diffusion has some documentation including how to activate the controlnets (which is something you want to do since your sketch lines need to guide the diffusion with just a prompt you can't extensively complete and hope something much of your sketch reemains)
>if you're using scans and not digital like that pic you might as well feed them into the sampler regularly with base comfy
Actually can you expand on this a bit?

I've got a tablet, I can draw equally with digital and traditional. Apparently the models react differently to them as inputs?
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>Apparently the models react differently to them as inputs?
in a sense but that's not what i was referring to. typically the reason why someone chooses krita is because they want to have that sort of "AI Canvas" feel. likely you can disregard that statement.
https://github.com/AlekPet/ComfyUI_Custom_Nodes_AlekPet includes a painter node which might be of some use to you.
it sounds like you dont have much experience with imggen so you'd probably benefit from messing around with straight txt2img before jumping into what you describe. but definitely read through the link in >>101169211
Really bizarre anatomy. There's about 1.25 head lengths from the bottom of the chin to the middle of the breasts. She's got two more.
As stupid as this sounds, can bad LoRA settings cause jpeg artifacts? Or what look to be shitty artifacting? Because I know the images I used are clean, but my samples are coming out as if I was using images with their backgrounds poorly cropped out and giving me really awful artifacting along the character lines. Picrel. As I said, I KNOW my source images are clean and free of this shit, the only thing I changed was my text and unet learning rates...
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>unet learning rate
did you increase it too much? could be overfit
I actually decreased it to 0.0001 down from 0.0003, and my text encoder from 0 to 0.00005. I realized now I forgot to remove the 'train unet only' additional parameter. Could that have caused it?
might be a bias in the resolution bucketing of your dataset
Oh fuck me, you're right. I didn't use the upscaled images I had prepped. The original ones I had were 485x850 before I did a 2x upscale on them, but I used the wrong folder like a dumb fuck. Shit. That's 3 hours wasted, lol.
using upscaled images will degrade your output
Well, it couldn't be any worse than what it already shit out. And I've had success with LoRAs using upscaled images so long as it wasn't some ridiculous resize that smoothed everything out and made it start to blend together.
I haven't had any problems so far. Just clean images before upscaling. Artifacts are easy to remove and lineart can be smoothed
I think this is something you may not notice easily if you don't already have a lot of experience with digital art. upscaling line art, for example, tends to produce some common errors like radii at what should be sharp intersections of lines, truncating or distorting fine calligraphic strokes, and mangling together high-frequency strokes. this stuff all together contributes a lot of the "AI tells" like blobbed-together linear details.

if you do this, make sure you include negative tags as appropriate describing what you did to help the model filter out these degradations.
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Lineart is so easy compared to 80s and 90s messy comic art. 2x upscale is max I do, images just become something else at some point.

>"AI tells" like blobbed-together linear details
Blobs mixed in fine lines yeah. Can't really escape them with 1.5 and sdxl
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its the details, where it lacks
try that again on sd3
supposedly the 16ch vae improves fine detail a lot
yeah. hopefully anon figures out how to get a 16ch vae going for pixart. the devs seemed to allude that there's more to it than just that but idk
>Nightly Edition
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Remember when Emad was based?
>Emad Mostaque, the founder and chief executive of Stability AI, has pushed back on the idea of content restrictions. He argues that radical freedom is necessary to achieve his vision of a democratized A.I. that is untethered from corporate influence.
>He reiterated that view in an interview with me this week, contrasting his view with what he described as the heavy-handed, paternalistic approach to A.I. taken by tech giants.
>“We trust people, and we trust the community,” he said, “as opposed to having a centralized, unelected entity controlling the most powerful technology in the world.”
k value = 134
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And then he shot himself at the foot by cucking his models for no reason (no law forced him to do that)
>Do Not Obey In Advance
>Much of the power of authoritarianism is freely given. In times like these, individuals think ahead about what a more repressive government will want and then offer themselves without being asked. A citizen who adapts in this way is teaching power what it can do. – Timothy Snyder
runway sd1.5 leak was oct 20
guess his beliefs didnt stand the test since he still tried to have them taken down
He was just lying at the time to get enough hype for the VC money, we as users are just tool for him, once he got the money he could show us his true colors without much consequences
>no law forced him to do that
i understand the trepidation, but its litigation not law that pushes these guys away from it. here in our armchairs its easier.
that being said i never think about him.
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Are you using a artist?
They have a very distinct style, i like them.
ipadapter with ~20 input images no artists in the prompt
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ty anon
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pretty metal
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have a nice day anons, im off to work.
take care
official pixart bigma waiting room
Elaborate then; enlighten me, oh wise one.
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Okay, I was out of the game for almost 6 months. What do I have to catch up with?
nothing, SD3 was released and it was a fiasco
nothing much really, sd3 came out and it's shit, pr disaster, awful license, blah blah blah. we have alternative models like pixart and hunyuan which gained a huge surge in popularity after stability shot themselves in the foot so local image gen won't be dying anytime soon. the pixart guys also said they work at nvidia now and are training a bigger model.
I'd like to add I've been focusing on AI music made with Udio, that was a new renaissance for me, but I want to go back to my roots. Too bad the service is going to get nuked soon thanks to you know who.
Yeah, I heard it's illegal to train. WTF?
Thanks, I'll check them out.
You probably need to retrain the whole thing. A VAE that significantly different probably means a whole different latent space. So the UNet is converging through a completely different space.
It's not illegal to train, you just need to pay a monthly fee. Also something about the outputs of SD3 and its finetunes potentially being SAI's property (not explicit but a potential legal consequence of the license), civitai banned SD3 because of that.
what does that have to do with /sdg/ mongo?
Not much, Pony is still the queen of models.
What is this? A new base model?
XL finetune
I see, it wasn't on civitai so I thought that was a new thing or something
>Stable Diffusionと同様のデータセットからDanbooruの無断転載画像を取り除いて手動で集めた約3000枚の画像
>Stable Diffusionと同様のデータセットからDanbooruの無断転載画像を取り除いて自動で集めた約50万枚の画像

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Good morning anon
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I see that you're trying to replicate the Midjourney picture kek
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yep, I can say that I'm doing better than MJ did
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can you do better than this tho?
Give me the prompt
I found this picture here
>Diffusion models excel at producing high-quality images; however, scaling to higher resolutions, such as 4K, often results in over-smoothed content, structural distortions, and repetitive patterns. To this end, we introduce ResMaster, a novel, training-free method that empowers resolution-limited diffusion models to generate high-quality images beyond resolution restrictions.
That's really interesting, I always wanted to make 4k pictures but all I got was duplicated humans kek
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><Character from Anime> in the rain side profile in the city, in the style of synthwave, magenta and cyan, extremely detailed art, rebecca sugar, shiny/glossy, hyper-detailed illustrations

also noticed that 1536x768 res. (don't need to upscale it)

Here is the first image from same model >>101172979
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>(sigmax ** (1 / 7) + y * (sigmin ** (1 / 7) - sigmax ** (1 / 7))) ** 7
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not bad at all, how about that one
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isn't that
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>>(sigmax ** (1 / 7) + y * (sigmin ** (1 / 7) - sigmax ** (1 / 7))) ** 7
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there should be a city outside of the cockpit
Is this threat appropriate to make a request?
what request do you want to make anon?
All depends on the request, I might be able to help out.
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Not really.
if you want to reproduce that >>101173085 then yes really
16h training wasted because wrong settings. Live, love & laugh.
Nope, even in OPs post he wasn't able to reproduce similar image twice
I've been really into the 'barber beats' aesthetic recently. It's a musical style of mostly plundered beats and the cover art that usually goes with it is really cool. It has some vaporwave elements. For some examples you can scroll through rate your music: https://rateyourmusic.com/genre/barber-beats/ or just look on bandcamp or youtube or whatever.
A while ago someone was generating some really cool similar things.
I'm not really asking for anything specific, no specific color scheme or elements, just more general barber beats type album cover art.
because in OPs that's also a Midjourney picture


why do pony and other SDXL models seem to fuck up hands even more than 1.5?
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You have a valid point, and I'm local doing things better than it can.
Probably because you are using a bad model or bad lora.
None of them train to do hand or feet,
explain how?
you're the one that claimed that your picture is better than this >>101173085
it means that you have the burden of proof anon
After all this can we please finally add MJ to the OP? We've proved it deserves its place here - fuck, it's even made it into the collage several times now
im a local guy but anyone claiming that whack stormtrooper gen is better than the gen with an entire city and floating ships out the window is out their damn mind

Where can I download it so I can run it on my machine?
Discord mostly, and I know it's not Chink shit but hopefully that isn't the barrier it used to be for this thread now that we're accepting SDXL gens
MJ isn't a local model.
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Sure, and SDXL isn't Chinese, but that's clearly not the rule anymore. Half the thread is MJ gens, there's MJ gens in the collage and we have an entire discussion showing off how gens like this:
Could clearly be improved
No I don't want to download or get an account, link me to the download.
all local models are welcome to /ldg/
the whole notion of "SAI models are not welcome" is nonsense
its not about chinese models its about getting away from the drama and avatarfagging
>I don't want to download
>link me to the download
Anyone else getting sick of retards trying to join in normal conversations? Thought we made this thread to avoid this. Please, /sdg/ is but two clicks away.
Damn, so we're that far from the closed source models huh? That's just sad man...
Read the title of the thread. LOCAL DIFFUSION GENERAL. If it's local and it's a diffusion model, it's allowed. But nice try SDG troll. What, is your general too dead right now?
what are you talking about? read the thread name, sd is a local model, unlike mj
>"local" diffusion general
>full of MJ gens
>try to bring this up
>no we dont post MJ gens here
Fucking hell
go to school
Give me the model.
When will someone make a fucking MJ thread already? Dalle3 has one :(
I can barely even understand the message you're trying to get across. I'm going to refer everyone back to these two clauses and hopefully that will make it clear your mind is about as functional as your workflow:
>I don't want to download
>link me to the download
Oh no a troll like you came in and started posting MJ gens something that is impossible to prevent on an anonymous forum? Maybe Discord is more your speed.
I've been posting MJ gens here generally, they're typically getting reasonable attention and I manage to get into the collage fairly frequently, though I do wish I had more time to spend on improving my WF
but this isn't the right place to do so, there should be a thread only dedicated on Midjourney imo
>I've been posting MJ gens here generally
stop doing that
If you're looking to join the discord, we can help with that! We're actually having a movie night soon and hoping to get some openRA games going with all the folks there!
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Are there any new tools for background removal?? Rembg is so terrible, it's easier to do it manually in photoshop
What the fuck is MJ? Who the fuck put Michael Jackson in the freezer?
Eh? This place clearly is fine, nobody is sperging out except you two and whoever bakes the threads clearly approves enough to keep them in the collage. Most of the posts/gens itt are discussing MJ already.
You're right. Enjoy.
>hehehe I'm such a clever troll
go back to sdg
Why? MJ is not an SD model
saar please, read the thread name
It's not a local model.
Been there. Just have to double check every setting
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It's like inkblot test
yes this is cat
Chinese cat
is there an ipadapter model for pony?
this is a 1girl
sdxl controlnets have been pretty rough
Because you need a supercomputer to train anything on SDXL so even casual researchers can't do anything with it.
kitty :3
IPadapter for pixart when
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>train LORA overnight using kohya
>get back to pc
>everything worked as intended
>try to train another lora
>now it cant access cuda drivers
>restart pc
>still cant access cuda drivers
what the fuck happened?
Probably a larp since it really only happened in the last thread and he maybe posted 4 total
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best post in the thread
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He said enough
unpopular opinion and many will hate to hear it, but you're 100% right.
What are you using to gen all this thread?
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saar, i am using the pixart.
Fuck it, this is the closest I got to the subject. The eyes! Why can't it learn the eyes!?
I don't know wtf in Kohaku script https://github.com/kohya-ss/sd-scripts/pull/1378 that he got his training to converge so quickly. Maybe I should download it to study in depth
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turns out that sigma gens can be pretty damn good for lora datasets since they are lacking the usual sd jank
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anything local that can match nai in terms of inpainting?
Anon, nai is old and busted. Pony merges blow it out of the water.
Sigma has its own kind of jank. Cool idea but inbreeding is never the correct route.
when inpainting? i might as well be using 1.5, even with fooocus.
Yes? Why the fuck would you use 1.5 tho, not to mention faaaagus.
1.5 inpainting models dont completely lose the style of the rest of the image, while fooocus does an alright job, im not a fan of its interface, and im not sure if its inpainting model is compatible with pony.
Is there any way to influence facial features, like nose lengths, chin length/depth etc like a lora or something? Creating characters is really hard since you don't have many ways to finetune facial appearence bar some very general concepts like skin color etc.
What? They work perfecrly fine. The only difference is that there aren't that many controlnet models for sdxl, but they still work just as well.
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Yeah. Loras are probably the best use case
you can add weight modifiers to regular shit like that. Just do something like (large chin:1.2) where the 1.2 is the strength modifier.
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>Just do something like (large chin:1.2) where the 1.2 is the strength modifier.
maybe it depends on the model but it feels like these prompts make little to no difference, I usually get sameface
Fucking retard, moving to the torrent tracker is exactly what /ldg/ needs. Imagine trusting the frauds at Civit
Just make one yourself
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i wish i could get results like this locally.
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Very nice. If you could prompt for people with muscular physique with similar style I'll borrow them
Looks like nothing special. I use inpainting all the time, even on the images that were not genned by the model. People underestimate how powerful it is, especially with controlnet.
I did
good! have fun
what is the point of this faggot thread and /sdg/ when both are dead
if you are not happy, then talk to the mods
is there a better controlnet model for inpainting than inpaint_v26.fooocus?
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thoughts on training on 1216x811 images instead of 1024x1024? i've always trained on 1:1 ratio pictures and i'm not sure how this is gonna work.
If you have buckets enabled, it doesn't matter. That was the whole point of them, so you could train on other image sizes without getting fucked
>it doesn't matter
are the results the same or does it just make it not crash or whatever? all my models have been trained on 1024x1024 images. if i dont have to crop everything it would save me a huge amount of time.
The results are the same. You don't need to be cropping, it just helps narrow down the focus of your training in attempts to limit it just to that subject.
The point of bucketing is to avoid unnecessary cropping.
You'll be limited to generating in that resolution
Are you way better off multi cropping your dataset at sane ratios.
surely smaller images are faster to train right? less vram usage? i always remove the the backgrounds around the subjects so having a bunch of empty space around them seems wasteful.

i usually generate portrait images on models trained on 1024x1024 and they have worked well so far.
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>prompt for people with muscular physique

>borrow them
Just take them man
>i usually generate portrait images on models trained on 1024x1024 and they have worked well so far.
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I have men-y
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Just gym bros, but here, for you
that's better, thank you anon :3
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Testing wideness
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6 panes of bump
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very wide, very wide
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It gets wider
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Dat thumbnail tho
this is cool
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You finally got a graphics card to run them yourself?
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Let's see how good your workflow is. Your Christmas prompt back at you.
Dancing as a stripper laura kinney, nightclub, showgirl, gift wrapped body, ribbon around body, ribbon bondage, santa hat, "candy cane in her mouth", athletic, green eyes, long black hair, abs, detailed face, strip club, pole dancer, Christmas decorations
first one without nipple peeking out
ribbon bondage prompt usually taped up her mouth
last one
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pretty sweet
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Aha, maybe this is the reason, not using the variance terms, hmm... But that's not a good thing at all
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Very NICE!!!
Glad you could join us.
Don't know if you recall this one.
What model is used for these two?
I think I have it saved on my tablet
File deleted.
nice quads

Zonkey pony realism
Thanks, I recognized it but just wanted to confirm it.
that last one might have been to spicy

picrel is now damnponyxl
Any news on generating realistic images of naked women that don't look like they are made of rubber? Is pixart good yet?
>Any news on generating realistic images of naked women that don't look like they are made of rubber
skill issue
>Is pixart good yet
not yet
got any more older prompts?
>skill issue
show us how it can be done anon, I can't do it :(
What model should I use senpai?
zonkey/pony realism
you can always do a second pass with a realistic checkpoint
have fun exploring
That's all I had left. Just that one prompt from experiments folder. Half of that workflow was to make that stupid candycane and her not being naked in SD model.
Had your pastebin saved long ago but deleted it after running through them.

Try any of the tops
Sorry I'm dumb, by second pass do you mean using comfyui to do img2img on the first output? Or some more complicated latent space stuff?
that's fine, I have it saved somewhere
picrel is pony realism

I like Zonkey and Autismix too but I'm new to this
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Her skin looks like rubber, that's what I'm trying to avoid
If they're using the prompt here >>101181750
You'll notice there is nothing in there prompting for realism.
>Her skin looks like rubber
for a female striper that's kinda required to get her skin look like rubber so I would say it's accurate kek
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>page 9


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