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Would you live in a geodesic dome home, /g/?
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The problem with round homes is that most appliances and furniture is rectangular, curved walls are also more difficult to finish you end up just dividing the sphere into conventional rooms
>i like to put app my furniture up next to the walls
thats a you problem
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>he doesn't live in a geodesic jack-o-lantern
For me, it's a concrete dome.
literal lobotomite
Somewhere in my area is an octagonal house and I've always thought it was pretty neat.
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What is the use case for this?
What's the usecase for corners?
no, thats you. i like my furniture floating.
Those can be decent for surviving a tornado if built out of the right material, which almost none of the hippies do in the name of going green. An elderly couple built one right in Florida, had tea and toast as the eye of the tornado passed right over their home. Hippie built won't last though.

Underground, built correctly to deal with earth movement, water and radon is the way to go. Many Europeans will understand this soon.
No but I'd like to live in a pyramid home, I'd probably live to 200 or something like that.
I thought about it until I read more about it, but it's literally just a balloon that they walk inside of, spray it with expanding foam, and then spray the foam with shotcrete. then you can put sheathing on the outside but it's still just a layer of foam which is only going to last ~10-20 years and then you have no insulation.
instead I'd go with an ICF (Insulated Concrete Form) building, which still has foam but the concrete is poured between two layers of foam. No wood for my roof rafters either, flat roof, concrete, or metal.
nah geodudesics are lame
only if it was poured in a single run as a monolithic concrete dome with steel rebar so it doesn't cave in
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Based, the bush family got their power from pyramid technology.
man remote viewing is some crazy shit, my favorite ones are probably when they get detected by "entities"
requires a river running near it and diverting water under the pyramid, through the temple to active the quartz crystals to power the granite wave-guides in the pyramid. Nuclear power is superior to this.
>Little John sold hotdogs for 30 years and finally saved up 4 million dollars to buy a house in New York
>but it turns out to be a 3 sphere meter geodesic dome
>too small to fit his family of 100 children!
>let's remodel it to work for his family
>first, remove the curved walls and construct a frame using galvanized square steel
>affix the frame using expansion screws borrowed from his aunt
>with square walls Little John can now comfortably begin with new furniture and a washing area for his dishes
>line the walls with eco friendly wood veneer and install cabinets for smelly socks and out of season bedding
>dig a space under the floor and line it with concrete, durable for 10,000 years
>create a bed frame for himself and stack additional beds above it for his children
>verification not required
Dome sweet dome
> had tea and toast as the eye of the tornado passed right over their home.

why is a Trade Federation core ship on fire
oh hell nah
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nuclear power also requires a river running near it
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Sure, why not?
And this is now a Solarpunk thread.

Not a problem, pic. related.

The use case i comfiness, especially in cold climates.

>pic. related
have fun cooking yourself alive in a glasshouse
this is the correct design, you can have a house, with garden, both insulated in a cold area.
that is as easy to fix as to just vent it when is too hot, as any greenhouse
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Just make it bigger to compensate then build a completely square interior. Just use everything else for storage or something.
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Buckminster Fuller lived in my hometown at the end of his life so there are a whole bunch of dome homes scattered around. They're kind of neat.
concrete production is one of the major sources of greenhouse gas emissions. You should try to minimize the amount of concrete you use whenever possible. Building with wood helps to preserve the wood from decay, thus actually capturing carbon within the structure of the house itself.
I like greenhouses(because they're green) so am just going to use concrete for everything including meals
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No, in the 80's the CIA hired psychics to view the pyramids of Cydonia on Mars a million years ago. They also requested that their psychics reveal to them if they use any pyramid power external aids in their remote viewing.
no, I will not.
termites eat wood, termites are a problem in my tropical locale, having termites means I have to pay to have the place fumigated, any money I spend now is less money that can compound by retirement.
why would I not take advantage of modern advancements in technology just because of gayhouse gas? we're leaving earth in the next 30 generations if we don't nuke eachother anyway.
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Why not put a small town under a dome?
Why not dome yourself?
We are all domed! Domed, I say!!
I would love to. I believe that a dome circulates energy and air better than a regular home. All that Feng Shui stuff isn't entirely bullshit. Things like pyramid energy are real. The shape of your structure and the direction it faces matters.
Putting a building structure inside a large glass pyramid would also be comfy.
Why is it always the stupid femoid with a book in all of these photos?
Make your own photos and you get to choose what's in them.
It is a generic sign of being intellectual. Up to recently, modern architecture was cold, white areas with little contents EXCEPT from a bookshelf carefully positioned in the picture. That was proof that smart people wanted such abodes. Now that people prefer e-books, this is now fading, but only slowly.
I'd fuck her.
mold hallucinations turning real

cockblock jannies

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