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Gaping Hole Edition

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.


>Helpful YouTube Channels
https://www.youtube.com/@ByteByteGo (systems design at a high level)
https://www.youtube.com/@ycombinator (if you're doing a startup)
https://www.youtube.com/@hnasr (for studying backed architecture)

Previous thread: >>101158839
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>higher ups hire a ton of newbies because we're a govt contractor and everyone's salaries are charged to the USA, and therefore more bodies means more revenue
>me and other seniors are now swamped, spend all our day helping people, teaching people things, fixing other people's bugs, etc.
>management starts a recurring meeting to "touch base" with us and make us feel heard
>proceeds to continue to hire more unneeded people
>agrees to make various small, pointless changes that don't deal with the meat of the issue, which is that we don't actually need all of these people
I hate this tactic where they make an effort to make you feel heard, and extend an olive branch, and whatnot, all the while fundamentally not altering their behavior in any meaningful way. So dishonest.
working sucks
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who is the retarded fuck that thought that remote work was acceptable?
i can’t stop gooning @ work … !
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I recommend everyone to read on hell joseon and the tang ping movement. Asia is a bit ahead of where we're currently at in end stage capitalism hell, especially related to finding any sane/tech work. FUCK WORK REEEEE

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Stop being a wagie. Stop wasting your life making someone else wealthy and become a maid instead. Use your talents to make advanced Mathematics and Computer Science research and post it to Public Domain to help technology get advanced more.

We don't get to android women or counting to the Maid Mind Computer Program when so much talent wastes it's life making boring, shitty corporate webapps which amount to CRUD plus roles to let other wagies do paperwork with the app.

Quit your job and put on a maid outfit.
being a maid is a job eli
nah i'd rather sew than code
Tech workers, why don't you just join the Army? Even Artifical Intelligence agrees. Enlist in the Army. Trust that it will lead you to success.
any quant devs in here? im curious.
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already did bro
i really, really like this image. mind if i save it?
You may not.
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>good education, nice references
>th-thank you sir
>yea, you look perfectly qualified. you can start on mond-
>wait a minute, it says you're 32, but unmarried?
>I... I'm a virgin sir
>LINDA! call the cops!
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too late, i've already swiped a copy!
working on it
Return the image by registered mail or SWAT will be dispatched in three (3) minutes
>company is superbig, Im talking one of the marketing consultants that you go for if you’re google or Microsoft.
>team went from 4 to 1 members, im the only one of the “new cast” ie the olde team left
>needed the job, didnt ask for the most, but got a 8% raise today
>I could find greener pastures but I don’t want to poison this bridge since they’re all decent people and I just got a raise out of good faith
The autists will say leave them but what do the people who aren’t severally under-socialed to the point it hurt their prospects, say.

Personally I think these guys are greybeards till retirement so I doubt theyll change, im tempted to milk the fact that Im tech lead, got “career development”, and access to seniors who have the time to mentor me, that it might be worth staying around.

On the other hand, HR can barely breathe from the mouth so I could just lie and they will think the same.

Wheres my sociopathic anons at?
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Same, my morning now features having a wank while jiggling the mouse on instinct every 2 minutes while I bash
what is sociopathic about your situation or the solutions to it? sounds like a cushy gig, though the raises suck. but raises suck everywhere. no one wants to pay wages anymore
QA Automation Engineer here, ask me anything
Wrote a plugin to play this song on loop while browsing LinkedIn. It's greatly enhanced the experience.
No thank you, I'm not trans.
had to write a scraper for work and largely based myself on a porn scraper i had written, argument parsing, proxy cycling, robust request making, everything comes from my coomer script, but instead of saving images to disk it saves data to a csv file
Yup, that's how you do it anon. Pretty much the same happens with me.
>Holy fuck anon I didn't know you were able to make such good scrapers
how do I get the motivation to build shit like this on my free time. Id rather play vidya and coom.
You start by fueling your hoarding instincts by realizing that all the porn you like can and will be deleted from the internet and you won't be able to cum anymore.
Stay in your containment thread, recruiter-san.
high phone screen time: unhealthy, bad, consumptive, makes you tired and depressed

high laptop screen time: good, happy, probably thriving and productive, generative
Bluh bluh bluh bluh bluh

Why don't you just download vocaloid and start making music on youtube
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>do a project
>Product creates tickets with no requirements or changes requirements last minute
>Manage to release despite all this bullshit
>Have a retrospective and everyone brings up that this bullshit needs to stop
>Product hears and agrees
>New project starts
>Same shit
Some of you are cool. Don't come to work tomorrow.
if you have any blockers just say so.
Honestly man I'm so burnt out with project deadlines and management bs I'm probably enlisting in a couple years. I don't even need money just a break military would be low stress in comparison
Is this always a trap when they ask you this?
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So what's this /g/ maid meme? Like why would you pick maids to represent whatever it is that you're describing? My guess is that Tohru is so earnest and uncynical, and you're saying that we should devote ourselves to making cool things with that sort of mindset, as opposed to selling our souls to corpos. How'd I do?
>gooks ripping of chinks yet again
it's one guy that's decided to spam every thread this week with his fetish instead of just making a thread every so often
I got a connection at a company through a C-Level executive who introduced me who she said was the big boss for Data Science at the company.
We are going to have a phone call on Monday to discuss where I could fit in at the company, she wants to know more about me before suggesting positions.
Is this better than just being put in touch with a recruiter?
>pajeet OP

saar this is tech workers general not job seekers general do the needful
can u hire me. im a junior who knows what the heck im doing
deadlines are artificial. why do u care about them
>I don't even need money just a break military would be low stress in comparison
Yeah, low stress......
my indian manager has hired a bunch of non-indians and he eats hamburgers all the time
Are you sure he's not Iranian?
Natural state of man.
LMAO, military is way more stressful and you work longer hours. Its all fake stress too, like you'll get yelled at and have to attend a two hour long meeting where people insult you because you fat fingered something and then fixed it 30 seconds later before anything ever happened

t. ex-mil now fagman
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Why do you call yourself an engineer for something 16 year olds do for fun?
this i think the only bigger bubble than tech is academia.
this is everything wrong with the military, fake stress, fake gains.
im very jealous of my mother who is an engineering instructor and gets paid 6 figures in a lcol to babysit retarded undergraduates.
>deadline due Friday
>Manager gets fired today
>we were waiting for him to get a response to a few questions
>now we don't know who to ask
i wish i couldve gotten so many of my managers fired and just inherited their paycheck. i can handle their 2 hours worth of work per week
he was middle management but a chill guy. He'd always push back on our behalf. Not sure what to expect. Hope they promote me so I can just be in meetings all day for $300k a year
>tfw non-tech at a fagman
>pitched a meme ai project to director so i get promoted
>director gave me a couple codemonkeys to do it
>one monkey is apathetic, other austistically against the meme ai idea (he doesn't get that it's just to make the higher ups happy and we're not actually doing something scientifically sound)

what do i do, bros? do i get the autist a stallman funko pop as a peace offering? i'm not even up their ass with agile/scrum, only 30-min, weekly check-ins
>wants to exploit people for personal gain
>expects them to just play along
you need more manipulation lessons
i guess, but i'm not giving them a raw deal i think: they get a project that's not too hard to do (a lot of it involves copy pasting open source code) and that will also help their careers, not just mine
>got comptia A+
>going for a BS in information technology
>try to find job or internship
>no ones biting
>understandable industry is in the gutter i knew that
>Get in contact with 2 recruiters
>they "will pass my info along"
>email every so often to follow up with no updates
>Decide to test something
>apply to geek squad
>immediately get asked for pre recorded video interview

FUCK OFF NO YOU DONT GET TO HIT ME WITH THAT BULLSHIT FOR SOME SCUM FUCK RETAIL BULLSHIT. Ill go back to a fucking call center at least then theres a good chance i can work remote fuck retail honestly
try going for IT jobs in your local government/public services
>I was filling the gaping hole in your wife.
Whenever you apply, if you can, try to find out the hiring manager's contact info, and send them a message with your resume and politely ask for them to consider you. I got no bites for months until I did this
Asking for Excel and no R/Python experience for a Junior Data Science position is a red flag isn't it? I can't stand using Excel
>startup I work for gets acquired
>equity finally worth something
>new parent company starts making a *lot* of retarded engineering decisions
>sell all my equity in parent and leave
>in the two years since then their stock price has does none nothing but fall and they're worth less than a third now of what they were when I sold
Can't help but feel a little smug about it
Just tell them that their performance on the project will be reported to the higher ups. Stick is working better than a carrot with autists.
Microsoft access db maybe? kek
autists don't even see the carrot
dunno try to reason with him. if you can't get him to stop sperging out ask for a replacement for him. apathy is about the average you'll get out of a dev on an AI slop project.
That's whatever. It probably means they expect to teach you on the job. Higher positions in the totem pole requiring only Excel would be a red flag.
The way MS has entrenched itself so well in the business world is honestly fascinating
That makes sense, it's supposed to be a 'BI' position for a few months until they deicde to promote you. With any luck I'll get more Python experience using openpyxl at least
we really need a helpdesk and IT general so they stop posting in twg
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Tell him it's just to please the hire ups so he'll make more money? Is that not enough for him?
>project deadlines
who cares. You know who's fault it is if you miss the deadline?
The Project Manager.
As long as you're long balling your estimates so you don't go over that frequently you're in the clear.

I wish some of my old coworkers would know about this.
>he doesn't get that it's just to make the higher ups happy
get out of tech faggot. always a bunch of loser brown nosers like you who ruin it for people who are actually interested in tech. you probably have an mba from some gay school, too
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remember who actually has to run your spaghetti code in the field code monkey
keeping shit for brains higher ups off your back is not brown nosing thats just corporate survival 101. Just gotta do it long enough that it stops being your problem or a higher up with an actual brain saves you
its me, i run it
t. devops in cloud infrastructure
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Every day, the shit rolls down the hill
I'm a solution architect at a bank.

What should I do next?
lmao military really is psy-opping /g/ for turbo-autists to work in, what, cybersecurity / cyberwarfare? How fucking dumb do you have to be to waste resources & sanity on recruiting from a shithole like 4chan when you have both quotas for and a reputation for recruiting women & faggots; explicitly??
>military would be low stress
it’s corpo-culture locker-room politics fueled by funding & underachieving bootlickers. Also, why die for a country that hates you? Lol. Lmao, even.
You’re basically hired, just don’t spill spaghetti that much and that’s it.
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Normally I have no respect for gold digger and have no sympathy for divorcees. But this one was justified.
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>she wants to know more about me before suggesting positions

steal all the diamonds
>get wageslave job
>furiously want to code
>quit to code
>produce nothing
>repeat ad nauseum
Kill me bros. Kill me.
>corporate survival 101
I'll take it a step further than the other anon and advise you permanently avoid every white collar job.
Architect problems
I'm curious too, but there doesn't seem to be.
I'm currently wondering if I should bother trying to make the jump from ML to quant finance or if it's so insanely competitive that I should just stay comfy.
High risk high reward. If he likes you, you are set for life, if he hates you, you are dead to him and all his contacts
he's probably trolling but the us and canadian militaries are run by boomers who get consumed by tech woo as easily as any other boomer. both cunts are trying real hard to stand up ""cyber ops"" trades but fail to define what ""cyber ops"" would actually look like or mean, let alone why it's not the NSA/CSEC's job
4-hour lunch break
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They just fired our really good QA all of a sudden. Their official explanation is unironically "he complains too much about our shitty practices". Dude was a top performer.
>7:30 am
>have to go to the office today
>mfw the indian uses a thumbs up emoji that is clearly 2 shades lighter than their actual skin
this is why i always just reply with the "gun","new driver" or "free" emojis. i dont want people thinking my texts are racially charged
How bad of an idea is it to get a PhD just to satiate my ego (and possibly get a better job)
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There is work to be done.
Nothing matters.

Fuck amazon and fuck getting certs
>just to satiate my ego
if you can afford it go ahead
>(and possibly get a better job)
wont work, boomers think PhDs are unemployable because they have no "real experience" (even though 99% of grad students are employed elsewhere before going for advanced degrees and often while studying too, on top of the nature of doctorate work putting you in contact with actual real working environments to study and improve them)
I'm not gonna do shit while working from home tomorrow. I've gotten lazier and lazier. Someone mentioned bullshit jobs here once. Tbh unless something NEEDS to be done, I won't be doing it. If I'm doing something just to "find something to do", and it's not being demanded by a stakeholder, I am not doing it. Thank god for wfh days, makes this shit bearable. I'll play video games and work on my own personal project instead of wasting my time on pointless shit.
I'm in Europe so I'd get a shit-tier stipend for three years and probably keep working at my current job at the same time anyway.
no one gives a shit if yu have a phd. I work for a place where some people have them, and desu I have forgotten who has one and who doesn't because idon't fucking care. Neither will most people you come across, and how are you gonna drop it? "btw I have a phd lol aren't i based" XD
It's just to prove to myself that I'm smart enough, I don't care about the status
the rules are pretty standard school exam fare like it's high school or early college except
>no use of scratch paper
what the fuck? i can understand no bringing in paper but i've never done a test anywhere for anything that didn't give you a few sheets of blank copier paper and even a few free pencils

still, boomers see or hear you have a PhD and assume you were cooped up in a literal ivory tower like a wizard for precisely 4 years (they cannot conceive of a college activity that does not take 4 years exactly)

all that said though if you just feel like doing it and have the necessary time, money, and brain folds to see it through, why the fuck not? worst case you take that knowledge into interesting personal projects
>top performer
It's not possible to complain about anything because the point of working isn't to do things properly or to do a good job. People just want to constantly congratulate each other for being amazing while producing absolute garbage to the point where it would be better if no one bothered at all.
QA is more than brute force testing of finished products. these days it's mostly automated and the work consists of yet more programming
I work in data science so I think there's actually less prejudice against PhDs in this field, especially for ML positions. You're right though, job prospects for PhDs as a whole are generally bad, I guess at worst I can just keep my current job which is good enough anyway.
I understand. I also do things just to see if I can, to test my limits. If it's the best thing you can think of pursuing then go for it.
they will fire you for "company disloyalty" when they find out you are spending time on something that isn't the company (i.e. studying for your phd)
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I love feeding bullshit to recruiters, I just can't help myself.
I'm just going to use this offer to get a raise again and spend another year doing jack shit, again.
Yeah. I was thinking that 29 might be too old but fuck it
Not only are they not allowed to do that thanks to labor laws, but I'm fairly sure the CEO would tell me to go for it. Haven't talked about it with him yet
You're never supposed to actually say that things are bad out loud.
Your job doesn't matter. Most of jobs don't. Think about it, if there is no more <your occupation> what happens next? Probably freaking nothing. Yeah there is one garbage website less or even one space station less, who the fuck cares. Your job doesn't matter.
Somehow we convinced people, whose jobs actually matter, to work for crap pay while we're enjoying 5-6 figure checks. Insane.
>his country isn't an at-will state
all the jobs that matter are easy, besides like being a surgeon. We made up bullshit jobs just so people can compete with each other.
>jiggling the mouse on instinct every 2 minutes
You guys need to change jobs ASAP.
Fuck any boss that evaluates your performance based on how green you look on Teams.
>people can compete with each other
Not at all. Bullshit jobs is a global political decision. You're much less dangerous if you stay 8 hours per day at your whatever the place is.
is this why they fear neets? they think they're going to be building bombs at home or something?
yes but people only feel they need them so their status is not lower than the next person's is. It's actually hilarious when you think about how economics work. Bullshit jobs don't produce anything, so the only reason to put hours in, is because someone else is willing to put hours in, and if you don't, you'll be poorer than they are. But if everyone agreed to work less, no one would be any poorer, because you would still have the same amount of resources to share between you.

This obviously doesn't apply to something actually productive like idk farming.
be careful anon you're dangerously close to saying people shouldn't be paid for arts
bout to drop 50 bucks at princess auto, someone stop me from becoming a tradie larper
I don't think they do but the little presence indicator messes with everyone's heads so people jiggle the mouse.
so much this
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>jiggling the mouse every two monutes instead of writing a software jiggler that jiggles it for you.
Are wagies not capable of this?
Why are Americans so obsessed with skin color?
You have to run from your machine just in case your laptop is monitored.
Companies only give raises if they fear they will lose you. But they will never pay more than the potential competition. They have access to industry wide benchmarking data. They know exactly what the competition pays. They run quarterly analysis to see how much they need go pay for retention.
Knowing all this, if they offered you 8% then you were actually being underpaid by about 20%
i attached a small wheel with holes of varying size with a little motor to a spare mouse to keep it active. Can't be sure if IT is monitoring my workstation for "unauthorized software", even if it's just a powershell script I wrote myself
>even if it's a powershell script I wrote
The answer to that question is
>what do you guys not automate your tedious office tasks?
>you're not worthless office drones, are you?
How come HR recruiters still have a job? Are you telling me AI can't even replace a job as simple as that?
Can't reduce HR workers because sexism.
Trump will fix it. 5 more months.
>land first ever job on a small company
>I'm the only programmer there
>only know how to code, no idea about industry standards or even how to release software
>had to learn flutter and make a shitty app in a couple of weeks
>"the clients will visit tomorrow so have the beta ready, they all have iPhones btw"
>realise we don't have a developer account
>read online that getting one could take weeks
How fucked am I?
make it a web app and hard code everything
Because I have a degree
Same here.
Do you have plans to stay or do something different?
How much do you make?
What industry?
I think I'm making as much as I'd possibly be able to without becoming a developer or something else, close to $150k. But idk maybe I'm still leaving money on the table here.
>Do you have plans to stay or do something different?
Maybe development but I like QA
>How much do you make?
$43k but living in third world country so I'm ok
>What industry?
Is it even worth investing your savings if you're currently making 30k y/r? Especially if you're expecting to get a job that gives 50-60k a year from now?
Read my post again. We brought this up as a blocker. Software engineering 101 is that tickets have fucking requirements and acceptance criteria. You can't just say "make a widget", slap 5 points on it and expect the devs to guess what you want.
Nice. I work in telco. Sounds like that is decent compensation for finance too. I get so many linkedin queries from webshitter places that were clearly awful work and underpaid.
Everyone here seems to do that so I just go and make a thing which is usually wrong then they come in and correct me.

chat do any of you guys work remote? any tips to enjoy my time outside of work?
i just started a new job last week and i'm having trouble separating my personal life and work life because i'll get bored and decide that i might as well do some work because my main alternative before getting a job was doomscrolling
it's not like i'm opposed to working hard, but i feel like i'm overdoing it. it'll be 3am and i can't sleep so i'll get up and do work
at 5 i still log off but since i'm on an individual project right now it doesn't really matter when i work as long as i'm available for communication during the day. i know it's the first mental stimulation i've had in over a year but it just feels wrong to treat this like i did my old college classes. a month is gonna pass and i'm probably gonna wanna kill myself or something
It's natural to feel that way and I've had periods like that. It's an advantage and disadvantage of remote work. I find journaling helps keep my life priorities straight. You should also fix your sleep more than anything desu.
>relationships and family
Don't neglect any one of these too long
the sleep thing for sure is screwing me a good bit. i'm super groggy during the day so i don't feel like i'm very productive during normal people working hours
i feel like getting back into my fitness routine will also help with that so good mention
the rest are here and there but i'm doing what i can lol
thanks for the advice fren
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"will you be available for a call this afternoon"

im just sat here waiting man
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>politely ask hr roastie for salary band through linkedin (yurope)
>checks my profile and completely ignores me
Guess I'm too expensive for you, bitch
guys i ate wendys and had a coffy and now i feel like im gona die. is this normal

i am a worthless office drone but am also the local IT guy. but because of higher up policies, I can't install or run random shit on my workstation. however, I also don't have any expectation for me (or anyone else) to be readily reachable through Teams, and we use it as intended only for virtual meetings we've scheduled through personal e-mails or otherwise non-Teams means.
when employers pull this shit with me i IMMEDIATELY push to set a time. whether I'm in the office or not I'm not sitting next to my phone with all my notes open just in case you decide to call. either you call me at 2:30 on the dot as we agreed or i ghost you

i wish i could say calling out HR roasties and corpo bullshit in general would promote better habits but I know there's a limitless supply of pajeets and fresh grads for them to abuse anyway. still, doesn't mean i have to tolerate their shit.
>is this normal
When eating Wendy's or others.
t1 who has no understanding of even setting up active directory, can't use any scripting language, or any sysadmin level task is being trained to become our cybersec person what the actual fuck
i get occasional cravings for american burger fast food and it always hurts. i dont think its intolerance to slop in general because i eat a lot of dominos and feel invigorated and guilty by that, but wendys/mcdos/burgkang/etc always just give me a tummy ache

even tim hortons does it, anything that isnt a donut from there immediately gives me the shits. even their coffee

and i know it's not coffee shits because i drink fucktons of discount folgers at home

not what you know, but who you succ
Man why can't I get lucky like that?
Are they a diversity hire?
>i get occasional cravings for american burger fast food and it always hurts.
Likewise, it's painful. I think it might be the hydrogenated vegetable oil they call cheese. After having been off of it for months it makes me feel ill every time.
Cyber security people seem to be required to be morons.
That's fine when the deadline is flexible. It's not fine when marketing has already announced the new feature to be released at some arbitrary date and now the CEO is expecting a demo of this mystery widget the week before deadline.
Fuck all product niggers.
Gonna fake being a trannoid so I can get a job.

how do I signal to my coworkers that I'm not actually trans and one of the guys without blowing my cover? Or is maintaining the humiliation ritual key?
read any bio of upper-mid level cyber sec people and it always goes
>when i grew up i bought a bitcoin
>then i got hired to do a pentest in 1999 and just stole their hard drive
>then i got hired to do a pentest this decade and offered a theoretical solution that requires quantum entanglement to exfil data

and any books from actual high level guys is just
>i hope you fucking love science because here's how asymmetric cryptography works and no I will not explain any of the math
The salary band is free. Don't work from Europe.
>Or is maintaining the humiliation ritual key?
people gossip, anon. you have to keep it up 24/7 even in your private life. just go on hormones now

>yfw you realize most troons are doing it just to fit in
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it's okay anon you can name and shame, we all know who you're talking about
idk all the memes but i was mostly talking shit about the books you find in the cybsec general's mega

they are all peak Dunning-Kruger. for example, "Zero to Maker":
>The toaster seemed to have been a perfect challenge: an everyday object most people use regularly without a single thought given to its inherent ingenuity and utility. For Thwaites, the first step in the process was acquiring the toaster he had in mind and breaking it down for parts. He needed to understand exactly what he was trying to re-create. After completely disassembling and laying out the nearly 400 components built from roughly 100 different materials, he quickly realized the enormity of his endeavor. I knew exactly how he felt. I had run into a similar quandary. With the vague goal of re-skilling myself, I quickly ran up against the enormity of my quest: What did I actually want to make? What tool or tool family should I start with? Should I practice my woodworking skills or spend time learning about 3D printing? Thwaites wisely opted to redefine the scope of his project, and decided he would recreate just the main operating system of the toaster, or in Thwaites’ words, “the bare minimum from which I think I can make a toaster that retains the essence of toasterness. These are: steel, mica, copper, plastic, and nickel.” Even after he scaled down his goal to recreating only 5 of the nearly 100 materials, Thwaites still had an enormous challenge on his hands. He had no idea where to get the materials, or even where to start looking.
>His initial, simple question had evolved into an exposition of how unthinkably hard it is to make anything, let alone do it by yourself.
this nigger is literally too stupid to understand what a toaster is or does
dont worry, nobody actually believes trannies being the gender they wish to be
even my gf who is positive towards trannies, always calls the wanna be she/her as him, she even said that she doesnt see him as a girl at all
>Don't work from Europe.
I have no other choice. I doubt any US company would sponsor a visa, they rather want me to be le epic coder while being paid half from Europe. You'll only get the bad immigration, it's so over
Just say that you no longer feel that way. If they dare question you report them to hr. Why did you even need to ask this?
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>picrel: live mechanical engineer reaction:
These niggers make more than me.
Don't fall for the memes, many places in Europe are a nicer live even at a lower salary. I want to live in Czechia really badly.
>i hope you fucking love science because here's how asymmetric cryptography works and no I will not explain any of the math
lmfao I actually implemented a demo rsa encryption in javashit
I never really understood
>inverse mod
I just copied it from stack overflow
i should find a copy of that pdf again, it's peak 2010s "maker" cringe obsessed with 3d printing to make what are basically just boxes you can buy ready made for less than the cost of the filament to make it

big focus on arduinos as well, because you surely can't do anything with lower level components ever. want to make an LED blink? ARDUINO
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>social skilled chad vs autist nitpicking virgin
Wew, color me surprised
unironically because it's all Just Math and a lot of the stuff you'd use PGP et al for is offline encrypted, I always wondered why these implementations aren't just distributed as "Here is the math to generate a key formatted in something other than LaTeX so you can copy paste it into the scripting language of your choice"

I guess it's because you don't get ebin updoots on your git for providing raw math rather than compiled binaries
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Around 2017 while in college I was caught up in a "maker" obsessed group. They were weird. Always talking about "Design Thinking", whatever that is. I kept hanging around thinking maybe there was something I was missing and they were actually onto something. Turns out that I wasn't missing anything. They were all just retarded pseuds trying and failing to grift on "innovation" and "entrepreneurship" culture.
Hey, at least I got a free trip to SF out of them.
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my manager just walked into the office and caught me blasting the Guilty Gear Strive OST at max volume. it was on headphones but also max volume so anyone in the room could hear it through the cups. am i gonna get fired?
It's because a tiny fraction of people would be able to understand the math and wouldn't care anyway. They just want to copy your work and bounce.
It's over for you anon. Update your resume; you are going through the wall.
>open backs in an open concept office
Brush you're dumb
>They just want to copy your work and bounce.
exactly. i was thinking more from the standpoint of just being able to copypaste it into a bash or powershell one liner of variable assignment and/or lookup instead of downloading some mysteriously large package with 400 dependencies to do what is essentially a very long bunch of normal math operations on real numbers. Or even just plop the formula into Excel or something.
A bit of a long shot, but a few weeks ago someone posted a job website here in a reply worded like "... and make use of sitename", anyone happen to remember what it was?
I opened it briefly but something came up irl, and it was in an incognito tab so it wasn't in my history...
I've been digging through the archives for nearly an hour and still can't find its name...
I want to fuck ramlethal
my office is actually private. it's an old building and my "office" is more of a workshop type space with only one desk but then a long heavy wooden bench where I haphazardly repair PCs

Human Resources, Charge Dust this man.
I'll take a more optimistic view and say it's because it all ends up being very implementation specific. The math isn't a big secret it's just really complicated and most are too lazy and unintelligent to solve it (myself included).
For example diffiehellman groups have hard coded primes
You could use a different prime but nobody does.
RSA is going to be the same math, but not strictly for key exchange and idk how it handles the primes, probably also hardcoded idk.
The shit is just really complex. I'm sure you could find a python script doing it all though.
>and no I will not explain any of the math
It's a shame. The fast binary modular exponentiation algorithm is actually really neat.

A lot of "basic" arithmetic calculations tend to get really intense once you care about performance really.
this nigga really out here living in a society
>idk how it handles the primes
It depends on the tool. Some hard code them, some expect it in a config file. Some include it in the keys (and it's hardcoded in the key generator or taken from a config file.)
>I want to live in Czechia really badly
Any specific places? I definitely need a change of scenery
>be me
>be mechanical engineer
>regret it ever since graduating
Worst part is having people with electrical or software backgrounds tell you your job is the easiest thing in the world and then proceed to tell you how to do it. Bitch, I'm telling you there's literally no room for your bullshit and we've been over it multiple times; and, don't fucking tell me there's no other compatible switch you selected because I found one that hit all the specs and had it verified with a different electrical engineer for compatibility. No, physical product development is not like software development. Once the steel is cut and you demand a drastic change that isn't steel safe then the whole thing is trash and we eat thousands to millions in manufacturing costs and time.
>it's an old building and my "office" is more of a workshop type space with only one desk but then a long heavy wooden bench where I haphazardly repair PCs

you should be absolutely fine anon. that sounds like an environment where you should be able to listen to music
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>pass interview with flying colors
>they ask me what my main motivation is
>they ask me if I would consider a counter offer from my company
>"yes as long as they offer more money"
really, I'm not interested in the actual math either and know I'm too much of a brainlet to understand it; I just want it in a format of CYPHERKEY=(hash(PASSPHRASE)) and CYPHERTEXT=(f(PLAINTEXT,KEY)) i can just drop into whatever I want because I am a psychopathic luddite who wants to use powershell and excel for everything since I work in a secure workspace where that's all I have access to. also it'd be easier to keep portable instead of reinstalling 9000 different extensions every time i change browser/e-mail/whatever.

software people will never understand physical concerns, let alone limitations. these are people who literally think "smart contracts" would hold more power than normal legalese on paper because blockchain. expecting them to understand the difference between a 0.5a rated button and a 6 amp jog will cause you to crystallize and shatter into dust under the weight of your sorrows

i did this once at a shitty cold call telephone sales place and they gave me the job on the spot. i think they realized that I was the right mix of desperate and weasely to excel in sales. (i did not, because no one buys shit over the phone lmao)

I think I made exactly one sale before quitting
unfathomably based and sincere-to-the-extremepilled
I'm in bed with my work laptop and getting paid for that. Why would I quit?
>software development

comedy skit but this is unironically how it works. these people will never understand something as actually complex as manufacturing.
Doing crypto in excel seems like a bad idea...
it was just an example. i wouldn't use it for drawing either, but because of how it implements certain things and shapes are Just Vectors, Bro, you can take definitions of things and plop them into excel and also get the expected image too

more realistically I would put it in powershell and store keys in an itself unencrypted CSV :^)
>store keys in an itself unencrypted CSV :^)
Usually you don't encrypt keys on servers. That would be silly: someone would have to enter the decryption key on every reboot. That's not a big deal.

The real problem with building crypto systems this way is that you can end up with things that work but leak data/key material in unintuitive ways.
At least he didn't do what I did and accidentally blast Dissidia music on speakers for an hour thinking it was going to headphones (I did this)
>mechanical engineering regret
Yeah, same here. I swindled my way from manufacturing hell into a comfy remote IT job, but it's a complete dead end.
I'm about halfway through a CS degree but it seems pointless now
I feel like Mech is a total midwit trap, just like CS.
WHY CANT WE EVER WIN BROS? I just need to get lucky like one time.
I lied my way into a controls and automation gig, it's alright. Still make less than software and for more BS.
another reason for just handing it out as a function rather than a whole suite. I don't know what PKI EncryptorBot9000 is doing and why it needs 400 dependencies, and don't really feel like doing sustained testing on it to see if it ever connects anywhere and then also seeing if it's anything to be alarmed about or if it's just one of the 400 dependencies phoning home for usage metrics

or were you trying to trick me with some sideband attack type shit because that would be related to the encryption itself and not the implementation or its environment. someone getting a big block of base64 is still just getting a big block of base64 and if there's some attack that involves looking at the granularity of base64 vice the actual bitstream or something that will still happen with both PKE.ps1 and PGPBot9000.exe

electrical guys come from three camps
>electricians who think they're wizards because they replaced a fuse without dying once
>"computer engineering" people whose entire work and school history is block diagrams of putting COTS systems together
>actual EE people
actual EE people tend to be reasonable, the others are not. electricians will drill holes in your plumbing to run cable through it and just say "well it's insulated cable so it's fine :) " and comp eng nerds are basically the same as code monkeys mashing microservices together.
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>Do at home tech support for Apple
>Most calls are old people, retards, or old retarded people
>Pay is shit and not enough to sustain me if I ever move out of my parent's place
>Don't have any work experience other than call center shit
>Graduated with a Computer Programming diploma like 10 years ago, haven't programmed a day since
Is it worth going back to college to take programming and work as an underpaid code monkey?
Mech isn't a midwit trap, it's a hick trap. A lot of people go into it thinking they're literally going to build cars, and then join the Baja team and drop out but stay on the Baja team
Your post is so true it hurts.
>former Baja team guy
The only good degree nowadays is an MD. The rest is oversaturated. Get an MD, enjoy spending the rest of your life with perfect job security, a high salary and (if you so choose) comfy working hours.
God I should've tried harder in med school, I'd be in fucking residency right now. Eurofag so it was fucking "free" too. I'm a retard
I guess that's true but I fucking hate Healthcare and it's not comfy ever. I started on that track and I don't regret switching. Yeah, my surgeon sibling makes more than me, but the BS is also way higher. '99-'19 SWE appears to have been the sweet spot to actually make it comfortably. Too bad I will never make it.
this is only really true in the US. rest of the world MDs make a lot, but still less than you think, and are a dime a dozen yet hard to hire and in perpetual shortage because they're defacto government employees. I think something like half of all medical doctors worldwide emigrate to the US after graduation
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based. don't get eaten by any barnacles
MD scarcity in the us is artificial due to an intentional bottleneck between graduating med school and actually finding a residency and becoming an employed doctor. there is a good chance to get caught in that bottleneck, and even if you make it through odds are high regulations will come down on it soon due to the us reaching a critical mass of fat and olds who need healthcare so they can eat mcdonalds into their 70s instead of dying in their 50s like they should
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If I were you I'd apply to some Service Desk or Junior Sysadmin positions where you have the chance to work with enterprise systems and acquire marketable skills. If you don't want to stay in the "service" industry (I don't blame you, though enterprise is very different from consumer) and become a developer why don't you brush up your skills with some leetcode, (or whatever is popular rn) work on personal projects and build a portfolio.
>it's not comfy ever.
Some stuff is. Radiology is comfy as fuck. Anesthesiology seems to be as well. There are plenty of things in medicine that can lead to a nice lifestyle even if you don't like people (surgeon isn't one of them)
>'99-'19 SWE
Well, my point was that medicine is not dependent on the fluctuations of a job market, it always stay top tier.
I'm not from the US and doctors here make a shit ton of money. I know a few physicians personally and they have a really chill life
the pro move is to just become a "nurse practitioner"
>make doctor wages with next to no education
>probably kill a few people too
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i do not understand what this image/post is trying to express
OpenSSL and OpenSSH have very few dependencies...
based alternative fighting game enjoyer
"I turned down a $220k OTE to stay at my $190k OTE..."

Say what? $30k per year? That's a NICE bump, why not take it?

Nope, it's not a nice bump. It might even cost you a couple steps back in your career.

With the $190k OTE they had hit quota 3 of the past 4 years.
With the $190k OTE they had made more than $235k last year.
With the $190k OTE they have trust built with their manager.
With the $220k OTE only 25% of the current reps were hitting.
With the $220k OTE you'll W2 less than with the $190k OTE.
With the $220k OTE you're stepping into a new ramp.
With the $220k OTE the attrition rate was over 40%.
With the $220k OTE the accelerators weren't as rich.
With the $220k OTE you can't get to the accelerators anyway.

Yes, sales professionals can be motivated by what $ can do for them. Which makes this analysis all the more important.

Please remember, OTE is only a piece of the picture.

#transparency #sales
does /twg/ know about getting startup funding for a business that is already active?
The worst part for me is that I didn't go into it to build cars. I just didn't know which type of engineering was best and mechanical happened to be the most flexible and able to tap into every other discipline. I did design, manufacturing, mechatronics, and biomechanics and I'm still fucked. But yes, I still get people angrily tell me that I should know how a car works inside and out.
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Is there a technique to bullshit around when you don't know the answer to a question? eg. how to print hello world in c
oh. ok
Happy to help clarify.
If your job weren't easy it would be paid more.
This is actually counter to my experience. Generally the harder you work the less you are rewarded for it.
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>send a pdf outlining new procedure to the whole company (1000+ users)
>typo in the document (in and email address so word didn't pick it up)
>wake up to 50 emails and 10 teams messages
FWIW I do know how cars work inside and out and people still get angry at me. There's some unwritten rule in the universe that mechanical engineers have to take the most shit from everyone for only slightly better pay than civil retards.
Imagine being civil.
>hurr tha concrete is so stwong!
To be fair, if you're an engineer, you should have a vague idea of how a car works. Yeah, you shouldn't necessarily be an unlicensed mechanic, but others expecting you to know how to fix their 2019 Volvo based on "It makes a klunking noise sometimes" is the same shit everyone in every field gets ("anon is a devops guy surely he can fix my computer" "anon is in the military surely he knows krav maga" "anon works in a bar so he must know every mixed drink ever" etc) but if I say something to you like "boost impeller" in a conversation about cars you should know I'm probably talking about a piece of a turbo/super charger

If you don't drive and have no interest in cars, I wouldn't expect you to even know the difference between a supercharger and a turbocharger, but I'd expect that you would understand what they are very easily if I had to explain it, y'know?

when I was working I'd just tell people "I don't know offhand, but I'll google it and try some stuff on my machine and let you know what works"

people just be like this. one time in the navy I was on the bridge of a ship alongside doing PA announcements all day (it's just a rotating duty, don't question it) and said "Hands to Supper" instead of "Hands to Dinner" once. I got literally five calls up to the bridge in a row immediately and a shitgram e-mail about timestamped about an hour after it happened

fuck you i wanted to be a civil engineer when i was a kid
>still arguing about the best branch of engineering when it's undoubtedly prompt engineering
My eyes glazed over when I was working with a civil engineer student in uni as he was explaining his concrete class homework to me. He knew how easy it was and how I felt. Guy probably still has a job after shit hit the fan.

Don't get me wrong. I know some car things but not every everything. Luckily, I did so much maintenance and repair work over the years and looked and made schematics that I can diagnose most problems pretty quickly. But fuck all if I'm going to spend any time looking into it until I need to.
Should I go back to school for civil engineering or industrial design?
Depends, do you like having a stressful and aggressively retarded job where retarded city employees ask the world of you in exchange for $60k a year and a (this is true) year end $1200 bonus?
Are you saying there arent times where higher ups make dumbass decisions?
I was in the navy so doing that for 60k+bonus instead of 55k+stolen office supplies would be a marked improvement
I'm sorry for your service.
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>Manager made a change late morning in what he thought was the dev environment
>It was not
>Deleted 18,000 users and their ticket history (1/3rd of our user base)
>Sending a ticket to us via email as one of these users does not reach us
>Cannot mail trace as third party (gmail, hotmail) etc
>Has not reported this to our data protection team
>Has instead booked 10 days of annual leave
>My thinking is he hopes somebody "comes across" and fixes this in his absence
>We have 0 backups
>From the customer base, you can be assured we are a large, international company

Take a vacation too
>Office supplies locked in a cupboard
>Cupboard is in a room with a horrible dog faced woman
How do I effectively steal from the workplace?
You guys don't use tombstones for deletion?
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>make doctor wages
If stealing office supplies makes a difference for you then you should be applying to work somewhere else.
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How much do you like him?
Are you going to throw him under the bus or cover for him?
I only have a few days left that are booked for Mid July, moving them now would be sus. I don't know if I should act like I have no idea like my manager or flag it early "Hey I noticed that". The man literally booked a vacation and left. I'll be honest, idk what tombstones are. All I know is we're going to be on the news in a few weeks/months.
steal them from coworkers. the coworkers will requisition new supplies as per normal, but you just continually pocket them

honestly it's not worth it to steal office supplies in the current year. it's not the 90s anymore. every time i move house i find a new box or bag of pencils and pens and shit, and everything generates enough forms and invoices and shit that stuff to doodle on is always in strong supply. and if i did real art rather than napkin system sketches I'd just get a tablet, and keep real notes mostly electronically anyway
They don't get pharmaceutical graft but the pay is about the same as a general practitioner.
Specialized doctors make way more ofc.
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>on the news in a few weeks/months
gonna need someone to post this later so I can have another laugh
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>>Has instead booked 10 days of annual leave
I've never ever had a good experience proactively pointing out a problem. Play dumb or people will think it's your fault too somehow
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> AD 2000+24
> he doesn't view office supplies as part of his "benefits" and stockpiles them at home
doctors dont even make a lot in europe. the average salary for doctors in western and northern europe is like 70k. in general everything is more expensive (especially real estate) and taxes are like 10% higher bare minimum. its crazy how much europe sucks
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What's everyone's goals for

>this week
>this month
>this year
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> this week
get over it
> this month
rail my gf in the ass
> this year
don't die
>this week
get through another course on coursera
>this month
finish up coursera certificate
>this year
try to get a job
>next year
maybe get a cosplaying girlfriend
>>this week
Coast by
>>this month
Coast by some more
>>this year
Find a new job
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I don't even need to have a meeting with my boss to get a raise. When I feel I'm not getting paid enough for my time, I simply work less hours.
>this week
clean my pigsty of a room
>this month
set up a proper tradie larp work space in my room
>this year
sew/build/otherwise make something nice even once
I had a job where the lead developer blasted trance music on his speakers at all times. No headphones.
I counter your counter with my own anecdotal experience. As I've climbed the ladder of software development, the problems I'm solving are more difficult and I'm getting paid really well to solve them.
Sometimes I wish I could go back to the easy days of just writing simple crud operations and centering divs but there's no money in that.
>Doctor salary
Where? In Europe? NP don't make good money unless you have your own practice.
>this week
Use gpt to figure out some css bullshit and look like the hero for finishing a project we all thought would be way out of scope but everyone wanted
>this month
Release this huge project that the CEO has eyes all over and get big boy visibility
>this year
Get promoted to staff and get to my 50% vesting period.
That's my point though. You should be making like twice that.
>Mfw I took at least a dozen of those nice leather bound notebooks from my last job
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people need to post frisco more often. this meme died too young

post itt music to blast at full volume in the cube farm


same, I have a Bugatti clipboard and very nice "tech notebook" that has elastic straps for a phone and stuff. both fake leather but still quite nice
Handed in my notice today. A colleague coincidentally did the same so it looks like we colluded about it, which I personally find very funny.
i used to have a collection but then i nuked it after a work-related mental breakdown
>typo in the document (in and email address so word didn't pick it up)
>in and email address

it's happening again. you just can't stop being retarded
Happy for you, anon. Greener pastures?
does flutter have an equivalent to Expo where you can just stream it via http?
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ddh caved and is now using aislop
Yes, the greenest pasture of Neethood. I am going to work on my own projects for the next two year. I have 5 years of expenses saved, and I think it will be a nice way to spend the rest of my 20s
Very very jealous, my friend. You earned it. I wish you well.
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>work-related mental breakdown
This image saved my life
Thank you, brother. I pray you are given a break for your tireless efforts as well.
anyone else almost cry when they read this?
What kind of mental illness pushes someone to blogpost on fucking Linkedin?
yeah, i almost cried reading this. because some retard posted this stupid christfag shit on my technology board. 4chan is an atheist website
I despise you americans, you complain about your high paying jobs while we canadians have to compete from scraps from the jeet horde.
cant speak for all of them but when you are paid well enough to be above the deteriorating middle class you will believe a lot of shit
>All I know is we're going to be on the news in a few weeks/months.
Please tell me you mainly operate in the US
can't be any worse than posting on 4chaim.
nah. im a sinner. ive fapped to shit jesus could not even have conceived of, and some things that are specifically prohibited in the bible
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I'm not even religious. I just need a set of values to adhere to, or a father figure of sorts because I'm a lost boy. Illimitablemen has helped me a lot, and I'm grateful for it.

I do believe that posting shallow inspirational bullshit or midwite core reflections is indeed worse than the worst kind of shitposting
This, I remember when I was working for 3 digits how powerful I felt, in my mind I was powerful enough to topple god itself, but then I got laid off post covid, and back to being a powerless introvert.
post belly photo, you morbidly obese christfreak
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>If I code for you, you get your money. You tell me how we start, what we're coding, what we're coding afterwards. I give you 40h a week. Anything happens in that 40h and I'm yours. No matter what. Anything a minute on either side of that and you're on your own. I don't sit in while you're running it down. I don't do overtime. I code.
>company works everyone to death, 60-70 per week on average and weekends are frequently encroached on
>pay barely meets codemonkey average in the area
>nobody can leave because we’ve effectively become the only provider of a specific hardware in the US so there’s nowhere to transfer your skills to
>we get unlimited vacation time and people take a month off for the holidays and 2-3 weeks during summer
i keep wanting to ditch this place but taking a month off feels so good
I forgive you.
draw /g/ on it with timestamp and ill convert
College is for alcoholism and sex.
Meant for >>101177128
Check these out. See these?
See these boys?
This is what I live with.
Every day I lather this up
with Kiehl's in the shower.
You wanna touch this shit?
You wanna touch these bad boys?
Sorry, not gonna happen.
extremely based femboi
you can see he shaves his tummy hair, imagine pounding him while programming on his back
Can't we have a day without any homoerotic shit going on?
Homoerotic website, faggot.
>waaah I got a hardie :(
the virgin atheist vs the tradpilled femboy
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I have an interview tomorrow at the company my gf works, she said the boss will ask basic questions about loonix and C ( they make embedded shit). Any idea what I should focus on? Not sure if simple means ls or pthread.
>interview with hr after the technical test
Is this a sperg filter?
thats weird, always had it done the opposite way
What's the problem?
Amazon makes us pay hundreds of dollars every year to have certs, and they lobby our evil bosses to demand that from us. It's called extortion, corruption, and bribing.
What's wrong with just being qualified for the position lol
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>be man with abs
>le hecking femboi so le hot xDdDD cooOOM COOM COOOOOOOM!!!!!!!
what the FUCK is wrong with faggots
>interviewer (male) says I have pretty eyes
You are just trying to keep him for yourself, takes one to know one.
good morning sirs
>shilling for AW$
>calling others pajeets
the irony
good morning sir
i want my tummy like this what do?
What DBMS?
I use Ustraa moisturizing cream.
cope more coomer ape, you're not funny
Getting this elated over a femboy tummy, yeah you are totally straight sister.
He's pretty funny
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azure what? azure sql?
unless you're retarded, your azure sql db should have point in time backups til at least... like a day out.
i already have my tummy hairless because of genetics, i want it flat and delicious like yours
Despite sitting 10+ hours a say, I still get my ass up and go for 5km walks, go to the gym, bike, and eat healthy. I pretty much OMAD on spagetti noodles (no sauce), eggs, and tofu. I understand this isn't for everyone, but you asked.
all of this shit only to have a tummy desired by faggots? damn no thanks
you also age slower, feel capable of moving around (I can still run around like a kid at 30yo), and just feel nice and thin
>having a interview tomorrow for an intership
it's a program that allows people in college to work and get some experience in the summer
>requirements are: C#, Javascript and React
>only know python (pretty extensively)
>only used jupyter
>need to get some quick introduction to the languages
What are some quick ways to get general idea of the languages?
I installed VS Code and some extensions. Seems a bit confusing compared to jupyter but haven't playing around with it much.

Just some tips, guides and/or general guidance would be appreciated.
what the fuck kind of internship requirements are those?!
you're dealing with some stupid fucking nigger managers

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