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It clicked.
You're like 15 years late anon.
rail some hoes then
people don't build web apps anymore?
Rails was awesome
Not with rails
web apps were never build with MVC frameworks like rails.
web apps were always SPAs like React.
still is
then they are missing out on the best web framework ever created
objectively false, zoomie, but there is nothing stopping you from using react with rails, it's my main stack
>nothing stopping you from using react with rails
Holy bloat.
I feel bad for whoever gets hired for your position after you.
It's easier to write, harder to scale, and less performant than just about every other modern framework.
>web apps were always SPAs like React
Get the fuck out of this board, scum. I don't even know if this is a troll but go fuck yourself.
anon were you in a coma for over a decade.
Gmail was the fist web app 20 years ago. Gmail was a SPA.
>harder to scale, and less performant than
github had exponential growth and managed just fine.
No one said it was impossible, just much harder
you can't even point out the real problem - while rails tools are amazing (thanks to dhh), the broader ruby ecosystem is dying
rails is extremely modular, you can strip pretty much everything with cli flags
it scales like anything else, and you can handle a lot of requests with a $20 VPS, not to mention ruby 3 was a huge improvement
you can easily recreate gmail in rails
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Good post that outlines the advantages of Rails
After reading this big gay wall of text i concluded laravel is best
why would you be using this in 2010+14 instead of django?
then why would you be using it instead of laravel
Why would you be using django instead of fastapi?
The lambo culture around laravel and every service being a startup is annoying. Plus if you go down the php route you'll work with wordpress at some point.
litestar is the only python framework I'd use
>logo clearly is a tentacle
all these bloat max frameworks become full of trapdoors to break out of the abstraction. that's really the problem with them.
they work ok if all you want is yet another shitty CMS.
happy for you anon
dont mind these low IQ php and python subhumans
Rails is what started all of it
and Ruby is beautiful well designed language made by educated people unlike php and python
one of the many victims of the great PHP language
truth, ruby and rails make you a better programmer
>django maintainers talk against service objects
>service objects are fundamental in rails
all this gay reddit masturbation about muh features muh hecking basedonionsdeveloper ergonomics muh hecking code craftsoyman and it ignores entirely the fact that ruby is a slow pile of shit that doesn't scale to anything beyond a 10000 user ""app"" without an overpowered 64 core server
>how to say "i never worked a day in my fat life" without saying it
It's shit
>compares it to fucking Django
Dogshit vs dogshit. Compare it to something that isn't a piece of shit like ASP.NET Core.
>"best ORM"
You don't need an ORM. You should be rawdogging SQL like a non-subhuman.
get a job fatass
I have a job.
>if you haven't touched rails, you have never had a job
are you conveniently forgetting that twitter abandoned rails for scala?
you are conveniently forgetting that twitter needed 10k people to run a glorified message board lmao
So Twitter first proved that Rails was bullshit and then proved that web development itself is bullshit?
>So Twitter first proved that Rails was bullshit
>nevermind the fact that Rails made Twitter into a multi billion company that it is today
>nevermind the fact shitload of other multi billion companies that are still running on Ruby
keep coping brown php/python subhuman
nobody uses this
>muh corporashiuns make money so tech must be good
actual megatard take
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Rails is used more widely than most plebs realize.
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it's the whitest framework btw
>pic unrelated
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laravel very good, saar!
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ok 46%er
>t. butthurt thirdie
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>mogs all mainstream technologies in terms of salary
The only thing twitter "proved" is that its a money pit full of incompetence financed by the US Intelligence community. I wouldn't take any engineering lessons from them.
holy fuck based murricans
didnt know that
holy shit thats a huge gap
why europe suck so much?
t. euro ruby dev
post your multi billion dollar/users project you literal nobody know-it-all trash
most niggerlicious framework around. literally built for code monkeys, by code monkeys

it's consistently the slowest framework, but hey it allows actual retards to create a shitty webapp using laravel and 200 other lara-something shitware. I guess that's fine but the issue is that laravel devs actually believe that there are advantages to using it that aren't "any retard can build jeet-tier shit with it"
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i like ruby
tyler otwell was a junior .net developer before he started working on laravel
he has basic understanding of design patterns and the framework is basically a few symfony packages, poor implementation of active record all glued together by his shit code
and I like you you awesome bastard
typical story of a php shitter
buy an ad, dhh
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seethe more
yep that explains the odd misnaming of every single "pattern" that laravel uses. it's like someone had some vague knowledge of the concepts, implemented a retarded bootleg version based on said ignorance that basically didn't fit the pattern at all, but didn't know enough about it to understand that the name makes 0 sense in context
Great, go learn the Elixir+Phoenix if you want to see Rails done right.
They shouldn't.
Nah, it’s slow and useless
See >>101190373
a dynamic language is never a good option at mega scale, due to costs not because they are technically impossible to scale
it's fine for 99.9% of web apps though
>no jobs
>not faster than rails
>no libraries
Thanks, I'd prefer not wasting my time
doesn't walmart run its online stores on node.js?
that isn't particularly high traffic and node of course is faster for pure I/O
>while rails tools are amazing (thanks to dhh),
this is questionable. turbo and stimulus are poor.
there's a bunch of stuff being added to rails 8 for what appears to be either not-invented-here issues and/or because it's what 37signals needs for it's own deployments.
>the broader ruby ecosystem is dying
yes. libraries slowly don't get updated.
hotwire isn't that bad for simple things
and you can always use rails as an api or skip the hotwire stuff and use some custom javascript solution
phoenix is rails in elixir.
phoenix is expecting that you know rails.
I'm not a fan of FP but elixir makes me wanna try it, the syntax looks so nice...
the syntax only resembles ruby, it's far more complex
Unfortunately I won’t be doing so (to your thread)
you already did
Should I learn this or flask?
I've used flask, it's not that comfy. Use rails
rails, htmx, turbolinks, postgres sql, haml, data oriented testing, is the hottest shit out there. insane feedback loop. all you do is write application code
Hi tiangolo

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