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Starting from what age would you allow your future children to use internet and technology, /g/?
posts like this remind me of polfags who claim their learned english browsing 4chan
as early as possible
but if they become gay or lesbo ima beat their asses and destroy every bit of tech in the house

>dad im gay now
>kid phone that can only call parent phone
>supervised computer use with no internet exposure; only local books
>supervised internet with no social media access to them
>limited internet use

I raise them White and straight, there are 2 sexes, a man has a penis, a girl has a vagina and the rest is mental illness.
By 14 I answer questions and stop giving a fuck.
You're not allowed on the internet.
>Starting from what age would you allow your future children to use internet and technology, /g/?
No touchscreens, social media, youtube, TV, etc in the house as long as they live there. (for me as well as the kids)
When they move out they can make those decisions for themselves
mine (age 4) plays vidya with me, mostly Nintendo shit Daddy "downloads". no short format video like YT though, only movies with stories and characters on TV. Still sharp as a tack just like Daddy-O
Unless a majority of parents in your kids’ school also agree to keep their kids off of social media, odds are you’ll give in to the peer pressure sooner or later; otherwise you’re deliberately making your kid suffer from very painful and harmful social exclusion. Social media is insidious in that way, and the lack of more robust legally mandated age-gating is among the reasons I don’t want kids.
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>who claim their learned english
Good dad, great father. God bless you.
they'll definitely not get free internet access before 16

if they are not raised with tech from the beginning they are something else than /g/
1gb of internet for every time they sex a girl. Nobody's going to be a shut in loser.
This btfo's luddies ITT.
these are very different things
Care to elucidate further?
agree but letting a kid under 14-15 use social media would just make them retarded, i mean have u seen the kids these days? theyre fucking antisocial retards cant even look at u straight in the eye when u talk with them
nta but there's a lot of cool, kid-friendly stuff you can do on a computer without internet access like drawing, modeling, animation, note taking, diary keeping, making games, playing games, doing calculations
Without strong regulation or durable community consensus, it’s really a lose-lose choice between letting your kids rot and warp their minds or else be ostracized and taunted by their peers. Sometimes both at the same time. Social media is a net harm for people at any age but use of messaging apps by kids should also be tightly controlled in favor of face-to-face communication so that they learn to socialize properly and not always through screens. But again, it’s not up to the individual parents to make these choices. It has to be the whole community of parents.
producing short films, producing audio plays, typing essays, programming lego electronics, composing music, exploring the radio spectrum
Online gameplay should also be closely monitored and controlled for the same reason as messaging apps. Not to mention the addictive nature of video games in general and F2P gacha games in particular. I really don’t envy people who are raising kids in today’s internet-saturated environment. It’s like tip-toeing through a virtual minefield inside your own home.

kids age that have read about german clubs and will not take a risk
>implying you put children on the internet first and foremost
kill yoursel
My answer changes based on what the technology there is so I'll answer as if I had kids today.

At 5, I'll show them AI for art. It's something vibrant to potentially catch their interest and is something they can copy with pen and paper.
At 7, I'll let them use a computer. No Internet but some downloaded video games, drawing apps and writing apps. Using this to teach them to use a keyboard, mouse and to navigate the computer.
At 13 I'll give them very limited access go the Internet. Some online games to play with friends, websites for research and looking at art. A phone, can't do much other than call, text and email.
At 16, loosen restrictions and a better phone.
At 18, unless they buy their own shit they're stuck with the restrictions I decided for them at 16.
>so I'll answer as if I had kids today.
but you don't, you have 0 kids
and judging by your answer, you are a kid too, so STFU your opinion in this matter is not important
> in a thread where OP mentions "future children"
> you don't have kids, you are a kid
Nice reading comprehension. I don't have kids but that's exactly what I'm helping my cousins with their home schooled kids, roughly.

As I said, the answer changes based on technology and since technology is always changing, it's almost as stupid as your comment to have a concrete plan.

This is why I'd give them limited access to the Internet at 13. Give them full access to early and they'll see comments such as yours and think it's a sane and healthy human behind them.
>home schooled kids

Why did they decide to do that?
Isn't that a bit extreme?
Stupid reasons, one of them was being bullied so they dragged them out of school and are home schooling. They're not smart and aren't qualified in anything so their education is going to be nothing.

Decided I'd at least try and teach them to use computers because it's better than what they'd get without it. I'm holding hope they go back to school eventually but if it's the worst case, I want them to at least have something to work off instead of being a factory drone unable to qualify for anything better.
You need to go back.
>home schooled kids
Don't children who are home-schooled tend to be socially awkward as they grow up?
>everyone ITT saying they won't let their kids go on the internet until they're 16
You probably had unrestricted internet access since you were 8 years old, faggot
Yes. Everyone will say technically no because they can spend time with other kids but unless they're spending 6 hours a day with different peers, they're not going to be social and if they're doing that, you're just making a school.

Wouldn't recommend it at all. Definitely don't recommend it if you're like my cousin and her husband, uneducated, not social at all, offended by everything and don't put effort in.
That's true. It's also true I had access to porn and gore when I was young too. It shouldn't have happened. As an adult, I'm ashamed of my parents for allowing that.

There's nothing wrong with doing amd being better than your parents.
>Don't children who are home-schooled tend to be socially awkward as they grow up?
Yes, see Chris Chan
Homeschooling your kids increases the chances of them becoming like him
One view is that /g/ has always been a bastion of hypocrites, but the other viewpoint may be that every parent wants their children to have a better, less toxic experience than they had. Seeing the state of the internet today, it would be correct to say, without an iota of doubt, that unrestricted access to the internet shouldn't be allowed until they've reached 16.
And look how i fucking turned out
How the hell are your parent responsible for your own personal lewd escapades? Nice blame deflection, donkey.
No. People not always had computers with internet. I used interned for the first time when I was 15. I'm sure my kids will be fine playing with dolls, lego and bicycles.
What tells you they won't go to some friend's house and browse the web unrestricted over there?
They're responsible for allowing me to talk to strangers who introduced me to these things. Just like I'd blame my parents if they let strangers on the street abuse me, I blame them here.

They could. Going to a friends house for a few hours with unrestricted access is bad, but it's not as bad as having unlimited access at home.
Pretend they get 8 hours at their friends a week and use the computer for 30 hours at home. I'd rather them only get 8 hours unrestricted access than 38 hours.

Also, of they truly do have unrestricted access the moment I discover they've seen anything inappropriate is the moment they're never to see that friend again.
Probably around 12 or so for the Internet, though I would definitely supervise their use for a while. Also, I don't want them to consume brainrot content like TikTok, Instagram or YouTube Shorts. I know that limiting their access to social media is going to make them excluded from their peers but I don't care. If your friends are so sensitive to peer pressure, they aren't real friends.
As for technology in a broader sense, I don't want to force my own interests upon them. If they seem interested in what I'm doing, I won't hesitate to teach them more about it, but if they aren't, it's fine too. My father is also rather interested in technology, though he lacks former education in this field. When I was a kid, he quickly realized that I was fascinated by computers and electronics, and taught me what he knew about them. I later learned a lot more from the Internet. On the other hand, my sister showed zero interest for STEM subjects and is know a peak normie. Mobile operating systems are designed to be usable by people with no computer skills at all, so I won't give a smartphone or a tablet to my future children. I will probably get them a used office desktop or laptop. That's what my father did. When I was 12, he bought me a used Thinkpad with a broken keyboard and we repaired it together. I used that thing for a while before building myself a desktop out of three PCs found in the dumpster. I would also teach them about electronics when they are old enough to solder.

One crucial aspect of technology education that /g/ often tends to omit is formal math and physics education. While it may not be strictly needed for standard /g/ activities, being proficient at math and physics is absolutely necessary to pursue higher education in STEM fields. I would probably give mandatory additional math and physics lesson to all of my children. Maybe it's going to turn them into geniuses, idk.
I'll teach my son how to compile a linux kernel when he's 3.
One and only somewhat reasonable answer itt
haha this
but with money
From birth, provided I don't catch them posing in crotchless diapers for uncle chester.
My toddler is allowed to watch tv or play games currently but they rarely do and they are given no time with tablets or phones.
Limited computer use when they get older but still restricted from tablets and phones.
Can't really have a solid plan right now because kids are going to all grow up differently and you have to be able to adapt to what best suites them even if I personally don't like it
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>Yes, see Chris Chan
>Homeschooling your kids increases the chances of them becoming like him
Christ Chan was mainstreamed and attended HS with the normies, in fact his father insisted on no special ed treatment or IEP shit at all as he wanted his aspie kid to, by God, have the same "boomer" (his Dad was born in 1927 really, practically greatest generation and almost in WW2) school experience he had. Chris was even the waterboy for school sportsball team. Chris' Autism power level was simply too much for normie institutions to affect.
Knew a kid in high school who wasn't allowed access to the internet even for school projects, now that I think about it idk if he was even allowed to watch TV, anyways moral of the story is that he would always find a way to access the internet one way or another usually using a library computer or using shitty gas station deposable phones just to keep in touch during the summer. I guess the saying is true strict parents rase sneaky kids and that sneakiness ended up with his ass getting CP charges I guess because he wasn't allowed to date ether.
Yes, but without access to the internet or video games. I will strictly enforce that.
I’ll allow them from early on to use it. I’m not a retard though so I’ll only allow Wikimedia foundation domains through their designated devices. If the kid needs anything else they can tell me and I’ll set the FW for them.
God help me if they find out how to use a free VPN, I might have to buy an SSL inspector or make one myself.
Parents that buy their kids a computer ‘to study’ have the right idea, but lack the knowledge or resources to enforce it. I don’t.
Bottom line is that unless you're willing to be one of those schizo parents that raises their kids alone in the woods, you're kinda fucked when it comes to their exposure to the awfulness of the internet due to its inherently social nature
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why are these kids using a macbook older then them? When was this taken?
Think of it like TV actors flailing away on an N64 controller while ostensibly playing Counter-Strike on their living room TV to the minimalist sounds of Atari beeps and boops
Sometimes I wonder how different my life would be if I didn't expose myself to furry porn when I was 13.
Me in the middle.
>By 14 I answer questions and stop giving a fuck.
What age will your children be when they ask you why everything you've ever done for them was counterproductive to functioning in this dysfunctional shit-hole? I agree with most of what you're saying, but you're children will be competition to my children and my children will be taught to make sure they succeed by ensuring yours fail.

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