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Are there any better options for secure email or am I stuck with these Swiss faggots?
host it yourself and use pgp whenever possible which will be never.
avoid using email as much as you can it fucking blows.
what's wrong with mountain niggers, they've proved their worth time and time again
be thankful we have them
I'd use protonmail but that protonmail honeypot poster convinced me otherwise
Just use gmail.
You should not be discussing anything fucked up over email, there are much better forms of communication for that.
mountain jews
pigeon mail
Brown hands typed this
underage or unemployed
you need email for govt institutions these days
jobs will provide a work email you absolute fucking loser
>for govt institutions
imagine existing officially and being tracked by the glowies
pretty sure spooks all use gmail anyways lmfao
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Get a vps and use luke smith's emailwiz. It just werks
>search function is paid-tier only
host your own
Proton is a honeypot
Proton is the most secure email though. They only read your emails if you use your account wrong, so if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear.
>All this kvetching
Such "glowing" endorsement
>i-is ProtonMail secure? and I don't want you to post theit emails where they literally admit to scan your inbox, I want you to tell me that it's secure!
Fine. It's secure. There, done.
Post the email that says that then
They cannot read your emails. The one time they had to comply with a lawful order and the only info they could give to the feds was his recovery email address. And because the recovery account email was used to create a twitter and other accounts (major opsec fuck up) his IP was trivial to get.

That being said, proton is the best as far as emall goes. the rest of their suite is pretty weak, but gets better daily.
it doesen't matter
e-mail IS NOT SECURE by design
you can use any other random email provider
just encrypt your messages with PGP and glowies can't do shit
>recovery email address
Good luck making a ProtonMail account without one.
This but unironically
Lol. Lmao, even.

The only reason to use Proton is because they're one of the few providers out there that don't require a fucking phone number to make an account, and most sites don't blacklist the domain.
their "feature" is encryption, but nearly nobody uses the feature, maybe they don't even realize how to use it
Please do not respond to glowniggers
>You should not be discussing anything fucked up over email
What about Google modelling your every habit through interpretations of your e-mails and crafting the perfect little avatar to influence you and control your choices?
>inb4 schizo
It's a known practice and they're not even sorry.
NTA and playing little devil advocate here but you already won PRECISELY because you know about it. The whole danger of manipulation comes from being unable to tell it happens, once you know, YOU are in true control. If they propose you products by ads (which you can block anyway) and you know its based on their created profile, YOU decide to follow or not. If they suggest you search results tailored to said profile and you know its manipulation, you can filter it out by your own mind.

You are in control. Always.
Sounds like what the NSA would say
I was looking a startmail recently, because they allow custom domains with infinite aliases.
Seems promising thus far
Is it paid? gay.
If you don't pay for it, you are the product
and all that
I was thinking a lot about it, discussing it with others, both people aware of fact and not and honestly, this is only logical conclusion.

Quick example - recently I had situation where one of local politicians, before local goverment elections, was going around from door to door, trying to promote himself. When he noticed my brush in hand (he interrupted my painting session), he asked what Im painting and once got answer that I was preparing miniatures (because its not some confidential info), started to talk about how he want to organise local place for board and war games and so on. Now, this is exactly what FB/Google/whatever data can be used for - collecting/processing info (he paints minis -> he plays wargames -> potentially plays board games too) and trying to use it for manipulation (vote for me and I will give you waht you want) or selling product (buy in this or that shop). Now, I didnt vote for him precisely because I knew it was manipulation. In the end, I am in control and so are you. Its only danger when you are not aware.
so you still need to use email that is tracable to you

Go back, schizo newfag
>Now, I didnt vote for him precisely because I knew it was manipulation.
New kind of single-issue voter just dropped
What is this "single-issue voter"?
cock.li is down my brother >>>101196514
They bent the knee
Host your own. Doesn't get more secure. Use Thunderbird to 1-click PGP encrypt.
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glows brighter than the sun
Mailfence is pretty good, but nobody ever talks about them
Satisfied with protonmail because it works and no spam.
>secure email
I suppose it might be but email really isn't.
cock.li goes down more than sasha grey
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You can host your own. However, after many years of hosting my own... I generally recommend you don't. It's a pain dealing with the needs of 100% uptime. Plus depending on your ISP you'll have trouble getting a non-residential IP to stay off spamlists, plus reverse DNS, plus setting up all the other DMARC/DKIM, SPF crap is annoying. If you can get a domain, and a non residential static IP, then consider hosting one on a Pi or something. Make sure it's as hardware backuped as you can and have redundancies. It's not something that requires bandwidth or processing but if it dies, you lose email. No email MFA, no sending emails to your ISP that your net is down, etc.

I recommend instead, get your own domain, and use protonmail's domain feature where you can get a whatever email so it doesn't even look like protonmail. Also they have IMAP as a paid feature which is awesome for using your own client.
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StartMail lets you make burner emails called "aliases" for signup on different websites, and you can deactivate them if they start spamming you. been using it for years at this point, can vouch.

both are probably glownigger operations, but if your threat model is reasonable and realistic, StartMail is excellent. paid services are the future if you don't like the surveillance model of jewgle
I want representation for Mage Knight.
icloud hide my email is what you are looking for but /g/ is retarded and will recommend emails banned on every single website. you are welcome
I tried their cloud, and it sucks.
The email part is decent, but I'll host my own mail server with my domain name
i sure hope my cheeze pizza is safe on protonmail servers
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The best way to find out if something is pozzed or not is to make a post on (((cuckchan))) and see how much it is slandered
Proton also has this on their paid plan, and that also comes with some extra shit like vpn and cloud storage. Their alias integrates nicely into proton pass too if you use that, prompts you to auto generate an alias on a signup page
riseup also has infinite aliases.
Trained pigeons with a kill switch that has be deactivated when touched.
I'm going to second >>101205583 on self-hosting being a bitch (if there is not a list of providers that aren't literally blocked by everyone, someone needs to make it) but unless your threat model involves entities able and willing to breach the VPS/rack to get into your shit (in which case, I'd probably recommend forwarding through from home machine, amnesiac storage policies, or, I dunno, not doing anything high-value over email) it really is your best bet.
There's no option for secure email. At all.
Least of all ProtonMail.
(kys faggot)
t. Continues to use gmail
This is the solution that i've used but giving away too much stuff to a single company and it's ecosystem is mental illness.
I love how the bear covers the text so it reads anonymous fail

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