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>move semantics...
>value categories...
>&& rvalue references...
>universal template references...
>T&& deduces to int&&&& which collapses to int&&....

>in c its just
struct Container
LargeObject* object;

Container* c = malloc(sizeof(Container));

//take ownership (no need to delete obj in this scope)
c->object = obj;

//dont take ownership of this obj (make own copy instead)
c->object = malloc(sizeof(LargeObject));
memcpy(c->object, obj, sizeof(LargeObject));
in c++ it can be also just
struct Container
LargeObject* object;

Container* c = malloc(sizeof(Container));

//take ownership (no need to delete obj in this scope)
c->object = obj;

//dont take ownership of this obj (make own copy instead)
c->object = malloc(sizeof(LargeObject));
memcpy(c->object, obj, sizeof(LargeObject));
>my dad was a genius and i live off of the money he made therefor i live off of my own genius
So true anon, C has none of those pesky lvalues or however indians program.
$ gcc lvalue.c
lvalue.c: In function 'main':
lvalue.c:3:8: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
3 | 42 = "op is a retarded nigger";
| ^
difference is you dont have to think about it in c

unless you're a retard who tries to assign values to the number 42
is this why c programs have so many buffer overruns, retards who can't think feel confortable in writing a language where you unfortunately have to think?
Retarded niggers who claim that not thinking is a feature shouldn't be trusted, so I won't be caring about C, wow, it's just like Rust, where trannies are afraid of thinking, no wonder that Rust codetroons are just tourists from C...
when i imply you dont have to think about its because there is no way you can fuck it up

unlike in sepples where you have to think about it precisely BECAUSE it can fuck up
C has most CVE's out of any programming language precisely because of low IQ morons like you
c is the most widely used programming language in system level software development, seconded by c++ which im sure is also seconded in CVEs
yeah, because people who use C++ think more, there's less code (lack of boilerplate) and less bugs (lack of retards), meanwhile all retards flock to C, even your own thread says that C is for retards
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linus torvalds (the most thinking software developer there is) swears by c and hates c++. RMS (the second most thinking software developer) too.
one is a retard who hates GPL3 and other is a retard who loves binary blobs in his body
what if i told you you have binary blobs INSIDE YOUr system right now?

what if i told you you probably have GLP3 programs inside your system as well.
in Rust this is just
//take ownership (no need to delete obj in this scope)
let c = obj;

//dont take ownership of this obj (make own copy instead)
let c = obj.clone();
see, you're not even intelligent enough to comprehend which one is good and which one is bad
im well aware which one is good and which one is the literal spawn of satan, are YOU?
yes, Linus Torvalds and Stallman kikefaggot are spawns of satan and I am good.
not untrue
thats a lot of memory you're leaking there anon
you can imagine the freeing up part yourself
can you imagine the part where you don't use garbage that is malloc?
sure i'll allow you to imagine that
I don't need to imagine as I don't use garbage like malloc, but can you?
i can do anything you can do x10
yes I know that you can use x10 more memory to solve a problem x10 slower while having x10 more lines of code
reads much better than the c version desu
C++ is worth using over C almost just for std::unique_ptr and proper ADTs alone
C++ doesnt have memcpy though, everything goes on the stack
You forgot temporary materialization
you're getting a little confused. C++ doesn't have a stack, everything goes on the heap
sepple lets me integrate a working 500 lines of code within one function in 2 days.
In C that takes 4 days.
I will keep using sepple.
no you can't memcpy it all goes in the registers every even memory you cna't just copy it

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