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> made itoddlers, atarifags and pc homos mad since 1985
say something nice about the amiga.
How good is AROS?
it's ok, not perfect, mainly used by people too retarded to pirate original workbench disks and kickstarts.
I miss putting my monitor on top of my pc, tower desktops suck. Anyone knows if those modern thinkcentre/optiplex desktops can actually support the weight of a monitor on top of them?
What's up with the Amiga spam threads?
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I think about this almost every day. Why not go back to this form factor?
/g/ will argue over anything
nobody has been mad about amiga since 1985 except amiga fans
>wtf is an itoddler?
>is that supposed to be intel users getting btfo'd by Motorola 68k master race?
You can desktop form factor cases.
easy bait
I have searched for them and failed to find any. Please share product model(s)
>Be me, 10 years old in 1985
>No way in hell we can possibly buy an Amiga
>But still dream about it every day
>Decades past
>Hmmm, maybe I should check out all those games I missed out on in the 80s
>99.9% are fucking shit platformers or fucking shit shoot-em-ups
>Absolutely no gameplay improvements, just slightly better graphics
>(Apart from a few famous examples like Lemmings and shit)
>Glad my parents didn't waste their money
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learned programming with that fucker
> proves op right
amos was pretty good. i learned that and then blitz basic 2.
>open platform
>thousands of games, more than any console
>99% are shit
checks out
>But muh AMOS
I had to make do with STOS, could never get my head around it. To this day I don't know whether STOS was shit or whether my brain was shit
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>you can play Doom on a Apple II
>you can't play Doom on an Amiga
Used pic-related to start my journey on the Amiga.
You can run Doom on Amiga though.
its a shame you needed the $1500 Amiga to play Doom. the basic bitch Amiga 500 failed horribly at anything 3D
It was a cheap computer from 1987. What do you expect?
Got forked by Apollo Computers and they made a lot of improvements
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How much did a PC cost that played Doom?
>the basic bitch Amiga 500 failed horribly at anything 3D

>stock amiga 500
>can finally run Doom 37 years too late
we did it Reddit!
I have a pristine condition Amiga 1200 in storage, barely used. it was left to me from a family member but I know nothing about Amiga.
when is the optimum time to sell it? and whats it worth?
Carmack BTFO
it has the best Demoscene on any computer ever, even better than the Commodore 64 and thats because its the same people, pretty much.
good morning sir. please do the needful and learn when i branding started.
>I have a pristine condition Amiga 1200 in storage, barely used. it was left to me from a family member but I know nothing about Amiga.
>when is the optimum time to sell it? and whats it worth?
give it to me. i will pay $0.
Doom got a port 4 years after release on PC already.
now probably
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back in the day i spent like half my time on my Amiga using deluxe paint. it was so crazy, back then when you say the electronic arts logo you knew that you were going to use top notch quality software. how times have changed
and that looks bad, not test drive or stunts level of bad 3D but, very low resolution transform bad, so it sure would been good result back in day between wolfenstein 3d and doom and technically its closer to W3D than Doom, as not having level terrain was the big thing in doom engine compared to W3D. So yes, amiga sucks at 3D.

Also there was doom for amiga: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/ADoom
and it runs like shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PIlJV73aCk
You can actually get a Voodoo3 to work on an Amiga:
>and it runs like shit
Runs fine though
See >>101203746
You can use many different PCI GPUs, sound cards and network cards with Amigas or proprietary Amiga Zorro cards.
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old article

>and technically its closer to W3D than Doom
superior to w3d though and runs on hardware far weaker than w3d ever did
now tell me how many amigas had 50mhz 68030 back then.
Even if it didn't get all the gems you'd find on the Genesis and SNES, it had so many games that you surely would have found something to enjoy.
Yea made them so mad they they got completly BTFO by wintel. At least Macintosh was able to barely survive ffs
>muh 68030
>muh doom
this shit was over 30 years ago. give it a rest ffs
>give it a rest
>on the retro games board
I want to go back...
Um anon... this isn't /vr/.
no, this is /g/aming
Amiga fags will never get over what they believe to be the superior platform ended up as a dead end. They were annoying, smug assholes three decades ago, they're annoying smug AARPers now. They'll be annoying and smug until the day they die. They are the Betamax lovers of the early home computer era.
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> if i seethe even harder this will make the amiga look less successful

>it has the best Demoscene on any computer ever, even better than the Commodore 64
i think it's as awesome as c64.
>and thats because its the same people, pretty much.
some of them

> what they believe to be the superior
there was no belief needed. it was vastly superior. it took pc faggots until the 1990s to catch up. apple was never a threat and will always be lolcows of the computer world. that's how dangerously based and ahead amiga was at time of release and until its demise. no amount of schizophrenia medication or shitting up an imageboard with your chimp level thoughts will change reality for you. history was made and written - you weren't part of it.
>Got forked by Apollo Computers and they made a lot of improvements
that's good to see. i remember compatibility with AROS years ago was not great.

>I had to make do with STOS, could never get my head around it. To this day I don't know whether STOS was shit or whether my brain was shit
STOS wasn't very good so don't blame yourself. AMOS wasn't much better (which is why i moved to blitz basic 2 - more advanced, customizable, let you use assembly whenever you wanted etc.)
>I... I'm not malding... You're just c0ping
Wow so such a superior white mans computer, that's why wolf3D bankrupted your shitty platform right?
>it was vastly superior.
By the early 90s it was vastly inferior, it just makes amigatards look even worse because they had a head start but couldn't innovate anymore.
>that's why wolf3D bankrupted your shitty platform right?
that never happened. use those fur covered gorilla paws into your search engine and read about the history of commodore, you vantablack cotton picker.

> seething so fucking hard that he missed:
> " it took pc faggots until the 1990s to catch up. "
words are just invisible to you, aren't they? reading comprehension is out of the question?
Amiga demoscene is dead, Even Assembly Summer doesn't have dedicated amiga demo competition anymore and it has been shoved into oldskool containment category that already goes up to 64-bit devices. For example in 2023 there were 0 amiga demos in that category. C64 had 4 entries, Atari ST had 1 and DOS had 1.
New Amiga demos are released every month.
This one is from this month:
Shitloads. It was one of the more common CPUs for accelerators.
>the basic bitch Amiga 500 failed horribly at anything 3D
nah Mercenary 3, Hunter, Virus all went hard
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lmao. that shit hasn't been relevant in at least two decades. there's much better parties people contribute to.

amiga chads
I get 12 fps in Doom with a '020
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cope hardware that still couldn't catch up to PC development speed anymore. Same with PCI adapters that tried to scavenge pci devices for amiga use, but even those don't support/ don't have drivers for best PCI hardware, so for real top end retro experience you still need PC if you want to sport Geforce256/ Geforce2 MX or top end Voodoos. Meanwhile in not mentally retarded world all that has been long since within sphere of emulation.

Be it C64/Amiga/Pascal/Visual Basic/Java/Apple crap, it doesn't really matter what, there are always birdbrains that imprint to that one technology and then that is all they know, all they have and all they think they ever need. Some things just gather those more than others.
> seething this hard and replying with schizobabble
amiga chads really have mentally buck broken you, haven't they?
In 1985 I was playing Elite on a ZX Spectrum 48K, I was 12 years old and I'll be honest, I'd never heard of an Amiga 1000. The only magazines I read then were Crash, Sinclair User, Parade and Men Only. I genuinely didn't know an Amiga 1000 existed and I wouldn't have been able to afford one anyway on my paper round money (I got copies of the bongo mags from my mate who used to steal them from the newsagents we worked for when the owner wasn't looking). I started work at a cash and carry two weeks before my 16th Birthday and bought myself an Amiga 500 and it was the business. Apart from the original games back that came with the machine, I never bought a game because at that time everyone had an Amiga so all you needed was Xcopy and a load of blank disks. The cracking scene was massive at the time and games were swapped around your mates.
Whatever you do

The AROS logo, especially not the full one.
PC from the same era as Amiga is totally soulless though, thats the reason retro PC obsessives brains remember nothing before Commander Keen
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Thin clients are the modern equivalent of desktop PCs.
If you're feeling adventurous you could put your monitor on one. Wouldn't do that with monitors above 22" though.
Alternatively you could just let the PC ride piggyback ON your monitor.
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this is an amiga thread.

>thats the reason retro PC obsessives brains remember nothing before Commander Keen
they don't remember just how bad it actually was.
we had these exact same packard bell machines in school in like 1997.

they ran Quake fine but only in lowest res.
>it's okay to upgrade a PC's CPU
>but if you do it with an Amiga it's not okay

>but even those don't support/ don't have drivers for best PCI hardware
Literally the only drivers available were for the top end PCI hardware and that's not a good thing, like Voodoos.

Anyways, m68k was still ahead of x86 at that time and after x86 closed the gap, PPC was still ahead of x86 for several years.
top kek @ your pic related
even when the PS1 released, the PC was dogshit and barely only starting to surpass consoles
I love the comments from people who don't use AROS... I have never met anyone who runs AROS on their original 68k Amiga hardware.

I have "Aspire OS" (AROS distro) running on my Acer Aspire ZG5 netbook, I have MorphOS (basically an AROS distro) running on my Apple PowerBook G4 15" and I have Icaros Desktop (AROS distro) running on a Dell Latitude D430 laptop.

I don't daily drive any of them (my M1 MacBook Pro has that job, but I have FS-UAE installed on it too) but they are fun to play with.

MorphOS works the best but it only runs on some of the old PowerPC Macs and it costs €79 per machine. It has a decently maintained software manager, a good browser (Wayfarer) you can run a lot of "Amiga" PowerPC games on it, surf the web (YouTube loads like shit, hardware's too old, but blogs and Hacker News works. 4Chan worked until they updated the captcha), FTP, eMail, IRC all work.

I own a couple of A1200 and A500 computers as well as an A4000. The A1200 and A500 computers have PiStorms and the A4000 has a CyberStorm accelerator w/ a PPC 604e and a Motorola 68060.

Keep in mind the fastest Amiga you can own right now is an emulated one, by far. I suggest everyone do that.

You don't even have to pay for the ROMs they're out there for free.
>even when the PS1 released, the PC was dogshit and barely only starting to surpass consoles
True and surpass it did. But yeah, average PC sucked at that point, but am486 was already hitting 120mhz by then and it ran everything DOS threw at it, including Descent. And by 98, PC already went up to 570mhz amd side(my last intel was 386SX so i didn't pay much attention to intel stuff during that era and went with AMD prebuilts).
>I have never met anyone who runs AROS on their original 68k Amiga hardware.
Probably because the m68k port is a broken piece of shit that crashes halfway through installing it on both fs-uae and real hardware.
It's been 30 years since Amiga vanished.
Nothing to boast about.
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>1998 was 30 years ago
How? They still made official new Amigas in 1998.
The "brand" was a living corpse by then. It was not the same company.
Amiga never vanished, it lives in my heart.
My one and only girlfriend.
>always giving more shit about the brand than the actual hardware

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