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>RTX 5060 8GB 128-bit GDDR6
>losing in RAW performance again to 3060

What a fucking waste of sand!
5060 or 4060?
5060, they will have almost the same specs.
Why not a 3060 if 4060 and 5060 performance are worse?
Its impossible to do 16GB?
It has AV1 hardware encoding support with NVENC which the 3060 lacks.
For now it's worth it but it will probably be made artificially worse in future drivers.
all their ram sticks go to their ai cards
gaymers get leftovers
You don’t know this yet, it hasn’t even come out.
It could be even worse than the 3050!
You’re pretty much paying for the same card but you pass the conditional statement ‘if (int(CARD_NAME[0]) > 4)’

Also Im aware thats Python, I fully expect the shitty nudev nvidia drivers to use it
manchildism is a mental illness
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it has like 10% of the coress 5090 has
it doesnt matter what the vram is, its just deficient
another piece of shit lineup where only the top end gpu is worth anything

and this piece of shit websites blocks copy pasting for some reason
16GB vram 5060 will be faster for AI than 16 GB ram modules.
So does the A580 for $160.
nvidia is just competing with themselves to see how bad a gen they can make. I wouldn't be surprised if the 6060 still isn't better than a 3060.
Jesus Christ the 5090 is a monster!
Not that much when it'll get cut down to 448bits and 85% SMs of the full fat die
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>The solution? Stop kvetching and pay for RTX 5070 for $600 of course!
>The more you buy, the more you save
I'll just keep buying refurbished RX 580 until the heat death of the universe.
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>The solution? Stop kvetching and pay for carbon ceramic composite brakes for $15000 of course!
>the more you buy the more you save
I'll just keep driving my shitbox nissan altima until the heat death of the universe.
Starting at $5089
>What a fucking waste of sand!
*waste of copper
Sand is practically infinite, kek
If you have 3080, 3090, 4070, 4080 or 4090, then you most likely don't want/need to upgrade into 50 series.
update-addicts getting screwed first will be the warning to the rest of us
I have a 3090 but want to get a card with as much or more VRAM and less power draw
I don't understand why the low end has to be such shit value when it's not competing against anything but itself.
3070 has been perfectly fine on a 2k monitor. I'm running stable diffusion fine as well.
fuck you, I love my shitbox
at this point is there even a reason to wait for blackwell if i’m not going to buy a 5090?
should i just get a 4080 super and be done with it?
well 5080 isnt far from launch, just see how good perf/features it has and go on from there
There's no reason to get a 40 series either actually. Literally just take up reading instead if you don't have a pc at the moment.
>4 less SM
you gotta be kidding
They're going to keep lowering performance on these cards while increasing prices. The only draw to them right now are fake frames and upscaling.
Rumors are the new AMD cards will be shit too. Intel save us.
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i have a 3080, i basically need to get a 5080 or better to justify a significant performance jump but that's going to cost a ton, paying $1100 for this 3080 back in 2021 was painful enough
We'll see how fast the 5000-series really is.
Speed is irrelevant when we know any increase in performance will be met by an equal or higher increase in price. You can write off the 5000 series with confidence. It will be shit.
Based on what? 4090 is a lot faster than 3090 and the MSRP difference is what, $100?
I have a 3080 and was looking to upgrade with this next gen. Should I just be looking at getting an 7900xtx and say fuck it? Not sure I want to drop near 3k CAD for the only card likely worth getting.
why downgrade from 3080 to amd

Only thing you cant do on 3080 is maxed ray tracing in alan wake 2 and the like
they probably dont want to waste good chips on gayming gpus anymore, if the 5000 series sucks then just buy used 4000 series cards from retards who always upgrade. should be good value cards out there from people who want a quick buck
The 4090 was 2x the performance of the 3080 for more than 2x the price. No $2500 4090ti that's only 10% faster than the 4090 was released so they don't have an easy comparison point next gen meaning any gains in performance/price will be the same as the 4080 vs the 3080 or the 4060ti vs the 3060ti (ie. none at all).
I would say yes, but neither Nvidia or AMD has released their next set yet. So I would hold of until they actually release.
Carbon ceramic replaces ductile iron for the brake rotors, both use aluminum calipers and no brake system uses aluminum anywhere else.

>muh aluminum drums on muh 70s shitbox
Yeah, I know. Don't care.
>4090 is a lot faster than 3090
This is just an indictment of how shit the 3090 was, just a smidge faster than the 3080 for twice the price.
what is the advantage of this?
That's not even the worst part.
you can encode videos faster?
2k at min 144hz, ideally 240.
Just buy last gen for half price
DLSS and AI slop isn't worth it
I have the 4060ti 16gb. I like it
I have a 1070, what do I upgrade to?
depends on what you use it for
gaymen, "AI" is for retards
whats ur budget
it's just rumours, vram can be adjusted way later than the rest

they wont increase amount of vram, they'll just compress textures harder with ai
Thanks nostradamus.
Encode AV1 videos at blazing fast speeds.
Cool but why would I need to do AV1 video? what is the advantage of AV1 encoder of any other encoding? I feel like AV1 is just a new thing and people like it.
making small filesize webms at decent quality I guess
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4070S has 12 less SM than a 3080 while being faster than a 3090
Sources are speaking to me from within nvidia HQ it seems AMD completely blindsided them this time. RDNA4 was supposed to just be midrange and it is. But they can glue two RDNA4 chiplets to make a super RDNA4 which I'm told will be called 8900XTXtreme. This chip is supposed to consume 400W tdp but deliver 2x 4090 performance. With top blackwell only reaching 60% over 4090. Nvidia is in complete panic mode.
Jensen is furious, all the shops in taipei has ran out of 48inch oled because jensen keeps smashing them.
And meanwhile MI300X is outselling H100 nine to one. Details of which will be released exclusively to my petreon.
Rumor mongers also dont account for 3GB gddr7 modules released mid next year
Fuck you, nvidia.
What processor? Upgrading to faster single core performance usually will net you a lot of frames. Especially if you're still on something like a 3700x or similar.
4070S is the only current card that is an okay value. Otherwise just get a used 3060ti
My uncle works at AMD and he said the company is going bankrupt
Dumping money into depriciating assets like video cards and cars is a financially poor decision. Just get a xx60 or xx60ti for 6 years per build and drive a toyota or a subaru for 12 years per car.
4070S has the big asterisk of only being 12GB, there's already games hitting that limit at 1440p. There's literally no good nvidia card this generation
AMD could clean up if they actually priced their own cards reasonable, and did so at launch instead of falling for the high ASP meme and proceeding to sell none of them.
I'll go from a 3070 to a 5090 because I got one meme 4k qdoled, also fuck 8gb vram
Until this console gen ends (and actually has games) it won't be a problem. The next actually good game will be gta6 and they will optimize the fuck out of it because they're actually competent devs there. I play games at 4k/60hz on a 3060 because I also will not pay over $25 for a video game. (Before the covid money printing it was $20 limit on paying for a game and back in 2012 it was $15)
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>next actually good game will be gta6
lmao fuck off with your normieslop
is this a joke?
i mean 4060 also loses in performance to 3060
what's the news, that nvidia cucks their shittiest customers?
So my 6700xt will still be faster than a 3060, 4060, and 5060 but still be slower than a 3070. Got it
>8GB 128-bit
this has to be fake
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>those shoes

That 500bil was a start, let's see if we can get another 41% in there.
that you can't upload here because hiroshimoot is a faggot, besides for quality webms you'd want to use svt-av1 with low presets
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Holy kek it's real
i have a 3080, but since i was gifted a 4k 240hz monitor i feel like i need to consoom a new gfx card
why did you ask your mom for a 4k monitor if you're a gamer?
her boyfriend bought it for me
just game at 1080p then
How much VRAM will the 5090 have? Anything less than 36GB and it's DOA
got a rtx 3070 and i'm thinking of upgrading to 16GB, so either an RTX 5070 or 5070 Ti, if the 5070 Ti only has 12GB then idk, would a 4070 Ti Super be bettter then ? it has 16GB.
i want 16GB for raytracing at 3440x1440p.

is it a good strategy ?
does a 4GB VRAM increase matter more than raw performances ?
>512-bit bus
Probably 32 GB. Unless it's cut-down.
Everyone here is retarded

Blackwell architecture is not the same as Ada Lovelace, you cannot compare them

Try using you brain sometime this century
but low VRAM is still a limiting factor for raytracing.
Gayming SKUs will intentionally have gimped VRAM capacity moving forward. Ampere and Lovelace made it painfully obvious. Nvidia doesn't want to undercut its much more profitable ML/datacenter SKUs.
Its intended market doesn't care nor are running assets and resolutions that greatly exceed that 8GiB capacity.
The vast majority of the people who are actually fretting over VRAM capacity are poor-fag ML-types.
>poor-fag ML-types
Hmm nyo
At this point if you want to gayme then just buy a cheap console. I refuse to pay nearly £2 grand to buy a graphics card.
Has Nvidia done that before?
>4070S has the big asterisk of only being 12GB, there's already games hitting that limit at 1440p.
If you crank-up assets like a retard. Gayming consoles are the baseline for developers and they aren't going too far beyond 8GiB if at all.
oh boy I can't wait for cheap 3090 ti
>talking about the rumored "5060"
>moves VRAM goalposts
5090 will still be poor-fag tier in ML-tier. The ML/datacenter versions will have more VRAM capacity and command much higher price tags.
Gaymers haven't matter much for Nvidia since Turing and the apathy has grown since. Paypig Nvidiots are too blind to see this.
the best console on the market currently uses the equivalent of a slightly worse rtx 2070 with worse graphics than on PC and fake 4K, get real peasant.
Look at the comment you replied to retard, it explicit states 5090. On top of that calling people "Paypig Nvidiots" when Nvidia have a functional monopoly and there's no justifiable alternatives is moronic, you either pay up or go without
> Nvidia have a functional monopoly
A hard nope. There are plenty of alternatives. Brand-fagging are going to be brand-fagging.
Nvidia's marketing won hard by making their brand-fags be as zealous as Macoyles.
AMD has no Shadowplay, a worse version of DLSS and you can barely use it for AI. Intel is even worse. Not to mention AMD prices aren't exactly a good deal, they need to be significantly cheaper to make any tradeoffs worth it
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Wouldn't be their first time.
>faster than a 3090
*at 1080p
>Brand-fagging doubling down on memes they you don't *need* at all and are very similar of memes found in the Macoytle ecosystem
>Regularly use features
>You don't need them
>Settle for less while saving almost no money
Anything you say shill
>Shill getting called out for hard brand-fagging
>Pathetically tries to deflect it
Stay classy
That would cost them like $8, and thus eat into their 60-70% profit margin floor. Besides, people paid 500-700$ for the 3060 Ti and 3070 in 2020-2022.
>Shilling for AMD in a thread about new Nvidia products
>Has no argument for why people should consider AMD
>Calls other people brand-faggots
Hmm I wonder who the faggot is here
>gddr memory chips
>ml hardware
>107/106/104 chips keep getting their SMs cut
just nvidia things
>Shill tries to use whataboutism and flops hard
i paid 579 euros for a 3070 in 2022, i got 10 euros off but i still paid shipping lol
There's no whataboutism there, you never made an argument you just screeched at others for discussing upcoming products. Infact looking back on it your initial comment you butting into a conversation about the 5090 then claiming people were talking about the 5060. Not only can you not read but you're projecting your own logical fallacies onto others. Hiliarious but sad, we're done and I accept your seething replies with a smile
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What games are worth spending $3k on a GPU?
People were forced to pay the mining tax in 2020-2022. They had to spend extra and then mine off the difference to get it down to something they were okay with. With the mining meme being dead 2020-2022 prices are irrelevant to everyone.
7800x3d. I upgraded to this from an intel 9700k last year. made a massive difference.
You'd have to double the bandwidth otherwise it'd be worthless like the 4060 16GB
no one games with an nvidia anymore
they're for ai and video encoding
>5090 gets a huge uploft over the 4090
>while the lower cards are almost the same, sometimes worse than the predecessor
jesus christ
Thanks nvidia for keeping my 3060 12gb still relevant for every upcoming game for atleast two more years when 6060 releases
i just want to render coomershit ai faster
poorfag cope, go back under your rock AMDrone.
Nvidia is better for everything including raytracing and DLSS.
and the drivers aren't shit.
>seething paragraph of retardation
Surpassing 24GB is absolutely impossible.
>AMD could clean up if they actually priced their own cards reasonable
They gave up on that because it only really benefits people waiting for Nvidia cards to drop in price.
AMD cards cost as much as NVIDIA cards but without RT, DLSS, FG and their high prices cards aren't as powerful, sorry to break your bubble, pajeet.
>They gave up on that because it only really benefits people waiting for Nvidia cards to drop in price.
That reasoning is why AMD's GPU marketshare is plummeting and the lowest it's been in years
I need a card that can run my 5120x1440 screen at 240 Hz. Can the 5090 do it?
Not like it was flourishing before that.
That's literal fake news though. AMD had a good 2023 as far as discrete GPU sales went. What you retards who only read headlines seemingly cannot grasp is that what you see reported are quarterly figures. Sales for a three-month period, i.e. literally nothing to do with existing install base. AMD had a poor Q1 2024 and the usual clickbait outlets began their doomsaying about Radeon sales had "collapsed" and "nobody" is buying them - completely ignoring the entirely of 2023 in the process. Then people with a low IQ such as yourself run around parroting that misinformation, because you lack the critical thinking skills required to process and understand data without editorialization.
OP is a retarded smoothbrainlet faggot

GDDR7 means that RTX 5060 will have MORE memory bandwidth than RTX 3060
I had this piece of shit with no pixel shader support. AGP version == no upgrade. Stuck playing far cry 1 era games until 2012 (no complains)
another pedo complaining about muh price performance

try cyanide cunt. end yourself waste of fucking oxygen
8GB is still 8GB. Faster, sure, but still 8GB.
none, $3k card is super overkill for the best games
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I get far more joy from my Breville espresso machine than my PS5. And use it more often.
make a new gen seem appealing through support with updates and neglecting old gens? yes
Jacket man wasn't lying that it was a good time to upgrade then. I went from 760 to 3060. Looks like 2028 will be time to upgrade again.
Anon it says in the op pic that the 5060 will have gddr6.
PS5 will never have games.
>implying you can't run any indie game on a 1060
Only AAA is relevent for gpus. Illusion died. There will be no shitty looking game that needs a good gpu to run due to developer incompetence from them again.
It's this piece of shit for me.

Anon, are you retarded? GDDR6 production is winding down and GDDR7 will replace it even in lowest end RTX 5060 and RTX 5050
You mean just like the 3060 was losing to 2060 in most metrics?
More than likely any CPU you have will bottleneck.
lmao dipshit thinks he said something logical.
you just proved the guy you were responding to with an analogy which works against you, imbecile
Its nvidia recycling older gen memory they get for cheap. And creating a product segmentation
We are having a rx470/480 -> ps4 pro scenario again because of the ps5 pro on the amd side. Nvidia can pull the shittiest behavior. Just vote with your wallet.
Eventually there'll be AI ASICs to send their stocks down under.
Cold Brew is better and doesn't require a faggy machine
Get a real system
GB200 nvl72
If the 5090 is 50% faster than the 4090 at machine learning I'm buying two.
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Man, the GPU companies really had to scrape the bottom of the barrel once they realized their generational gains were slowing down while prices kept climbing.
I remember when game streaming was rightfully mocked, guess all you need is a good YouTube marketing campaign and a new generation of consumers.
why do people care about a poorfag toaster feature when discussing high end SKUs?
what if it's NVIDIA leaking this : >>101168012 on purpose to see if people are happy or not before they produce anything ?
i mean at this point it's fair to say they don't want to announce anything for 2024 but more likely in Q1 2025 at best.
Care to share any examples?
4k with 2.5x dsr factors
Cold brew is the vegan food of the coffee world
>their generational gains were slowing down
This isn't a thing, why do you parrot such retarded shit when you can easily pull up like 10 or 20 years worth of data and see it's simply not true? A 4090 is like 70% faster than a 3090, where is the slow down? You can go back 10 years and 70% gain per generation is still above average, in fact in the last 10 years I'm pretty sure there has only been 1 generation which did better than this, namely Pascal. You can go back 20 years and even in the mid-2000s a 70%+ perf gain between generations was still respectable.
engineers seem to be developing AI shit instead
Except when it starts to be artificially worsened in future drivers. But yes, it's a solid card even today.

The actual percentage is 40%, pajeet.
>The shill is doubling down on being anally devastated.
Brand-fagging, not even once
12600k and 3080 here. I do not see a reason to upgrade at all for a while.
Honestly, nothing really. You hit massive diminishing returns going beyond $599, only max-min types are willing to put up with it.
Most modern AAA games with the eye candy are just single-ticket interactive cinema. Most of the games that people keep coming for don't even a discrete GPU.
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It was sort of in response to a bunch of people with 3080s in the middle of this thread but I couldn't really answer to anyone in particular so I just decided to respond to nobody.
>Nvidiot pretends that AMD is still on GCN
Nvidia just has faster SKUs at higher price points, that's it. Min-max types will gravitate towards for Nvidia for this reason alone. They don't care for silly memes.
2070 Super still going strong, should i skip this gen as well?
Shadowplay isn't even special at all. There are a good number of streaming tools there and better solutions that are vendor-agnostic.
VR mods in 4K downscaled
Any serious encoding is done by the CPU. GPU streaming is a only useful for laptops/ultraportables due to power considerations.
>my usecase is fulfilled, should I upgrade to a gimped overpriced product they are gonna 'fix' in later dates as "super/ti" variants?
that's the question you're asking. But to clarify, the answer is: yes, unless you feel the need to upgrade.
cold brew is the simplest way to make coffee, tastes great (if you use good beans), and is fairly efficient. You can do it with just a sealed cup, grinder, filter, and water. If vegans were this superior, I wouldn't mind being one desu.
doesn't matter there's no real competition in town for the top end cards
I want to gayme and do some local ml shit, top end nvidia cards are the only option for this
>the more you buy the more save
isn't that their data centre grade motto? doesn't even work for consumer tier cards
4080 here, will buy 5090 if its under £2,000
>jensen keeps smashing them
I game with it and have been for over 20 years so stfu liar
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get load of these fuckers
meanwhile I just use instant coffee
It will be, the current rumours are 448 bit, so 28 GB.
>another pedo
is this the new troon lingo? I keep seeing it used when its not even relevant
If AMD was smart they'd do what they had to for Cuda compatibility then squirt a card out with >24gb vram
So there's still no gpu that can do 4k 120hz native no upscaling? I get part of that is due to incompetent developers (seemingly most of """AAA""" industry)
games are made to use upscaling
its like complaining that games use shaders
My 1050ti does morrowind in 4k at 460fps. Clearly this is user error.
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(the small ones don't actually work)
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I just buy a black starbucks cold brew with no ice with the app so I don't have to tip then pour it on ice and split it over 2 days
I'll just get X090 after the ai bubble crashes. You retards wanting a 5000 series are like retards buying gous during the peak of crypto mining bubble.
s-shut up
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This. The intended use case for GPU encoding is live streaming since it's extremely low-latency. It can only do this because it throws away over 70% of the video information. Doesn't matter if you're encoding in HEVC, AVC, or VVC... if you're using HW encoding it's gonna look like ass. Someone should let scene release groups know...
lobby us gov to let them use cuda
>5090 not release or announced
>5060 is 6 month to a year behind
>seething about it has started already
It's an 8% difference. Doubtless it's smaller at 1440p which is the meta now, 4K is too intensive to guarantee high frames.
40% is vfm, pajeet.
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you will never be a man
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where the fuck did you even get this data from?
that niggerball obsessed retard that says "hmmm yes it might have 8GB VRAM or it might not" on twitter?
>they/them still drink coffee
To push you to buy the high end.
Excellent point. I will rethink my buying a used 4090 when the 5090 comes out.

Im just playing sonic the hedgehog on retro arch anyway right now.
nshartia's fanboys are so stupid that they will buy it anyway.
if robot Ai waifus are ever a thing, the bubble won't be a bubble anymore and it will never go down.
a chinese company is going to sell a real robot sex doll and girlfriend with an AI custom personality this year around Fall, price is around 5k i think.
now imagine being able to input anything yourself with a bricked robot in the near future.
>xe still relies on the caffeine jew to live
good goy
The 5080 is going to be around 4090D levels of performance so adjust your expectations accordingly. We know this because the rumor is they plan to launch it first before the 5090 because they want something for the Chinese market. They can't launch something stronger than the 4090D because of the sanctions. VRAM is looking like it is gonna be the same as the 40 series. This generation is a total wash unless you really wanna spend a months mortgage on another graphics card.
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Gonna go from a 970 to a 4070. Then gonna update again after 7-8 years.
Unlike zoomers my mind can handle vidya games dropping below 60fps
The whole 3 series is still GOATED, I swear the key is buying every other gen with Nvidia. This DLSS meme bullshit is just smokescreen for shit cards.
Koikatsu VR
>muh rumors
only women discuss based on rumors and no facts
too bad you'll never be a real woman
in retrospect 30xx gpus inability to play rt games at decent fps means it might as well not be there

Its just this awkward early adopter period that lasts like a decade
Like people buy 4090 for 2k€ to play rt games at 1440p at decent fps with DLSS, ofc 99% of gamers are excluded from that fun.
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As long as it's a pump machine and not a steam-driven machine it's all good. But I like having the grinder attached; thought it was gimmicky at the time but it's a huge space saver on the counter.
Cold brew has its place, but is inferior to an iced americano. IMHO tastes way too green like >>101177905 said.
Those are the best point on the cost/quality curve. I have one of those in a 6-cup I use for camping, but replaced it with the pump espresso machine for home use.
They don't technically make espresso but it's basically the same thing. And cuban coffee is God tier... too bad I don't consume sugar anymore.
That's a great idea, esp when travelling.
this thing is the final solution to the machine question desu.
pour over is not nearly as good and no machine is worth their cost compared to this beast.
the stainless steel ones are better though.
oh and make sure to buy aeropress filters because unfiltered mokapot is honestly mid as hell.

The only other way I make coffee is immersion style with some generic finum basket thing in a mug. Both immersion and percolation have their uses depending what flavors you want.
Historically nvidia has been stingy with vram, if you want a decent amount you need to get the higher end cards.
That's very far off since anything above 1080p 144hz and RT are still very low return for the cost of investment. By the time 4K (or something higher) and whatever replaces RT actually becomes a standard, everything before the 70xx series is going to be irrelevant. Because the industry has failed to cause a conversion to 1440 or 4K at this point. Which is why DLSS is such a shitshow/memetech. You get a higher res monitor and then shittier graphics as your GPU attempts to hallucinate 100 extra frames out of the 20 it's actually able to process.
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>as your GPU attempts to hallucinate 100 extra frames out of the 20 it's actually able to process.
I'll upgrade from 1660 super to 4070 super and that should be it for at least 5 years
would consider ayyymd but jesus christ they are so fucking far behind
>the industry has failed to cause a conversion to 1440 or 4K at this point
It's just not going to happen anyway, the 1060 and 4080 were both quite competent 1440p cards in their time but companies have crippled their low end and shot up the prices for other GPU into the stratosphere. Unless everyone becomes rich, you're just not going to see mass adoption of higher resolutions, people just aren't about to start spending 3K+ on a computer regularly.
For me it was 760->3060
Rip illusion. We will never have a game that looks as bad as a cell phone game and is a crysis level system test as ai shoujo again
Decoy pricing. Now you wont even consider the $350-500 segment and are forced to just buy a $600+ card
I played my 760 in 4k because all I played was dota 2. It really doesn't matter unless you are playing AAA titles that usually aren't that good anyway. Witcher 3 and rdr2 were the games of the decade and they ran on low end hardware easily because the developers were competent.
RTX 3060 12gB card is the best cost / VRAM point on the market rn. If you're running stable diffusion or playing with smaller LLMs its very usable, until you get into serious LLM machines at 20X the cost.
both game consoles are 16GiB, even the switch 2 is rumored to have at least 12
Nvidia has always been greedy, but the AI hype has probably brought in more investors who know NOTHING about the product they are selling. I suspect Blackwell (consumer) will be the worst Nvidia generation ever (worse than Turing or Fermi/Kepler). I just hope AMD and Intel and provide some decent offerings in the sub 500 dollar range.
I played with sd but I want to try llama training. Specifically to feed it transcriptions of every Tim Dillon episode and make a Tim textbot
frame generation being locked because of " hardware " worst goyim lie of nvidia
and it runs games good to boot
16gb of shared or half shared memory.
I would be willing to try an intel card
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Someone ported nvidias FG to RE4 remake, it works with any 20/30 series card just fine. It just nvidia being nvidia.
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I'm waiting for the 6090 because heh funny number
>The actual percentage is 40%, pajeet.
why even lie. I have both, it averages around 60% , some things are twice as fast as a 3090

pic - same pc , different GPU
guess I'll keep my GTX 970 for another 10 years.
Wrong game

>n-no you see you need to upgrade cause not enough tensor cores!
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>The actual percentage is 40%, pajeet.
It's not, projecting shitskin filth. It's even higher in RT btw, in some cases 4090 is double speed. Maybe you're asshurt because it's expensive or something, but that's no reason to lie about performance.
1080ti is finally showing it's age, I'm considering a 7800xt as a replacement or 7900xtx to do some AI stuff since 11GB vram isn't much.
Is rocm good for stablediffusion/llama yet?
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Got a 7900 XTX. If the 5090 is 60%+ faster at rasterization, has more VRAM and doesn't cost more than the 4090 then I'll upgrade.
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losers, quit being poor and get an es.1
The 5080 will be 60% faster than the 4090 with the same amount of VRAM. The 5090 will cost more.
faggot shit
cyberpunk 2077
It's amazing that there are 238 posts spawned from an OP and thread with zero facts. Simply amazing how retarded this thread is.
Is this new? Last time (a week or two ago) I checked it was 400 something bit. Before that leak it was 512 tho... So it's 512bit again or is this old?
Also, >28 gibibites vram instead of 32
I'm waiting for 5090 to buy, but it hurts to pay premium for 28 gibibytes...
that could make me sit out a drink laughing if I saw the headline. womp womp.
Since this is the GPU thread now, I want to ask ALL gpu fags in this thread!

Tell me the most modern oem or brand card you know that is not black pcb., the better performance the higher I rate your answer. I alreadyh found one intel arc in blue, but I'm hoping for a green too.
what does shadow play do these days? streaming? instant replay? recording?
what of these doesn't AMD do? I recall using OBS for instant replay because of how much njewdia experience sucked
What zero facts? Blackwell is using GDDR7, period

>muh 1440p
you dont need it
you do not need it
honestly i'lll probably buy this as well, kek.
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anyone? i really need the answer to this.
Contrary to what you read on /g/, green PCB GPUs are not more environment friendly than other color GPUs.
i have a 3060 rn, will be upgrading to a battlemage gpu when they release
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I dont want one because its better for the environment, I want one because it's green and I refuse to use a nigger card in my all beige sleeper pc.
>300-450W isn't a space heater
if I run over 250 or so watts for more than a few minutes I can literally feel it
Ask reddit.
Oh, cool, one fact in a sea of rumors.
You buncha troons are gossiping like you're fucking women, holy shit. Literally discussing nothing but lies and hopes.
just play PC games at 1080/60 you mong
>womp womp.
go the fuck back, troon
how much do you get paid, anon
>You buncha troons are gossiping like you're fucking women
Thanks for the compliment uwu
Kill yourself.
They won't let us have VRAM because they know we will use it for AI and if we want AI we have to be good goys and buy their 200k$ card
why do you need nvidia then? go for a RX7800xt or the intel arc770, don't go for nvidia because you will pay the AI extra tax
It's not, buy the ti variant for an extra $500 and you get a whole 10GB of VRAM.
ipex (intel GPUs/NPUs) is better for SD than rocm anytime, like the arc770 rapes the rx7900gre on SD and for local models
If you still shit on Nvidia instead of Micron and the US gov, then you are wearing goy glasses.
>budget card is shit
You get what you pay for.
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That's not DLSS FG, that's literally FSR3 FG replacement for DLSS FG.
Not the same thing.
>1060 didn't exist
xx60 cards used to be good value, until they transformed their xx50 cards into xx60 and so on. then erased an entire line to increase the gap between xx80 and xx90
One of these guys is a cuckold, the other one enjoy a decent gaming system.
And? I get hating on the FSR upscaler, but nowdays FSR 3 FG is on the level of DLSS3. I bet my ass it will be another freesync vs gsync where FSR 3 will become the default frame gen.
It's not DLSS FG, which uses hardware features. FSR3 FG works on any GPU.
It's better in the sense it's multi-platform hardware wise, it's not actually better in terms of quality and performance, DLSS FG on a 4000 card will do much better than DLSS FG FSR3 mod. Similarly how DLSS upscaling is still better than FSR2/3 upscaling, even though FSR is GPU independent.

If it's your only option, it's still better than nothing (if you can keep at leas 60+ as a base framerate without FSR3 FG enabled).
Not using FG is literally always better than using it. It's such a dogshit tech its worse than nothing.
>t. I enabled FG with 36 base FPS and it lags?? wtf shit tech
I play in 4k with a 3060
New jersey and actually the entire north east is fucking horrible
And AMD will AGAIN not compete with the low end to mid in performance or price, because consumer GPUs are a cartel.
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The Elder Scrolls 6 might also be the game of the decade and well... it's Bethesda so you only need a GTX 1060 6GB top kek.
>it's Bethesda so you only need a GTX 1060 6GB top kek.
You mean like with Starfai... I mean Starfield? :^)

>tfw 1060 can't even hold 30 fps
Starfield is a piece of shit. Not even the modding community can save it. Skyrim was bad but they fixed the UI and added a lot of fixes. I'm sure they will have a UI fix and make it less ugly and run better and make the character models less ugly. But the core game is so bad that won't help. And the story is a knockoff of mass effect anyway.
TES6 will use the same engine as Starfield, it will be a mess.
At least gta6 will be good
But starfield engine looks pretty good? It even has shorter loading screens than skyrim or fallout 4.
I would rather wait for an xbox morrowind loading screen if it meant the game would be good than short loading for a soulless piece of shit
very good anon, 970 to 3070Ti here
Skyrim and FO4 load in like 2-3 sec.
my sister played Hogwarts Legacy on a 1680 x 1050p monitor without any issue with my old GTX 1060 6GB.
i'm sure it's also playable on 1080p

>muh engine
TES5 had no real problems, the engine can do advanced physics (as in every object has a set weight, ragdoll, etc... objects can even collide with each other and NPC's) and all that in 2011.
and it's easily moddable, plus TES5 had the best lore and game world, hence why it's still sold for the 100th time and played to this day.

Starfield was a mess because it's a game nobody wanted, made with the money from a company that is shit (Microsoft) that values shareholders more than their products, and it probably didn't have enough dev time and they outsourced everything to India and Asia.
also it has pre-generated content made from an algorithm, there's a limit to cutting costs lol

i'm not sure TES6 will be a good game but at least the story/lore is already well established so they can't fuck up that part.
>TES5 had no real problems
niggy were you even alive in 2011?? it was a shitshow like most Bethesda shit at launch
the main thing causing problems in Skyrim originally was being 32 bits (has been fixed without mods now, it was the main culprit for crashes when using mods), then the UI was crap (fixed by a mod) and then without the bug fixing mod you had a bunch of bugs here and there (almost all fixable by console commands appart from one or two where you had to use a "setstage" command to skip a quest goal), apart from that it was a good game, still a LOT better than the shitshow of Fallout 4 release days where the main quest was bugged and you couldn't advance AT ALL and when the "resurrect" command had been changed for no good reason.

still a very good game in my opinion, that i keep coming back to, i even played Enderal the "mod" (game) that spawned from Skyrim.
it has a soul other games don't have.
Lmao that shitty RTX 5070 with just 12gb.
C'mon, it should have at least 24gb of VRAM.
a 2K GPU doesn't need 24GB, it needs 16GB.
and i don't care about AI-tards.
LHR GPU's fixed cryptonigs taking everything, soon we will have anti-AI GPU's to face this new menace.
>i'm not sure TES6 will be a good game
It won't be. For roughly the same reason as Starfield.
i've been stuck with the 1080 ti for so long i wanna upgrade but nothing utilizes pcie 5.0 yet other then fucking m.2s. i probably should have stuck with my x99 for another year.
if you play video games you dont need anything better than a titan arc or equivalent.
>a 2K GPU doesn't need 24GB, it needs 16GB.
A ***2K*** GPU should be able to do 8k 120hz and for that it would absolutely NEED 24gb.
imagine caring about that

Literally going to run my 3070 until it dies at this point, I just still wish they didn't kneecap this card with the 8GB limit since there's been plenty of shit where it runs great, then just fucking dies and you're forced to reduce settings because of that.
No, it is more like gayming GPUs are mature and stagnant market that is going undergo demand destruction via iGPUs becoming good enough for the masses. This is repulsive to shareholders.
This is the main reason why Nvidia has spend over a decade to make gayming discrete GPU no longer be their bread and butter.
Even with streaming CPU encoding is prefer if you have the threads to spare.
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>waste of sand!
it'll be a niggerin mess as well
>Wawa is a Jersey thing
Anon they have Wawas along the entire east coast now
The problem with skyrim is thr core gameplay and leveling system
Florida is filled with niggers, jews, cubans, and rednecks. That is par for course and it's not shoed in. Nobody cares that the fast and the furious movies that started as being about criminals has a diverse cast. They care when you make characters diverse for no explicable reason. I hope I will be able to feed retired jewish princesses to aligators and bullsharks
oh shit i just bought a 4070 super should i have waited for the 5070 so the price go lower
>i'm not sure TES6 will be a good game but at least the story/lore is already well established so they can't fuck up that part.
Emil Pagliarulo can
Which is coming first, 5090 or 8900XTX?

I NEED a new gpu, mine is literally dying on me
You wait for the 5090
What if I don't want a housefire or telemetry on my PC?
if u have a cpu from intel or amd u already have a hardware backdoor
all operating systems have telemetry
all software has telemetry
websites have telemetry
ur phone is filled with telemetry, everything u typed is stored and analyzed by some shitty a"i"
they have u
ditch all technology if u want to get rid of it, no other choice
>if u
Stopped reading, fucking kill yourself faggot
owned, ure my bitch. dat truthpill a bit too hard to swallow for u? dw ull grow up eventually
It literally just works. I use it daily.
You should play games and just wait for the 7070 at this point
more of a quick check man myself
quickchek (sic) is just a less-depressing 7/11
For me it's Sheetz but I'll settle for quiktrip
seems to be the most proper way to approach this issue.
i thought 5k will come with minimum 12gb up to 30+ gb for highend

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