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Brilliant strategy. I hope we see this tactic adopted here.
I wished they did that here I would just sue them for the damage and get rich
You are retarded OP
What the hell is "The Grid Program?" I read the story because I was curious to see if malicious actors have the power to intercept and change regular bit torrent contents, but no, this seems to be specific to that weird Korean file sharing program they use so it's meaningless to any of us who just use regular torrents.
>600k people want something
>a small number of rich people are opposed to that 600k people getting the something they wanted
>the small number of rich people wins
>the government and corporations work in tandem to impose their will on the masses
Capitalism should have been dumpstered a century ago.
OP wrote the article?
>before capitalism
>poverty, illiteracy, dirt farming and fucking farm animals to pass the time
>after capitalism
>some people aren't able to afford a new phone
but yes, capitalism is the problem

also, it says right there that the ones spreading the malware are already under investigation
>I was curious to see if malicious actors have the power to intercept and change regular bit torrent contents
no because the torrent contains a hash of the original file
This happened to me. I'm in Busan. Ask me anything.
Without capitalism, you wouldn't even have a PC to get infected with malware
anyone promoting democratic socialism aka communism aka state capitalism should be put in a concentration camp
How's Korea? Fucked any plastic surgery dolls?
Did you lose any important files?
The only sad thing about capitalism is how it allows communists to thrive (see: lend lease)
Technically speaking, how did this happen? Isn't the client supposed to check the checksum? so no unless they purposefully uploaded malicious torrents...
>before Capitalism
>600k people want something
>they get it
>after Capitalism
>600k people want something
>elites tell them no
I sure am glad private individuals can accumulate an unlimited amount of wealth. There is absolutely no way this could go sideways. Yeah, you are a serf living under a lord who controls your life, but you can play gacha games on your phone now (if you pay for rolls and watch ads)! Isn't gacha and no freedom better than freedom and no gacha?
>How's Korea?
Pretty neat. Seoul has this weird trait though where you're walking down the street and you smell grilled food that's delicious and then it suddenly ells like trash. It oscillates.
>Fucked any plastic surgery dolls?
Occasionally. Mostly just doing tourism related work out here to help out a big hotel chain. I pull plenty of Russian pussy though. Definitely the easiest and most slutty women in my experience are Russian.
>Did you lose any important files?
I had some good Korean movies and some manwha I was gonna take a look at, but that's about it. I back up my data routinely so I was able to recover my stuff, but I did have to do a factory reset and updates (I use Windows cause the software I have to work with is Microsoft compatible only)
The elites had much more power before capitalism, and under communism as well. Ever heard of kings, feudal lords and party officials?
And if 600k wanted something, well it's a trick question because that thing wouldn't exist without capitalism, so they wouldn't have wanted it in the first place
>before Capitalism
>600k people want something
>they get it
You have never read a history book in your life.
How's the malware? It doesn't seem like it's a wannacry style full encryption ransomware, it looks a lot more harmless, almost if some fags wanted to fuck with people for no reason other than pure sadism. It doesn't even look like the actual ISP was behind it, right? Like, from the article it seems it was a group of employees?
And I'm definitely jelly on the Russian sluts thing, did it get better or worse after the war? I imagine there's a lot of them leaving their country
>Nothing would exist without Capitalism
This is just brainrot and I am surprised you can assert it with a straight face.

>kings and feudal lords were more powerful.....
Find me a single king from antiquity who was wealthier or more powerful than say, George Soros.
As much as I may hate Soros, he didn't send anyone to his death. All the kings have blood in their hands, sending millions of Europeans to die for petty family feuds. It's like if your uncle and your in law hate each other except their extremely powerful and they send a few thousand people each to fight to see which side of the family inherits grandpa's house
Read a book. History fucking sucked. You have no idea how good you have it, nobody bitching about capitalism does
NTA but nice. I find South Korea fascinating because of your rapidly aging demographics and having the lowest birth rate in the world. I know it sounds depressing but your country is like no other and is a social phenomenon to be studied.

I have been curious about this but can't find info on it anywhere online (maybe because it's in english?). But how do NEETs in South Korea make a comeback? Here in the US, unless you commit terrible crimes or are severely retarded, it's never "actually over" economically speaking here. Here you can go back to community college or go to the military and pursue education after at ANY AGE and "start over" and be successful. I personally know somebody who was a NEET at 28 then went back to school and ended up at a hedge fund making 200k at the age of 34. I ask this because part of the reason of SK's downfall is the brutal nature of academia.

So can you "start over" in South Korea and get to Chaebol status (or at least close to it) if you never tried in highschool? If people have opportunities, they wouldnt ve so depressed.

Thank you koreabro
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They put up the hit list themselves, look: https://corp.kt.com/eng/html/intro/gov/directors.html
>So can you "start over" in South Korea and get to Chaebol status (or at least close to it) if you never tried in highschool?
Probably not. Once you drop out of the rat race, you are out. Of course you can try to start your own business and be an entrepreneur, but getting a job at a hedge fund when you are over 30 and no experience not a chance unless you get hired because of nepotism. There is a lot of nepotism here.
>If people have opportunities, they wouldnt ve so depressed.
That's one of the issues here and in china. There is only one way to success in most people's minds. Study hard, go to a good uni, get good grades and land a job at a big firm. Since everyone is chasing the same path it is extremely competitive and other options are just not considered by most people. Only people who are fine with being "outsiders" and disappointing their parents do that.
I saw an interview with a successful comedian and she said her parents tried to make her quit being a comedian even as she was doing very well until she was featured weekly on national television.

Not the original poster, just a fellow koreaboo. Seoul > Busan and Kgirls > Russians.

Any other tech bros in Seoul here?
>I'm definitely jelly on the Russian sluts thing, did it get better or worse after the war?
It's always been this way. Communism caused a permanent mindbroken population for those vatniggers. If their women wanna ride me though, I'm not gonna complain.

I'm not Korean.

>Seoul > Busan and Kgirls > Russians.
True. What's really nice about this country is the food though. Best chicken I've ever had hands down. Too many faggots tourists in Busan for my liking though. I shouldn't complain cause it does keep me employed.
>isp are bothered by traffic
jesus christ its south korea, like everyone lives in 1 city. How hard is it to bury some 1000 tb/s cables that service 90% of the population?
South Korea is LITERALLY a dystopia. At least for people like us.
korean friends, what is the kr gaming community reaction to na archeage players stabbing each other irl.
Do you realize how dense the city is you filthy rotten nigger?
It's really not.
>describes the evolution of a functioning Government
>calls it capitalism
denseness is good thing for people laying down internet cables
its expensive to provide good connectivity in low density areas
Hahahhahahahaa it's over for east asians.. should've used a vpn and some proxies
That also makes the process complex and requires more handling of moving parts.
who the fuck still pirates with torrents in 2024
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nice try, fed
What do you use? I won't use your cancerous streaming sites.
>It's really not.
Have you glanced at south korea's suicide rates? They work like dogs for shit pay.
I am on mobile and away from home so I cannot make a good death thread so just imagine it and KYS
Maybe the client itself
The amount of seethe this comment made is great, gr8 b8 m8
yes - why aren't you on any private trackers, anon?
Korea has a mixed economy leaning towards socialism, retard. They were using top down, communist-styled 5 years plans until the start of the 2000s. These telecomm companies were effectively created or transformed into their current state in the 90s in the last wave of 5 year plans and act as arms of the government. If you want to be a retarded goylem leftist at least a learn a thing or two. Any retard who says korea is ruled by the companies should have two bullets put in their brain, it's as close as you can get to a socialist shithole while still tricking goyim into thinking it's capitalist.
death thread? or did you mean death threat?
that's for fartsniffers.
i reupload torrents from private trackers to public ones
great! I hope seeds stick around for the non-mainstream stuff
I thought you said you didn't pirate with torrents though?
>this is not illegal in South Korea
How? How can a fucking country be so backwards and retarded?
>i reupload torrents from private trackers to public ones
you would have to be in private trackers to do that
not to mention the good thing about private trackers isn't exclusive content it's older or obscure content being available
I used to torrent Korean stuff, and do take into account that they have their own sites, most of them are open like thepiratebay, so this operation shouldn't be that hard to implement
AHH yes, this is why pleasant uprisings in the medieval times just never happened. People didn't have to die to get their way, only capitalism invented opposing the power.
Windows users should be fucked, exist to be fucked.
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why is Korea such a dystopian shithole ? this shit, surveillance, websites banned left and right, capitalism and feminsm to the extreme, run by a cults and tech giants, if you don't go into some big corporations like Samsung from school/university, your future will suck
From outside that country look like a macabre experiment
>he didn't send anyone to his death
Not directly.
Maybe use linux to torrent?
i know how good i have it but i still bitch about capitalism, it only exists to keep up exploitative power structures that should have been made obsolete by the abundance the industrial revolution brought
democracy only won half the battle as long as the economy is handled by non-democratic entities
>implying that a centrally managed economy with fiat currency is capitalism
That's not dystopian.
tf is grid system I can't find it on google
Because they got colonized by Americans, they copied all the worst part of the US and multiplied it by 10. It's a cargo cult, works like this:
>America did X
>America is successful
>If we did X we should also be successful
Capitalism, feminism, tech giants, cults, if America has it, Korea has to have it as well.
They even copy circumcision. Fucking circumcision.
South Korea is actually successful.
This reeks of bs. You can't inject malware into a torrent without the client noticing. It's the major idea
>a functioning government's job is to help corporations rule people
Why do you think this?
The goyim are to blamed for their own position. 600k of them could easily storm the telecom company and dismantle their cucked system, but they're too placated and complacent to care. Cattle are born to be herded after all
correct - users were targeted because the ISP detected they were torrenting, but they didn't use the torrents themselves to inject malware
the exact method they used is unspecified by all sources I can find.
Found the shill
You seem to mix up capitalism with liberal democracy. They are not the same thing.
Because it a major ISP, it could have been a glowie zero day
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Bruh. I'm in Seoul, been here for 2 years just chilling teaching Eng, am I infected, I use a KT phone, doesn't Windows Anti-malware pick it up???
Holy shit. That's so fucked.
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>From outside that country look like a macabre experiment
And that's the "rich successful" one, not the actual 1984 dystopian Stalinist monarchy hellhole where you can literally starve to death when they tale 90% of your crops or get executed for watching k-drama
>he didn't send anyone to his death
>ruin entire countries economy affecting hundreds of millions of people poor and vulnerable people
found the disgusting kike shill, kys you piece of shit, and you probably call yourself a liberal, jesus fuckgin christ
Look again.
you've clearly never read a history book in your life. look up what the word revolution means. if you want to understand read up on october revolution of 1917. you could also read about the french revolution. heck, if you're a 'murican, look up how your own country was formed. hint: it was not the elite who gave people what they wanted and just fucked off.

reading is good for you.
what the fuck
In the 2000's many ISPs had their own web browsers. If you wanted to tamper with someone's computer without them knowing this would be an easy way to do it. A custom browser would also allow for better analysis of searches and send notifications to the police or legal department. Because of their proximity to China/N. Korea I assume they've got oddly structured network dmz/censorship to keep warez tainted by either country off the network. Cryptominers embedded in games or programs are one thing, but I'm sure they're more concerned about piracy spreading botnets.
I'm guessing that they intercepted the download link for the program by checking the url and serving up their own.
>Police officials acted on the information and discovered it came from KT’s own data center south of Seoul. The authorities say that KT may have violated South Korean laws, including the Protection of Communications Secrets Act and the Information and Communications Network Act. They’ve since identified and charged 13 individuals, including KT employees and subcontractors directly connected to the malware attack last November, but the investigations continue today.
Just in case you or any other retards who think this is cool were under the impression that they got away with it or that they somehow had the government's blessing to do it.
You can have a revelution under capitalism too. It is not an integral part of any political or economic system you retard.
Under capitalism masses have more access to goods and services they desire than any other economic system. Under democracy(republic) they also have way more access to change than they did in any other political system.
Think before you speak(write).
Or upload and share infected files in the first place, since koreans are dumb and ignorant, and might use local torrent websites.
Under communism you wouldn't even be alive you skilless retard
>You can have a revelution under capitalism too. It is not an integral part of any political or economic system you retard.
i don't get it. i've never stated that a revolution is specifically tied to a political or economic system. and i'm the retard? maybe you should pick up reading, as reading comprehension is something that you're clearly lacking. i gave you examples of when the masses want something, they'll most likely get it. and it's been proven by history time and time again.

>Under capitalism masses have more access to goods and services they desire than any other economic system.
surely people have access to a lot more goods and services available to them BUT i do think it's important to recognize that under capitalism, there is a much more clearer distinction between the rich and the poor. meaning that if there is an abundance of these services but only 1% can make use of them, what is the point of even having so many goods and services to begin with? that's essentially the end-game of capitalism: raise the prices so high that nobody can ever afford anything.
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reminder that giving free sex to korean or russian roasties is not healthy
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...why them in particular???

i do like the free market, normal people can now also make somewhat of a bank and be rich to some degree, get a house and everything. that is until there becomes an oligopoly of big corporations who want to make even more money due to their own greed or their clients greed and start fucking the rest of the world over. a hypothetical what if: if sufficiently big corporations start collaborating and crashing markets by dumping them dry and waiting for all paper handed losers to sell so they can get even better and lower positions, will certainly make the world a better place, no? corporations are not your friends my friend and that is what you need to understand.
Was looking for this type of post.
I highly doubt that this:
>is legal
see >>101170828
(or read the article, they got busted)
Considering how much bullshit you have to install just to use South Korean services I wouldn't be surprised if they just side-channeled through one of their "security" programs that you need to install.
SK's IT scene is such a fucking mess
>i don't get it
Clearly. Read the quote chain again, paying extra attention to >>101168301 and >>101170760 and maybe you'll get it.
These two posts are alleging that revolution is intrinsic to non-capitalist systems, or at least that revolution is impossible under capitalism. The former being even more retarded, so I did not even consider that line of reasoning.
>abundance of these services but only 1% can make use of them
Are you conflating luxury goods under capitalism with basic necessities under other systems? Very disingenuous.
>the end-game of capitalism: raise the prices so high that nobody can ever afford anything
Incorrect. If you raise your prices so high nobody can afford anything, your income disappears, and you join the ranks of the poor. At the same time, someone else will start providing the same service you did at lower price.
As long as the market is free of course, but October revolution you mentioned did not bring free market. It brought tight government control of the economy, which led to starvation and suffering.
It also brought tight political control, which made another revolution nearly impossible. Ironic how you brought both of them up, retard.
Stupid article title, it's not what the article says...
Who the fuck still uses DL sites in 2024? Are you also on WinMX, dipshit?
Of course. Only under an America-funded coup would intelligently preventing theft be penalized.
alright, so i'm the one who disingenuous when all you've done is disregarded that what i meant by revolution is that when a sufficiently large group of people want change, they will have it their way, one way or another hence why i brought up those revolutions. i never once did imply that any of those revolutions are tied to any political or economic system, you're the one who made that reach and based your whole argument off of that, and you're still trying to argue based on that. i replied specifically to (You) and not the whole quote chain.

it's not always that someone can swoop in and provide same services and goods of the same quality. in your idealistic view, someone raises the price and instantaneously others jump in to offer the same goods/services for a lower price. what if problems at the supply chain is what caused the raise and no one can afford to take and sell at loss. we saw this just a couple of years ago with nvidia and semiconductor manufacturing and why GPU prices soared to extreme prices. even nvidia had to raise prices of their top end GPUs. AMD did the same. and scalpers were not even the problem here, there was a severe shortage in the supply of those chips while the demand stayed as high as ever.

surely GPUs are one thing and what you may call a "luxurious" good and not a necessity for survival.
look up the 1973 oil crisis, where exactly the same thing happened. look at the COVID pandemic and how it affected healthcare. there are cases when no one can step in and save the day, that only works in theory. in the real world, many unexpected and unforeseen events may take place making it impossible for this ideal capitalistic idea to work out.

you may now even write that healthcare, tech and oil are not a necessity for survival but you can go back to your basement, NEET, and continue creating strawman arguments that make you always win. people get sick, people have to work and drive cars, it's just life.
>i replied specifically to (You) and not the whole quote chain.
Do you often address only single point completely ignoring the rest of the conversation? That's fucking retarded.
>what if problems at the supply chain
How do "problems at the supply chain" relate to "the end-game of capitalism"? Is supply chain problem the goal of capitalism? How fucking stupid are you?
>many unexpected and unforeseen events may take place making it impossible for this ideal capitalistic idea to work out.
Are you implying other systems are immune to crisis? If not, then why the fuck are you bring it up as a critique of capitalism? Retard.
>They’ve since identified and charged 13 individuals, including KT employees and subcontractors directly connected to the malware attack last November, but the investigations continue today.
I wonder if these employees knew what they do or if they only followed orders without even knowing what they send.
>Do you often address only single point completely ignoring the rest of the conversation? That's fucking retarded.
clever of you to say that when you're doing exactly the same thing right now. stupid this, retard that. i'm starting to really think that you need to read quite a bit more and enhance your vocabulary. i'm going to imagine the next reply will be something along the lines of: "retard retard fuck retard stupid"

problems at the supply chain was in relation to this retarded sentence of yours:
>Are you conflating luxury goods under capitalism with basic necessities under other systems?

and this:
>Incorrect. If you raise your prices so high nobody can afford anything, your income disappears, and you join the ranks of the poor. At the same time, someone else will start providing the same service you did at lower price.

>Are you implying other systems are immune to crisis? If not, then why the fuck are you bring it up as a critique of capitalism? Retard.
here let me address this since you cannot read and understand what other people write to you without quoting the exactly specific thing. no system is immune to crisis. but surely there are better ways of handling crises than to drive up the prices so that no one can afford them. let the government step in and use your tax money in situations like those or anything other than forcing individuals to pay at a premium just because there is a supply chain issue or if corporations are colluding with each other to drive up the prices artificially when there is no actual need to do so.

i do believe that free market capitalism is good, but it certainly doesn't come without flaws. i'm not implying that communism would be any better, maybe in the future where we have AI overlords, a thing like communism could potentially work, but as long as humans are involved in leadership, it will never ever work.

i'd really urge you to read and up your vocabulary, otherwise you might come off as the retard here ;)
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>They’ve since identified and charged 13 individuals, including KT employees and subcontractors directly connected to the malware attack
lol these are the paypigs you see on 4chan seething that people didn't pay to play the latest AAA slop or watch the newest marvel movie. Enjoy prison, retards.
How about you fucking read the article yourself you dumb cunt.
They were CLEARED by a judge after getting caught. The distribution of malware was ruled lawful.
I don't care about TVslop and marvelshit for NPCs
>j-just get a c record and ruin your life bro
>that'll show them!
>As U.S. troops stationed in Korea popularized the practice among Korean soldiers, the then-developing nation began to associate the high rates of circumcision in Western countries with the state of industrialization, according to Kim.
Anon, I didn't know this... holy fucking shit. What a retarded thing to do without the shitty excuse of religion.
>entire thread is /pol/ goylems baiting and shitflinging with NO tech-related discussion
Doesn't torrent client check for file integrity a.l.a hash of each block? How did this happen?
You are slow so I keep sentences simple. You are retard. Accept it.
Conversation start here with stupid take: >>101168206 It say "elites make government do bad things, so capitalism bad".
This is wrong. Elites make government do bad things under any system, and under capitalism people have more say than under other systems.
Second stupid take here: >>101168301 It say "When not capitalism, people get what they want. When capitalism, people cannot get what they want". You also write here: >>101170760 that people get what they want with revolution.
This is wrong. People can revolution under capitalism too. You are retard.
Third stupid take here: >>101170954 you write "there is an abundance of these services but only 1% can make use of them" and "the end-game of capitalism: raise the prices so high that nobody can ever afford anything.".
This is wrong. Normal people can buy more things under capitalism than any other system. Elites are not stupid to raise prices high so nobody can buy anything. They do want to sell things so they can make profit. If you cannot sell, you don't make profit.
Fourth stupid take here: >>101171549 you write "what if problems at the supply chain is what caused the raise"
This is wrong. We are not talking about emergency situation but normal working of capitalism. Any system can have emergency.
Fifth stupid take here: >>101171708 you write: "let the government step in and use your tax money in situations like those"
This is wrong. Tax money will not magically make more product. If product number is low then low number of people get it and elites will always get it with corruption. If price is high then elites pay more and have less money in the end. Your proposal means take money from normal people so elites can have product for cheaper. You make world worse, retard.
I hope now you understand how stupid you are.
>before capitalism
>poverty, illiteracy, dirt farming and fucking farm animals to pass the time
>after capitalism
>poverty, illiteracy, wage slaving and gooning to pass the time
Real improvement
they did not compromise torrent, but used a different delivery channel
south koreans has government mandated backdoors
What delivery channel? Do koreans use their own domestic torrent clients made by korea telecom?
again, they did not use torrent. they only identified who uses torrent and then delivered malware through different channels
ah my bad I can't read
Anyone have that info graphic or whatever you call it with 4chan posts explaining korean feminism?
>before capitalism
>more poverty
>after capitalism
>less poverty
meanwhile retards
>it's the same
no worries friend
i wish you great day
I hereby invent "chea/pol/"
>often stylized as "she/pol/" [as an hommage to the famous female korean feminism])
It contains "cheabol" like the vermin
It contains the famous korean feminism
It contains /pol/
It contains cheapo or "cheap"

Reading that word costs money, send the money directly into my account thank you

hey, i was right, all you did was just do exactly as i said. retard this retard that, stupid, wrong, without having an ounce of perspective on how things work in the real life.

jesus christ how dense are people? are you american? did your overweight body catch up to your brain?

>, and under capitalism people have more say than under other systems.
you just made my point, thanks. thats what ive been trying to tell you. how is this even a rebuttal?

>People can revolution under capitalism too. You are retard.
quote me exactly where i said that people cannot make revolution in capitalism? youre just making shit up. >>how is this even a rebuttal?

>They do want to sell things so they can make profit. If you cannot sell, you don't make profit.
this is exactly why companies raise prices, for profit. if you've bought all other companies who are in competition with you, you can dictate prices however you want and there is anyone can do about it.

>We are not talking about emergency situation but normal working of capitalism. Any system can have emergency.
normal working of capitalism is an emergency. tell me you want 500 different brands of ripoffs and no creativity with varying prices and questionable quality. its not even a competition when one large conglomerate owns all the brands, making it an oligopoly. look it up, you'll learn something new.

>This is wrong. Tax money will not magically make more product. If product number is low then low number of people get it and elites will always get it with corruption. If price is high then elites pay more and have less money in the end. Your proposal means take money from normal people so elites can have product for cheaper. You make world worse, retard.
I hope now you understand how stupid you are.
tax money will "magically" make more product because the government will steadily subsidize the companies therefore making product available to everyone without extortionate prices.
so intercept the torrent download
>pic rel y height
OP had a cartoonishly long phone
>implying kimchinks can watch youtube
Still the same outcome. Doctored torrents are a thing since a long time by now, it allows for lawyers to join the swarm, spout bullshit data (so that they themselves don't spread anything they consider "worth of value" to spinelessly weazel themselves out) and then leave the swarm with an IP-address list again.
Flatout 2 for Mac torrents are an example of a disgruntled dev or lawyer doing such a thing. There's always going to be one peer seeding crap data that has to be sourced by other peers in the swarm.
100% sure that it's a law-industry-backed attacker doing that. He's active since years and the name of the Flatout 2 company is "bugbear" or something. Lol. Annoying little bugger.
Law-industry people are useless eaters, they produce nothing of value and hitchhike on the perceived (by propaganda) value of the productions from other people. Really low energy drains on society. Making society grind to a halt due to perceived "fear" mongering. "Illegal this, illegal that". Until nobody does anything again and human society drifts into extremism for the 48391th time by now.

Murder is illegal, countries go to war. Lock up all politicians. Start there instead of fucking with fans wanting to join their social circles despite being too poor or greedy for the latest current thing.

Remember: If you pay for netflix etc. you pay for a lawyer to lock you up once you double clicked the µTorrent icon. Why do you feed a man wanting you behind bars? Are you stupid?
>doing unsanctioned wrongthink action
>government can simply deliver malware to your computer
nightmarish hellplanet. my next phone will not be samsung.
you are also forgetting besides adopting American hyper-capitalism and they still have the Asian mindset of whack ass traditions, which turns into the worst fusion of both sides
there was actually a greentext passed around that got a lot of attention on this site 4~ yrs ago where some anon insisted that all of south korea is used to test western doctrines like feminism.
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>south koreans has government mandated backdoors
thank god USA is safe, right??????????
You see a lot of these types on 4chan btw in fact the fp is one of them they're everywhere constantly saying whatever corpos do is good no matter how fucked up it is in this case sending malware to your own paying customers.
yeah, that's outdated
some changes, gov. shuffle, old prez in jail, etc
marginal improvement, the femnazis pretty much driven underground but still lurking

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Found it.
>How's the malware?
maybe check the definition of malware
>hey, i was right
You asked and I provided. Still too hard for you to understand. Sad.
>you just made my point
Which point? Quote it.
>quote me exactly where i said that people cannot make revolution in capitalism?
To paraphrase:
>before capitalism people could get what they want, under capitalism they can't
>if you knew history you would know people before capitalism couldn't do more than under capitalism
>what about revolution
I understand following a conversation over more than one post is hard. Sorry, but you are stupid.
>this is exactly why companies raise prices, for profit.
But they don't raise prices until "nobody can ever afford anything." that you wrote here >>101170954 you retard.
>normal working of capitalism is an emergency
Worst loser take I have ever seen. Capitalism brought humanity out of poverty to the point where what is considered poverty now would be considered well of before capitalism.
>its not even a competition when one large conglomerate owns all the brands
And yet I can successfully avoid Unilever and Nestle and don't miss anything. Only government can ban competition but then it's no longer capitalism.
>tax money will "magically" make more product
Not in case of supply chain issues. Price goes up when supply is lower than demand.
>the government will steadily subsidize the companies therefore making product available to everyone without extortionate prices.
Add subsidies to the final bill and suddenly prices are still extortionate. Also add government inefficiencies, like cost of bureaucrats that manage the funds and standard corruption and the price is even higher. Another loser take from you.
Do you ever think before you write or is this this standard for you?
I cannot stress this enough: you are a retard. Do like the asus motherboard and stop posting.
Without Christianity, there would be no European descendants to become atheists and protest against religions.

It really makes you think.

What about slavery?

Blacks humiliate whites because of slavery, but they should thank us. Without slavery, blacks wouldn't be making money from music in America.
>What about slavery?
what about it? it was banned only in the cultured white world. still alive and kicking in africa and asia.
malicious *ware
Stop being such a communist and realize that tax payer money and government money are two different things.
I accept your concession.
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>country with the smallest benis
>cut the tip off
Your seething has been noted
Another proof that south korea is satanic and north korea the good guys.
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Yep and dumbasses can't see that productivity skyrocketed and the rich got richer, while the poor stayed poor because they didn't own the means of production (you could even say that a serf living under feudalism was better off than a modern wage slave). Capitalism sure works lol, just not for you.
Here is a spoiler. The end goal for capitalism is to replace the poor with AI, allowing the means of production to function without a workforce. Now the ladder is permanently cut off and since the rich don't need the poor at that point, you'll just get exterminated. The end.
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>megalian logo
No wonder this triggers gooks so much.
In the three posts you linked together, I was only the top one. You are the dumbest motherfucker on this board.
Good, too many people anyway.
Jut don't be poor, bro.

please sir, chinks browse this board, spoiler that shit
Simping for corporations instead of your own people. Even insects wouldn't do this.
>gets proven to be wrong
>cries like a little bitch
Capitalism IS the ability for the government and CEO oligarchs to rule over you with an iron fist and a bloody boot.
Just ask any American.
If you are the top one then why are you even replying to this message? Clearly it is intended for the retard that keeps defending your L take. Are you also a retard?
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All I see are 2 megatards
>You asked and I provided. Still too hard for you to understand. Sad.
still seeing that its hard for you to read, reading comprehension can be hard. quote where i asked you to do it if we're doing it this way.

>Which point? Quote it.
>>to everyone without extortionate prices.
>>you can dictate prices however you want and there is NOTHING anyone can do about it.

if you cannot infer that these things are negative, you're a moron. i'm sorry your mother dropped you on your head when you were a child. or maybe it was one of your two dads, faggot?

>I understand following a conversation over more than one post is hard.
what a rebuttal!! amazing. you understand? i don't think you understand anything. to get my point across once and for all: revolution gets what the masses want and history has shown it, time and time again. people didn't like their leaders? they got rid of them. you're still trying to make some sort of incoherent argument "ooga booga revolution is for commies only" but then shift goal posts and "revolution is not only for commies" like jesus christ make up your god damn mind

>Also add government inefficiencies, like cost of bureaucrats that manage the funds

but most companies are bureaucratic by nature and inefficient, this applies even to the most capitalistic of companies. i'm not sure what you're getting at. maybe the human nature? most of the big tech companies are subsidized by the american govt and it surely does work out fine for them.

i still havent gotten any quote from you showing that i stated a revolution is impossible under capitalism, please do so.

loser this, retard that, stupid, wrong. how about you bend over, spread your cheeks and let all the american corporations run a train on you while you scream "capitalism is the best". after they're all done, you can go the nearest walmart and buy an off brand rope for $1000 and hang yourself on the highest skyscraper that capitalism ever built, retard
I don't see anything wrong with this. You shouldn't have been downloading illegal and pirated things to begin with. If everyone pirated everything to where they can't recover their investment, people wouldn't make movies and music anymore.
this is no worse than dealing with squatters desu.
If you're dump enough to execute arbitrary code, you deserve to get malware'd like a dumb bitch you are. these corps did nothing wrong.
Isn't spreading malware on the internet literally illigal in most countries. Especially by a non government isp provider. This nigger got good intentions but fucked up big time legaly speaking
>good intentions
T. leech.
They can bring it up in court as stopping theft. But if you shoot a thief in a country that doesn't allow that you are still going to jail
>The elites had much more power before capitalism
lmao no, just because everyone was poor doesn't mean the rich were more powerful, the elite today have almost total control over even the minute details of the slaves' lives, something the olden elite, whether they be from Korea or Germany, never had.
>live in South Korea
oof. Couldn't be me
stop screeching and take your L
capitalism allows you to vote against corpos with your wallet. if you can't afford then go be useful to someone so they pay you for your time. stop being a parasite
elites back then had brigands that forced you to do shit
elites nowadays have money which you don't have to take and do what you want
take your meds
>elites back then had brigands that forced you to do shit
>implying the police aren't brigands that force you to do shit
anyhow, the elites of old barely had any control over the poor folk, from a purely logistical and technological standpoint. The kind of tyranny you see today was just plain and simply impossible in a pre-industrial world. Once again, just because everyone was a poorfag living under a corrupt regime doesn't mean that regime was powerful.
good. piracy is communism, and they get rope and should be lynched like jews in holocaust.
Piracy is theft and I'm tired to pretend it isn't.
Pirating shitskin made products are justified, until you realized that shitskins can't create, thus everything they made is trash.

get a chopper ride commie
You mean impoverished north korea lmao. they are starving to death right now
I have been stealing software without consequences for 20 years and I will continue to do so for the rest of my life, while instructing many others to do the same.
Cope and seethe
>stop screeching and take your L
with the way you argue, i dont think you've even put up any fight.

>be you
>ramble insane things as if they're all factual
>every time you make a "point", call your opponent a loser or a retard (that will surely show them)
>dumb and out of place rebuttals
>make shit up that was never once mentioned in the thread
>i win, take your L

amazing capitalist thoughts, i'm sure jeff bezos and elon musk would give you a standing ovation for your capitalistic efforts. oh wait, you're too poor for them. stop bootlicking and defending corpos. one day you'll realize that corpos are not your friends but a money making machine. its a game for those with an insane amount of money, and you're not in it.
>capitalism allows you to vote against corpos with your wallet
you can't even do something as basic as get a guaranteed flight not on a 737 MAX. delusional fucking nigger. Our economy stopped being capitalist for a long time anyway.
>vote against corpos with your wallet
do people actually believe this shit
they're referring to some sort of idealistic version of capitalism where everything just works and how it's all just so perfect. surely you as a private individual who makes, say $100k annually, will be able to vote against a trillion dollar corporation who can sue you just for existing and still win because they have more money than you. what an amazing system!
I too wish for idealism. I think the reality of being human usually fucks it up though. Humans are inherently lazy and greedy and usually that's when the anti-competitive copes roll in, let alone the literal grifting copy-cats who just want to skim off the top.
i agree with you that humans always fuck everything up. humans tend to destroy for themselves and their own kind more than any other species.

i'm honestly more surprised by the amount of gorillionaire larpers here who are willing to die on the hill of protecting corporations and billionaires who couldn't give a shit or two less if they dropped dead tomorrow, if it gives them money.

all systems are imperfect because they're made by man. and anything made by man will be as flawed as man itself.
>in "capitalist" countries government helps few rich people
>in "communist" countries government helps few vanguard party members
put two and two together
corporations are de facto government agencies and should be treated as such. the "vote with your wallet" retard is wrong because we don't live in a free market, he wouldn't be in one.
>free markets are idealist and don't exist!
ironically they exist most often in hard communist countries in the form of black markets.
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Countering the cat cruelty.
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Fuck off. That POS caused the 1997 Asian Financial crisis.
>it was not the elite who gave people what they wanted and just fucked off.
The Founding Fathers of america were all elites. They were all immensely rich for their time and politically active. So was Robespierre and his peers. Trotsky came from a rich landowning jew family and was basically the equivalent of a southern old money dickhead.
>govt and CEOs come up with plant malware on people's computers
>have lowly peons carry out the plan
>lynch the peons to ensure silence afterwards
lmao, couldn't be more obvious. South Korea has always been a shithole under a dictatorship just like China and North Korea. They're rich because the US and Japan support them
>Most people rejected his message, they hated him because he was telling the truth
true capitalism has never been tried. What you're seeing is darwinism where the strong purge the weak in whatever ways they can.
imagine running malware from your ISP or continuing to use your ISP after they poison your DNS and install malware on your computer desu
>being a shit hole because america and Israel have to give China more land in a fake war in the future
>just like China
the mutt copes without prompt lol
>private ownership of the means of production educated the masses via public education
Truly the biggest of big-brain takes, anon.
As time goes on the more I start to sympathize with young people blaming capitalism as a brick in the wall of problems with society today.
We don't live in Capitalism anymore.
What you're experiencing is Corporatism and Cronyism.
Else these self-perpetual money-burning schemes like Hollywood for example would have gone bankrupt a decade ago.
>but it wasn't real capitalism!
Use a VPN next time, your ISP isn't doing shit to a TLS connection.
I'm surprised I don't see more comments on that this is the ISP doing this. The ISP. IE the man in the middle for everyone's connections is fucking with connections.
Can't the ISP be sued for this?
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You will never be a woman.
You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs.
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You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
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All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted.
Behind your back people mock you.
Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.
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Men are utterly repulsed by you
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Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency
>600k people want something
People have infinite wants. Any economic system has to manage this.
Auch alle Ausländer, der Poster auch
So why did the nice person of color attack the innocent leftist
Was it like a random act of violence (well deserved) or did the woketard do something retarded to try to "relate" to the nigger or "educate" him (extremely well deserved)
>Cause irreversible damage to your end-user's computer over downloading MP3s
>Go to jail
Yeah I don't see how the fuck they didn't expect this exact outcome.
What absolute troglodyte in legal approved this action?
You can't just digitally rip up your customers system because they downloaded linken_park.pm3.exe.
You CAN report it to the relevant rights holders or threaten to terminate their service, provided you have a clause about that within your contract, and if you don't, you can't.
>Use torrent for non-piracy related activities like downloading/sharing linux install iso files and public data archival
It's almost like ISPs have no fucking clue how the internet works.
Also, they all got arrested lol.
>Because they got colonized by Americans, they copied all the worst part of the US and multiplied it by 10.
If you tried something like that in the US as an ISP, you'd get your shit slapped with a class action so fast the legal department of your company would be jumping from windows mere seconds after rolling it out.
Isnt this illegal ?
>under a dictatorship
Define "dictatorship" in a way that doesn't merely describe the concept of Government.
Yes, and the people responsible were arrested for carrying it out.
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dumb meme
no, the establishment is not communist and does not support communism, its just crony capitalism
communism also has nothing to do with trannies and their penises
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>communism also has nothing to do with trannies and their penises
No, he was going to dedicate an entire thread to his animosity. /ftng/ fuck that nigga general is coming.
>preferring phonepostercase
It was a crackzombie nigger.
All the libtard faggot had to do was cross the street and avoid the nigger. But like a good little libtard that he is, he ingnored his gut and every single survival instinct to not be racist.
And then as a cherry on top, his girlfriend refused to press charges and identify the nigger.
And then her and his "friends" started a gofundme, not to pay for the funereal or help his parents but to "take time off work" and pay for the whore's vacation.
And surprise surprise, she is burning coal now.
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Suffragism and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
Grow the fuck up.
how did the malware even work? torrents are meant to be verifiable, if you send incorrect data the client will notice
Yes, you should.
it was some custom chink filesharing protocol/program
but i shouldnt blame all chinks, even the chinese are more competent
globohomo status quo defenders ASSEMBLE
Trannies and drag kids are a weapon against conservative societies they want break all identities down so people only identify with their class. This is all communist ideas, classical liberal didn't come up with it.
/g/ autists talking about capitalism as if they know what the fuck they are talking about is pure stem fail

best analysis of capitalism is marx. if you haven't read it you simply don't understand and dunning kruger will punish you hard when you speak to someone who actually gets it
yeah well no ones gonna read marx given what kinda people associate themselves with him
What you're doing is good and important work. Communists deserve ridicule from all directions. Thank you.
probably the most ignorant post in this thread, but it has competition.
>South Korea is LITERALLY a dystopia. At least for people like us.
How so?
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Were they uploading malware files disguised as various other files, or did they find a way to inject malware into an otherwise safe torrent download?
>How so?
they literally hate people who dont do things perfectly from the start of middle school. it's the ultimate perfectionist society, even if you reach the top it's hell. look at the actor who killed himself after being a star in some movie called "Parasite" or some shit. All the fame, all the money and he still pulled a Ronnie McNutt fucking hell bro
Do other anons concur with this post?
fuck no. anon is a doomer
idk but I'd wager money that this is a "just Windows problems" situation

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