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>outclasses any PC that costs less than 2000 dollars 5 years later
>will have GTA6
this box is equivalent to a 600bux pc and has no games.
>this box is equivalent to a 600bux pc
not quite, give it another 10 years
PS5 = can't run fitgirl releases
PC = can run fitgirl releases

Free games lmao
ps5pro will have the edge over the xbox refresh because you can have physical copies of games while xbox will limit itself to digital
i think nintendo and playstation are doing great but having physical options available
>$70 games with $120 DLC
>Supporting Sony's judaism
>Oh hey look pcfags we finally got Discord
>City of Copenhagen named after these faggots
I'm not convinced that the physical copies will continue to work into the future, though.
Believe it or not, physical media is still being produced with the newer base capacity for each disk being roughly 100gb per disk..
I am aware, but these consoles are fairly Internet tied and games could also be so, even though you have discs.
Will they still work once Sony shuts down the PS5 servers? Will the PS6 have a disc drive to be backwards compatible?
>/g/ is is for consumer electronics advertisement

this shithole is infested with fucking ads!

Apple, Sony, Brave, they can all go fuck themselves

I will never use any of their fucking products
>physical media expires once they shutdown the servers
Holy mother of summer... I need sleep.
10 PS5 games = $700
10 billion PC games = $0

It seems you are the one who is BTFO
All the consoles can do is playing vidya.
A PC can play vidya but also create vidya, music, movies, documents, programmes, and so much more.
Your comparison is stupid, and if you only care about gaemz you should check this >>>/rules/2
PS5 doesn't need multiple accounts to play PUBG, Overwatch or Xdefiant. Does this "fitgirl" fix that?
It does if the game needs to fucking verify something with online servers.
Yes, you need to sleep. This is a known problem with consoles since the PS3.
And even if you can usually play the games without an active Internet connection, sometimes the consoles have digital certificates that expire and then it goes "I'm just not going to play games anymore".
These are known issues.
Some games REQUIRE day one patches in order to play them. Having the disc doesn't help you if you need to reinstall once the servers are down.
Since Internet integration there have been a host of problems for physical media ownership.
>All the consoles can do is playing vidya.
Not once they're hacked.
>PUBG and Overwatch
>twenty twenty four
The only thing that needs fixing is your severe brain damage.
I literally only play modded minecraft and PS5 doesn't support that
oh yeah maybe you could pay for official mods in bedrock edition with minecoins lmao
consoles have paid online
that's reason enough to avoid them even ignoring that there's no console exclusive games and everything ends up on PC now
kek, this
oh no you can watch movies as well. wow so worth it!
which OS would u put on a ps5?
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>people can only discuss hardware which I like
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>outclass any PC
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Conslow games are so much fun!
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>meanwhile PC
thats the expected performance from an AMD card
Nintendo Sure
Not PS5, they did a great console with a poor market strategy, they don't have a lot of attach rate and they also have a very big launch window in between titles.
>playing tranny games in 2024 lmao
You can barely get a GPU with that.
>450p upscale PS5 mode vs 4k ultra insane gaytracing path-tracing cinematic mode
yea, consoles are fucked buddy
BSD perhaps, but more likely Linux.

They can already do that.
Games are for children
Those look like graphics settings a current gen console cannot hope to achieve.
>xbone series seggs have Microsoft Edge browser
>office apps from both Microsft and Jewgle are more than enough for students
It's honestly surprising the Series consoles haven't been hacked yet, due to having a Chromium based browser on them.
>consoles have paid online
F2p/mmos don't pay for subscription so genshit/whoa wah gaymers are still good.
> physical options
Can you just put the disk in and play directly with no internet connection and patches?
For now, with many games, yes.
That's pretty cool
>dude! It's so cheap, lmao! Why you wanna play on a PC!?
>*eyesore graphics*
>*pays for monthly subscription*
>*buys physical disks because there's no more space*
>*thinks physical disks lets him own a game*
Disks are a novelty, btw. If you really want to own a game just pirate it. You can't copy your disks anymore and run copy on your console. It can break or get scratched.
Consoles are equivalent to slave shackles. There's a good reason they're so cheap.
HDR sucks. It gives this sort of dark nonsense. It's a marketing gimmick. People have actually been tricked into thinking these dark cant-see-shit images are somehow "super realistic" and nice to look at. It boggles the mind.

For me, it's a clean, clear, well calibrated SDR image.
>>*pays for monthly subscription*
I have never payed a monthly subscription for a console. I have a PS5, too.
>*buys physical disks because there's no more space*
I can actually sell the games.
>I can actually sell the games
Do people buy them?
I give 1 point to disks tho, I miss times when you could just share disks with your friends to play something else.
I don't play video games kid.
>Do people buy them?
>he can’t play his old games
>he can’t play other music while playing
>he has to BUY HIS GAMES LOL
>he has to use the web browser to do anything useful
>he can ONLY use PlayStation accessories LOL
I was an Xbox man but PC is where I’ll stay thanks.
Physical copies don't matter if you can't make your own usable copies with them. The important things are a lack of dependence on corporate services and a lack of DRM.
>I can sell the games
If you're a poorfag that needs the discount, just buy the games on sale or pirate them outright.
>If you're a poorfag that needs the discount
Where did I say that?
A used 5700x and an rx 6700/XT shit all over this thing and will cost the same. I builds one for a friend. PS5 hasn't been a deal for sometime and yup: no games. Enjoy the steal!
so you're just choosing to be retarded ITT then
ok gotcha
Most of the cost issue in building a PC right now is in the retardedly overpriced GPU. They literally cost over twice as much as they actually worth.
Just buy a 3050 or a used 1650, or even a used 1080, you don't need more.
I have a 3080. I'm only at 1440p and lowering settings is fine to be because framerate and native resolution are most important when you actually play games. So I'm not a consumer whore. My problem is that prices are awful and likely won't improve. I'm actively planning on going Intel 2 generations from now. Honestly, I might go with Intel anyway if prices do get to where they should be, just to spite AMD and Nvidia. I'm tired of being a punching bag for faggot companies.
Yes it does, I played xdefiant on my PS5 and it asked for a Ubisoft account.
BSDbros, we can't stop winning
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>spend 600 for console
>spend 2000$ in games
>I don't play video games kid.

Average /v/ user
>no modding
>practically no piracy
>no emulators
>can't use for anything other than muh gaymes
What the fuck are the discs even for?
They're DRM enforcement coasters.
When you insert them, it installs the game to your disk drive from the online store anyway, the day one v1.1 patch ends up being larger than the entire disc image.
And you still have to insert the disc to prove you still own the game.
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>will have GTA6
GTA 5 was boring shit and I doubt 6 will improve it. muh realism killed it.
I will buy one when it can be fully hacked without having to redo it every reboot.
I can't play my erotic games on gayming consoles, so I don't care.

my gf fucked me after she watched me play rune factory 4 special on the ps5
>and has no games
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Can't even run Factorio and that runs on a potato.

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