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What happens to Linux if that Swedish/Finnish communist cuckold dies?
Greg whats-his-face takes over.
So it changes to Gregux?
I'd switch to Debian Gregux immediately. Gregux sounds cool and alpha as fuck. Linux sounds weak and gay.
linus will be here for at least another 30years.. maybe even 40+ I can imagine he will be creating new kernels even as 90y old
everyone switches to minix, duh
hurd will never be finished
kdbus back on the agenda
He looks almost as old as linus
Swedish/Finnish? You mean Fennoswede?
when will the right get a Linus equivalent? oh yeah, never because u are idiots haha.
Linux is completely taken over by Microsoft, AWS and SystemD, everybody realizes what a shity piece of shit OS Linux has always been and a disgrace for UNIX, Andy Tanenbaum is finally recognized as being right all along, Minix wins and Linux is kept only for corporate cvcks and cloud computing lmao
The Era of Shuttleworth will commence
You do realize 99% of the code in Linux has nothing to do with Linus right? It's all corpos. You retarded leftists live in this made up world where Linux is written by FOSS leftists who are against big money, when in reality 99% of the code is written by corpos who are in bed with gov and Linus has his salary paid by corpos who make only closed software. A lot of them are even part of the MIC that funds Israel and its genocidal regime.
How does it feel knowing that Linus is a sellout just like everyother leftist?
What kind of effect were you thinking this comment would have on the conversation? Maybe at most I'll use Finnish/Swedish just to spite you
You say it like it's a bad thing, when in truth that's the entire idea of GPL; it forces players small and big to contribute.
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Nothing. Linux is a corporate product now.
nothing ever happens, faggot
it's a common insult on /int/
when he dies I will stop using computers.
>nithya ruff
Ah, carry on then
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Poettering takes over and Linux gets merged into systemd.
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is it dead?
if i had to guess sgi raises from its grave and their system works again
should have used mercury out of spite
He is a Swedish speaking Finn, not Swedish. I'm just wondering why you'd write Swedish/Finnish.
Fennoswede is just an actual term you dolt
She's a human chair for the men.
Idk what's the issue with corporations contributing to Linux. It doesn't change the license so we're all free to benefit from their contribution
reset and try again fagbot
there would be no issue if they actually contributed. they mostly just provide shitty blobs that won't work in a couple of years with new versions of kernel. barely anyone is interested in mainlining their drivers.
Every time I've seen breakdowns by contribution the big corporations have (unsurprisingly) been the biggest ones. And it was by lines of code so not just blobs
non finnish
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Linux would be SAVED
fagbot, do you have any more of that fagbot diarrhea?
Fennoswedes are Swedish speaking Finns. That's why I thought the Swedish/Finnish was confusing, there's already loads of people who think he is Swedish lmao
You seem upset but I'm not sure why
don't be daft, it's running right now on every intel CPU manufactured in the last fifteen years
do you have anything to backup your "communist" statement?

as far as i get/watched his interviews, once he stated hes apolitical. license choice is not his either.


cant imagine he registered at some puny site and speaks with imaginary characters


nothing happens, kernel is already established, he said it only changes due to drivers


Linus moved and lives in USA capitalismus, even if he was a braindead leftist (he isnt), its not the product of the left economic system.

if yo dare to isolate technology, then it is similar to police organisation. everybody are leftists because they generally dont produce consumable product, they have budget to consume instead and cant play prices, only risks.
I'm pretty sure he's just swedish anon
finns have never contributed anything of value to society
well except varusteleka
life will continue. i'm sure that the distro jannies audit every kernel patch and if they see anything wrong they will revert it.

not my problem.
We don't actually exist, it's true
What about killing hordes of b*lsheviks?
I meant new development of the OS itself
From a practical pov it is good, yes, but from a leftist pov it's a disaster. Most code in Linux comes from corpo actors that are deep inside the MIC (IBM, MS, Intel, Google, Palantir, ...) that has genocided millions (Iraq, Palestine, ...) and supports some of the most brutal and fascist regimes on the planet (SA, Israel, ...). I can't imagine any leftist working there without being a complete hypocrite, as for the rest of the programners they all come from ultra nationalistic countries from SEA and maybe India, all of them as racist as the most hardcore nazis. As a right winger I don't care, but I mention it because the idiot leftist I replied to lives in this made up reality inside his silly head where Linux is made by leftist programmers when in reality the opposite is the truth.
Leftists may proceed to cope and seethe now.
There are thousands of diehard lefties at FAGMAN offices. They periodically cry to management about what you describe and are told to fuck off.
It gets owned by Microsoft.
Embrace, extend, and extinguish.
You will have no choice but to use Windows as Sata....I mean the government of democracy intended.
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I'm more interested in evidence of him being a cuckold.
>There are thousands of diehard lefties at FAGMAN offices

No there aren't. You know how I know that? When Israel was incinerating women and children in Palestine, while laughing their asses off, out of the hundreds of thousands of employees FAGMAN has, only a few dozen protested, and then their fascist masters told them to fuck off, and they did.
times are hard, just look at all those poor jobless suckers roping in /twg/
>hardcore leftists
>but my paycheck is more important than women and children burning alive

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I think the lead dev got an aneurysm in his brain when he learned that intel basically took his shit for free and gave him a total sum of $0 for it. He basically feels like a cuck now, deservedly. Such is the fate of baseddevs with permissively licensed software.
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we migrate.
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What did you say, little bitch?
We all have to kill ourselves.
You seem to think the definition of "leftest" is "maximally moral and scores high on integrity", which is weird for someone supposedly non-leftist.
No one who engages in mainstream politics or supports either branch of the uni-party is moral.
In fact, all are war criminals and legitimate targets for anyone who got lucky to escape the American made killing machine.
Faux anti-establishment pretenses from elements in both branches of the uni-party, and the moral posturing (or what you as a supposed non-leftist learned to call "virtue signalling") for selective causes doesn't work anymore on anyone but retards, of which there are many unfortunately.
Kinda like everyone going around the gpl licenses, and you getting cucked for working for free while having a false sense of security. Enjoy the source-available future, and the gpl programs being sold despite your $0 per hour labor, lintranny.
>finncuck still believes this
You may have killed plenty of Soviets, but you lost to them by giving up more land to them in the end, then the Germans set fire to your villages in the north because you had to force them out.
Burt the ruskike mass graves are still filling up to this day. Total slavshit death seems to be a popular opinion these days too.
kys troon

so-called "palestinians" spawn like rabbits in there, they are rejected by arabs, arabs call them dirt because they are UN welfare parasites. the only reason they exists was USSR and nazis. so those are left-wing economies, not right-wing.

you create stupid propaganda here trying to smear Linus. thats pathetic.
microsoft will have to find another convincing figurehead
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we reject the beep boop electric thingie and take up woodworking and soil whispering like god intended

Israel wants to ethnically cleanse palestine. Anyone with eyes can see that and America is their bitch. I am not pro palestine. I am anti Israel but neutral Palestine. The ultimate goal is for the US to cut ties with Israel but that will never happen
>Israel wants to ethnically cleanse palestine
No, they're gonna send those sandniggers into white countries to replace the native populations once they conquer them. I wish they'd wipe each other out instead like you claim.
Redhat now has a say in everything probably. Most of Linux desktops users still favor privacy over everything so there will be some pushback against any corportate cuckoldery, but idk how holdable that will be.
>You seem to think the definition of "leftest" is "maximally moral and scores high on integrity", which is weird for someone supposedly non-leftist.

I was obviously implying the opposite by showing how far they are from how they like to perceive themselves.
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The most tragic and most likely timeline.

if youre anti-Israel, then pack and move to russia or china. then Trump would put sanctions and your shitholes become what they truly are - shitholes. then maybe youll understand what western world is and why Israel is the best ally. and why Linus Torvalds moved to USA not shithole.

why you cockroaches use internet? why not grateful for these "small" things?
Even piratism is closer to capitalism than some competition destroying alternatives
internet is ruined though
>says the nazis were leftist
>calls my posts stupid

Consider getting some professional psichiatric help.
How about you semite shitskins go back to the desert and annihilate each other into a molten desert glass crater?
Total tranny takeover
You have just outed yourself as a jew.
Also, you know nothing about Linus, he's a libshit, he hates zionists. So do I but from a rw pov.
Some comments here are quite something.
How do you differentiate between ameriprotestantard and hasbara?
That was a trick question. You can't.
In fact the latter often take inspiration from the former, since the sheltered existence of the former effortlessly creates retarded combinations of stereotypes and delusional world views that no one else can match, even with effort.

ofc, socialists and communists are left and youre moron.


ima imperialist. i think ethno-phobia is a sign of mental weakness. and youre weak, because in miliatry there are no black and white, there is only green.
>g, try not to talk about linus dying for a week
jesus christ let the poor guy be, it is like you are bringing it upon him, I am pretty sure he lurks here too because of his emails
and now i hate you and annything else that comes out of your mouth will be promptly ignored, good job namefaggot.
Also retarded opinion by the way
>they are fucking us in the ass but their dick is smaller than the other tranny gorilla nigger so it is fine
no it is not fine.
You're a semite sandnigger. Go home subhuman and become a puddle_of_flesh_and_blood_martyr.webm
>there is only green
uhhhhhhh okay nigger what about the color of the enemy?
let's hope the one who takes over is fine with breaking userspace, linux api is utter dogshit and limited because of this retardation
One of the reasons I don’t see basedstemd as utter evil mang, yeah I don’t want that shit on my machines but he won’t be around forever, besides it’s not like he’s against it.
I really don't want to have to do manual labour fourteen hours a day just to survive. Nor to have said survival be at the mercy of (now highly changeable) weather patterns.
Lennart will assume kernel god duties.

it doesnt matter cretinus commonalias. Linus made a great thing, a new operation system. he will be respected even if he's lefty, transitioned to a woman or sleeps with men. he's tolerated.

you wont be respected or tolerated because youre cockroach. even if youre purest skin cockroach.

one of the factors why Israel moves forward and you crawl in dust. take the example story of the first responder who was a beduin-dude, he didnt think about skin color, he knew perfectly who's the enemy.

I'm white and in the States. I'd love to live in east Europe or Asia. I don't consider those places shit holes and I don't assume prejudice of Indians being dumb like EVERYONE HERE DOES. In some of those countries its easier to start a business in your garage and make money then in the States. Where as in the States you need to do a bunch of legal shit to start a business

America is not fascist but it is corporatist, mercantilist, ultra beurcratic, pro war and woke. Non western countries doesn't have any problem with wokeness. Only western countries have problems with wokeness. If my hypothesis is correct egalitarian leftist are prone to hijack institutions and wokeness when egalitarian leftist hijack corporate and state powers. The solution is to not give them anything to hijack in the first place.
*wokeness is when egalitarian leftist hijack corporate and state powers.
we migrate to bsd
the distro jannies definitely do not audit everything
we know this because of xz, but it was like that before as well
there is simply too much code to audit
you are projecting
i dont care about being respected either, i see past the falsehood of social constructs.
kys troon
Microsoft will start selling it.

very good, move out


im not projecting, that's a statement - anyone anti-Israel is no value to the western civilization

also, admitting such thing as no need for respect or confirmation diagnoses some mental problem.
>oh you wish to reform society? then why do you participate in society?

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