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Software engineering as a career is over.
it looks like a table of the ratio of age and attractiveness of women
This happens when you pay everyone six figures for copy & pasting from stack overflow.
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i wonder how many times these ai fintech pedos are going to keep posting the same thread every week? more than 5 times?
two more weeks until fintech pedos that snort cocaine out of the assholes of columbian boys makes everyone unemployed using chatgpt, everyone! just two more weeks.
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It's literally just interest rates
>raise rates to stop inflation
>jobs tank
>AI powered GPUs
Now comes onto stage AI powered CPUs and Laptops. Plz buy. Also invest, sirs.
You dont even have to copy paste from Stack overflow. AI will generate code for you now
The true test will be when interest rate cuts start to happen. If Tech jobs still drop then its truly over
Yeah, I hate it. Inwish I had done something else with my life.
Good. There is approximately zero new software that needs to be created. Everything as it is just werks.

Even if you need one-off programs for scientific experiments with weird bespoke equipment, it's all been controllable over serial since serial was invented and modern software can't do low level port control and GPIO anyway

It's not AI coming for your jobs, it's people realizing that a copy of Windows 8 and OpenOffice can accomplish 99% of normies' tasks that aren't social media (and zoomers are getting old enough to be annoyed with constant interface changes to their normie platforms)
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>seeing this as a comp sci major
Switch while you still can.
Why would they drop? Money would be cheaper to borrow, investors would be more willing to throw money at every chucklefuck with an idea, like what was previously true
Software engineering is and has always been a scam.
>"Yeah, bro! I'm totally going to program to program a software for your super obscure field of work, that I know nothing about. Trust me bro!"

it's also why COBOL was created. so actual domain experts can write their own programs.

COBOL is still in use today and powers the world's most important industries, and also banking
Trimming the fat
Coding AI though hasnt reached a level to replace humans, it has made prouctivity way more efficient than before. So if same level of productivity can be achieved with lower number of coders, they are not gonna increase hiring and spend money elsewhere
>Windows 8
absolutely abhorrent post
dude most of them are old fucks and companies outsource their shit to india even for cobol
Banks have been actively moving off of COBOL in the past few years. It's a dead end
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>Seeing this as an unironic femboy faggot thats going into the trades
Yeah it's over for braindead wagecucks but it's not over to start a business
i pet u
>when interest rate cuts start to happen
You will never live through another ZIRP. Rates might go down slightly but not to any large degree. Interest rates should be higher than they are now but unfortunately the economy and national debt would not sustain that in the short term. But expect rates to trend upwards over the long term. Expect rates to suddenly rise in the short term if there are supply chain disruptions because of a trade war with China or political pissing matches with either Russia or Iran.
Ask BioEs to release another covid and line go up again.
The Phillips curve is bad economic theory and is why we're in this economic mess. Go find a time series graph of inflation that includes pre-1960 (if you can) and look at what stops happening after (((Samuelson and Solow))) took the Phillips curve and applied it to the US.
The cult of unlimited growth has been a disaster for mankind.
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i will never agree with coof conspiracy doomers, but it was definitely overblown in media to make line go up.

Canada is still doing it. Every food producer/retailer is still gouging people because "covid" and "war in ukrane" even though Canada itself produces a lot of food so there should be no supply chain issues and I've never heard of ukranian combat rations containing Doritos and
>but anon ukraine is the world's breadbasket!!!

i'd be shocked if war in/around israel won't make eggs jump again from 7$/12 to just being 1$/ea. this cannot continue
What makes you think they won't go back to zero interest the second they possibly can?
why do people who don't understand how markets work love to speak so confidently on economics?
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>The cult of unlimited growth has been a disaster for mankind.
aggregate demand/supply models don't have anything to do with 'unlimited growth'
US economy struggles to grow beyond 3% (outside of the covid recovery years) because of its size, interest rates still well above 5%. Eventually they will have to start cutting rates lest they actually cause a stagflation or high recession. When that happens they would have to aggressively cut rates to salvage the situation
NTA, zero interest rates is unlikely any time soon. but I can see them keeping interest rates around 2.5% in the next couple of years
i could understand price rises in general but in canada food specifically spiked incredibly hard basically overnight. people on r*ddit have posted flyers from 2018 and 2019 next to eachother and there's on average a flat 3$ increase on everything. even if it's MUH SUPPLY CHAIN one would think it would be percentage based increments due to overhead but exposes and other investigation shows it's the producers and retailers colluding since Sobeys and Braeburn basically have monopolies, and also big side holdings in media so every time anything bad happens, mysteriously food prices go up because [country at war] IS ARE BREADBASKET and OMG COVID DELTA OMEGA MIAMI KILLED THE CHINA SUPPLY CHAIN!!! even though the vast majority of our agricultural goods come from saskatchewan, quebec, and bc

it is 100% psyops and justifications to make arbitrary price hikes, and they're only not btfo by the Free Market™ just undercutting them because canada does not actually have a free market and most stores and services are owned by monopolies.

see also: why internet is so expensive and so shit in canada. all the physical infra is jointly owned by bell and the telus-rogers vers bdsm relationship, and despite havg 99 different telco companies, 97 of them are just bell or telus/rogers resellers.
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Its almost like the economy in general has been dogshit for the last 4,5 years. I've had no trouble job hopping in the recent years though.

t. backend dev, 5 yoe

Most software development is companies building in-house software or software consulting firms getting paid to build it for them. You'd know this if you actually had any industry experience.
don't get disheartened, a 10-20% drop from something that's up 6000% isn't that big of a deal and more importantly the graph in OP is contrary to the USA governments official statistics and predictions https://www.bls.gov/ooh/computer-and-information-technology/software-developers.htm
just make sure you actually take advantage of all the companies who strictly hire students and recent grads and make sure you do at least two internships during your degree.
>in-house software
new peoplesoft shit for hr rats does not need to exist. in fact, hr rats do not need to exist.
Everything is a compromise
You'd know this if you actually had any life experience, summerfaggot.
>new peoplesoft shit for hr rats does not need to exist
Almost nobody rolls their own HR software except for maybe some absolute megacorps. Thanks for exposing yourself.
>hr rats do not need to exist
They're a necessary evil since after a certain size you need people to deal with the practical tasks related to hiring, firing and lawsuit prevention.
>Eventually they will have to start cutting rates lest they actually cause a stagflation or high recession. When that happens they would have to aggressively cut rates to salvage the situation
All of this assumes a lack of geopolitical risk which is at local high right now. There's a land war going on in Europe, talk of a draft, and growing tensions between the US and China. The government will keep interest rates high to prevent capital flight and asset bubbles. The US will try (and fail) to reindustrialise in the next administration and the result of this will be increased wages and inflation.

You have 1 year.
>no jeets
you're kidding, you should look at the statistics of how many physicians would recommend their occupation to their children. I think it was 1 out of 10.

if you're not being a doctor... well you're not making SWE money then.
>USA governments official statistics and predictions
all of that growth will go to foreigners, goy
Honestly, I wish I went into Accounting and became an Auditor. A lot more job security there, plus the pay is great.

I hope rates get cut so I don't have to fear layoffs as much anymore. I just started at my new job 3 weeks ago, and I feel like I'm going to get laid off because my immediate report got fired for coming into work drunk/asking people what their salary was at the on-site meeting we had in NYC. I haven't done much since she got fired.
>he thought perpetually extending and updating "web" "apps" was a sustainable career
yea a smart guy on twitter said it's due to interest rates as well, so i believe it.
Already moved into government auditing, military contracting and politics, now I get to bully smaller tech companies with federal contracts.
Have fun coding, monkeys
>Honestly, I wish I went into Accounting and became an Auditor. A lot more job security there, plus the pay is great.

i worked in big 4 audit for a year and have worked in "industry" as an accountant for an additional 5 years. the pay isn't that great unless you're a senior manager or partner, there's not a ton of job security, and public accounting auditors get wageslaved 60 hours a week for like half of the year.
>start a business
not buying your fly by night SaaS scam. get a real job.
Yeah, all those lucrative long term government contracts are totally "bullying" companies, they hate money
By copy and pasting from stackoverflow
Prove it
post 0%, fag
that's not cool bro, there are only 85,000 H1B visas each year, surely that's not enough to offset the growth!
>Employment Change, 2022-32: 451,200
>45,120 per year
uh oh bros...
Most of them are shell companies owned by Politicians (Especially loosely linked to mayors, governors and the other lizards), but for the ones who aren't, we make sure they get "special treatment" before they get paid.
Not that I don't dip my toes as well, made around 950k since entering the field and I barely have any idea why I'm doing, contracting is quite literally free money with how much money the government throws around corporations with strategic resources or products.
I chose the wrong career, SWEs are playing with pocket change compared to this
On your resume, did you list only you most recent position, or all your previous tech related jobs?

Trying to move on from my first backend dev position to something better since stuff is going down the toilet here.
>Industry X over employ's when credit is cheap
>Industry X corrects later on
Not a problem provided you're at least partially competent. Do you have any idea how many """"software engineers"""" are employed that don't know what a pointer is or how to implement a hash table?
It's not if you're India. Greatest time to be alive lads
We'll live through another ZIRP soon enough because our tax revenue barely covers minimum payments required to sustain the deficit. We're long past the point where the currency has to be continually debased to avoid default and if the rates don't drop the debt to GDP ratio is going to go nuts faster than the current predicted time line, which has the shit already slated to continue parabolic ascent

sometimes i feel sorry for them, they generally woke and then become broke.

also a lack of engineering skills plus "i want a job", "i want money", "i want eat".. motivation, which is quite weird. one fella i knew left engineering because he decided to make money, he started with selling cucumbers and.. now he's a millionaire.

they cant connect the "we embracing LGBTQPQ LGBTQQ plus" and closeups of women who code etc.

i think i will do well in PHP for the next 4 years of senile joe, but ye, not quite happy
Kys keynesian kike
That's just a normal borzoi
not an argument
wrong, it's only over for the smoothbrains that followed the money trail, I can guarantee you that the autists who write the software the world runs on will be fine.
it has always be a labor of love just like art, you git gud by practicing, if you don't have time to practice because of muh family or some other retarded reason like this, you'll flip burger under 5 years.
Deeport the jeets.
I'd agree it is a downwards spiral from here. ChatGPT makes juniors / mediors a lot more proficient than in the past and a lot faster. Even though they still try to pad things with old times, simple queries and simple repetitive code can now be delivered insanely fast with current chatGPT versions.

Look for employment in architecture and more complicated niche stuff like working with graph databases. The more niche and the less general it is, the less likely that your job is on the chopping block in the next ~3 years. Also architecture and product owner roles will just continue to exist.

Accounting was the area I originally wanted to get into but I was told in 2014 by many that it had no future and most tasks will get automated, leading to an excess of unemployed accountants who would take on the rest of the client specific work. Now here we are in 2024 and in my country (Netherlands) there is actually a shortage of skilled accountants and financials with boomers retiring.

Medicine is tough. You're looking for occupations such as general practitioner or further specialization. Those are known for long hours, demanding patients and a lot of pressure on your shoulders every day since mistakes cost people their lives. Only way to avoid that is by going strictly into research.
>The true test will be when interest rate cuts start to happen. If Tech jobs still drop then its truly over
that's not how it works. the fed dropping interest rates is essentially the signal that the bottom is dropping out. then everything goes to shit for a year or two, then it slowly pumps up again. this is the normal cycle now
It is best to just get into the public sector and use your skills at orgs like the IRS or other government watchdogs. Maybe in US this is less chill, but in my country (Netherlands) pay is typically the same, definitely more for juniors & mediors and for less hours and a lot less stress.
atheists actaully believe this
Reeks of unemployed neet AND nocoder at the same time, with a hint of eau de boomer perhaps
"People" this dumb and dishonest should be permabanned
Worthless schizobabble. You don't understand anything you're talking about.
>$200k tc
>completely remote
>40 hr weeks
>only sme for several important parts of the system
all this fud and nothing's changed for me. it's not like i'm even being paid very well in comparison to my coworkers or big tech in general. we also can't seem to hire more people even though i've been involved in several interviews and some of them were decent enough. either they fucked up with hr or the managers or they more likely got better offers elsewhere. so i doubt they were that desperate in the first place.
what do your day to day tasks generally look like. database shit?

>i've been involved in several interviews
man i'd hate to have that responsibility. can't stand the thought of having to fail people, or passing the wrong people.
Yet there's still high demand for good software engineers
The people getting laid off are the not-so-talented code monkeys who did a boot camp in hopes of getting a software engineer's salary. They were also probably riding the crypto and AI bubbles.
>what do your day to day tasks generally look like.
reading external specs and stuff online for shit i'm not familiar with, reading, writing, and updating internal specs and documentation, working with business on requirements, writing emails, chatting with other devs, design meetings on ironing out tons of important details on specifics about system behavior and other topics, investigating a fuck ton of issues with the pre production environment before launch, working with system admins and operations on configuring the hosts, updating various scripts and answering questions, constantly debugging and fixing various broken tests in an unrelated release that broke for some stupid reason, getting info from other people, thinking about implementation of a new feature, thinking about abnormal and failure scenarios that need to be handled for it, having to inherit code, applications, and scripts from someone else and going through the painful process of getting familiar with it, attending meetings unrelated to the thing i'm currently working on, reviewing qa pipeline test results, logs, code coverage, other shit for a release, working with qa on broken test cases and helping them write cases in general, gathering stats and doing analysis for management, profiling, optimization, performance and capacity testing, writing various tests for a new feature or fix or app or change, and finally, actually coding the new feature or fix or app or change.
its just returning to normal. the government convinced everyone to go into tech.
it was a primarily male domain filled with whites/indians and asians.
a lot of women only went in for the money
cringe >>101176933
based >>101177121
> Most software development is companies building in-house software

With that I think the most ''development'' is implementing a SAP version or other CRM tool and looking how to migrate on prem stuff on a cloud provider. Typically with that also comes a demand for data analytics and data science even if there are no data quality standards in place whatsoever.

There's very little a business needs to build themselves as you said. The HR tools, administration tools, CRM tools can all be purchased from externals. The migration and setting it up is something a dev would do, but that's consultancy work. Only thing you can actively build and develop would be data analytics solutions at that point because it is the only thing that is very business specific and doesn't have one size fits all solutions. You have dashboards, but you still need someone to make those and make sure data quality standards are present and the data pipelines that you're retrieving data from are okay.
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the doomed discipline
This should have always been expected with the learn to code meme.
If you have hundreds of thousands of non-autistic "programmers" flooding the job market, this is bound to happen.
that's not the reason
Yes it is, verification not required
it's just interest rates
i'm about to take two weeks off
what can i do to make this shit actually MEMORABLY RELAXING instead of shitposting all day and not feeling recharged yet again
there are a gajillion new CS grads and CS majors in the US. Outside the US, there are a gajillion more, and many are from colleges that either caught up to American CS curricula's quality or are even better. Ivy league is full of foreigners. There's absolutely no reason to hire American juniors who want 80k+benefits when you can hire contractors from Eastern Europe with a master's degree who will happily do the job for $40k. This wasn't possible 10 years ago because the "learn to code" meme hadn't been fiercely pushed in every corner of the world

what does this mean? lots of high quality, cheap supply that vastly outnumbers the demand. On top of this LLMs increase productivity a lot and make tons of juniors/pseudojuniors obsolete.
The average comp sci graduate is fucking retarded, there's way too many people that fell for the "just learn to code bro" meme who have near zero interest or mental capability. I have never interacted with someone who went to a code bootcamp instead of university but I don't even want to know what it would be like to work with such a person.
There will always be a demand for competent programmers. Look at the state of software quality in 2024 and ask yourself if you could do better. Maybe computer science is no longer a retard proof career path but I'm not convinced that it ever was.
The problem is that software quality is irrelevant when you can use aggressive business practices to shoulder out the competition.
Most microshit software is sub-pajeet tier, but it doesn't matter because things like the office suite have no real competitors.
>claims software engineering is dead
>posts a graph of software developers
More like people are finally learning that bootcampers and poos are useless
>Everything as it is just werks.
It would if they stopped fucking around with things.
Applications like Cursor and Coplitot generate code just by entering comments bruh. You dont even have to browse through stackoverflow, copy parts of code , modify it to suit your requirements. AI right now can do most of the heavy lifting
I was trying to imply that when the fed cuts rates , it would make borrowing easier which should translate to businesses expanding. Now even after that tech jobs dont grow, then it pretty much says that AI is taking over tech job productivity
there's still a need for people who understand what they're copying
I don't think dev jobs change that much with AI. It's still verifying what someone else wrote and adding on top of that.
the thing is, AI makes it more optimized, so not as many people are needed. Especially not a bunch of 3rd worlders who barely understand what they're doing

AI won't start engineering any time soon. For now it's just automated stackoverflow
Women hit the wall at 2 now you sick fuck!? Kill yourself!
Do all the niggers living on welfare count as employed under this model?
There is a point when optimization goes beyond productivity of multiple engineers. The rate of engineers jobs would be lower if AI is able to manage increased workload.

If AI can achieve productivity of 10 engineers with 1 human in the loop, then that means 9 enginnering jobs have become redundant.

The usual counter argument made for the above scenario is that the economic gains n increased prouctivity would lead to more jobs. But there is no way to know that would happen with AI as it keeps improving with next generation capable of performing more human level tasks each time. The disruption is too much, too wide and too fast unlike previous disruptions.

There might be a new industry that people would create with AI similar to how people created with the internet where human roles might be abundant and give bigger economic benefits. However what people seem to forget is it takes time for a new industry to lay a solid foundation. Also there is no guarantee that AI would be able to perform those human roles soon enough
I'm just saying don't expect it immediately after the fed starts cutting rates. The economy as a whole will be in deep shit once that happens
everything is a logistic curve
>lots of high quality
Lots of people that check boxes but there's no high quality.
>If AI can achieve productivity of 10 engineers with 1 human in the loop,
it can't do even one engineer. AI can't do software engineering and wont' be able to for years to come
it can do a work of 10 codemonkeys, probably. So jeets.
>it can do a work of 10 codemonkeys, probably. So jeets.
Till this generation of AI. What about next gen versions though?
Very nice, now show me the graph for prompt engineer
If you dont build hardware, you are getting replaced.
that seems to require some level of consciousness and AI is nowhere near close to it
it's just slightly better search engine atm
I don't see it happening any time soon
It's because it's something I'm interested in as a zoomer. The universe therefore re-calibrates itself to fuck my ass as hard as possible just like everything else in my life.
>Most software development is companies building in-house software or software consulting firms getting paid to build it for them. You'd know this if you actually had any industry experience.
this. retarded zoomers fresh out of college cant conceive the concept that there are tons of businesses out there that arent Google that need software built for really niche industries. That is exactly what I do at my current job and my previous job and my internship before that. the "IT crash" we are seeing is big FANG companies cutting the fat and offshoring what is left.
What are you even doing?
>that seems to require some level of consciousness and AI is nowhere near close to it
It doesnt really need consiousness, it just needs a Product Manager prompt the requirements, maybe a Solution Architect to build the entire codebase with help of AI and no human coders.No more SDE roles
I recently started The Odin Project wanting to work with Frontend, am I actually wasting my time now trying to learn how to code? Because my main passion and goal is to become a webdev. But knowing AI wipe could happen makes me worried that this is a waste of time
Yeah you are
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Idiots like you only understand violence. You will only understand when your skull cracks open like an egg, after getting hit with a hammer, you stupid piece of shit.
Have fun working with sub-80 iq retards that think sunscreen makes you weak and not wearing any protective equipment makes you more manly
Good. Have you ever met a software engineer/programmer that wasn't a completely insufferable brainlet? It shouldn't even be considered part of STEM.
>my main passion and goal is to become a webdev
for your own sake, please choose literally anything else
you're a webdev too aren't you
kind of. I recently quit and it's been very liberating. When (if) I decide to go back into the work force, I'll be making sure to do something other than webdev. Still programming, just not webdev.
This thing is unsustainable, the job itself is easy if you know what you're doing, but for the most part you'll be doing the same shit every day. I'd rather tackle new and interesting challenges more often, rather than fixing dumb UI bugs and implementing whatever new CRUDs that need to be done.
he looked like such a friendly man :)
People who used to be supplied from Ukraine are now busy buying food from anywhere else they can. That pushes prices up for everyone because sellers know that they'll sell everything even at the higher price.
This isn't even Econ 101. This is fucking high-school level absolute basics.
Moved into public procurement, essentially deciding how public money is spent on corpos and ensuring it is spent badly and a part of it always ends up in one of our "friendly" for a fat cut.
>it looks like a table of the ratio of age and attractiveness of women
>Bleeps back up for a bit after a sharpfall beyond prime
I see that you have a taste for post-menopause retirees anon?
>support and resistance on an employment index
Why is everythIng a market
what credentials did you need for that
Nothing besides intimate knowledge of technological actuality and the laws involving contracting between public entities and private corporations.
It's mostly about selling certain companies (and/or their products) to government branches
surely you didnt spend all of your unlimited money on lame bullshit before your job stops existing right?
so how did you convince them to employ you in this role
Brass balls
See how easy it is to get a information systems degree then become a sysadmin
Did you throw them at your boss until he gave you the position?
Why do career braggers become so evasive when pressed for specifics? >>101192642
total codetranny death
Because it's a competition and nobody is going to give you any hints
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Not really, we just realized that a vast swath of the ass holes we hire out of college are just sports-bros looking to make bank. MBA is no longer the cash cow it was, and software development is going the same way.

Now employers are going to try and scrap up consultants and senior devs, realize there is not enough to go around, then spin up intern programs.

Predictable as fuck. You fucking chatbots
oh, and for some reason, NA has been importing foreigners with masters in things out the ass lolol
Yes, none of these are specific
You don't need safety goggles to hammer nails.
they are as specific as sharing the general overview of the conversation or application that netted the position.
go larp elsewhere
It is a waste of time if you are trying to earn money after learning it
Here in jeetland they started hiring college grads again (at pre pandemic salaries kek) but theyre laying off all the "seniors" who were making way too much money for their skills
Not anon, but for anyone wondering about cucumbers.
You don’t make any money on the cucumbers, they are worthless.
You make money by selling work visas to the highest bidder from a third world country that then actually do work in the greenhouses until he either finds a better job or is eligible for social benefits.
Thus, more STEM majors should actually look into trafficking as a viable career option since trafficking is inherently resistant to automation.
Seriously thinking about just going back to being a sysadmin again. Software dev just feels like it's dying
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the day of the rake is upon us
Cringe larper
I just wanted to get a job in that field
wanted some kind of desk work job and frontend was the closest thing I could see myself enjoy doing. I just really want an office job..
The thing is there is no longer only frontend jobs, the expectation now is to be fullstack with experience on the end to end stack that your employer is using
>make arbitrary price hikes, and they're only not btfo by the Free Market™ just undercutting them because canada does not actually have a free market and most stores and services are owned by monopolies
What the difference between communism and capitalism
>growing tensions between the US and China
Nothing is growing. That's a weirdly phrased headline from 6 years ago that popped into your head while writing.

No one anywhere corroborates what you're saying in the rest of your post. There is not an apocalypse around every corner, no matter what your favorite jewtuber says. "Stay tuned for tomorrow's apocalypse"
looky here OP

PC was debunked decades ago. stick to thewebdev youtube tutorials, bud.
>curve stops going up before the interest rates go up
Yeah I think it's FUBAR

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