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Windows 11 is garbage. Linux is dead. Are we left with Mac?
the only thing keeping me from mainlining Ubuntu is Affinity Designer.
the "year of the Linux desktop" has been here for years, you just have to make it happen on YOUR desktop

find a Linux distro you can be comfy with and learn to master it and one day you will wake up and realize YOU are a wizard with Linux
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my linux machine is fine
my macs are fine
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Linux is not dead althougheverbeit
>the "year of the Linux desktop" has been here for years
Yet all the Linuxfags still have the need to proclaim that this year is surely the year as if every other year before wasn't that, curious!
>Linux is dead
what the fuck does this even mean?
I've always interpreted "year of the Linux desktop" to be in reference to normie adoption, not the quality of Linux. If you're willing to learn it it's more than stable for daily use—just don't be a retard and choose a hobbyist distro if you're expecting something on par with Windows for mindless use. I lost my need for a video editor last year and swapped and Linux became my only OS.
how is an OS with a combined marketshare of 12% (Unknown, ChromeOS, Linux) "Dead"?
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>he fell for the loonix meme
>combined marketshare
Doesn't mean shit, Android is Linux based but it's not Linux desktop. Supercomputers run on Linux but it's not Linux desktop. Linux desktop is a meme that's never gonna get better.
>Linux desktop is a meme that's never gonna get better.
explain Steam Deck and how I can play all the same AAA slop on Arch like my spyware ridden friends do?
shit bait
>"muh Deck desktop loonix win"
>Distro developed and maintained by Valve
>Hardware designed by Valve
Yeah let me know when they release SteamOS as a loose distro you can install on any custom PC with zero issues. Not to mention, has anyone even verified SteamOS doesn't do any unsolicited outbound connections or is everyone sucking Valve's dick and blindly trusting them because they're "pushing Linux to the mainstream"?
I use Arch so I wouldn't know but I can confirm desktop Linux is actually good
>Yeah let me know when they release SteamOS as a loose distro you can install on any custom PC with zero issues.
There is no special sauce in SteamOS. Everything it does is upstream and available to other distributions.
The only trick to how well the Deck works is the choice of good hardware supported by open drivers.

Not even Windows can be installed on any custom PC with zero issues.
Lots of Windows users buy gimmick hardware and get burned by it.
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Linux is getting a huge upgrade soon that will finally user in the year of the linux desktop
I love my work macbook. Compile times are insane compared to whatever Dell they issue us. I've been a hater because Apple gay lmao but I can't imagine having a laptop other than a mac now. Not that I'd buy one for myself, I'm comfortable with my station.
Pfffff hahaha MacOS
Good one
>linux is dead
ok wintodler
Linux usage has jumped by like more than 600% since the Steam Deck released and Windows 11 announced its new spyware
>work macbook
Macbooks were made for normies. If you even open the terminal then fuck you your using your mac wrong. The fact that macs are only good for work/school/web browsing is fucking gay.
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>loonix is unusable shit
>b-b-b-but whatabout winshit that's unusable shit too!!!!!
lmao even
the last bastion of lintroon cope because they never have a single argument against macchadOS so they rabidly lash out at wangblows in their seething tranny rage
Linux Mint is more functional than Windows 7/11.

I think Windows 10 is still better than Mint, but it reaches its end of life next year.
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>the absolute state of lintroon npcs
No, Macs are ARM toys with no compatibility and limited software.
>tard still mad that Steam Deck uses Linux
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adults are talking lintroon, go play with your gaymer toys in the corner
>Muh Games
>Thinks Apple toys are any better
Top Kek
Apple products are tools for adults.
Again: >>101195863
>falling for this dogshit quality bait
fucking retards
not an argument
Linux is just a kernel.
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who the fuck you callin a kernel white boy?
install gentoo
Use opensuse
It would be a great art piece. Call it the Linus kernel.
what a lame bot
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it depends about location, most linux users do not collect 150 money units each time they boot up system
Use steam os retard
it's really not worth bragging about getting six new users anon
cool, I've been using it wrong for 5 years. what now?
fuck off
>Windows 11 is garbage
Nah, its fine. You are just unable to take the reality the way it is.
In many ways it's worse than 10 but somehow still better than desktop Linux.
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>Windows 11 is garbage
It's good though, linux isn't dead but it's a very awful experience and freetards try to defend it by continuously saying windows is a spyware, windows isn't a spyware regardless of how hard they try to force this meme
yes, macos is the white man’s operating system
Freetards believe that if your browser automatically checks for updates in the background without your knowledge it's "spyware". Thank fuck they don't have any real jobs in the industry.
>linux is dead
Just switched to fedora desktop fulltime and It's been pretty great.

Ever since Microsoft made O365 apps work online you can just run office apps in PWA in a dedicated browser profile.

99.99% of games literally just work out-of-the-box too, just use steam for steam games, and heroic games launcher for epic store games.

the 0.01% of games that dont work (due to specific anti-cheat solutions) fucking suck anyways, and if you have shit-taste just dual boot when you're going to play them with your retarded friends that play shit games.

That beind said. if you're a fucking braindead fuck why aren't you playing DOTA2 and CS:GO over those shit games anyways? whilst they are also shit games made for cancerous trash they are at least better than the fucking RIOT spyware.
>Linux is dead
>"i need a constant SPECTACLE around my choice of kernel"
just go with a mac
Mac is even worse when it comes to telemetry and tracking.
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I can't take Windows 11 seriously. I've tried, but it's just something with it that feels so noisy. I feel sorry for Windows on a parasocial level. The fact that it has two control panels, aero and metro - incredible really. Hell, it even has applications that were only meant to transfer your data from Vista to Windows 7. What the fuck caused this mess?
>What the fuck caused this mess?
Microsoft adding shit on top of each WinNT iteration without ever properly refactoring legacy UI's, or really anything else. Did you know that pifmgr.dll in Windows 11 still has the exact same icons as it did in Windows 95? It's a really beautiful mess really.
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I fucked around in Windows 11 a couple a months ago, the amount of legacy software is mind-boggling, pic related. I really don't have any preferences when it comes to operating systems, but my main machine runs macOS. I use Linux when needed. But Windows on the other hand, I try to avoid it as much as I can. I really can't understand how colleagues etc use this on a daily basis. I was an avid Windows user, but after Windows 7 I sort of gave up. It's just a lousy user experience.
>>101193606 kys
go to bed jay
Windows 10 is full blown spyware and this had been exhaustively proven. W11 is taking it a step further with keyloggers, 0.2 FPS screen recordings, and it's trying to turn your computer into a dummy terminal connected to a mainframe

There is no conceivable way to raise the degree to which your windows PC is spyware. Apple has been the same way before windows
>Linux is dead.
Your brain is dead. Filtered.
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t. Dota 2 player
cs2 has a shitty native client. valve's vulkan renderer performs worse than dx12 by like 15-20% for no good reason
kys troon

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