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I've theorized that the 4chan captcha system works by an AI that detects the "quality" of your post. I'm pretty sure it's ran on some parameters that if you make a snarky reply or post something in a thread that the AI correlates with "good quality" it disregards the captcha. Unless it works somehow in another way which I'd like to anons explanations
I always figured it had to do with board traffic
It actually has to do with tying IP address to real identity.
I just assumed the width of the images is randomly generated and if its under a threshold it just bypasses verification
What captcha system?
>Pass user since 2024
Press F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I to open your browser's developer tools. Go to the network tab. Here you can watch as your browser talks to the website.
Click the "Get Captcha" button. Click on the web request that appeared in the browser tools.
It's a GET request, which normally doesn't send much data, only requests it. If you click around you can find that the main pieces of information it sends are the following:
- The board you're on
- The number of the thread you're replying to (if any)
- Cookies with otherwise-meaningless codes that uniquely identify your browser
It doesn't actually tell the server what you're going to post until you hit "submit".
Consider also that you can get the captcha, change your post, and only then hit submit. So this kind of system wouldn't exactly be airtight.
AFAICT it just gives you easier captchas if you've made a few other posts using the same IP address and browser. If it's your first post from this browser it always gives you a full captcha, if you've been going for a while it only gives you one every other post or whatever and usually omits the slider. (I don't know if bans affect it because I post too boringly to get banned.)
It's still in theory possible that it depends on the thread and on your posting history, but I doubt it. The captcha is there to stop spammers (those spammers who aren't smart enough to use a captcha solver) and to annoy people into buying a pass. It doesn't seem like it'd be that good of a way to control people's posting behavior.
You should get a captcha solver btw, they work great. 4chan's captchas aren't very good. (Which is why fresh browsers have to go through a Cloudflare step first, that's the real captcha.)
your methodology is a bit flawed however, because the devtools will not show you any websocket connections that were established prior to opening the devtools.
so it could still theoretically be the case (it really is not) that clicking the "Get Captcha" button first sends your reply content to the server via WS, and only then issues the GET request you described

to fix this flaw, you would need to first open the devtools, and then reload the page so that you can inspect all websocket traffic (if any)
What captcha system?
Are you able to hide that you pay for 4chan plus or whatever it's called? I don't want to get bullied for paying.
>e it's ran on
No, tell the truth, what you want is to make bully and not to receive it with more intensity because you are paying. I wouldn't mind if a bunch of losers would be on my back for paying for a service, which most of them are doomscrolling 24/7. In fact, I'd be proud to be paying for it and to have the money to do it.

PS. pussy
I wonder if 4chan took down the captcha, hiw quickly we'd devolve into total spam.

I remember the AT spam on /b/ back in the day and I remember the porn scam spam that pretty much started the captcha.

Would we even last a week? I know there are captcha solvers but poojeets and Sub Saharans aren't smart enough to use them.
solve the captcha before typing your post if you're paranoid about this
Of course, just let the site administration see my post history over multiple years, great idea.
>I post too boringly to get banned
only a matter of time fren. you'd be surprised what triggers the mods.
Pass is worth it desu
just give us an advanced form of r9k pls
i had this idea forever, where it'd use closest cosine similarity and word embeddings to figure out if the jist of your post has already been posted
today's LLMs would dial that up to 11... thousand
In over ten years I've had one 24 hour ban and a few warnings and that's it. All before the current captcha
It's just based on the amount of posts per min on a board. You could have nothing in the post and click Get Captcha and you can get the same thing.
following that logic, /pol/ subhumans should not be able to even make a comment.

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