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Name a worse technology.
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IPv6 hate is forced.
- systemd, but only slightly worse.
- any device without a user replaceable battery.
- Public Key Pinning
- Cell Phone Security
- SSH Multiplexing Defaults in OpenSSH
- Spanning Tree Protocol, but only slightly worse
- Self Driving Cars
- Drive By Wire Cars
Actually if I keep going the list won't fit. Would have to blawg it.
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>a standpoint that the top 10 websites and 90% of all ISPs have is forced and not at all because of experience and thourogh consideration.
Not to mention designed to solve a problem that's already fixed.
Yes you are special and becuase you are the only one who sees how it's better.
I'd ask you to return to reddit but even they quit using that piece of shit.
I didn't know how passionate people are about their hatred for it. I was just saying, sorry.
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Cancer bhenchod
Bumping this niggerlicious thread.
The problem with IPv6 is they tried to pitch it as a replacement for IPv4 when everything about it sucks completely. NAT still lives, IPv4 for private networks still lives, IPv6 is something only ISPs and junk need to worry about.
>carrier grade
retarded US-ism of calling everything 'grade' has seeped into actual name of technology
kill me

if browsing facebook and youtube is all you want to do, then sure, CGNAT is fine
The cloud wouldnt be as prevalent if cgnat wouldn't exist
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- Micro USB
- Microsoft Windows 10 and 11
- Wi-Fi enabled dishwashers and washing machines
- Fridges with ice maker mounted inside the door
- Power banks with apps
- Android after version 4.4
- Gamer routers
- Wireless keyboards that are Bluetooth only
- Apps and services asking for a phone number
- KDE Plasma 6
I could keep listing things worse than IPv6 for hours.
Loonix chudcels resort to posting fake screenshots to make their point.
If it's good then why do most people's connection problems go away when it is disabled in adapter settings?
>Name a worse technology.

IPv6 is and always has been a glowop to have precision tracking of every device, but NATchads have held the line.
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NATchads are the reason why you can't host anything
There is literally no legitimate usecase for an end-user that requires inbound connections.
>muh bittorrentz/syncthing/ftp
>muh minecruft
get a hosted server
>muh mumble
Use discord like everyone else
Discord is the work of the Antichrist. It is the single most evil thing in existence as of now.
>Use discord like everyone else
You need to go back.
>t. Christcuck
Your God is a dead man on a stick.
And there it is, folks. The classic "le christcuck" and nothing else. I hope you're just someone ignorant.
they over-corrected. we'll never even be close to 340 trillion unique IP addresses. and it makes it harder to memorize and type. plus, why would you need your mac address on your IP?
shit bait but have a (You)
can't they make one IP address version that's backwards compatible with v4? why wouldn't it werk?
32bit adresses
IPv6 is a forced meme.

bloated dogshit with hacky workarounds to do anything at scale
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Thousands of retro computers with AMD Athlons, Pentium IIIs and before have been scrapped since web browsers require SSE2 or even SSE3.

>But it's 20 years old

You still see cars from the 90s on the road. Most people are born before 2000, don't Logan's run old hardware.
I need to access my security cameras. Your point = moot
>- SSH Multiplexing Defaults in OpenSSH
the technology allowing you to make these stupid threads
nothing with ipv6 is wrong. its the exact same except 2^128 addresses instead of 2^32.

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