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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101195260

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Auto1111 forks
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux

>Run cloud hosted instance

>SD3 info & download

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
pedo den
tfw i attach image to only some posts but not all
but also i claim to attach image to all posts
on an anonymous board even
who am i
Cursed thread of discordfaggotry
you can also add pretending to be other "anons" and masquerading as other avatarfags
no accusations without proof below this line
debo is a faggot
Death to all pedos

i hope i dont need to explain why
no pedo posters below this line
>trani in shambles
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>mfw Resource news


>LyCORIS 3.0.0 - Brand New Functional API, Parametrize API and Module API

>FastSD CPU v1.0.0-beta.33 release with Aura SR 4x upscaler

>SPRIGHT (SPatially RIGHT) Correct Caption Dataset with 2.3 Million Images



>ComfyUI Yolo Nas Pose TensorRT: Ultra Fast Pose Estimation

>OmniParse: Ingest/parse unstructured data into structured, actionable for GenAI

>Fibottention: Inceptive Visual Representation Learning with Diverse Attention Across Heads

>ControlNet Depth SDXL, support zoe, midias

>xinsir / controlnet-tile-sdxl-1.0

>Compositional Image Decomposition with Diffusion Models

>TexPainter: Generative Mesh Texturing with Multi-view Consistency

>Fully Exploiting Every Real Sample: SuperPixel Sample Gradient Model Stealing


>Introducing AuraSR - An open reproduction of the GigaGAN Upscaler

>coyo-hd-11m-llavanext: 12m high resolution captioned images prefiltered with multilabel classifiers

>sd-webui-udav2: A1111 Extension for Upgraded Depth Anything V2Resource
>mfw Research news


>Hire: Hybrid-modal Interaction with Multiple Relational Enhancements for Image-Text Matching

>Interdisciplinary Expertise to Advance Equitable Explainable AI

>Arboretum: A Large Multimodal Dataset Enabling AI for Biodiversity

>Directed Domain Fine-Tuning: Tailoring Separate Modalities for Specific Training Tasks

>Exploring Cross-Domain Few-Shot Classification via Frequency-Aware Prompting

>Portrait3D: 3D Head Generation from Single In-the-wild Portrait Image

>ClotheDreamer: Text-Guided Garment Generation with 3D Gaussians

>MantisScore: Building Automatic Metrics to Simulate Fine-grained Human Feedback for Video Generation

>Advanced Multimodal Deep Learning Architecture for Image-Text Matching

>Landscape More Secure Than Portrait? Zooming Into the Directionality of Digital Images With Security Implications

>CLIP-Decoder : ZeroShot Multilabel Classification using Multimodal CLIP Aligned Representation

>LM-IGTD: a 2D image generator for low-dimensional and mixed-type tabular data to leverage the potential of convolutional neural networks


>Dataset Size Recovery from LoRA Weights

>Enhancing Video-Language Representations with Structural Spatio-Temporal Alignment

>Using diffusion model as constraint: Empower Image Restoration Network Training with Diffusion Model

>AnyControl: Create Your Artwork with Versatile Control on Text-to-Image Generation
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is there really no good upscaling model trained on heightmaps yet
it's so fucking over
i made a bowl of red beans and lentils to commemorate this and the previous thread
stop breaking the rules ran
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there can be when you put together a dataset of heightmaps
yeah it would be pretty easy to generate a dataset, I'm just lazy + have a million other projects I need to finish first
surprised nobody else has done it yet though because to my autistic mind this seems like one of the most obvious useful applications for upscaling
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theres a ton of work done in upscaling satellite imagery which would probably fit this need. its an interesting area of study because the consumers are military and megacorps so theres lots of money in it but its also very niche because AI enhancing remote sensing imagery isn't relevant to people who don't own satellites
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is there a way to increase the resize size beyond 2048? even when i input a bigger number, it gens at 2048
edit ui-config.json with notepad
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freeze! hands up!
ran admits to:
>posting pedo shit
>hanging out with kids (touching them)
>is a nigger
>is a liar
>is a Karen
>posts shitty art
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fuck off

why did you post them?
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why is nobody talking about sd3
don't tell me it's shit
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These pics are SD3 medium but it has issues.
thank it worked. seems like its starting to act weird though at this scale. its creating problems it wasnt before even at 2048
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nah it's great
It's only shit for coomers and promptlets
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It can do cute fennecs pretty well but it's a struggle.
pedophiles can make children just fine in it
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Pride Month is almost over. What have you posted to celebrate?
if you want something done you've got to do it yourself desu
dont ask trani this
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I didn't do anything for pride month but there is pride, day, week and year to look forward to
>debo well aware that few if any ITT will reply to him
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but I have 800 other things I want done that I haven't even finished yet
maybe I just need to get my amphetamine dosage upped again, that will SURELY get me to actually finish projects instead of constantly getting distracted by new ones
why are you fixated on trans people? you don't look at tranny porn all day do you?
you only get shit from the people who dont do anything anyway
acceptance is the first step towards improvement trani
I think ani is comfortable admitting he has a lolita complex and hasn't posted any since. pedo rannigger however...
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Checked, nice
I don't talk, I post gens
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anime girls and guns
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the seething and constantely changing copes over the last week say otherwise
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So the yellow DOES stand for fat
He's really trying to move the goal post
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>"it's a cope" cope again
get new material
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I have had it
Calm down Julien
cumming soon

I have 8gb VRAM,

I can train lora at 768x768

dreambooth at 512x512

Both on GPU

I can of course train at arbitrary sizes like 1k but on CPU/system ram not gpu which is incredibly slow.

Is there a way to reduce vram just a tiny bit so I can create a fine tune/dreambooth at 768x512 on gpu only??

can you pass med vram to kohya_ss which is what Im using
>announces he is leaving
>continues to seethe
catjak is the biggest sore loser I've seen. it wouldn't be so bad if he didn't embarrass himself all the goddamn time
>Ran steals victorian catgirl prompt from anon and uses it on his personal twitter
>Gets called out on prompt theft and clout chase and gets absolutely destroyed by Ani three times in a row
>Ran crying all day on the thread
You hate to see it.
are you talking about the anon who at one point was called interior anon?
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>FastSD CPU v1.0.0-beta.33 release with Aura SR 4x upscaler

based rupesh sir making FastSD CPU works on RPi and Orange Pi.
>Ran steals victorian catgirl prompt
new lore just dropped
i know interioranon's real tag and it very rarely gets used these days
Depend on what optimiser your using, CAME / Lion etc use less compared to AdamW for example ( that and there are 8 bit variants )
Dunno what you're using / optimisations you're already flagged, could see if there is an option for Full Mixed Precision as that does bring down usage at the cost of accuracy
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the only thing new here is you friend. everyone ran that prompt back in the day
>Julien is crying
yeah i wasnt around the thread that early, im just curious about how ani is using this information in the modern day
niggerjak ((You)) can't come up with a good troll post to save her ((You))r life. probably why he routinely touches kids a s well
he was reciting the only thing catjak is known for and it's so long ago he is basically irrelevant and can't handle being a forgotten faggot
you are really demented
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Would you look at that, who came back after being bitten once?
glad you did, weirdo :P
Julien needs help
thanks didnt realise optimiser would affect it

I can see lion and an 8bit lion.

just how bad is the difference compared to adam...

I train realism and sex poses, 500+ models so far but never changed the optimiser

check out my work here also:
wait so the black zoomer, ben10, and sonic stuff was legit? KEK
he has friends so he has it. niggerjak however has to stop hanging out with kids
hahahaha yepp, ani doxxed his personal twitter on the disc
why else would he damage control this hard? niggerjak has the most potential to be the greatest lolcow
hes a zoomer? I would have figured him to be in his 40s
8bit lion dropped vram a tiny bit but not enough

does kohyaa have cmd args for less vram...?

Also if I can train with normal ram slowly, can I put the batch up really high... and compensate?
catjak was born after the year 2000, absolute lolcow
Friendly reminder to anyone actually interested and not out for drama
Neither ani nor cat are crying
The incessant spamming of drama is done by people invested in ruining digital image generation

And ask yourself, what the fuck do you care about drama between two people you will neverever meet
just enjoy the pictures

Also debo is not the mean-spirited fuckwad he is painted out to be, more of a silly muppet, sometimes, maybe :P
Now show me your comic attempts
>Defends Ani
>Defends Ranfag
>Defends Debo
>Posts child-coded images
This is the kind of anon we made the other thread to avoid
>can I put the batch up really high... and compensate?
really not a good idea. RAM is already abysmal and batching increases the amount of memory used
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In the middle of a training run atm so I'm going off memory.

For example, very rough values. Without gradient checkpointing @ bf16 \ batch 1
AdamW @ 1024+ used approx 19-21 vram
Lion was about 11
CAME was 14

I mainly use CAME now it's not worse (in my opinion ) than Adam and it lets me use larger buckets.
Might be worth testing to see if using another does squeeze a little more out of your card
>never posts any image and faps to CP all day
this is fact ladies and gentlemen
Morning anons
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schizo is a pedo? I am shocked. what a terrible person
>pedo anon is crying
what happened to her?
that's just ran posting, ani BTFO'd him last night on voice chat and now ran is gonna spam all day
>i know interioranon's real tag
morning, quokkers
why are you people using twitter holy shit
twitter, discord... you are probably all reddit users too then so just go there please
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they run both threads and there is no other board for local imggen. it's better on other sites but i won't mention them here.
Has anybody here built some comfy nodes? I have some problems with control_after_generate. If i pass a fixed INT into a ksampler it will go and regen despite no inputs changing lol. Even worse the control_after_generate gets just invented frontend if comfy feels like it and in python i have no access to it.
I used it when I implemented the different behaviors like increment and decriment. you name the input "seed". it should get a widget attached to it. it's a dirty hack but it's been like that since the beginning
Yes im that far aswell, but i still cant controll the behavior from python. I get resampling of the same seed and skip of new seeds i its set the wrong way.
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>>101203820 (minty?)

These are all the same recurring 1-3 shitstirrers
none of them gen anything, they have a vested interest to ruin your hobby, just ignore them I'd say
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that's only for the first run it's annoying unless you mean something else. double check the ksampler seed input through the code to see if it's properly set up
What about AdamW 8bit
why /g/ of all places attracts this faggotry is beyond me
the AI threads on all the boards have some mentally ill troll at least but this takes the cake
twitter accounts... bloody hell
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At least my install ignores the INT and just goes by the controll_after_generate what in turn leads to the wrong execution of the samplers. I had a fixed INT hooked up and it regens every time and the opposite holds true as well if i tardwrangle a "fixed" in.
I even tried to fix up a IS_CHANGED for like half an hour pulling out my hair.
I hink i will put that idea aside, till im motivated enough to dive into the javascript.
stop pedo posting.
What's a good way to avoid that washed out darkened look from modern movies that people with absolutely no taste think looks good?
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higher cfg
use loras for color
agrias vibes
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do you like jazz
probably for the best. I don't really know of any fixes python side for this
sure, I thought whiplash was alright
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>more of a silly muppet,
what the f
post 4B then
I think that comes from "cinematic" related tags
To go full opposite, use an HDR photo style prompt and dissect that
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best you could hope for really
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How do I avoid this plastic looking result with XL models. Any "realistic" model i try looks plastic. So i think im just not prompting correct. Any tricks to get more natural lighting.

I am not using any negative prompting right now,
How do I get good at Pony?
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is this a testificate or pingu?
oh yeah, SVD
how's that coming along?
photography,professional, 4k, highly detailed
Really basic but it's a start. render, cg, painting could go in negatives
Look for a style extension that manages those prompt snippets and has a library of existing ones (like Stylez)
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you are goint to have to wait until after the real sd3 2b release at least
i tried Pony about a month ago, everything looked like shit
But other people's works look awesome. Is my GPU cursed?
nobody uses base pony. get a mix and some loras
Civitai if full of base pony.
mixes are labeled as pony in the filter but I garuntee the good gens aren't using the base model
j-just how safe can you guys make it
there is no danger
Which one would you recommend?
>Julien is crying
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its just annoying because i can get a result like this from 1.5 with barely any effort. I am still working things out with the composition of the prompt, but the lighting and image quality overall is there almost every time.
autismmix is good for messing around with. much better hands out of the box
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>Julien got molested
im the danger
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danger ranger
>when a child is alone with Trani
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Goys what are the best current upscalers?
Im mainly still using 4x-Ultrasharp / 4x-Animesharp.

Am i good or should i look for something newer? Whats the current upscaler meta on Pony finetunes?
>ran spamming Julien posts again
how is he a mod? he is such a gargantuan faggot, child molester and liar
the differences are very minor between the upscalers
all mods are all those things
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>open thread
>close thread
try making it interesting, like a third eye or something idk
i'm not that creative
>Julien is crying
>ran is dilating
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>he only has one bowl
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Comfy are you there, i have a question
How does SD model actually accept inputs longer than 77 tokens? Wouldn't that cause matrix size mismatched error?
I'm trying to overcome the 77 tokens limit of the CLIP in Hunyuan, but simple embeds concatenation doesn't work, so I want to understand how exactly this shit works
the last two tokens don't do anything so you are really only using 75 tokens then appending another set after. this is just the clip models that do this
Someone please fucking explain to me why A1111 leaks system RAM every time I change models. It doesn't happen sometimes, it happens always. Even with 64GB of RAM, after 10-20 SDXL model switches, I start OOMing, my whole system grinds to a halt for up to 2 minutes, until the OS finally kills A1111 (unless it kills chrome instead, which sometimes happens but not usually).

This is with linux if that helps. Am I the only one who experiences this? I feel like if this was just the usual behavior of the program, everyone would be screaming until it got fixed. Or does everyone just put up with the program constantly and consistently OOMing on you during regular use?
shit code. incompetent dev. abandoned project.
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could be the checkpoint caching if you use that, its a bit messy code as far as i remember

not abandoned hes working on the sd3 branch

pretty awesome open source project for not getting paid
>pretty awesome open source project for not getting paid
the competent devs left for comfy and voldy is the one who decided nobody gets paid like a fag
This is what my settings are. Are you saying I should uncheck the "only keep one model on device", and leave everything else as-is? Would that stop it from trying to cache a bunch of stuff in RAM?
I am convinced Jullien is mentally unwell
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SDXL noob here.
How the fuck do you inpaint XL stuff in Forge?
i guess thats ok, so it shouldn't cache anything.

personally i just restart a1111 from time to time

before i switch to comfy and learn that node spaghetti mess, i rather learn unreal and do something productive :)
ok pedo anon
Can anyone explain how the fuck to use the other adetailer models?

deep fashion?

person models?

The person model detects a person... then does nothing

what the fuck

also new release hot off the presses:

So Julien?
fr fr?
So lubimiv?
yes, I know who schizo is now and he makes photoreal CP all day and never posts it. he slipped once though
>notices mental decline on an anon
>incoherent screeching about paedophiles in response

ran really needs some help
stop larping
Please pray for him
You should be ashamed, debo. Didn't think you were a fucking pedo apologist.

For the rest of you CSAM consuming fuckheads, drink bleach.
you first diddler
why does Fooocus know who Frieren is? isn't that a recently aired show?
>pedo apologist continues to "no u"
grow up, change your ways
What I gen on my own computer in the privacy of my own home is none of your nor the governments business, faggot
the model is what you are after and you can just use a lora

dude. you need help. stop looking at naked kids and do something constructive
fuck off pedo
>its okay if no one knows
Wild take.
>*** is curating a dataset for a classifier to prevent any CSAM from ever being created
>we should allow the government into the bedroom
Neck yourself tourist
>the goverment does nothing good for the people
True brainrot, fix yourself.
>schizo anon is a pedo
You're not licking the boot anymore you're sucking on it. Sucking on it tenderly like a fag
Yes go live in a lawless land and see how long you'll last with your pedo tendencies.
Freetards are the worst.
>implying the government would let us round up pedos and burn them as they deserve
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upcoming ZootPonyXL 1.0 on top, Zonkey 4.2 on the bottom. Positive prompt was:

`score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, rating_safe, a high-resolution professional photograph of an expensive sports car parked in a garage, (raw, photo, realistic, photorealistic:1.3), detailed background, intricate, lifelike`

there not being a garage aside Zonkey's background is a disaster there IMO, it's just a colorful mess of incoherent nonsense
And let them have an easy exit out of life? Throw them in the pen and endure a lifetime of sodomy.
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Cool it with the anti Julien rhetoric
pedo anon is the only one doing it out of despiration

also new sdxl full nelson ANAL BBC release

its possible to literally fuck your own ass now

Why would Julien talk about themselves like that?
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>Julien is crying
Kill yourself, cuck
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this pedo behind the posts
he is actually crying
based Julien putting cringe pedo in his place
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I can't believe they do this all the fucking time every fucking day
stop hating and post 1girls already
u mirin my model zoo brah?

talk to me when you have 100k + model downloads
My Florence 2 captions be like:
`The car is a Lamborghini Huracan LP 610-4 Superleggera, with a sleek and aerodynamic design.` and shit BTW kek
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get ratioed, cuckboi
use gradient checkpointing
sd3 got jungle fever aha
pray for ranfag y'all
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carl too jung
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come get ur slop
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same here
always keep an eye on RAM and VRAM usage in your desktop panel and restart the webui when it acts up

yeah I know that frustration, but you basically got lucky
the knowledge about the (photography) style has to come from somewhere
prompt, LoRA, checkpoint
Death to all pedos
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>biggest pedo is overly aggressive against pedos
always the case
your cope is transparent
you always resort to calling facts a cope. get new material or better yet, STOP TOUCHING KIDS
can trani just leave and never come back? i had enough of this
can you stop touching kids?
can you stop projecting?
pedo anon, you are the one deflecting constantly. please get admitted, you need the help. the kids need a lot of help after what you did to them
the only "child friend" here is the one posting "shota"
A that's fucked up. I can't believe schizo anon is pedo anon
>you're a pedo for laughing at me for...
>fapping to loli and shota
I wouldn't doubt it was you who posted the catbox. that means it's saved on your computer
nta but is that the new cope? "schizoanon" is the pedo now?
hlky did that
we php nao? oh my god
#mentioned but leave me out of whatever this is, nothing to do with me desu
yeah right pedo
I don't think thread shizo is intelligent enough to understand that reference desu
>pedo accusations general
he is the thread pedo now
With how obsessed he has become with pedophilia recently, yeah.
Nobody in this threads thinks about sex with children more than thread shizo.
Ani posted shotacon and is doing damage control.
trani is literal human garbage and is coping and deflecting since the last incident
notice the patterns
Go back to discord
He can't help it
Schizoanon here
Provide evidence for any allegation you wish
If you cant you are a lying faggot (like always)
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he can't because its just a cope
Im waiting >>101207343

What a fag
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me irl
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bro fell off
(you guys okay?)
SAI employee got caught posting shotacon
How long until Trani gets fired?
some foxes
its really bad now thanks to trani
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what is y'alls upscaling workflow if you want to get some nice detail while still having a coherent pic?
if you start around the default 1024x1024 (pony), how much hires fix do you do before moving on to different methods like img2img sd upscale and whatnot?
i hate trani in multiple dimensions and dont care about your mortal rules
Doesn't he break rule #13 daily?
>break rules
>threaten with rules
everyone is a fucking pedo
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difficult to recapture past greatness
Just Trani
>new cope dropped
comfyui truly is irrelevant it seems
google search is irrelevant
It's the same with all search engines though. Why are there no informations available or any discussion?
how do we solve the "ani question" tho
the weekend is here
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i dunno, i just use euler a anyway. as far as google search goes, might as well use reddit because usually the most helpful result goog gives is a reddit link
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I didn't think "holding scissors" would be that difficult, but it's 0 for 8 so far
koff > trani
true koff at least has a spine
>your mortal rules
.........are you immortal?
Tell his employer
I support this
is ran still seething?
whole fucking day
but why?
>ded general
ani proved he was a pedo and a hypocrite
top no3
fight me
>Trani is crying
ran killed himself two days ago
very cool toy
no thats koff
I been tellin you to try out udio
>We just pawns on this board, caught up in a scheme,
>Yo, the streets are watchin', plot thickens in the night,
>Two pawns on the board, they got us in a fight,
>Dark forces schemin', movin' under lights,
>Invisible puppeteers pullin' strings tight,
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where the fuck is debo in all of this?
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Calling everyone pedos
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sry I've missed it
I'm enjoying it a lot
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love the pets
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XL ZootPony out now:
Feedback appreciated whenever as always, just leave a comment on the page if you're so inclined
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never forgetti: d*b* and pw support him
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I'm waiting for you all to tucker yourselves out so the rest of us can post gens without drama for a few hours
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I've been playing with suno to generate songs, I need a better prompt idea though, so far I got

an dark electropop song about lk anon saving up his canadian money to buy a pc to generate pictures of Laura Kinney
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give us your best gen so far
Hey, I think I had some gos at genning something like this in Bing
any bakers? we're page 8
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I don't know what is my best gen, picrel is about the quality level I'm at so I rate myself as mid
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I meant the sudo gens. I wanna hear the lk jams
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sudo thread schizo
got these two with that prompt



that first one has a bit of an Evanescence vibe
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only care for the first verse, after that it uses more of the prompt i gave describing the sound as lyrics. idk
'A little drop for sanity, a little drop for thrills,
Visions blurred, heartbeats still,
Lurking in the shadows, whispering chills,
Cough syrup dreams, swallow all the pills.'
very cool
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that first one is so good

I go hard on this
very stylish
thanks, to bad you only get 5 songs a day
yeah some of the a.i. songs people make you can't tell it's a.i.
very nice, the tempo is much better
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> take flight
AI authored lyrics always fucking take flight and I'm so over it
An electropop song about Tifa and Aerith in bikinis getting noticed by 2 guys at the beach in final fantasy 7

lol it's like alot of 80s rock had "into the night" as a lyric
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>puts bridge over chorus
you monster

its honestly kind of surprising how uncreative gpt gets with song lyrics
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the lyrics often seem too rhymey, or the rhymes are very... idk, too rigid, i can't describe such things. anyway it cant seem to do 80s hardcore punk, just screamo or whatever.
I did this one while watching a twitch streamer, the 80s synth prompt works well

an 80s synth pop song about Jacob Fullerton who plays Elden Ring, fighting rats and electric sheep with whips, collecting silver balls

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thats just kinda how music works. you want it to be expressive and emotive but predictable and patterned. music only works when it hits a rhythm, but rhythm inherently demands some level of predictability. as a result, music will naturally always have some degree of triteness to it, as if you've heard it before. because you have, but you haven't
8 bucks a month for something like 50 songs a day but I don't know if I want to invest in a site that is in the middle of a lawsuit
tell SAI he's q nonce
Is it suno time already
Just make more accounts
vaporwave is a cool prompt - https://suno.com/song/0484fc7b-d9e2-4c9b-9d8e-c3e7114109fb
Oh yeah that's great, I tried vaporwave before got nothing good like that
i'm out of credits but I'm gonna try dance next, something with Hard Dance Beat Club Mix, hard Dubstep interlude, romantic, over the top
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