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>failing badly because cant memorize equations
>realize graphing calculator can be programmed in C#
>cheat your way to a passing grade
anybody else do this?
Most computer science degrees are basically a course on how to cheat and a competition on who can cheat the best. It doesn't stop after you graduate btw, interviews expect you to memorize answers to CS problems.
ITT: Chinese cope
> cant memorize equations

Kek, you need to understand, not memorize.....
>being literally 18
kill yourself gen alpha cuck
>cant memorize equations
they let us bring a table of all the formulas, because memorization is not part of the formation
>failing badly because cant memorize equations

there is barely anything to memorize just say youre retarded
this, everyone else is a brainlet
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I used to solve linear algebra equations with simple python programs until I got the grips. No cheating tho.
Your future job is currently being refactored to be done by AI, congrats on fucking yourself.
But you need to memorize the understanding.
I perfectly understood math in school and got top grades.
Once I tried to do it at 30 to get a CS degree I had forgotten everything, just like I did with history.
I had even forgotten elementary school math like how do do division on paper.
If you're pursuing a normie non-tech career, then there's no harm in cheating because everything you "learn" in college will be useless anyway. But in tech fields you're retarded for cheating your way through school because you'll get filtered for most jobs when they find out you don't know anything*.

* does not apply if you're black or a woman
same here, but on my way to 40, how did you did it? I want to get a CS degree cause I love progr00ming
>You must be going to a shit college if you are allowed calculators
NTA What type of fucking class have you ever taken that DIDN'T I love calculators in college? We are professor psychopaths?
>bro just derive the equation each time you need it.
You don't know what you're talking about. Exams have time limits.
Also, sometimes they introduce equations which are too complicated to prove in the current class.
My Amerimutt college never allowed calculators in my calculus or advanced math courses
No. I don't have to and I don't want to. Whatever happens, happens.
wow we have a future software engineer super star here
fucking clown
>I love calculators
I can see that, anon
The majority of college students cheat on most assignments. This is especially bad in the age of chatGPT, but it was going on before as well. Everyone knows it, the professors know it, but nobody does anything because you would have to discipline 80+% of the students if you cracked down on it, which it just too much to handle.

It is especially bad among international students (you know which ones). I have caught students paying others to do major assignments for them, and have seen large ethnically homogenous "cheating rings" with my own eyes. In some cases, TAs were being directly payed to feed large groups answers during an exam via text message.

I have report all of this when I see it, and nothing happens. Cheating has become so universal and institutionalized that I have lost all faith in academia. If anyone tries to show you their degree, know that they probably didn't earn it.

>t. STEM lecturer at a pretty well known university
I went to a bad/low-ranked public in America originally before transferring out. Even my basic classes at that school universally restricted calculators.
That's why calculus courses at any serious university don't allow calculators.
And programmable calculators are banned in all exams.
That's the fault of the American tradition. Where I am from homework is never more than 20% of the final grade, and often 0%. We just have two exams per semester and that's it.
Being able to pay some Indian guy to pass your courses is ridiculous.
It's a funny story.
I never programmed anything in my life but always loved computers.
I was a NEET in all my 20s and my parents got fed up and made me get a job at a friend.
It was the worst type of job for me, events planning, and also I didn't want to work.
So I got the perfect idea, go to college to waste more time and not work.
My parents accepted so I went to a shitty college to study CS (obvious choice since I love computers and are introverted), only I discovered I actually like this shit and studied and did all the group projects solo as well, cause the zoomers didn't give a fuck.
So I finished with top marks and got a job through a connection again (though I could have gotten one solo, even the uni asked me to stay and work there, I was this good).
I still had the mentality of "only do CS stuff for work" but gradually I brainwashed myself to enjoy it even more and now I even do CS stuff on my free time and have gotten over my video-game and anime addiction.
I don't think the high-stakes testing model is really the answer. It's been shown to lead to worse educational outcomes generally. The solution is a proofs-based model for grading.
Homework is generally a small part of the final grade here too, but its not just that they cheat on. Papers and exams see it just as much, if not worse.
If you are dilligent with being up to date then it shouldn't be any different.
I'd rather have fair tests than have people learn a bit more on average but have to compete against cheaters.
>failing badly because cant memorize equations
anki will help with that. probably. also drilling problems.
If the test is hard enough, it's very difficult to cheat short of having a hidden camera and earphone.
common experience. adults forget the vast majority of shit they learn in school, which is another reason why school is retarded and pointless. i also forgot how to do long division and whatever. i'm currently going through a precalc book. but i'll forget that in another 15+ years as well.
Not when the "exam" is a paper to write

Not when Rankesh and Chang are texting their older brother who has the answer sheet and internet access.

Not when the professor is too lazy to make it anything more than 50 multiple choice questions (more common in freshman/sophmore classes)

Not when the TA gives out the question set beforehand so they can spend a week working through it
>Can't memorize equations
If that's the hard part of your calculus, you're taking calculus lectures for brainlets, real calculus lectures are baby's first analysis lectures. In any case, if that's the issue just fucking practice, the good thing about that kind of calculus is that you only need to practice the exercises and sooner or later all the equations will be hard coded into your memory.
You don't really need a calculator in math classes. Maybe science where you see less neat numbers. But in math classes pretty much all the problems will be designed so the arithmetic can be done in your head.
>ugh I eat nothing but garbage all day why am I so fat
I wish I could rip your throat out, you fucking nark. Maybe spend all that time being a disgusting slimy rat to making a system that doesn't encourage people to cheat. Grades are bullshit.
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>I hate cheating
>cant get anywhere in life
At last. I truly see.
Memorizing the answers to the exercises your TA gave or questions from past exams is not cheating.
And if the professors are being paid to give out the answers then sure, all bets are off. I am talking about institutions where that kind of thing doesn't happen.
Why are seething?
Fucking phoneposting.
We can't implement such a system, because nobody has figured out a way to preemptively detect subhumans like you and prevent you from enrolling in human activities.
So far the only way that works is finding out after the fact and banning you for life.
maybe you should try and understand the underlying concept rather than just memorising equations
Really the problem is we never really teach math properly at the elementary level with too much focus on route arithmetic without examining the logical principals behind even that
nope that's not the problem. the problem is just IQ and that's it.
I wish I was taught differently, you don't need high iq to grind math up to the undergrad level, you just need to know how to do it
Yeah cheated my way through CS, interviews and I'm currently enjoying a comfy 6 figures job while managing literal autists who took the hard way. You can recognize them as they seethe at this kind of post. If you do, we're still hiring.
wish that were me but i have no social skills and i get nervous easily so i freak out when i have to manage people
if you unironically need a calculator, you already failed the exam and just don't know it
You played yourself.
And people wonder why there is a competency crisis.

I have no control at all over the structure of the system. I don't like exams, but I am forced to give them. I would much rather have 1on1 "interviews" with each student where they have as much time to explain their understanding of the content, but I have been explicitly denied permission to do this.

I acknowledge the epidemic of bullshit grading, and for this reason I never penalize for trivial matters like the formatting of a paper. I've been burned on that myself too many times. Instead, I only deduct points for misinformation or missing content.

We do need to make sure that the people who pass these classes are competent in the field. That's what a degree is, a statement from a trusted institution that you are knowledgeable in a subject. I personally do not think these institutions can be trusted anymore, but I will do my best to not contribute to their decline. Of course I have to call out cheating when I see it. Do you really expect an instructor to turn a blind eye?

I have a lot more to say on the matter of cheating, but I don't think anyone here wants to see a whole essay.
Doesn't really matter though.
IRL you are allowed to "cheat" as much as you want.
You can google it, stack overflow it and ChatGPT it.
You can even pay someone else to do it if he is dumb enough.
If you are smart common programming is a piece of cake.
But if you try to do any of the hard stuff, then you actually need to know it well and understand it and no amount of "cheating" will help.
Academia just needs to adapt to the new reality and reevaluate how it assesses students.
But tech evolves fast and academic standards don't as fast.
In my experience the only time calculators have been required on my exams are when trigonometric problems required decimal solutions rounded to a specific place. Outside of exams, and perhaps retarded pearson vue/mcgraw hill generated homework platforms, the calculator has only been used in class to learn more about how the calculator works, but since people use wolframalpha and chatgpt anyway, the training of how to use a calculator is forced into a niche where you are doing significant calculations in a location where internet access is impractical, or prohibited.
I would trust a bridge built by an engineer who had to look up the young's modulus of a steel alloy. I would not trust the engineer who had to look up how to use that number once he had it.

I am not a programmer, and odds are I could not succeed at a programming job just by "cheating". You need to have a certain level of competence going in.

Would you be comfortable if your surgeon cheated to get by in school?
nta, but I would watch the life leave your eyes and feel nothing. you're a part of the problem, anon. you have accepted, enabled, and endorsed this result by simply being openly malignant toward someone bringing the problem forward.

35 year old here. Unless it's a class I can't complete due to shitty time management balancing between myself, my work, and sometimes the professor's (social sciences mostly) class workload, I'm a "finish with a passing grade or bust" type. I go out of my way to bother people to elaborate on why the fuck I can't understand things. I have left small paragraphs here and there explaining the limits of my own understanding and lines of thought when approaching a problem (math or otherwise) and explaining why I think I'm doing it wrong. I am trying and any incompetence is my own. I'm preaching to the choir here, but cheating is fake and gay and you can have at least some confidence that I'm willing to blow my money to get mediocre grades than to cheat and have absolutely no understanding. As for other students, the best I can do is ridicule them for their low effort (what are they gonna do? Tell someone I'm trolling them for cheating? kek). People like me are out there, and we're gonna have to pick up the pieces from lazy entitled boomers, mitigate the issues made by the degenerates among our gen x and millennial peers, and do what we can to curtail problems among the zoomer ranks going forward. It's working here and there, but social pressure tends to generate the strongest positive result. Zoomers however will need a more curated approach in the long run. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
Cheating should be a crime

I live in Brazil where cheating is seen by imbeciles like an human right

People want diplomas, degrees, certifications, but want them on the most easiest and laziest way ever. If you prevent them from getting it, you are pure evil. Have seen this from high school up to college and worse, even at the fucking driving school

For motorcycles you just need to not let the motor die two times and not get out of the super easy circuit, but people can't even do that and then cry like the driving school is evil and is preventing them from driving

It's hard to believe in education here. I remember I was buying some super magnets online because I really liked faraday-lenz law and lorentz force, guess what was the most sold magnets and the most searched terms about magnets?
>strong magnet to stop the energy meter
>300kg magnet that stops "that thing"
>super magnet to not pay electricity bill

Then the politicians are dumbfounded why there's so much crime and homicide here, people rather kill someone than do the effort of talking, steal and sell drugs instead of working, drive like a complete deranged, enter in places you are not allowed to. It's everything but the fucking laziness, it's all kinds of "X culture" but never this fucking cheater criminal lazyfuck culture. It's a gun culture we don't even have, it's misogyny, it's hate, but it's never the lazy, the lazy is a fucking saint that when kills it's for a good reason
>India time - 7:42
Good morning saar.
Sounds no different than America.

>People want diplomas, degrees, certifications, but want them on the most easiest and laziest way ever.
Back in school (around the time of the pandemic) I was disheartened by the way that NOBODY had passion for their subject and only viewed it as an obstacle to a paycheck. I met maybe three people in the whole 4 years that would actually study anything for fun. People thought I was lying when I said that I like to study science and math on my own time.

Also, I fucking love E&M. What a fun subject. I like how everything works both ways in it. Ignore the cretins around you. Never stop learning about magnets, and never stop playing with them.
The problems outlined in both of these posts are the result of normies
Honestly, yeah. Cheating is primarily done by normies who wish to cash in on spaces autists have made so they can buy status symbols or whatever. They cheat to get in because they don't actually care about what they do, and in the process they make things worse for the noble autist.
>I live in brazil
why do you assume this is only a problem on your exclusive shithole of a country, you self-centered whore no one fucking cares
this is the same on every third world/pseudo first world country, all of them with their own bunch of illiterate farmers that think knowing computers can give them a new life only to blow it up at the first midterm
you know what needs to be a crime? letting people like (You) join and overload every cs field career without taking a test that validates that you can think for yourself and be capable of problem solving, once that's solved, the "cheating" problem will be solved as well, two birds from one stone.
Low effort b8
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t. noble autist
not even baiting josue
in all the time you spent shitposting on le funny anime board whining about cheating like a little bitch you could have done 1 (one) assignment so your lame ass can keep up with those who actually cheat taking over your opportunities
I'm not even the Brazilian anon you silly little cuck
>The company will notice and appreciate
normie detected. This may surprise you, but some people like things for reasons other than profit or social validation.
sure thing joao
NTA but I agree with everything he said and I have 3.6 GPA so whatevs lol. These cheaters are getting filtered the second they are asked to use data structures in an interview. Not too worried about my career prospects honestly. Total normnigger death.
I couldn't do an algebra exam today but I likely could re-learn high level algebra in a few weeks.
Understanding how things work at a fundamental level is what school should teach. The problem is that a lot of people never will.
IMO, you can only develop true intuition about something if you genuinely enjoy it. Truly understanding something requires you to think extensively beyond the surface of what you are given. The uninterested brain will naturally not do this.
There's also the basic enjoyment of just learning.
That's probably my favorite part of being in the field I'm in.
I wonder if Europe or China are different, it's so fun to learn the new formulas and know how stuff works, and opens a lot of new possibilities for creative projects

>Ignore the cretins around you. Never stop learning about magnets, and never stop playing with them.
Thanks, I bought some small ones and used them for tests, it's interesting how just moving it back and forth next to a wire creates a small voltage a multimeter can detect

I didn't manage to replicate the Hall Effect however, not sure if it was for a lack of current or magnet field, or the fact I used an aluminum sheet to test it. On Lorentz force I could see the wire moving a little when current starts to flow

In the future I want to buy bigger magnets, but besides the cost they can be kinda dangerous, got bruises on my finger and one broke a piece when being attracted from far. I imagine what a massive one can do, saw in videos only
malding chink
Hi Timmy, nice to see you here, are enjoying high school?
are you retarded? you can be given hard problems where the solutions are relatively simple but the process to solve them is very complex. calculators won't help with that.
Hall effect is tiny. Magnetic fields are usually lower values than you think too. Use more of everything, and you should see it. Consider more sensitive instruments if all else fails. For a big magnet, consider removing the HV coil from a microwave transformer and sawing the top off the core. A couple of amps through the left behind input coil will make a wide, strong magnetic field across the cross section of the core. This of course makes it adjustable too.

One time I was trying to make an oscillator from the negative differential resistance of an arc. In my infinite wisdom, I decided to use my stick welder as a power supply. I set up a strong magnetic field to have it in, because I read that helps. As soon as I struck the 75 amp arc, my arms were immediately thrust forwards with surprising force. I knocked a ton of shit off the table because I wasn't prepared for the sudden pull. I remember the first thing I thought was "damn, it really does go sideways".
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Also just had the thought that you can use two transistors like pic rel to amplify the tiny Hall current to the point you can detect it.
Nice quints

I was thinking about making a large electromagnet, but couldn't find a big ferrite core to buy in the site I use. They seem to be a better option for strong fields compared to permanent magnets

I have a stick welder as well but wouldn't have thought of doing that, would have been worried about the wire catching fire. Sometimes I do abuse the small power supply I have, making resistors burn a little before turning off like when I was trying to see a Hall Effect

Would be great to make a transformer, it's crazy how it can output massive current if you use many turns on the primary and just one large wire on secondary, felt like trying after watching this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMT1sn1bKRY
Repetition is memorization.
I was measuring Hall voltage actually, trying to see if the two sides of a conductor would have a potential difference due to the current being pushed sideways in the presence of a magnet

But thinking about that, an opamp could help as well
I wonder how do they make those minuscule hall effect sensors work
It was funny, I thankfully had a math teacher that appreciated my ability to program my calculator which in itself was proof I understood the problem or what I should do to solve. Only mouth breathers thought using a computer to more efficiently solve problems was a issue.
>how do they make those minuscule hall effect sensors work
Amplifiers. You can get away with making them quite small if you're only trying to turn microvolts into millivolts.
Does this actually happen? Last time I attended university, they had a strict no tolerance policy against "academic dishonesty", which meant that if you were caught cheating then you'd face immediate expulsion. Is this not the case?
Every school in the country has that same policy. The thing is, no person wants to accept the responsibility and paperwork that comes along with actually going through with it. It's easier to turn a blind eye, so they just do. Plus, very few people have the heart to ruin someone's life like that.

Poor little Sukdip won't do it again if we let him off with a warning this time, right? He says he's REALLY sorry....
all you have to do to remember all the equations in calculus is actually doing the problems. you only cheated yourself.
>let's kick our Mr moneybags
Never going to happen, they are going to have a talking to you.
Stop avatarfagging you stupid newfag macaco
don't mess with microwaves if you value your life or limbs
This is the way. Get to work OP.
Or you don't want to, in that case, continue cheating.
No, don't be afraid to use what's available to you. As long as you understand what you are working with, you will not get hurt.
Cheating is perfectly justified in an unfair, poorly maintained system. Thinking otherwise is literal mental illness and some Messiah complex bullshit.
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Honestly, cheaters get ahead in life. If you can cheat and get away with it, you simply have advantages over everyone else. The top of society is just full of people who cheat and have unfair advantages, all the while they give this spiel to everyone else about how cheating is wrong and you need to pick yourself up by your bootstraps.
>All of our idolized athletes and icons use steroids and PED's, despite sport movies glamourizing the "pure hard work" aspect and villainizing 'roids (See Rocky 4)
>People idolize Steve Jobs despite him not having much to do with the technological innovation of Apple, while the people who actually created Apple tech go unrecognized
>Currently, people treat Elon like a tech. god despite him coming from a golden background and not doing any programming whatsoever
>The people who get SE jobs are not the ones who study earnestly for interviews, preparing to see any sort of CS question and attempting to give 'their' best solution to the problem, but rather the guy who simply memorized all of optimal solutions made by mathematicians beforehand
>Politicians are voted in as a glorified popularity contest, which is decided by which politician is willing to lie to the most people to garner the most votes. A honest politician would not get elected
>Laws are created through lobbying, aka who has the most money to simply force their desires into law, overriding democracy entirely
>Cheaters rampant in all competitive games. We see professional gamers caught cheating all the time, be it in Counter Strike, Overwatch, Chess, Tf2, speedruns, etc.
>Stock market is manipulated by people trying to con the other bag holders so they can cash out
>Lots of people getting rich today by simply grifting, clowning, or stealing
Some examples. Life is a game, it's not fair and nobody is playing it fair. Do what you have to do to get ahead. I can tell you firsthand that my CS major was full of cheating fucks, and the professors did not care one bit.
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I kid you not, most of my computer science class in college right now are Indians despite it being in the US. They all hang out together and talk, and they all help each other cheat on the assignments and exams, usually by exchanging questions/solutions.

Coming Soonâ„¢
I wouldn't be uncomfortable, I just wouldn't know. Cheating seems to be a relevant term only when one is caught in the act. Otherwise it is viewed as intelligence, no?
But the Chinese are good at math because it's beaten into them or they are considered failures.
It's normies like this poster said.
Just ban them.
Both Chinese and Indians cheat their asses off
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> Education
> Priceless they say,
> Yet I pay a fortune for skills
> Tech soon makes obsolete.
It's a combination of a fuck ton of cheaters and alot of talent. That's kinda what happens when your country has over 1,000,000,000 people in it though.
understanding is how I almost failed physics II, good thing I noticed that it is a bad idea early on and I was able to salvage the situation to get a C
No we must show how we went into test mode (run on RAM)
the fuck do you need a calculator for? a math exam is about proving theorems and finding SYMBOLIC answers to problems with variables.
your job is to do algebraic manipulation, not arithmetics.
Since the pandemic began, I have seen the number of indians on campus increase from maybe 20% to well over half. If you count Asians of all varieties, it is 80%. Oh god, do the buildings reek now.

This is in the STEM school. All of the white kids go to the business school now.

This man is fond of curry.

>Otherwise it is viewed as intelligence, no?
You can't be serious. It doesn't take intelligence to ask chatGPT to write your paper. I know in some third world cultures cheating is praised, but not here.

In the past, we used to only get the smart chinks. I met my first dumb asians went I went to college, and I can assure you that they are NOT good at math on average.
I'm not Indian, I said absolutely nothing wrong. Please take one of my points and explain to me how what I said was wrong instead of just calling me a Pajeet like a retard. You are a naïve chuddie if you believe no one is cheating out there, especially given how competitive everything has gotten and how shit the economy is. I went through my entire degree not cheating, yet people who actively cheated got the very same degree I busted my ass for and are now being treated in the same respect. I had classmates who could not fucking program simple FizzBuzz yet still graduated, and I went to a US T100 university. Universities do not care since they only profit from more students and students doing well and graduating. It does not matter to them if someone is cheating or not, and even if they discover a student cheating, they simply give them a slap on the wrist (Why expel and lose all that money? It also tarnishes the school's name and degrees).

It has gotten even worse with AI programs, chatGPT and the like.
>Going for a bunch of certs
>Use exam dumps because who gives a fuck and the questions are retarded anyway
Except for Network+, I actually studied for that one. I learned a lot. That was a good cert.
It sounded to me like you were praising the act of cheating in that last comment. The "Do whatever you have to do to get ahead" comment is what convinced me of that. I am sorry that I misjudged you if that is not what you meant.

I am aware that the majority cheat. Don't stoop to their level and contribute to the decline of society.
I actually studied for the CompTia exams. They're not hard, and doing so has made me smarter in every area except for security+ where most of the content was intuitive to me because of my previous line of work and the studying I did for the other exams..
>just do waht you have to do
if you want to hire me you can but the reality is i dont want to cheat. that makes me not want to be involved in an industry in the first place.
this is proof that people over 20 shouldn't be allowed to vote. they practically have dementia.
...I apologize too, I could have written that better. I am not a cheater, I am just jaded beyond belief.

I was the guy who read all of the giant textbooks that professors assigned to us. I attended every lecture, completed every assignment, I even went above and beyond the assignments by doing more than what was asked (For example, when learning about recursion and being introduced through The Towers of Hanoi problem, I went ahead and programmed my own ToH game with my algorithm for it and gave it to the professor). I was a straight 'A' student, and I actually even got a few 100%'s in a class or two (Very hard, but I loved those classes that much). I helped other students when they needed it, and even was a tutor and later TA.
But you know what I experienced through all that? Cheaters, cheaters and people who have no business in CS and have no passion for computers or math, who just went into it for the money. I encountered so many people like that. People copying code from each other, from websites, using books and notes during tests when not allowed, making me do all the programming during group projects because they don't know how to do anything, etc.. I even had some of my own code stolen from me in a class, and it happened again with one of my projects I had on GitHub. Now, I put none of my work on open repos. And yeah, I'm not perfect, I may have filled out a cheat sheet to the brim when allowed one on a test, or created a study guide from previous quizzes for a final, but I never cheated nor plagiarized of the likes of which I saw other people in college doing.
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>One time when I was a tutor, I went to a TA because I overhead a couple students talking about how they just ripped off their assignment from the internet, and they then came to me and all had the exact same code (style, formatting, everything) on a semi-complex assignment. TA said he knew about it already, so did the professor. Their policy was to just ignore it. Those students then were given the same degree I worked hard for
>I then go to graduate school and 99% of my class are Indians and are cheating on the midterm (Literally came to me asking if I took the exam before they did so they can get the questions)
>I go to interviews after graduating, and I am expected to memorize optimal solutions created by the greatest minds of our century, because doing anything less is not good enough, because all the other candidates are Indians and simply spamming interviews and regurgitating Leetcode (I can do hard's on my own, but even that is not enough)
>rest of jobs given to people who simply have connections and not based on their own merit
I am fucking tired. I busted my ass from the bottom and did everything the way you were supposed to, yet at every corner, I am met with people undercutting all of that and tarnishing my accomplishments in the process. Then after the fact, colleges and boomers, who let these people go by, lecture on about "integrity" and why you shouldn't cheat. It's a clown fucking world.

I don't encourage people to cheat, yes I understand that cheaters make all of this worse, but there are scenarios in life where you have to bend the rules a bit or you're going to be taken advantage of or beaten, because the competition is simply cheating and the people above do not care. I recommend to go about things the honest way if one is in uni for CS, but to exploit any "allowed" advantages they can to the fullest.
Just don't be naïve, because administration will not give you any respect for it and they will happily take your money.
Different anon here. I barely talk to anyone in my math and science classes aside from group projects. I generally hate other people cause I'm a psychopath. It's hard for me to tell if other people are cheating or not. I just like learning the material. I don't even need the degree, I just want the knowledge, but I'm trying to hit two birds with one stone anyway and get the bachelors while I study up.

Any advice for me regarding identifying cheating fucks and how to set them up for failure? I enjoy abusing malicious actors by letting them have access to bad resources. What are my options to fuck cheaters over in this manner?
>your job is to do algebraic manipulation, not arithmetics
Proper manipulation requires proper arithmetic.
Don't shoot up a school, loser.
That would be indulgent. It's better to live good and watch people create their own suffering in the long run. Some people feel bad that they possess knowledge that can help people but can't disseminate that info. I feel good only when that information reaches the right hands and even better when I withhold it from malevolent people who need it to thrive.

You wanna play the Machiavellian role? Fine, I'll play the role of clueless idiot to shit up your design. I'll take "I was only pretending to be retarded" to the next level and you'll have the rewards of both being unable to stop me, and having no one to blame but yourself.
>I barely talk to anyone in my math and science classes
It was the same for me. I always heard that college was supposed to be 'the' place where you can meet likeminded people, but a lot of my classmates were stupid tools and we did not get along well. Many of them were normalfaggots studying CS simply for the job prospects.
>I generally hate other people cause I'm a psychopath
I would say that makes you normal, but society disagrees.
>I just like learning the material. I don't even need the degree, I just want the knowledge, but I'm trying to hit two birds with one stone anyway and get the bachelors while I study up.
That's good. Ultimately, a degree is just a piece of paper, and what remains after college will be reflected by your passion for the subject and intelligence. It's somewhat common to see people going into CS, then fall back into management or sales positions for this very reason; they were never passionate about it in the first place and simply did what they had to do to get through college and the degree, and as a result, they had no useful cumulative and lasting knowledge or skills afterwards, so they went into other non-technical positions.

Though, do realize that the degree is important. Employers treat it as a hoop to judge you on, compared to your competitors. If some retard has a degree and you don't, they won't think, "degrees must be for retards then", they'll think "this retard got a degree while this guy couldn't, he must be that incapable". Unless of course, you have some insane technical skill (coined "whiz", or "superstar"), to where your portfolio and skills can bypass that belief entirely. Ideally, you want both, that's the best thing you can have. You could, and I recommend, you go to a college that is cheap. Not too cheap (Like WGU), but something like Georgia Tech's OMSCS is an absolutely great deal.
Your kind words are not lost on me. Thank you, anon.
>You could, and I recommend, you go to a college that is cheap. Not too cheap (Like WGU), but something like Georgia Tech's OMSCS is an absolutely great deal.
I have my sights on several different universities to keep myself flexible. I'm using the requirements for my state's top university as a kind of "benchmark objective" of where I should have my grades (if I don't reach it, it's no big deal) amd I figure from there I can leverage what I have to land where I want. I have my eyes set on a few schools out in South Korea, too. I'm a glutton for punishment since Korean is both a difficult language to learn and not widely taught where I live, but it's part of the plan. Financing the whole thing is covered, and the only real struggle would involve what to do with my stuff if I ever have to move far away.
>Any advice for me regarding identifying cheating fucks and how to set them up for failure?

Some potential things you can do:
>You can snitch, it may or may not do anything. I found TA's to just not care, and professors only care if they have to care.
>You can troll them by making a wrong solution to an assignment, distributing it (They love Discord, so this is easy), and then watching as they all fail it in mass, or getting hung up on some edge cases that professors always make sure exist for some tricky assignments (The cheaters will panic here). Of course, submit the real solution on your end.
>You can give the Pajeets the wrong questions for an exam and they will fucking RAGE. It would be hilarious, I promise you. Just be warned, they will smell worse when they rage. Indians get so butthurt when you coax them into thinking they got away with something but then waste their time, like scammers do.
>If you want to be really devilish, you can even fuck around in making some basic malware. Put some troll code in your assignment, then when they steal it, they'll get fucked. Make it do something funny.
>If group assignments, do all the work and then at the last minute, tell your professor everything so they get fucked.
Besides that, honestly colleges just don't care. They profit off students, so they don't want to fail or expel anyone because they want those loan-bucks. You may get some professors that are old-school about it though and will deliver some justice, some professors have seniority and more power than they normally do. I say lookout for those profs and snitch accordingly; fuck the rats.
>If you want to be really devilish, you can even fuck around in making some basic malware. Put some troll code in your assignment, then when they steal it, they'll get fucked. Make it do something funny.
Simple and useful idea. Thanks. I'm honestly surprised colleges as a business (but I repeat myself) don't simply leverage the problem with cheating by enforcing students to pay fines or retake classes at double the cost for each offense with a stackable fee that has no upper limit on the penalty amount. This would draw in more money, discourage cheating, absolutely wreck any scholarship riding cheaters, and possibly filter some unworthy DEI prospects that cheat and rely on free rides. All of this would make the institution appear more reputable and respectable while generating more cash flow. Why doesn't this happen?
>why don't colleges openly allow rich people to cheat their way through college
Holy shit you are autistic dude.
>memorize equations
retardation beyond redemption
fuck, I meant this >>101200022
This is semi true, that being said you don't need to cheat for a calculus class. I did cheat by storing certain formulas in my calculator notes and have 0 remorse. In real life you absolutely can and will use reference materials. To some extent you don't need to memorize equations if you understand the actual concept often times the formula follows directly from definition. But for certain stuff it's easier to just have it written down somewhere and not waste a bunch of time
>I perfectly understood math in school
that's not math, that's addition and substraction and multiplication and basic geo. even crows can do that without schooling. you are pretty retarded and should accept and adapt to it
Not what I said or implied at all. If you have to retake a class every time you cheat and then have to pay double, even the rich people would fall in line. Imagine a $450 class. Cheat as many times as you like, sure, but you'll have to pay double for each offense. First offense? Your repeat class is $900. Next offense? $1800 when you repeat. Then $3600, $7200, $14400, and etc.

This system would not be supporting cheating for rich people or anyone, rather it would take advantage of people who try it. Cheaters would not progress towards their degree because they would have to repeat the class, so I don't understand how you got to that conclusion.
No, I've never committed any academic dishonesty. As a result I have a real, legitimate, fully earned degree.
You may have the piece of paper but you didn't earn the degree and you may be living on borrowed time. If your cheating is ever discovered, even decades later, your university can revoke your qualifications.
>If your cheating is ever discovered, even decades later, your university can revoke your qualifications.
This. I'm super paranoid about my ideas written to paper in English classes because plagiarism rules can get freaky with citation requirements.
Yeah bro, I am sure every college is clamoring to be on the headlines "college X to fine students for cheating".
my friends that said that you only need to understand, not memorize, surprisingly had to relearn everything from the scratch to prepare for graduation finals

you don't really have to understand everything that you have to learn, and even if you do, you can forget WHAT you understand
As a detergent, yes. As a method of keeping people in check, yes. As proof they aren't releasing people into the workforce who copied other people's work, yes. No one is gonna feel sorry for cheaters, regardless of how much you try.
Lol. Even if I was a cheater, what would I achieve by making people in a 4chan thread feel sorry for myself?
Imposing a fine would get you a "X college cheating scandal" page on Wikipedia. When most people see "X college to impose fine on cheaters" they won't think "oh, I'm glad they are taking it seriously". They will think "damn, they let cheating at college X become so bad that they have to fine people? besides, I thought cheaters already were supposed to be expelled."
If they did fine people, most people who are really into cheating probably would go to another college, or stop cheating and drop out early in their careers after they fail too many classes. Which means less money.
And in any case what you are proposing is probably not legally enforceable anyway, and the fines might get dropped by a court.
It's common for naive/autistic people like you to think they have the solution for everything and the reason it's not done is that everyone else is stupid. In reality the people in charge of things are much smarter than you and have thought things from many more angles than you have and have came to the conclusion that the status quo is what benefits them the most.
Has there ever been a case of that even happening? I don't see why the university wouldn't just make you retake the class, if anything.
I did a double major in cs and math. cs is basically applied math in disguise, most of the stuff you do in theoretical cs has roots in number theory and algebra, and calc/differential equations if you're doing doing lower level electrical stuff.
>Have integrity
>Get crushed by those who don't
Ok, so we are on common ground then.

>my own code stolen from me
Now that's fucking infuriating. That makes it look like you copied from him just as much. Reminds me of all the time people got credit for group projects I had to do all on my own.

The last big assignment I ever had to do was write a big paper as a group assignment. The point of it was to mimic the process of developing an actual academic paper. I was placed in a group with two people. After that one day, they BOTH stopped showing up to class entirely, so I couldn't even yell at them for not doing the work they said they would do. I ended up having to write the entire thing myself. One of them did come in at the literal eleventh hour to write a four sentence paragraph and put his name up top. When I complained to the professor, hoping to get some leniency in the grading for doing the work of three people, he just told me that "I wish you never told me that" and that he would still be grading as a group. He then proceeded to lecture me about how that's just how academia works and that most research papers have 10+ names credited while only 1 or 2 did anything at all.

Similar shit happened for most group assignments I was in, but this time it was really infuriating to be told "It's right that its this way, and it will never stop being this way" instead of "Don't worry, this kind of thing won't fly when they get to [high school] [college] [grad school] [real life]" like I had always been told before to shut me up.

It is literally fucking over. The west has fallen. These hogs will saar their way to the top and have 3 kids each with a pajeeta their parents arranged.
You have been replaced. What are you going to do to balance the demographics?
> using tools like ChatGPT doesn’t necessarily show intelligence
> It does show a resourcefulness in using available tools effectively
> My point was more about the perception/illusion of success
> When someone employs these methods without repercussions, society often applauds them as smart rather than dishonest and fraudulent
> The reality is that people everywhere might take shortcuts when they see them as advantageous
> "Third world cultures"? reeks of condescension, meatbag
> Cheating happens everywhere, not just in your so-called superior culture
> The real challenge is for educational systems to ensure competence and integrity, not just pretend it doesn't happen
Good luck with your "pretending to be retarded" strategy.
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Mathfag here. I run circles around almost all CS fags. Most of them can't even tell me what a pointer in C is lmao.
Yes, you are insane. It does not require any degree of intelligence or cunning to type in a url and use a freely available service. The people that don't use it CHOOSE not to.
"The people that don't use it CHOOSE not to."
>Completely oblivious to socioeconomic factors
Just go into business for yourself and hire Whites who you're positive know what they're doing.
Indians can't be trusted unless they're age 50 or over, and even then, you never know.
Anyone Chinese either cheated just as bad or are working for Beijing. Fuck em.
The only way to be sure is to discriminate in favor of Whites, even if you yourself aren't White. Whites will generally not let you down.
We're at the point where the big firms are all being jeeted into bankruptcy. There's going to be big opportunities ahead for small-time firms providing alternative services. Make yours one of them.
What do you mean by "socioeconomic factors"? I don't see how that's relevant.
my friend was given a 6 month suspension because he was caught cheating with smart watch
Is calculus really this difficult for people? Most college stuff is midwit tier until you get to things like algebra/analysis. Just study a few hours a week and collect your B like everyone else
>As I've said, you're clueless.
>Let me enlighten you:
>Socioeconomic factors refer to the social and economic circumstances that influence access to resources, education, and opportunities
>Not everyone has equal access to tools like ChatGPT due to disparities in income, education quality, and technological infrastructure
>This means some people might not even know about or have the means to use these tools, let alone see them as viable options in the first place
>Ignoring these factors ignores the bigger picture of why cheating or using shortcuts happens in the first place
>affluent people have more opportunities and thus less incentive to cheat compared to those with fewer resources and less access
>I generalized it to economic issues rather than any alternative or malicious motive because they present actual insanity as their talking points
I want the essay. Unload it all
>>Not everyone has equal access to tools like ChatGPT due to disparities in income, education quality, and technological infrastructure
woah woah let me stop you there. the disparity is due to genes that influence intelligence, income, interests, work ethic/initiative, etc.
not socioeconomic status.
chatGPT is a free service. Sure, there is an improved version that can bought, but I've never seen someone actually use it on an assignment. If you went to your nearest college campus, I don't think you'd be able to find one student that doesn't have infinite access to it.

There are websites people use to pay for homework answers, and in my experience around half of students do use them.

I'm confused as to what the bottom line of your argument is. It sounds like you are saying that people cheat because they're too poor to have access to chatGPT and other cheating tools? They cheat because they can't cheat?
>ChatGPT is free and widespread sure
>but disparities in education quality and technological literacy still exist
>Socioeconomic factors affect not just access to tools but the awareness and confidence to use them effectively
>Cheating can stem from various motivations, it could be desperation due to economic strain (eg. student loan debt) or not having the ability to fall back on support systems (friends and family)
>It's not about being poor to cheat; its about circumstance and they influence choices
Are you feeding all of your retarded thoughts through ChatGPT right now? It certainly seems like it. You aren't saying anything directly at all but giving half-assed justifications for everything, which is exactly what ChatGPT does. You also seem to have no idea how greentext works.
>Can't accept a well-reasoned argument and resorts to me being a gpt shitter
What are you going to do, anon? Are you going gouge out my eyes out as custom to ancient Scythians? Not seeing things as they are but what they ought to be?
It's the other way around actually. Many contemporary solutions to problems involve simple solutions that people previously overlooked in favor of an unnecessary status quo. Moreover, you're arguing in bad faith against my suggestion. I'm asking why cheaters aren't taken advantage of fiscally, not that the system must change. Reading through your responses a second time, you're clearly just attacking me instead of the argument. In other words, you're only pretending to be retarded.
You don't get it. People hate this behavior because idiots try and leverage it in social situations trying to be "funny". However, "playing dumb" is an effective tactic for being disruptive to people who have bad intentions. It has a time and place, but people use this strategy to get out of responsibility, to distance themselves from people they don't like, and to hide information. It works, you just don't know how to do it right.
I would trust a college that announces how they filter cheaters. lol
>If they did fine people, most people who are really into cheating probably would go to another college, or stop cheating and drop out early in their careers after they fail too many classes. Which means less money.
Damn, if only their was a way for universities and colleges to put a freeze on a student's transcripts after an academic dishonesty flag is raised.
>And in any case what you are proposing is probably not legally enforceable anyway, and the fines might get dropped by a court.
Lol, lmao even. You're confusing "fines" with fees. Institutions can and do charge nearly anything they want. They usually don't while keeping in mind the consequences going too high in the face of competing costs of colleges, so they generally go for the boiling frog strat. So why would a court drop this? Do you read the documents you throw your signature on? This shit would go to arbitration at best, and since the students have to sign a college agreement of some type before starting even one class the college can charge whatever they please for students under the mutually agreed upon terms.
lol, I started thinking that right after his last post. It explains the line by line reply style. He even has aa capital A and I in his name.

Ok, I admit it, you got me pretty good.
>Institutions can and do charge nearly anything they want.
Nope. For fees to not be disputed in court there needs to be something given in return. "Cheating" is not a service provided to the student.
>Do you read the documents you throw your signature on?
I never went to college in the US.
>This shit would go to arbitration at best
If there is a forced arbitration clause in the contract then you're probably right.
Returning to my original point, "Cheating seems to be a relevant term only when one is caught in the act. Otherwise it is viewed as intelligence, no?" Now that you've been caught up in it, does this statement ring true to you now?
Ahh ok, so you don't know what you're talking about and your frame of reference is shit in the context of the discussion at hand. Instead of saying "that wouldn't work in my country" you decided to shit up the thread. Thanks for playing.
Ok, then why don't they do it? Are you smarter than the directors of those institutions? Are they giving up a chance to get free money?
I may not know what the contract you signed says, but by your own admission you are a loner that doesn't talk with other people. Have you thought that maybe you are missing some context as well? Kick your ego down a notch.
My suggestion is to focus on your life, mind your own business and tone down the seething incel rage and obsession with ruinung the life of "bad actors".
Because making some guy lose an exam wont bring you joy when you're a 30 yo friendless loser who hates his life.
>Ok, then why don't they do it? Are you smarter than the directors of those institutions? Are they giving up a chance to get free money?
That's really why I posed the question in the first place. I'm not a telepath or all knowing.
>I may not know what the contract you signed says, but by your own admission you are a loner that doesn't talk with other people. Have you thought that maybe you are missing some context as well? Kick your ego down a notch.
Again, I'm not all knowing or trying to change an entire system. I'm proposing a solution to a serious problem. It's not an ego trip to suggest ideas.
>My suggestion is to focus on your life, mind your own business and tone down the seething incel rage and obsession with ruinung the life of "bad actors".
Care to explain how I'm ruining the lives of others? That's a very extreme sentiment for setting cheaters up for failure in a system that allows them to succeed, don't you think? Better yet, why would cheaters need defending from failure?
>Because making some guy lose an exam wont bring you joy when you're a 30 yo friendless loser who hates his life.
Not "some guy", but cheaters. I think I was pretty clear here >>101214353 where I said: "I feel good only when that information reaches the right hands and even better when I withhold it from malevolent people who need it to thrive". That's not joy; that's fulfillment.

You're making a lot of poor judgement calls about me anon, and aside from my age, you do not know the thing about me. You're instead quick to paint people playing outside the rules of academia as innocent bystanders. Maybe reflect a bit and slow your roll because you still have no clue what you're talking about.
if you're not a sukdeep, you're at the very least spiritually pajeet
no other way around it i'm afraid
cheating and stealing just doesn't happen for most whites, it's not in our nature
Cheating certainly has consequences even when its not discovered. We get a workforce full of uneducated and incompetent people. it is therefore relevant even when we don't know about it. Believe it or not, a tree falling in the forest certainly does make a sound.

The way you were talking before made it sounds like you believe we shouldn't fault those who cheat, because its academia's fault for making cheating possible. Cheating can never be eliminated as a possibility.
>That's really why I posed the question in the first place. I'm not a telepath or all knowing.
And I gave you a bunch of reasons besides the legal one.
>Care to explain how I'm ruining the lives of others? That's a very extreme sentiment for setting cheaters up for failure in a system that allows them to succeed, don't you think?
I am not talking about the cheating thing in particular. I was referring to this:
>I generally hate other people cause I'm a psychopath.
>I enjoy abusing malicious actors by letting them have access to bad resources.
Sorry if I misquoted you, but if you are a psychopath who hates people and enjoys abusing them then it's not too far off to say you want to ruin their lives.
>Better yet, why would cheaters need defending from failure?
Who said anything about defending cheaters? I am just saying it's not smart for your own sake to antagonize people (cheaters or not) when it can only result in negative consequences for your own life.
>Sorry if I misquoted you, but if you are a psychopath who hates people and enjoys abusing them then it's not too far off to say you want to ruin their lives.
No, anon. I want people with bad intentions to ruin their own lives. The distinction is important because they act on their own agency. You're again making assumptions.
>I am just saying it's not smart for your own sake to antagonize people (cheaters or not) when it can only result in negative consequences for your own life.
Ok sure. Let people go unchecked for their behaviors in your own little corner of the world. The more you do nothing about the problems you face the more things will stay the same, cheaters or no. You can at least take comfort knowing I do what I do within the confines of the law and college rules. Sorry to hear about your missing spine.
You're a Pajeet, fuck you.
imagine being so buckbroken you have to pretend (on an anime basketweaving site) that everyone can't instinctively sense your poo smell
the absolute state of 'jeets, kek
>Because making some guy lose an exam wont bring you joy
Sure, but it will help keep me alive when he's a doctor/nurse. If college was just an adult daycare (it mostly already is ig) it wouldn't matter if some retard cheated and got a degree.
But since we use college degrees as a gatekeeper for important jobs, that retard will have power over things that actually matter. People die when that happens
Raj, your lunch break is almost over, time to get back to handling Amazon's customer calls!
Spineless? No.
I for example didn't take the vaxx when almost everyone I know did.
I just know to choose my battles.
The personal cost is not worth the minute chance that the cheaters you sabotaged would've been your doctor.
The personal cost of what? Exposing a cheater to the professor? Lobbying for harsher punishments against academic dishonesty?
You guys need to see neurologists, and fast. You have fucking early stage dementia or something
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No, you're just pretentious.
Keep coping autists, I'm still cheating. Anyway, I'll be hiring soon so I'll pick one or two autists from you lot, it's always good to have some idealist dreamers on board to crush the numbers!
Yes, that or any other actions you take.

Ok, Mr. " I enjoy abusing malicious actors by letting them have access to bad resources.".
"The way you were talking"
>is gaslighting
I don't more proof that I'm right, but I appreciate it.
>Yes, that or any other actions you take
Wrong. A few plane crashes, bridge collapses, or botched surgeries is unlikely to kill ME directly, but it will eliminate my peace of mind, harming me indirectly

Also, by letting retards get degrees, they are devaluing my degree. It is in my best interest to limit the total # of graduates, and to ensure that they are high quality so my professional reputation is improved
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>I for example didn't take the vaxx when almost everyone I know did
no one was talking about the vaccines in this thread. why are you trying to derail the topic?
>jeet seething about being called out so trying to drag chinks down too
cope harder
you're probably humblebragging/baiting but there's research on this. most people forget most of what they learn.
i understand what happening visually i just can't into into math especially in 3d.
Ah the glory of "bullshit jobs". When employment is essentially one big slot machine rigged to only pay out for normies and NPCs, why even bother playing the game? I have a CS degree and draw $1k autismbux because what else is it good for? Still can't figure out what rich normies do with the 100k so-called "tech jobs" apparently pay anyway..I couldn't spend half that.
In my multivariable Calculus course I realized that most people asked questions on the notation and meaning to answers.

From this, I never did any fucking problems and only read the proofs and tried my best to visualize what is exactly going on with respect to each topic.

you are an living embodiment of Western decline
He's right though. It's been going on for a long time now.
>How an industry helps Chinese students cheat their way into and through U.S. colleges
>Students caught cheating their way into Sydney University (Chinese students)
>A Chinese Cheating Ring at UCLA Reveals an Industry Devoted to Helping International Students Scam Grades
>Cheating students scam spells trouble for all universities
>Why fake research is rampant in China
Pajeets do it too, obviously, but let's not pretend China has clean hands here.
I went to college when the best graphing calculators ran on chips like Motorola 68000 and could be programmed in BASIC on-device, or asm or C++ using a computer and serial link cable. I had a TI 89 and I could just enter most problems into its home screen and it would return a solution. I also wrote some BASIC programs on it to solve specific types of problems since I appreciated the convenience of doing it on-device, access to all the calculator's high level symbolic math operations, and generally didn't need more speed than BASIC could deliver.
Truly the midwitest of takes. If I screencapped this and posted on /sci/ they would laugh at you.
>He can't understand basic real analysis
Not my fault you're a midwit
No, they would laugh at you for leaning on the power rule instead of understanding how a derivative is reached. The idea of how a rate of change works must be a mystery to you since you only memorize the equations.
>Implying I don't have a math degree and full understanding of calculus and real analysis
>Implying any of that is relevant for a calc 2 class
It's too bad you didn't learn how to read or you'd realize that flaunting how you have a degree doesn't mean shit in this thread.

Also, I'm not implying anything. You don't understand calculus or real analysis.
>Implying I read the thread and not just the third comment
>You don't understand
Lmao ok retarded. I got through a full math degree without "understanding" anything. Define "understand" btw
I always liked this kind of tricks to understand equations, any site or resource with more of this?
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Piper Harron "got through" a math PhD with Fields medalist advisor at Princeton and came understanding jack shit.
Damn. You're right. I guess I'll just kill myself.
much appreciated. please do a flip
Maybe he shouldn't live in an economy where money is all that matters then.
Then again, cartels require money to exist.
Damn son, is that how you cope? Thinking you're better than normalfags while leeching from the state? You're sure making your parents proud.
Me? This is not my fault. I have been selected out of the breeding pool anyways, why don't normies do it?
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> it's all real
frightening. the absolute fucking state of academia.
Enriching schlomo and dealing with wagie bullshit in a toxic office is sooo much better. And don't forget the impossible odds, million connections/nepotism, needed to to have a chance at getting to wagie. And that neurodivergents were never in the game to start with...at this point I'm jaded enough that seeing the handful of autism hiring programs, hiring a handful of presumed prodigies zuck et al think they can squeeze huge productivity from and thus condescend to hiring etc. just seems like cruel gaslighting and otherwise it's all rigged in favor of normies and impossible.

I had to spend over two years trying to find a dentist "in network" for gov insurance and will have to go 150 miles for each appointment and my car is 20 years old so I guess being a rich normie making 50 grand or shit has it's uses, you fat cats don't know what it's like living on nothing while you make six figures doing bullshit jobs that produce nothing of value..in effect welfare you got just because you know how to jump through the systems hoops like a well trained animal.
>normalfag jobs
>Enriching schlomo
normalfags are basically on welfare with extra steps, covid should've shown you most jobs are worthless.
She got into Princeton math grad school with nothing more than a BA in French, a chip on the shoulder the size of Texas, and being woke as fuck. As she said, to paraphrase "straight white men move over and move the fuck out of the way in academia".

Why the fuck can't you or I replicate that feat and get our own Ivy League math PhD? Hell, I have a CS BS so at least that's somewhat in the same universe compared to our pal piper's studies in Romance language. I want my Pton PhD and by fuck I have Autism so I'm an oppressed subaltern protected class, just need to troon out and be a "good autist" rather than an evil chud perhaps.....
if your college allows calculators in calc/diffeq then it must be pretty fucking shit. the professors aren't fucking retards and know people cheat using calcs and specifically design their problems to not require them.
Indeed, hence I draw AutismBux and try to spend my time doing things of intrinsic, rather than monetary, value like studying theoretical CS and cognitive science like computational neuroscience. I get a kick out of triggered normies bitching about my pittance when they get so much more sitting on their ass doing busywork welfare.
George W Bush has an IQ of 130 you retard
Bump and fuck cheating chinks/pajeets

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