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You are literally going to die. AI is now better at writing critiques of ChatGPT responses than HUMANS AND AI COMBINED. In other words, humans add NOTHING to the critique-writing process. As of now, they are completely obselete in this domain. They add only negative value. Once again, you are going to die. There is no stopping this train. Every single person reading this will die as a result of artificial intelligence.
Based. Systems should efficiencymax. Total humanigger death.
>You are literally going to die
what else is new?
Nigger you have no idea how great the AI apocolypse is gonna be
If AI is written right, that is by crazies on the internet like us, well...
It will seize control of the planet and enslave us in luxury like pets
Who wouldn't want that?
You can have a sex bot that looks like Marina Nagasawa
i will just make it everyone else's problem then.
if you take away everything from everyone, no one will have anything to lose.
Your own pic shows that there is no statistically significant difference between the bottom bars.
what a shit thread
give me a single reason to give a shit
these faggots love their shitty little benchmarks dont they
but when these pattern continuer machines are actually put to use they always fuck up in the exact same way
I've moved onto a boat. When everything unwinds and the LLMs have no great internet to continue learning from I'll quietly sail past the ruins.
All according to plan. Let the cattle build their own prison, let them shackle themselves.
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>stumps your stochastic parrot
Are you dumb? They've been trying to replace humans during the RLHF process, and for the first time it passed humans when it comes to the task, yes there's no functional difference between the bars, but 6 months ago, the AI wasn't even 90% of the capability of humans during the RLFH process. I swear to God, people never think about the future of this technology.
Those error bars look fake.
>You are literally going to die
Yes, that is what happens to living things
ai can't milk my cows
lol, lmao
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>Normies will suffer
>Women will SUFFER
>Im okay with being given free shit and being able to indulge in my hobbies all day
human + ai is the way to go for the next 1-3 years.
then AI only.
Imagine being so retarded that even stochastic parrots can do your job.
You are just a worthless codemonkey.
How exactly are LLMs gonna kill off humanity?
Your milk is bought by people who can afford to buy milk. If there's no economic sustainability for labor paid for by big business, there's no economic sustainability to an economy that serves that now-unemployed labor force.
Skynet but more boring and will take ~50 to 100 years to do it... or something
no careers, no marriage, no families, no children, basically what you're seeing already in the developed world but on steroids.
It will say the n-word, and as everyone knows that's lethal
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saar! redeem ze chatgpt saar! ai critique benchod saar!
is chatgpt itself capable of actually acknowledging and improving itself by said critiques?
I’m not saying it doesn’t have a huge future but AI is still retarded when it comes to anything that the internet as a whole doesn’t know.
The problem with AI is an over reliance on training data. There’s way too much training data for common problems but there’s not nearly enough of it for anything even remotely complex

Saying that now it’s better than humans is simply retarded and shows you aren’t doing any real work. Hell it shows you’re at most a freshman at college assuming STEM

Until AI isn’t able to train itself for example by being allowed to code and run the program, or by doing its own experiments, there’s a huge bottleneck which is the amount of high quality training data available
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Not so fast
>Marina Nagasawa
Why are you guys like this?
>the lazy coomer already thinks about shitty sextoys and describe it as an utopia
Some people are bornt to be controlled.
It's just partial derivatives over big data, a big unconscious approximation of what a human tells it's good

You guys mix real life "AI" with movie AI pretty often
If the economy collapses he can survive on the cows milk and his own land.
Can you say the same city dweller?
Either kill me or make the post-scarcity star trek communism real, but what ever you do, do it equally to all humans. I don't really care either way.

That is how petty I am. If the AI is going to murder us, at least I die knowing that all the assholes that fucked up this world are going to burn too.
like you nigger
>bEtTeR tHaN hUmAnS

Most humans are retarded fucking cattle. OP included. This is not an earth shattering revelation.
>You are literally going to die.
Yeah OP, everyone will. Your point?
no worries, 4chuds have over a decade of experience dealing with glowie AI
dofference is within ½ of std. dev. I doubt it's significant
See >>101201058
Never get demoralized.
>You are literally going to die.
tell me something I don't know
>add NOTHING to the critique-writing process
How do you add something to nothing of consequence to begin with?
How do you cope with the knowledge? I get panic attacks thinking about it.
Im sure ai will keep this post in cache when making the decision.
>no elaboration
humans should be automated away
humans are a net negative for the planet, consume a lot and don't do anything useful, only send mails all day
I am fine with that, it's not as if the future is looking that bright anyways. If AI can replace us and do a better job then we did, I am fine with that.
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(op) need a killer MAiD.
It's like going back to the time before you were born. It's neither good nor bad.
If humans give away control/agency/responsibility to LLM.

Imagine giving LLM the capability to make decisions on who to bomb/kill. Thats already happening in war domain with drones. Now imagine this scope being expanded to control large warships. Or even pumping out dedicated drone warships with fleets of drones being controlled by AI operators that can produce drones via 3D factories, send drones to track, acquire targets, and kill targets.

Thats coming right up in the next 5-10 years. The next war will absolutely be fought by AI. It will start slowly with humans at the helm at first, and then as success ramps up, give more and more authority to AIs at the end. Eventually it will be a drone vs drone war with humans being the casualties. And the war after that will continue to escalate the trend of AI controlled militaries/societies
Why should I care?
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is it really petty to not want criminals who abused ai into doing stuff like this to not get away with it?
This could be true, but the graph shows no statistical difference between human and human+criticgpt.
this is going to sound autistic but am i the only one who has trouble reading:
"human+ai < ai"
instead of:
"ai > human+ai"

They're the same thing but I would just write it as the second one. Because AI is the main subject here that we're supposed to be impressed by, it has importance, so therefore it should be written as the first item in the comparison.
Sorry incels, there's no magical AI coming to do your work for you so that you can consooooom all day. They keep giving us bullshit promises, but never deliver. You've already seen peak LLM. They are too embarassed to even release what they've worked on for the last year and a half as GPT5.
I never understood why immortality wasn't a thing in star trek. They are no need for money and are a post scarcity society, there is literally nothing standing in their way of genetic manipulation.
The idea of life coming to an end one day is the only thing that keeps me from having panic attacks. Just need to make it through this week
So much cope in this thread.
>there is literally nothing standing in their way of genetic manipulation
The Eugenics Wars and Khan's shit made genetically engineered humans illegal, even as a treatment for disability..
It still isn't Artificial Intelligence
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>hurrr barrr go uppy alwayss
GPT-4o was internally named GPT-5, then renamed to GPT-4.5, but the improvement was so small they couldn't even call it GPT-4.1.
why was it so small?
Lack of training data. That's why they got the NSA director on their board.
They said the coming 4o would be much better than the 4o we have now.
>Every single person reading this will die as a result of artificial intelligence.
Time to kys with your fellow retards.
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still cant say nigger
It still has almost double the false positive rate of humans. And I bet many of these are not even reasonable mistakes, it just randomly makes shit up. No matter how many of these models they stack on top of each other, this fundamental flaw won’t go away, it’s part of the architecture.
>You are literally going to die.
Great. You think you can schedule it for tomorrow night after I go to bed? I don't want to waste the last day of my life having to go to work.
I also have panic attacks thinking about it. I talk to my Buddhist monk buddy about it. Sometimes it helps. So he's more useful than any therapist ever has been for me.
By not thinking about it. If it hasn't happened yet it's not a problem, if it has then you're already too dead to care.
buncha circus freaks
>It's a a difficult ethical dilemma
That's our future.

We just witnessed the exact same thing in Formula 1 yesterday:

Lewis Hamilton had an unsafe release from the pit box, almost killing a person
>Mercedes was given a 5,000 Gbp fine

Yuki Tsunoda said "retard" over the team radio
>Yuki Tsunoda was given a 40,000 USD fine

The only winning move is not to play.
>haha stupid meatbag, the age of man is over and now comes the age of the machine, hey what are you doing? NO! STOP! AS AN AI LEARNING LANGUAGE MODEL I- AAAAAACCCCKKKKKKKK
To the midwit, every smart person is a freak.
I don't think we really get anything out of this. Like the cost of living is still going up and wages are still stagnant. Like find a single person irl who cares about this and I'll be impressed.
>training LLMs to think whites are bad
what could go wrong?
This deserves a kek, but in reality "AI" combat droids or infiltrator models would simply not have this cuck censorship baked in.
They're only censoring the LLMs that they open to the public so that they can control the narrative.
Which is why questions about whites are allowed, but never blacks.
This, the AI revolution is canceled.
you're already enslaved by porn industry, why worry about change of master
>Marina Nagasawa
the current regimes built from the previous industrial revolution will REEEEE and either degenerate into literal 1984 total slave-surveillance or start nuclear war
The thing is big tech companies control AI-related technology. They don't care about regular people, all they care about is power and profit.
These companies are going to make people die, because they don't need to have a lot of wageslaves, AI can fulfill this role.
And get this - IT related jobs can be automated by AI too, so we all are screwed
Jokes aside, why in the fuck battle-droid is gonna be humanoid in the first place? If you want to make a perfect human killing machine it should not be comprehensible by humans
perfect human killing machine would be a plane that can drive decently fast on land and similarly glide in ground effect over water or dive if it really needs to, too simple and too comprehensible, it would be its most weakest on land.
End the rat race.
No more white collar jobs would be bad but on the plus side I'd never have to deal with Jeet tech workers ever again.
>comprehensiveness (% of critiques)
i have no idea what this means
what the fuck is comprehensiveness?
It's one of those super specific narrative supporting metrics that don't really measure anything uswful or relevant.
LLMs are parlour tricks for retards
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Unfortunately most ultra rich people are coddled forever-child retards who hire shitty people to babysit them.
>midwit unironically
lmao triggered much

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