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>Hello! I’m Kamila Szewczyk, I’m 19 and I usually go under the online moniker Palaiologos. I’m an expert programmer and aspiring mathematician, primarily interested in compiler construction, data compression, esoteric languages, statistics and numerical algorithms. Additionally, during my teens I have possessed substantial knowledge of low level development and performance optimisation.

What were you up to at her age, anon?
hey. that statement is definitely not true.
>Lisp interpreter in Malbolge
What the fuck
thank you I love you
I'll bite and waste my time replying to your useless thread.
Most of the PRs they opened were closed (not merged).
I checked one of their recent repos and it was full of shitty code.
>I have helped in development of the following projects:
>ghidra, a reverse-engineering environment.
>gcc, the GNU Compiler Collection.
>LLVM Project, a compiler infrastructure.
These caught my interest so I checked and they have 0 commits on those. They haven't even opened issues or pull requests on Ghidra and LLVM which are on GitHub.

I had done better by 19.
I really enjoyed that Array Cast episode.
Those achievements make me feel worthless

What did (You) do when you were 19?
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>started programming at 6yo
yup, computers fry scrotes' minds
is the voice not feminine enough for your taste?
Somebody post "miku-chan"'s lengthy pull request that this guy was flabbergasted by before trooning
>aspiring mathematician
>wannabe mathematician
> probability theory, statistics, information theory, numerical analysis and linear algebra.
This is pretty nice, but afaict nothing has come of it yet(?).
I was up to about the same topics at that age.
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>What were you up to at her age, anon?
jerking off and putting 8 hours into tf2 every day
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i was sleeping on day and had a dream about compression - what if one uses differencial equation to encode the data, some part of the data? im sure it exists, but never gonna be found. then i departed from math and never returned, i understood that it will eat me alive.
What are they putting in to the water supply bros? I am genuinely afraid
>/g/ - Social Media
I'm pretty sure that this is the result of porn addiction. A few years ago, I was badly addicted to porn, to the point that I couldn't even cum to normal porn anymore. I progresively started watching more and more fucked up porn like tranny prolapse porn, and at that point, I was fantasizing about dressing as a woman, growing HRT boobs and taking dicks up my ass. I was also masturbating four times a day, which ended up scarring my dick quite badly. When I mostly quit porn to keep up with the expectations of French cram schools, all of these tranny/gay thoughts went away. I'm not saying that there are no people with genuine gender dysphoria, but I believe that a significant proportion of people chosing to transition do so because of porn.
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What went wrong?
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>starts twerking
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wtf, so (s)he really is a tranny after all?
wtf am I looking at
>119,051 commits
this nigga is a 100x developer
An expert at quite a few different languages, including 4 assembly languages? That's quite impressive, it's rare for someone to be expert at even one thing in their lives.
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>Autistic shit
>Started at 6yo
imagine my shock
Cute twinkhon much better life path than being a twp chudcel
>They haven't even opened issues or pull requests on Ghidra and LLVM
that's because her ghidra contributions were while employed by the NSA, thomas.
>What were you up to at her age, anon?
thankfully not contemplating having cock removal surgery like this guy
is this person collecting minorities like pokemon cards?
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snake oil
t. 18
getting filtered by pointers
good find
I've been LARPing as a programmer for 10 years. I'm 22 and still don't know anything beyond writing a fizzbuzz.
>Typesetting my book got me crying a few times
Yet the about page says 'expert' at LaTeX? Would an expert have trouble typesetting a book?
>read the first article on Wikipedia for [thing]
i wasn't into computers at that point in my life, there were more critical matters than sitting inside with air conditioning
i learned basic before i was 8 though
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i'd still sexo
You know, I wanted to be like her at some point - to have a bunch of projects, be "expert" in niche stuff and proudly claim to be a student of mathematics. But now I don't feel like these things would bring much joy into my life. I see no purpose in doing all of this, unless I would genuinely enjoy it or I could see it actually being useful.

I did engage in a lot of projects in the past, but ended up abandoning many of them prior to completion. The ones that I did complete, I posted on my personal site, but eventually I would begin feeling like it was all pointless and stupid and I would remove all of the projects and take down the site.

I am the same age as her. I am studying engineering at university, second year. As part of my hobbies, I used to work on stuff like bootloaders, brainfuck interpreters, HTML games, CGI scripts for textboard-like sites, arduino projects, shell scripts for unix automation and probably many other things that I can't remember. Languages that I've used include x86 assembly, C, Python, PHP, Javascript. Languages that I've dabbled in include Lua, Java, Brainfuck. There were many other languages that I've used for "hello world" tier projects that I shall not name.

Here's my current personal website and my pastebin:
You won't find much on here because majority of my projects are lying in my local archives never to be seen by anyone, but I guess you can still get some faint idea about the stuff that I did.

Out of all things that I did, I probably enjoyed most working on low level stuff (C, assembly) and also CGI scripts.

I dread touching the keyboard. I don't know if I'll ever heal. I hope I will.
I'm curious to know if you get any engagement with your website. Has anyone ever sent you an email?

figuring out that inhaling diesel smoke is bad for humans
I once got an email after I shared the site on a small forum that I was participating on. The guy was saying that he liked the simplicity of the site and also suggested some CSS improvements. We already kinda knew eachother from the forum though. Apart from that one occasion, I only get SEO spam. But I don't really share the site too often.
She's cute
This is a reenactment of an ancient fake screencap popular with troons (and /g/ (but I'm repeating myself)).
Meant for >>101191219
post said fake screencap
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thank you
You need to troon out
Holy shit, it's real.
Conscripted and forced to huff jet fuel for 3 years. wbu?
Pretty much nothing of value, almost completely useless knowledge.
>Ohhhh I can do this cool heckin thing look I'm so smart.
Do something actually impressive, make your own 3d engine or something.
Or if you're actually gifted make your own OS
>Attempting to seduce me romantically will end poorly for you
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Is it possible to reverse img2img, to get an approximation on the original image? Some images when passed to img2img will be closer or farther in similarity from the output we want to reverse. An approximation of the original image could reached with trial and error, but it would probably take forever.
I don't know much about neural networks. Maybe there's a property of the stable diffusion's architecture that makes it even easier to reverse? Is there literature on this?
if you're really interested in the technicalities, then I don't know, but if you just wanted to see the tranny's face then here's a youtube vid >>101190062
kek I like this, looks like the dude is mocking profiles without retarded bloat in them. Profile READMEs are the worst feature ever added to GitHub. No I don't give a fuck who you are, where you're studying, or how many projects you contribute to, just show me your fucking repos
>What were you up to at her age, anon?
dropped out of Electrical Engineering, started working a shitty kitchen job, used to spend my days off drinking beer and jacking off to loli
Why are пoляци like this
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Ukraine can suck my dick, nigger. Fuck Jewlensky
Unkrainians have the pajeet gene?
im not 19 yet and also i dont plan on trooning out anytime soon
Getting over high school depression, learning instrumentation/control/automation theory, programming low-level applications and RTOSes onto cheap dev boards, you know just your basic college shit.
No, I don't maintain codebases bc I get shit done, not brag about achievements on internet. Also I don't think I amount to much, and neither that wom*n.
was fucking my girlfriend as hard as possible because I knew that I will never find another girl insane enough to date me, now I'm on 4chan anyway so it doesn't matter, I'm better C++ programmer than average and that's all I care about.
bros why couldn't I have started programming at 6 yo and be aa smart as here instead I'm 32 and just got my first programming jov
pleas show tits or gtfo
>the fucking Dyatlov avatar
Someone please edit this issue conversation into the Chernobyl trial scene where it gets explained how an RBMK reactor explodes.
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this shit has demotivated me more than anything before. i've been professionally employed as a node dev for like 8 years. I doubt i'll ever accomplish what she has as a teenager.

i'll forever be a crud shitter. I don't posses the facilities, midwids... how can we recover?
>how can we recover?
Not sure, but consider the following copium:
Some code gets shit done. Some code brings bread to the table. And some code makes your project list more shiny. Whenever you see someone's "accomplishment", think about which category of code it belongs to.
World is not built for or by savants
Collective is the only way humanity achieved anything and I'm proud to actively contribute to my place, have a stable life and an opportunity to pursue my curiosities because I was born a favorable western life
That's my current cope and I think I've settled here

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