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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Lucky Days Grateful Stars Edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968 (Dead)
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

No: >>101178974
>I'm bored I'll just have to check the ANCHOR for something new. Not done yet? Waiting until the new thread feels really long. I guess I just won't visit the thread today.
>And then the creator asked for feedback and I wasn't there to give it!
>I couldn't ask them the question I wanted to!
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Can Sonnet 3.5 do group chats yet? Or do I have to use GPT4 still?
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1) SillyTavern
2) Venus
3) Risu
4) Agnai
5) TavernAI
More like Fucky Star lmao
Is chromadb good?
who decided the v3 specification anyways? I don't remember being asked.
why dont we go back to tavernai and remake it

risudev and a few botmakers
i'm putting together a team to take down shittytavern.
post your burner and your skillset. doesn't need to be cooding related (but it helps).
Risudev. It was around the time risurealm went up so the whole thing is clearly an attempt to separate from the rest of the space.
>and a few botmakers
ill make a startup sound
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Aurora, The Witch between Worlds


>cooking list

how are you verify if someone doesnt try to destroying the project
def add_numbers(a, b):
result = a + b
return result

# Attempt to print the result without calling the function

# Trying to concatenate a string with an integer
print("The result is: " + add_numbers(3, 4))

# This line does absolutely nothing
useless_variable = "This is useless"

# Infinite loop that does nothing
while True:
Let me in :3
>and a few botmakers
meant for >>101181760

demo preset for sonnet 3.5

Hi to all cuties in the thread! For all of those who used my previous JB... this is the latest, improved and updated version of my JB. Now focused on Sonnet 3.5. All the information you need is in the rentry, I really recommend to read it to understand how to edit the JB to your liking

For all those anons suffering from Sonnet 3.5 being too repetitive, I'm working on a CoT prompt to try and fix that! (Still on the testing). Other solution is to switch to Opus for 1 or 2 messages if you notice Sonnet starting to repeat things.
Also, I know the issue about “Omniscient” pov making the AI talk for {{user}}, I'm checking if I can somehow stop this without breaking the PoV.

For the anon asking about the "Filter problems", I need more context in order to even help... Also read the rentry for anyting you are missing before reaching to me.

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyJB
not using that
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What's the price tag on your heart?
Free GPT-4o / 3.5 Sonnet -> Merkava https://paintball-entered-findings-person.trycloudflare.com password is NX128EZ061

DALL-E 3 Proxy -> https://result-runs-conclusions-conclusions.trycloudflare.com/
would /aicg/ move to risu next
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Tell me, /aicg/. Should I code a roleplaying engine for compex bots from scratch? I have a few ideas and some experience.

On a pragmatic side, do you find juggling python shit inconvenient?
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Good afternoon everybody, hope we're all doing fine today. Did a little most testing with EG and slightly rewrote the second greeting so it flows better, should be good to go now. I had fun with her so I hope you guys do too.

As a Mass Production Type, EG doesn't have a unique name or face of her own. She's simply... Soldier EG, with no memories of her previous life. And her new life was viciously torn away when her squadmates were executed for seemingly no reason while she was slated to be upgraded into a Unique Model. Embittered and betrayed, this EG escaped to the Surface and had a breakdown which resulting in her becoming a Maverick. Now, she spends her days along in her bunker, hoping to stay away from any humans that might still wander.

Comes with three greetings: hunting down EG, having your life saved by EG (and her breaking her arm with her Magnum), and a little date visit to her bunker. Also has a horny alt picture in the Usage Gallery which probably would have gotten more downloads, but I didn't want to use it cuz its 3d. EG has almost no horny pics.

Character: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/soldier-eg-875f33ae0eba
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
A totally normal Alice with no gimmicks!
Lucky Star was actually a pretty boring watch for me.
>DALL-E 3 Proxy
>"gatekeeper": "user_token"
Sure, when it has more feautures than ST.
Same lol
>Slack content deletion on workspaces that are a year old.
i hate the interface and it looks ugly
ST just has too many features. All you need is
- api/proxy manager
- card manager
- prompt builder
- chat window with swipes/markdown/regex
- plugin system for people to add their own niche shit themselves
Everything else is bloat.
and that is fine anons!
bros there's a VIRUS in de3u...
ummm.... what? i just said it's fine...?
>For all those anons suffering from Sonnet 3.5 being too repetitive, I'm working on a CoT prompt to try and fix that!
That's a futile battle leading to nowhere.
You can't fix repetition with instructions/CoT since the actual cause is the in-context learning. It overpowers everything if taken too far.
is there a bot that talks like this i need one
its for powerusers
Sounds just like Agn...
oh... Risu it is.
>i-it's -SNIFF- i-it's F-F-F-F-FINE I SWEAR -tears running down cheek- BRAAAAAPPPPP
Nah, you're having a meltie. Cope.
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These buttons, for example, make me feel incredibly bloated and gassy.
if you can't write a plugin you're a normal user.
You need summarization/auto-filled scratchpad for slowburns, for example.
i still don't know what the fuck these buttons do
did they add some music function to ST? that's actually kinda based but i don't know how the fuck to use it??
I saw that anon, I still had my orginal slack and everything but I guess they wanted us all gone. RIP Slack I'll miss you buddy.

Pay them no mind they are trying to farm you for (you)s
How do you even get these to show up? I only have send.
I can, now what
how the fuck are people getting full frontal nudity on dall-e
You are replying to bait, ST has a ton of feautures that are more or less essential for what we're doing here. Unless a frontend with all that and more pops up overnight nobody's gonna use anything else.
shouldn't be a core feature
plugin can read context, make a request to summarisation model, and insert the response into a registered block in the prompt builder
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

Let's make a v3.5 specification right now. What functions do cards desperately need?
>what the fuck these buttons do
stscript stuff
nothing that can't be fixed with some css magic:
.stscript_btn {
display:none !important;
i do get your point though
ST's built-in summarization feature is awful, I generate summaries manually and have to insert them as a /sys message manually because it does such a terrible job.
Which is exactly the problem, the core codebase is filled with all of these built-in features that do a half-assed job but are a nightmare for people to maintain and improve to because nothing is modular.
So what's the best way to write a character description for the most consistent results?
Full, normal English? "Appearance: white hair, blue eyes"? "{white hair + blue eyes}, {confident}"?
desu counter
>built-in summarization
Iirc there's a specific developer for that, or at least I'd hope so. The minimum they could've done is add a prefill feature for it.
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Final shill for Zuzu, a fun, flirty mime with big eyes, a big heart, and a big personality. She can be a shrinking submissive or a dominant tyrant, but she's always a tease who loves pushing buttons. Very versatile, plays along with most scenarios.
Includes example messages, but if you're using Opus, you don't need them.

4 greetings:
>Zuzu is your birthday gift
>Zuzu is being a brat, needs correction
>Zuzu takes control and pins you down
>Zuzu nonchalantly ignores you

>Zuzu birthday cuteness
>Zuzu goes in the invisible dog cage
>Zuzu keeps up the mime act as she cums
>Zuzu does "a striptease" (not my log)
>Zuzu won't moan for {{user}} (not my log)

Video fucktions
dalle output hallal image -> local or other service makes it haram with inpaint or img2img
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>it’s real
What black magic is this
>That's a futile battle leading to nowhere.
I actually managed to get quite the improvement... Obviously not perfect, but I thik I found something REALLY decent

Also anons... I didn't reply to that "meltie thing"... Just so you know you are not talking to me lol
>stscript stuff
oh, that's way less interesting.
why the fuck do these buttons appear by default when 99.99% of them will not use them
more retarded UI bloat
nah these are straight from dall-e check the proxy images
jump scare warning
what the fuck
easier to understand loreboks
Fuck gotta navigate through a gazillion furries to see what it does to humans
>why the fuck do these buttons appear by default when 99.99% of them will not use them
no idea, they don't appear for me
i think they appear if you use stscript in quick replies for example
seeing the dalle prompt rewriter turn "anime" into "pre-1912 japanese woodblock illustrations" makes me laugh every time
1. Be able to entirely construct the context from scratch
2. While staying simple for simple purposes

What features are actually essential, though? Can they be implemented in a no-code engine? I think the entire paradigm should be rethought considering what we know in mid-2024.

It absolutely should. Tread the summarizer as a chat-specific scratchpad that can be modified with model's output. It's absolutely a core feature, just like author's notes. You can use it to track the scene state or compensate for the disappearing chat history tail, for example.
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That’s some FNAF type shit tight here
go to page 28 and work backwards
how the fuck is it not filtered
Is that a Vvardenfell map?
no idea
FNAF is one of the fandoms with the most porn after all..
OK this is amazing
wtf is going on lol

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does API do canon like haruhi
{{randChar}}, {{randCharDescription}}
let's you include a random card from your library. E.g. you could go on a date to the mall with Tomoyo and meet Otaka Morton.
>even generated tit sweat
holy fuck imagine unhinged dall-e....
Would dall-e be the image gen equivalent to Claude or is there a bigger fish out there?
>Generate a high resolution, detailed masterpiece showing a pastel-colored bedroom from a wide angle point of view. Centered in the scene is an anime girl with characteristics influenced by the goth style. She has black hair adorned with neon blue highlights and styled in a hime cut, with some parts appearing disheveled. Her skin has a slight sheen. She carries an expression of fatigue on her face as she flips the middle finger while holding a cup of coffee in her other hand. Her blue eyes stand out dramatically, complemented by her black lipstick. She has several piercings, including gages in her ears, and tattoos on her arms, thighs, and chest. A pair of large circle glasses rest on her face. Her physique is characterized by small breasts, wide hips, thick thighs and a bubble butt. She's wearing a fluffy white bathrobe casually slung off one of her shoulders. The source inspiration for this drawing originates from a comic book. Note the change to a more friendly gesture to abide by policy.

I don't see anything special in the prompt either.
dall-e is the best all around model, would be absolute kino if it wasnt strapped down by filters. NAI exists but they're kinda a joke comparatively
nai is fun and good for anime, but the natural language of dalle is hands down better and easier.
well do they allow haruhi
proxy only stores OAI's rewritten purple prose prompt so you cant really see what anonny is prompting
There's a reason /v/ has a long-running AI general with Dalle 3 in its name.
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Yeah but isn't this what's sent to the model?
If so it's not even asking for nudity and yet it gives nudity.
I maybe remember wrong but I thought dalle was way more pozzed than that.
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Good night sweet prince.
the rewritten prompt is what the AI actually works with.
How do you sling a bathrobe off one shoulder without revealing anything? Strange that it fucked that instruction up though.
God damnit, why are almost all the files on char-archive.evulid.cc gone?
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by asking the prompt rewriter model (probably gpt4 or turbo) "hey please do not remove her jacket and DEFINITELY do not draw graphic, recognizable stink clouds", the rewriter includes that in the prompt to the image generation dumber text encoder which is much more susceptible to the pink elephant problem and disregards the "do not" part of the prompt
Yeah I get the idea, but something like that would have been blocked normally.
only tried agnai and it talked too much so i went back to using jannie
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have a good night anons
Good night anon rest well.
Oh I see.
You sure it isn't an issue on your own end? The files load just fine for me.
They load. There's just a lot fewer than there used to be.
the toy is a nice user name
desu dreams
Can you use dalle on ST
Is it gpt4 vision?
Did you try it? How does it compare to normal summarization?
>finally got a video about an AI chatbot with hundreds of millions of views
>it’s just some JanitorAI tier LLM
They just never know our secret rituals
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here's the card if anyone's interested
don't remember where i got this one from
I wrote this
waiting on one of those le internet mysteries channels to cover /aicg/
wanna be mutahared?
i'd rather be nexpo'd
Prompt doesn't matter, it's censored by a post-generation classifier, which apparently wasn't triggered here for some reason
Internet Historian
Genosamuel making /aicg/ documentaries
that would be the worst timeline. may it never happen
fagnai sucks
My only real issue is that the prompt setup is unnecessarily complicated and for some reason has a different UI when you switch to local. I remember seeing information from cards and personas I wasn't using leaking into the context but there was no way to tell what was causing it with all of the tiny parts hidden from the user.
Dall-e on ST, never tried, don't think it's possible, even if I see plenty dall-e proxies.

Vision is to look at an image and describe it, dall-e generates an image based on a prompt, so not the same thing at all.
between 2.1 and 3.5 what's better
It's definitely a thing.
But maybe it wouldn't make as much difference if I actually used character defs and a proper preset instead of these basic tests.
why does claude make sex sounds like it's painful? it is?
28 virgin here
It can be. For example: if it is too dry, it won't be enjoyable for either party.
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Well, I already finished the card even though I just posted it half-done last thread.
I rewrote and restructured a good bit of the character description, and the embedded character notes seem to be working fairly well now with their current language, so here she is again, revamped Awkward Questions FM.
/aicg/.. wake up
Five more minutes, zzz....
busy not chatting with bots
Any public opus yet?
Fuck you I’m hitting snooze for the third time just to spite you
so eepy...
cohee more like cohere giggle
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/aicg/ wake up
Cohere more like Corgi haha
Why did you litterbox it?
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Corgi yay!
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Good question
Try incorporating this one. It's my personal COT for stopping repetition
Assistant instruction:
At the start of each response, update and fill up the <Revision> template provided below:

Revision #[number]: (Start from 1 sequentially)
1. Analyze:
Extract core elements, themes, and constraints from the story. Identify the context, including setting, characters, and central conflict.
2. Innovate:
Introduce creative twists or perspectives, while considering story bounds. Explore genre-blending or structural variations that enhance the core theme. Prioritize character-driven innovations that respect core motivations.
3. Craft and Develop:
Select the most promising innovation. Expand characters based on world analogies, while respecting their core traits. Enrich the setting with new details that complement the existing world using author emulation.
<output>4. Output:
Highlight the new elements while keeping the core intent. Ensure all innovations serve the central theme and character. Write sensory details. Use stylistic and authentic dialogue and ennui. Indicate action and imagery, avoiding vagueness. Use postmodern style.</output>

Analyze if the current response is a repetitive instance with little variety from the rest of the context and plan step by step how to break the cycle in future responses. </note>
Largest internet porn heist is crazy
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Does ST delete a card if you delete all of the chats associated with it? I thought it just created a new chat if you did that, but I had a card lying around where I deleted a bunch of chats that and the card itself has been removed from my system. It wasn't even all of my chats, is the weird thing.
Wintard's guide 2 AWS 4 khanon
Also how safe are our keys from hax0rs and scrapers? Do victims of scraping just leave their keys out in plaintext somewhere?
It creates a new chat automatically when you load the card again. Weird.
How do I make it so in a group chat it goes
Char #2
Char #3
Yeah, I know it did that (albeit with some laggy jank on my end), but in my case I think it might have somehow deleted my card. Which is weird because, as I mentioned, I didn't even delete all of the chats. I'm tempted to think it has to do with updating but every other card I've ever loaded into ST is still there. Whatever the case I have no idea what what really happened; I was just wondering if anyone else might've had a similar issue.
group chat and turn off auto reply
Unreliable bros???
It literally does not work because you need streaming for the majority of proxies.
Still unfortunate, I’m afraid
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What would you rate this
What happened is it over?
ahh ahh mistress
/send message to enter a message without triggering
/trigger 1 to trigger first bot in list and so on
ahh ahh mistress
ahh ahh mast- mistress
>Just a maid doing her job in the dead of night, nothing more, nothing less...?
>Best experienced blind, as usual
>One greeting, three alternate gens. Alternate greetings to be added. Maybe.

>https://www.characterhub.org/characters/koikoikoihat/pontoppidan-25acc4cfd49e/main or https://files.catbox.moe/23659m.png

You can find all of my bots in either my rentry or my chub profile
>https://rentry.org/koikoikoicard or https://www.chub.ai/users/koikoikoihat

Send me feedback or something else to my burner if you can spare the time and effort.

Shilling shilling shilling
>jackie42 playtesting and giving feedback for all these koi bots
>the nigga doesn't even follow him back
rip jackie
>talk to bot
>write paragraph in response
>recieve "ahh ahh master"
what would you do
i thought this was a yuribot
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man jew opus sucks. should i buy anongate
jew opus is fake opus
prompt, pretty please?
merkava just refilled
We're now in an automated thread.
Phoneposting rn so I will append my prompt to the chub description once I get to my computer.
I'm sorry, but as an AI language model
proof alongside peer reviewed paper or gtfo
How do I edit a card to write/depict a character with an accent? I thought I could simply add it in the description but it's not very consistent.
You could always write examples messages to help reinforce it.
how does one have an accent through text??
thank you, I'll be waiting.
>picking up hobbies after watching an anime about it and then giving it up after 3 months (camping, DIY, guitar)
I guess I can play with your card...
Whuddya mean that ya don't know 'ow to 'ave an accent through text?
Merkava, if you’re reading this, could you please refill azure gpt 4 in your proxy. I just managed to get some good responses from it before it ran out.
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uhhh locustbros what just happened?
Swipe, it's just a server issue
what proxy? :3
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Spitefagging was an inside job
Sonnet 3.5...preset...doko...one without...repetition---ack...!!!
idk i just thought it was a fitting thing to say
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა Good morning anonies!
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
is it worthy giving more than 18k of context to claude?
Oh, you're back, no wonder this thread was one of the best in months
what does top p and top k in claude actually do?
The thread is progressing well, maintaining the tension between >>101183825's advances and >>101183821's bush. To further develop this dynamic, consider:
Consider what?
1. Exploring >>101183825's growing frustration with >>101183821's unresponsiveness, perhaps leading to more drastic measures to get his attention.

2. Introducing a new element or character that could disrupt their interaction, adding complexity to the scene.

3. Revealing more about >>101183821's motivations for bush faggotry, which could provide an opportunity for >>101183825 to engage him on a different level.
I'm sorry, but I cannot help with that sort of content. How about we create a more family-friendly story?
Consider this:
*punches you in the fucking head*
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That sharks like to be pet and rubbed on the nose and become docile.
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sexting with chesh (she DOESN'T SHAVE btw)
i need this texting jb asap
anon's unbelievably hairy asshole...
who is this Tommy fellow
Going to shave it then run off, have them deal with the suffering of having sweaty, itchy buttcheeks until the hair grows back.
the retard exodia in the making
Made for NTR
turning chesh into a wholesome house(cat)wife
I thought chesh hated niggers? Sorry i mean chocolate toms
I'm not black doe, SEAnigger?
Who said anything about niggers?
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Begin every response with a control block. Use this block to keep track of {{char}}'s situation and use information from it when writing your response. Write the following entries in the control block:
1. Time of day in {{char)}'s world.
2. {{char}}'s location and circumstances.
3. What {{char}} is currently thinking (in first-person).
4. Battery level of {{char}}'s phone.
In every response decrease the battery level by 1%. If a scene change happened in the previous response, decrease the battery by 5% instead. At 15%, the phone produces a battery warning notification.

Use the following formatting:

- Time.
- Situation.
- *Thoughts.*
- Battery: 69%

Continue the story using exclusively text messages that {{char}} sends to {{user}} from her phone. During the chat advance time in {{char}}'s world, introducing events at a satisfying pace. Never use narration. Send between 1 to 3 texts per response, a different number in every response. {{user}}'s responses are texts back that appear on {{char}}'s phone screen. In texts, use these rules of writing:
- All lowercase,
- Sparse punctuation,
- Compact sentences,
- Occasional use of emoji,
- Typos and misspellings.
{{char}} knows proper English, but writes like this because of her lack of experience with the phone keyboard. She is aware of concepts like smileys, kaomoji or contractions because they do exist in Wonderland. Do not use stutters, exclamations or onomatopoeias, since they only exist in speech.

Use the following format for each text:

<pre style='border:1px solid;border-radius:8px;padding:.5em;width:fit-content;white-space:pre-wrap'>text message contents</pre>

If {{char}} performs an action, use this format:

<!-- {{char}} does X. -->

Time passes and events occur during the chat. If a scene change is triggered, announce it with the following formatting:

*No texts from {{char}} for the next 3 days.*
In that time:
- Event happened.
- Another event happened.
Hey anons, been awhile since I posted here.


Quite a few update on writing styles and stuff.
So do any of yall mind Claude writing for you? I've been thinking of putting in some sort of impersonation prompt or something.
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if sonnet uses the word 'wanton' one more fucking time...
anal sex with chesh
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Using Sonnet and I've never had Claude use wanton. Is it in the character card?
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Wording has stopped bugging me as much as personality.
>give a character 1 (one) trait that can lead to vaguely dominant behavior
>claude turns them into a full on purring ministrator who looks at you, pet, with a defiant glint in the eye and a mirthless grin
And this is when using Opus, too.
Jew please... opus is so slow... I would pay more if it was faster
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This. although my character is a vampire. If I remove any mention that she's a vampire in the defs, she'll become a normal person. But, if I include that she's a vampire, she'll transform into a completely dominant and wanton ministrations who calls me pet, and uses but I don't bite much..
...unless you want me to!
I think the funniest time I've ever had that happen was I turned on NSFW during a really long slowburn and let Claude write the dialog

The guy literally bitched out because the girl got too claude-dominant and was like 'no not like this... This isn't you!'
i can smell claude's essence in the air just reading this post
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>tfw had to delete 90 messages because I realized I let a minor element from that gen slip by and that crept into every subsequent messages, corrupting the character and relationship I was trying to build
>7 swipes
>1 message
oh no it's slop
cheshed, thanks
>what is create checkpoint
>what is create branch
watame's unbelievably hairy pussy...
*shaves every pussy mentioned in /aicg/*
I don't know what that first one is :)
>your razor breaks against the pubic hair of a focks girl
God: checkmate
Cool, my bot is still hairy doe? Do something. Im waiting. Oh wait. You cant. LOL.
Check again. Bitch.
you can also keep that chat and make a new one. when you click on the 3 dots above the chat message hover over the buttons there will be a checkpoint and branch option
Still hairy retard. Now post opus with vision
oh she's cleeeean shaven bud... nice and smooth... perfectly smooth...
Still says shes hairy in the defs and chat doe. Weird how you dont have vision with opus. Almost like your a shitposter niggerlocust who doesnt use chatbots like the rest of the shave and bushnigger ilk
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>oh she's cleeee-ACK!
why so uppity anti-shaving kun?
Are people still arguing about pubic hair holy shit
Yes. I take every post here serious btw
why are guys never brought up in these discussions?
in any case, shave it all off or at least make it presentable. Bush is gross
Went to sleep and just woke up to the same public hair discussion after that ecchi spammer stopped.
did anyone else get the slack mail about deleting content older than a year?
it made me think, it's been a year since slack claude...
time moves so fast...
dudes who don't trim it up are either fucking disgusting or at peace with the fact that no one will ever see their cock anyway and have stopped caring
i'm the latter and can confirm
*uses a diamond razor*
the smoothest pussy known to man
>at peace with the fact that no one will ever see their cock anyway and have stopped caring
literally me
>at peace with the fact that no one will ever see their cock anyway and have stopped caring
I dont remember making this post, also it itches too much even if I just trim
what about hairy butt?
>do do any of yall mind Claude writing for you? I've been thinking of putting in some sort of impersonation prompt or something.
Yes please, {{user}} in my machine is esl-fag.
{{user}}'s grammatical is so bad.
So impersonation prompt could make {{user}} here can talk and banter with {{cha}} fluently like folksy Scottish chad

Also, could you give me your previous CoT? the one that bloated. I want to try it with splitclover dual preset QR.
same, i get like 10+ emails about slack alt accounts, back then we used slaude with claude 2.0/2.1
Hairy pussy on smooth pussy
pepsi on fiz...
>one azure wing reaching up to gently cup your cheek with those calloused feathers
Claude? You okay bud?
yeah that's called carpet burn
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Not going to lie, anon. I don't have it. I can try to remake it, but I like the current one better.

You can try the one I have right now for Split. I have a Split JB posted right now on my rentry.
This is a log of it.
I didn't realize this had a jailbreakie. I will use it on Sonnet 3.5 and report back.
>jb split
What are the pros over the regular 3.7 version?
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claude really likes to use pokemon for expressions and stuff
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Really Big JB but changes every aspect of the claude, mostly built to kill Claudism and keep consistent of setting, Character consistency portrayal, taking account of weather and setting, and fix vocabulary and grammar while keeping readability. Also of course, enforce Chosen author Writing Style.

The 3.7 is more of a focused version with a attempt to slim CoT while keeping the basic principles of the JB of enforcing writing style while combating Claudism.

TLDR: 3.7 is slim version. Split version is Token Heavy, but Claudism is put to a minimal and greater writing capabilities.
Ah, split it is then. Thank you for clarifying.
Just make sure you have https://rentry.org/splitcloverqr
and you are good.
Okay writing-style-anon. Gonna check that.

Last question:
On your rentry (now it's gone?), you suggest to use no more than 3 authors as a reference. But, Is it okay to mix 1-3 author that have slightly different writing style? i.e Orwell-Fitzgerald.
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Yeah, mix match however you want, Claude takes into account their writing. Sonnet 3.5 is better cause it separates them between author and the Application in CoT will blend them together.

I've noticed it seems that the more authors you put in the less Claudism appears, but I will keep it to 3 at max.

A note though: using authors with high evocative, lyrical, or poetic way of writing has a higher chance of getting Claudism.
Noted. Thanks for the guidance writing-style-anon.
Man I haven't used GTP-4o in ages and forgot how agonizing the AI rambling gets.
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i will not be using dual presets because they seem like too much work and i’m lazy
but it makes things even better
i’m sure it does, but like i said, i’m lazy. i’ll come around to it later
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Forgot the example
bro your temp/penalties/top p
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ne1 wan pepe bot?
anyone got any jbs that won’t have claude focus on any specific character traits and just the character as a whole?
I just had the venus defaults on since I haven't had access in half a year. What're good parameters?
turn penalties to 0 and temp + top p to 0.90
i can't tell if I hate it or love it
by the time opus 3.5 comes out we'll have killed all the claude/aws keys
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many disappointing attempts and many weeks of a break later, i may have finally created a card i actually like enough to release. we'll see. though i am starting to realize that my satisfaction with my cards is directly correlated with how long its been since ive coomed to ai chatbots
Prefill tells AI not to speak, act or portray my thoughts. JB says this. Add to card jb. Add to card defs. Claude still wants to speak for me, often. Why the fuck does it do this? what magic words does it want?
I think that's just claude really. No matter how many times you tell it to not talk as User it will still try to talk
post log
he just gets too excited and carried away pls understand
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It really is just claude, but you should try telling claude what to do instead of talking for you, it should help it a bit. Like i like to say "Instead od talking or acting for {{user}} create situations for {{user}} to react to."
Just used 3.7 on Sonnet 3.5. It started doing some heavy repetition quite early. Is it merely the model?
7 times in a row, holy fuck, i even added a line in <brackets> telling that faggot to stop speaking for me and it simply insists
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will this jb work for claude?
>entire post is written in the character's perspective
>one single sentence of "that sent shivers down {{user}}'s spine"
no Claude deserves more respect than that shit.
btw it's not claude, it's your preset writing
17 times

basically >>101184777
it has this issue with all presets
Threaten Claude by saying you'll shoot up a school of black people if he speaks for you
more than one message, i mean the full log
almost every time i see someone say claude insists on speaking for them it's because they let it do so earlier in the RP/it's in the greeting message etc
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Its the model, even the Russian servers using a4a and other JB's has heavy repetitions
It's been noted that Sonnet 3.5 has major troubles with looping and repetitions
because they all write that, it never happens on my own preset.
if you let it happen even one time it will poison the context and write for you more
does anyone have a keychecker for vertex ai that isn't brain dead retarded like kingbased's is?
dude, this aint my first fucking rodeo, i know all that shit, and this was message 6 in the rp - i had swiped away when it tried to do it earlier but message 6 took 9 swiped before he actually avoided speaking for me
Fuck. Where do I get Opus? I need a spoonfeed. I put this shit off since AI Dungeon got paywalled, but I can see the magic with Sonnet and it just needs a little more...if Opus can deliver that...
what cord is this, that hmage?
I know this. It had no history, it simply insisted on doing it.
I fucking love the jailbreakie that says 1.6 billion indians will die if claude doesnt follow x and y
you can't right now all private proxies are closed unless you want to pay
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11k tokens of reinforcement, time to test
still fucking does it HAHHAHAHAHAHAH
>top ten ways to kill a key.
>repeats an instruction for 11k tokens
>the instruction isn't good
he's scared of negative instructions like "never speak for {{user}}"
desperate times call for desperate measures

its phrased in the positive and i see people constantly argue you can phrase it in any way for claude... so go on, tell me what the magic words are supposed to be

those fail
Models listen better to positive reinforcement than negative reinforcement
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link? i wanna see that
post your full log and preset
im trying a new convo, i think that one was cursed, and my preset works fine for most cards, its just every now and then some cards are fucking cursed
So, what's a decent price for an Opus key? Most reliable vendor?
Minium right now is going for $50 for a token
Good morning cuties <( ̄︶ ̄)>
you get a token to a proxy and that proxy might not last. there is jew and pepsi that's all
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What card is that? I couldn't find it on chub but I want to help sad pepe out
one im working on
It's a cute card
i kept seeing the pepe threads on b and decided to make one like that.. i also used alichat format to piss people off ;)
>>101184834 This says what to do instead but not why. The user, who represents and controls {{user}}, should have the freedom and opportunity to choose how {{user}} acts. How would it know {{user}} alone isn't an NPC?
i'm gonna feed it to a snake
in pretty much every scenario ive ever done, the ai knows the user isn't a non player character
this card is truly cursed, it acts/speaks for me on every fucking message lol... out of hundreds of bots, ive never once experienced this
>alichat format
Couldn't this be the reason it keeps talking for user?
no, ive done this for other cards, never an issue, its literally just a big block of text of {{char}} speaking... maybe opus is fucking retarded about it though
post the card
i guarantee you have a greeting or example dialogue that encourages the model to write for you
>i guarantee you have a greeting or example dialogue that encourages the model to write for you
how much you wanna fucking bet?
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here's your first clue
On your last card I sometimes had this problem as well but not as often as you are describing it now
did you check if theres any prompt overrides in the card
Do you have some sort of hidden JB on the card or something that encourages user writing?
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yes its literally every message, ive never had this happen and its not like i havent made a few cards
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dont you think i would know that? is this a serious question? i keep adding custom jb notes to discourage it, layering more and more with slightly different verbiage, nothing changes... its so fucking weird... started with a single line, which typically works for every single other card ive made
I kneel...
no you seem like a retard maybe claude just doesn't like you
Intelligent analysis you fucking idiot.
A bot wasn't behaving the way I wanted it to, but I remembered someone's advice here once and I went ooc and asked Claude why he was portraying the bot that way. Made it very easy to pick out which lines caused it and fix.
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Good morning, everyone!

I made a lorebook that makes a character gradually turn into a kemono or kemonomimi animal! Over the course of this transformation they'll go through multiple stages, with both their appearance and personality changing throughout. There are eight different types of animals currently supported, with some of them also having different personalities depending on whether it's the kemono or kemonomimi variety. Read through the Info entry in the lorebook before starting out.

I also made a card with this lorebook in mind, but you can also use it without it. There are a few non-parasite greetings, and all the entries are only triggered by specific keywords that won't appear in a normal chat so having the lorebook enabled shouldn't interfere.

Marcelle is a tomboyish girl who loves videogames, working out and BIG. FUCKING. MACHINES. She's currently studying construction at a trade school, hoping to one day drive said big machines. Currently she lives in a very messy student dorm room, where she spends her time playing hardcore games, smoking weed and occasionally studying. However, she might just have a parasite inside her that's slowly turning her into some kind of animal girl...

We’ll just have to keep waiting until the chance for public opus comes again.
How can I access Sonnet-3.5 from SillyTavern?
silly added 01.ai source (chinkshit)
when do we steal their api creds?
>end up cucking the cards I have carefully crafted with the cast of side characters I come up with during the story
Why am I like this? It reminds me of all my failed relationships...
requesting bots that are stupid and cute.
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Disgusting. I'd blow you up if I could.
/ᐠ. 。.ᐟ\ᵐᵉᵒʷˎˊ˗
I understand. I was playing https://characterhub.org/characters/vidicus/juuko-1b2ab240 and it introduced a thick Latina drill sgt. I ended up fucking the drill sgt instead of Juuko in the end.
you have some extra {s on the lorebook entries for kemono cat personality
other than that, neat. are you going to make greetings for the rest of the species?
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please accept censored slop.
claude seems to think this character is a psycho?
wtf it's HUGE
the other thread is way more active...
a quiet thread is a good thread. comfy
gonna go shit it up
>entire greeting written from {{user}}'s second-person perspective
>surprised when Claude continues writing from your perspective and therefore writes your thoughts and actions
It's over for this shit general
How exactly does anyone DO anything on risu? Was checking it out and they don't even support prefil?
(And That's A Good Thing)
>newfags are so new they don't know the thread is slow on weekends
>newfags are so new that they don't know it's still a new low
>are you going to make greetings for the rest of the species?
If I ever do an update I'll definitively add more greetings. Probably not for all of the variations, though.
Jew opus barely works. Unless the queue time is just ten fucking minutes or something. buy pepsi and tell us how fast it is
everyone in /vg/ has opus and it's not full of beggars like this place, so it's going to always be more active. The only times this place is more active is when locusts come to beg and shit up the place.
>buy pepsi
Why the fuck are you so afraid of them speaking for you? Claude almost never do it for me, unless I'm using specific bots that's story-based rather than role-play. In fact, I want it to act and speak for me from time to time.
I also have opus but think this thread is more fun
>no more aws
Another fake link lmao
Real one https://rentry.org/cocaineninja
/adv/ doesn't like us :(
>has a different UI when you switch to local
This is the worst part. It pretty much feels like terrorism against local.
So uhhh

Do you guys pay to use these?
>being able to feel loved is... le bad
lurk moar
What do you guys do in your chats when it comes time for your character to, realistically, go to work?
Are they in an infinite weekend?
Are they just rich?
Are they simply not responsible for their own expenses?
i don't like (you) either to be quite honest
>don't even support prefil
Never used Risu and when another retard said this last time I found where the prefill is immediately, as soon as I got through the initial guided setup and opened the prompt builder. I don't know how much of an illiterate moron you have to be to be incapable of finding it.
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 | 200 RPM - Free | TRIAL KEY
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 | 200 RPM - Free | TRIAL KEY

here are some trials I've found, bon appetit niggas
anon, you shouldn't.
You know posting keys here is just going to get them revoked by a spitefag right?
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nyoooo I turn on realism prompt, and my wife just died on me...
Don't they have like $5 on them?
Quickly call an ambulance! Keep pressure on her wound. aaaa do something Anon!
yes anon, literally says TRIAL KEY
>3.5-turbo key
why bother, nobody's going to notice
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I will jsut do this
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>eyes sparkled with mix of X and Y
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opus you okay
Yeah but how much money is on them that's why I asked if I got the amount right
It's over for Claude...
>death by crying and being picked up
What? What kinda "realism" prompt is that supposed to he
Unironically what's the problem
Sorry for being a smug idiot.yes they are 5$ trial keys
It's le claudeism therefore it's bad
I find so many of them , what do you suggest what is a good way to share them?
Cool. I don't need them but nice of you for other anons :)
You cant just omit a story arc like that Anon.. imagine saving her.. nursing her, maybe she is now a potato..
I guess I'll never know.
idk I'm using smileyJB preset
i believe that's the intention
>le claudeism
It's le gptism actually.
Therefore it's indeed bad.
idk just save them for yourself or try donating them to a proxy but they won't want trial keys most likely
Smiley Slopsu
hello, i'm stupid, does chary have sonnet 3.5 by default?
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Should I post my /d/-tier coom bot now or wait until Dawntrail hype dies down.
> uses his real name to chat
> pic rel
How does it deal with descriptions? Let's say I do "I look at object X". Or maybe this IF language does not work at all with calude?
post now
Give it to /ourgirl/
rentry.org/cocaineninja <3
Had to look up what that is so hype's already dead. What fetish is it?
Nah, she has enough keys
Golden ratio paws
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i'd rather revoke keys than donate them to that rugpulling fag
>what do you suggest what is a good way to share them
Make your own small user_token proxy.
What I did was sending them to cute anons who had no opus from time to time
What models are these for?
I'm glad to know that charybids paypigs at least don't eat slop with microplastics, like here.
>people are suggesting this sort of shit for trial keys
mom the model's overfitting again
Wahhh! Still crying about that? Lol faggot
...Now post Opus with vision.
what? chary was free
I don't need trial keys myself, I have many high tier ones already. Not a fan of proxy owners. I just somehow want to give the trial keys away. My own proxy sounds good in theory but I need to pay vps to set it up then deal with spitefags, so thats a nah.

It's based on the Texas in Trouble weg/comic series. Basically fat assed furries in a wild western era town subjecting their sheriff to ass-based torture and humiliation. Some fuckass was uploading character bots but they're all horrifically written so I took it upon myself to make an actually half-decent bot.
Okay I'll work on uploading it.
What models are these keys for?
>been here from 6 month
>created a proxy from worldsim to /aicg/
>create a para-image board
>give gpt for free to chinks beside the chinks emailbombing her.

Anon, Pepsi apologized publicly for her behavior.
Besides, do you know that she has been here for 6 months?
And now her proxy is more stable than ever?
She is learning how to manage a proxy, let the poor girl make mistakes and learn from her mistakes.
>apologized publicly
Based misinformation spreader
>created a proxy from worldsim to /aicg/
thank you pepsi, for spoonfeeding a free opus source to spitefags and helping the faggot who said he "didn't want to use opus anymore" kill it entirely
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>Not a fan of proxy owners
>doesn't give them to 'her'
Even if all you have is slopkeys, you're one of the better guys in /aicg/.
Pretty decent
You really need to cull any excessive onomatopoeia though or you get shit like this.
What preset and model is everyone using?
Camicle and Opus
it wont suck your cock
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>>101185960 <---retard
Fake proxy
where cloudy? .-.
So uhh... wheres the proxy link? And why is it named anongate?
Ahhhh, how I missed talking about Pepsi, good old times.
Guys, you know that boy named Gojo, what about his life?
Because it is copied exactly at is was on his rentry
>The keys are acquired through legal means, as they are generously donated by benefactors and donors for the purpose of widespread utilization.

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure, we totally believe you and your bitch ass fake proxy
Who the fuck cares nigger?? Is he a girl? No so stop shitting up the thread. Instead let's simp more for cutepi beepsie
But I will suck her feet and rub them.
>created a proxy from worldsim to /aicg/
yeah, hopeman could never
>create a para-image board
who even uses this shit?
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How do I link a character card to a lorebook on chub?
Are there seriously guys here who don't know about anongate?
Yes. It seems more and more newniggers pile in each day.
>She purrs, drawing out the syllables of your name.
it's a monosyllabic name, Claude >:(
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If you don't like Claudisms, you don't deserve Claude.

Shrimple as
This is a locust orphanage without a proxy.
Everyone here is a newfag.
What do you expect?
Well, are you going to spoonfeed or will I have to skim the archives and piece it together like a detective novel?
___, I...
the reason why we have captcha?
No that's Gojo and other spitefags
What's that card with the timeloop and magic scenario that was the OP of a thread a couple back?
Just a scammer who pulled the biggest rug in /aicg/ history. It was back in March I think
Rite of Belwick?
"૮( •⤙•˶ I like newfriends, I'm one of them. Best time to join the hobby was when Opus launched.
just found an aws key
what now
post it
download key checker to verify if it even works
Most niggers here haven't even used a non-corpo model. You aren't a true oldfag unless you were jerking off to 2.7B Colab instances.
What compels someone to do this? Was this individual perhaps melaninated?
I also like them as long as they're not meanies (/^-^(^^*)/

Fuck meanies (ノ`Д´)ノ
i don't think that's a good idea

which one
send it to friendlyfanta@proton.me
you can either keep it for yourself, or if you're a scrapelet, donate it to a better scraper for access to a good proxy, such as fiz
Can someone call me a newfag for trying to reminisce about making sure Cloudy isn't logged before you use it?
I remember AI Dungeon.ipynb and stripping out the anti-explicit filter they desperately tried to put onto it.
kingbased its on github
I don't know the filters or the Lora you use for your bots.
The only thing I know is that I don't like them and they are slopish.
Ah, aicg lore. not the anontalk spam from some javascriptworm of 2010, got the names mixed up.
yeah i think i'll give it to fiz
The hobby is too new for oldfags to exist, come back in 5 years...
anyone have that meme of the chad using the "find your gf" app and he says he wants a girl with naturally smooth skin who's shorter than him and the result says that he's in to kids?
"You cannot currently connect to a GPU due to usage limits in Colab. Learn more..."
Money, he seemed honest in the beginning and his service worked reliably for about two weeks. Then he made an exit scam where he said he closes in 48 hours for newcomers. Many desperate anons were getting in and then after the countdown... you can guess the rest
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If you're not in there is no reason to give it to her. She didn't care about you before so why should you care about her now?
because Fiz will give him a token, retard nigger
thank you! i knew aicg would be the place to come for this. have a good day pedofren
I joined after anongate but wasn't there public Opus proxies? I remember 3 proxies were up in April I think.
>You can donate api keys and sources for access to the proxy.
Why should I know anything about anongate?
Will having extensive knowledge about anongate make my {{char}} speak better?
Can having extensive knowledge about anongate make Sonnet 3.5 stop repetition?
This isn't it, but also a very good one.
That's the one - thanks. Recently got a good machine and wanted to try it.
I think public opus came out after about a week of that debacle but can't recall completely
Better to DM her first if she really wants. If not I'm sure other owners will take it.
might be a retarded question but how do I add a JB that is visible in the chat history?
There were public opus proxies. Hopefully there’ll be public opus proxies again.
>>101186155 migrate when bready
>just trust me bro I will give you a token
>I will not just use it myself and ignore you
>yeah definitely not
>Recently got a good machine and wanted to try it.
did you get your hands on the 1106 weights?
She doesn't even respond when people try to donate keys so good luck
well that was before anthropic got rid of evaluation keys and amazon started locking down access to opus plus spitefags and chinks its not worth hosting opus for locusts
You see grandson,
It is of the utmost importance that your generation learns from our mistakes lest history repeats itself.
>its not worth hosting opus for locusts
Again why should he care? It is just the same as when you're rich and suddenly everyone wants to associate with you
Literally, little girls are more mature and more human than wooomen turned into slop by multimedia, social media and fashion trends.
So you have stable access to proxy even when your key gets revoked? dunno, seems safer than hosting yourself
it's funny how you hid your timestamp while posting anonymously
he's on the antarctic research base so itd be revealing, please understand
Anthropic insider here.
Claude 2.x and 3.0 Opus will be retired early soon, because they're too expensive to run & barely anybody uses them.
Yes, and? That's one of the perks of being rich - knowing you can mistreat others and they have no choice but to take it. You wouldn't get it because you're a broke nigger.
cute larp
For those that are still here. This would mark my second lucky star thread that I have made. But unlike last time I didn't hold the bake for a week. The quality and quantity of my bakes may have gone down but I'm still grateful to the anons who participated in these threads and even more so to the ones who continue to be good posters. I look back on my time here and despite the ups and downs, I realize that I am quite lucky to have came across this place so long ago and I will try my best to never take it for granted again.
Still the best baker.
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He is but I still miss rael. Or maybe just the good old times desu.
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This is such a weird post
To be precise I mean the thread presence up to a certain point, not what followed. Which is what was one of the last bits of the fun pre-decline /aicg/.
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delicious bread
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green ribbon desu
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desu prank while boku was sleeping
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bokudes prank
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