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Anime Edition

Ask your BSD-related questions here, discuss tips and tricks, share
scripts, and everything in between.

>Mainline distributions
>Extra user-friendly
>Security-focused, pentesting
>Live USB with persistent storage
>Live CD
>Old school MacOS
>Containers/VM and Jail management

>Updates and advisories
OpenBSD: https://www.undeadly.org
NetBSD https://www.netbsd.org/changes/
DragonflyBSD: https://www.dragonflydigest.com
FreeBSD: https://www.freebsd.org/security/notices/

>Ports and packages
FreeBSD: https://www.freshports.org
OpenBSD: https://www.openports.pl | https://openbsd.app/
NetBSD: https://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/pkgsrc/current/pkgsrc/

>Tips and tricks
Use tcsh: https://www.tcsh.org
Fix FreeBSD defaults: https://vez.mrsk.me/freebsd-defaults.html

FreeBSD: https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/
OpenBSD: https://www.openbsdhandbook.com/

>Free (but limited) BSD/unix shell
https://www.sdf.org | https://sdfeu.org

>Web development

>OP template
BSD and linux aren't the same OS though
why is omniOS in the NAS distro list, thats an illumos distro
OmniOS shares a lot of the same applications and utilities with BSD: bhyve, pkg, and so on. I mean, BSD is unix, they just don't pay the licensing fee to be able to call it unix.
threadly reminder that post-Netflix FreeBSD spies on you
>BSD is unix
>noooooo you have to pay to call your OS unix!!
get fucked
I've never used *BSD myself, I'm just here to say that Tokiha Mai is very cute.
That's all, have a fun thread everyone.
I have brought this up a couple times yet it continues to persist

one of these days I will catch a time when the thread has died and have the energy to make the OP and remove it myself

much how we tolerate plan9 folk in the BSD thread, we can tolerate this Solaris based thing... but it shouldn't be linked to it like it's BSD
>Window Maker is good
what is it mainly used for?
I left OmniOS in because UnitedBSD hosts a discussion forum for them among all the other BSDs.

BSDs are derived from BSD4.4, which is a direct descendant from AT&T UNIX.
Reminder that doas/sudo are snake-oil and you should login as root.
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>Mainline distributions
>Extra user-friendly
>Security-focused, pentesting
>Live USB with persistent storage
>Live CD
>Containers/VM and Jail management
It's all OpenBSD for me.
>containers and jails on OpenBSD
I thought that was a FreeBSD thing?
nigga what
it is, vms on obsd are a joke
>vms are a joke
Fixed, also they are snake-oil.
>no zfs
immediately disqualified from use as my storage appliance
It's a window manager, you use it however you would use any other window manager.
Fun fact, the guy who drew the first Beastie back in the 70s has a webcomic he makes with his wife. It's still going.


SDF gets a lot better if you pay for MetaARPA membership.
the applications dont make up the whole system, theres quite a huge difference between anything based on solaris/opensolaris/illumos, and modern BSDs
but solaris was based on system V, and the 2 are pretty far away from eachother, today even more than back then, and were not on unitedBSD
hope you do it one day, i just noticed this when i went through the catalouge today, but its quite funny that not many other people cared because no one even knows what it is, or clicked on the link
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>but solaris was based on system V, and the 2 are pretty far away from eachother
SystemV came from BSD4.3
What does Theo think about the intel management engine?
He loves IME and didn't pedict secureboot/TPM would be used against us. OpenBSD is big big spyware, go back to Leunuc-sorry Linoox.
he thinks it's used expressly for what it's advertised for which is the truth
if you could read, it didnt, it had parts of it in it (i think the network stack? im not sure anymore) but sysV wasnt based on BSD4.3
Alright, Mr. Reader, what does it say here?
>Throughout its development, though, System V was infused with features from BSD, while BSD variants such as DEC's Ultrix received System V features. AT&T and Sun Microsystems worked together to merge System V with BSD-based SunOS to produce Solaris, one of the primary System V descendants still in use today[when?]. Since the early 1990s, due to standardization efforts such as POSIX and the success of Linux, the division between System V and BSD has become less important.
GNU/Linux basically ate SysV's role as the east coast unix (GNU/FSF started at MIT).
But this is not the Lintroon thread?
it says it right in the wiki page that csh, the network stack and ufs were brought in from BSD in R4, everything else was either only on sunOS or in sysV/xenix, so im still not wrong.
> due to standardization efforts such as POSIX and the success of Linux, the division between System V and BSD has become less important
there are still many, many differences between kernels, even modern illumos that has many things brought over from the BSDs is completely different, and with opensolaris, even more
>Alright, Mr. Reader, what does it say here?
you're so transcoded
you're such a fucking nigger kill yourself now young man
>which is the truth
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actual source: enough autistic people in the world would have revealed otherwise were that the truth
IME would have already long been blown wide open were it nefarious
RISC-V will fix the Intelaviv Management Engine problem anyways
FreeBSD got you covered
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so yeah, source is some logic took from your dilated anus
Illumos shares BSD heritage and did a lot of work for the copycentre world.
The reason Linux is not allowed is because they're idiots with complex sexual issues they project onto others with their GPL.
You're retarded, logging and limiting user privledges is correct.
why is there tranime in the OP then?
>a fucking wiki
holy kek
lintroon os
Hello newfriend.
let me rephrase: what the hell does that cartoon girl have to do with netBSD or the BSD user group? why not something relevant or funny? or a cool MAN we all look up to?

because your autistic faggot mind RPs as her and you want to impose (You)r waifu(You) on others, like the freak you are. just think how pathetic it is
>inb4 another canned newfag/tranime board/tranime site reply
>>101207533 (me)
netbsd faggot keeps forcing his own OC

again, just consider how pathetic it is. ywnbaw btw >>>/g/fglt
BSD is UNIX (unless you get picky on Theseus' Ship shenanigans), although not Unix, and definitively is unix. If you don't get the difference between them, you belong in >>>/v/.
You are beyond gullible if you think any license will protect your open source software from behemoths with more money than God from ripping you off. Unless your software is shit, that is.
Why so new?
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reposting the same anime girl image over months on end marks you as a massive fucking autist
>wow autism that’s so unusual!
Lurk more
>>inb4 another canned newfag/tranime board/tranime site reply

autistic tranny drone
Would I be evil for using GNU software like bash, rlwrap and GNU Make instead of ksh and posix make on BSD?
Do the other BSDs have an image/mascot like this?
netBSD didn't make it, a tranny fan did
no, go back to >>>/g/fglt
would you be evil for doing a 42km marathon with a pole up your asshole? i don't think evil or good is a thing in a case like that...
Kek, redditor’s first day on 4chan, the movie.
I’m amazed that new people are still coming to this site. I thought all the l*dditors had already integrated
>pointing out autistic tranny spam is le 4cheddit
tranime belongs in linux threads and always have, it's that simple
it's an image from: https://wallpapercave.com/netbsd-wallpapers
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So many tourists lately.
Kek, that image is older than you.
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>>Mainline distributions
I think I might switch over everything I own to a mix of OpenBSD/FreeBSD.
>NetBSD-chan has a toaster
>FreeBSD on desktop
>NetBSD on server
>DragonflyBSD on supercomputer cluster
>OpenBSD on laptop
the dream
What's the best fork of FreeBSD without the demon logo? I need a program that doesn't run on OpenBSD so I want to install a "normal" FreeBSD fork that doesn't do too many things differently.
GhostBSD, MidnightBSD, HardenedBSD
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by the way, thoughts or experiences on ghostbsd?
I'm basically losing nothing over FreeBSD by installing one of them right?
It's excellent, it just works.
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>ThinkPad X60
>NetBSD 4.0 Beta2
A more soulful, simpler time.
NetBSD? But there's a FreeBSD icon.
I don’t know what’s with his rice but he said it’s NetBSD.
hi guys, newfag here, been using openbsd for about a year (so far loving it), what are the main differences between the mainline distributions?
FreeBSD has jails and more Nvidia support than the other BSDs, it's the basis for several PlayStation operating systems, so it's probably the most installed BSD worldwide
DragonflyBSD is probably just a weird research OS, never seen anyone using it
NetBSD runs on the most hardware out there
OpenBSD's purpose is being at the bleeding edge of software security, many of their innovations end up integrated into other OS's
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Maybe he used that icon cause it's the prettiest logo ever made.
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cuck kernel
I’m going to install her OS.
It's a fun OS. Aside from the lack of Linux binary compat it's basically a better FreeBSD.
How is HAMMER2 these days?
Safer than BTRFS.
>looking up to someone
ok child
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Does NomadBSD refusing to fully boot after apparently going through the install process normally mean FreeBSD is incompatible with the hardware? On older hardware I tried it with it never even made it to the installer, but the error messages made it obvious what the hardware incompatibilities were, and I wasn't too surprised given their age. With this one it's the 64-bit ZFS version and being tested on a Late 2013 iMac in hopes of switching to FreeBSD on that as my daily driver, but after going through the installer and rebooting it's been stalling on a different part of boot every time.

The first time it was "Root mount waiting for: usbus0", so I rebooted after unplugging everything but the flash drive and PS/2 keyboard adapter, and then it stalled after "xhci0: 32 bytes context size, 64-bit DMA", then the little "Please wait ..." graphic, then "ugen0.3: <Apple Inc. Facetime HD Camera (Built-in)> at usbus0", then "initgfx: Testing Xorg configuration...", then a rectangle cursor and mouse cursor in the upper left, and it's just been on and on like that, freezing on something different each time. It will stay like that for half an hour if I leave it. Is there something I could do here? I don't know a lot yet, but I've been learning and want to keep learning, and I can't tell if this is the BSD door being slammed in my face until I can afford newer hardware or there's just something I'm missing. I've gotten Linux going on decades old shit no problem, including other Apple shit, but fuck, I've never enjoyed how rickety it is by design and really don't want the risk of using something like that as my daily driver after all the horror stories I've read.
Have you considered trying another USB stick? I had a shitty one and didn't manage to boot nomadbsd on it. Bought a new one, booted just fine.
>Does NomadBSD refusing to fully boot after apparently going through the install process
NomadBSD is a live system, how are you installing it?
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Fwiw, I installed FreeBSD on my late 2013 Macbook pro without issue. The only thing I had to do was get a usb wifi card.
Does it have sane defaults?
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>>101213543I'm upgrading to 14.1-RELEASE now.
theyre aight for running windows only anticheat slop games
> He loves IME and didn't pedict secureboot/TPM would be used against us.
You are retarded. KYS ASAP.
High Assurance Platform tells you everything you need to know about IME.
>OpenBSD, widely recognised as the most security-conscious UNIX
uhhh BSDisunix-denierbros...
>You are retarded
Oh the irony. You missed obvious, OBVIOUS sarcasm.
That's the point, Theo was one of the few who prominently opposed secure boot. We can trust him.
For redditors you have to put an /s at the end of your sentence, otherwise they don't get it.
Shit, could that be all? How shitty is shitty? If that's the only problem that would be great, but also a weird waste since I got it specifically for this. My others are occupied or too low capacity. It's Micro Center and USB 3, which I figured would be an upgrade from my old USB 2 ones that always worked fine, just slowly. Is there something in particular I should look for or avoid this time around, or was that an okay bet but maybe bad luck?

Same flash drive. It installs to the same drive as the installer, no option for anywhere else.

Thanks for the heads up about the USB wifi adapter. I've seen people getting BSDs running right on a lot of Apple hardware from around then, just not my model specifically, which had me wondering from the start. Hope I can manage too.
kys troon
OpenBSD bros, how do I prevent package updates from messing with a specific rc file for a service? I changed it to run from my user but updates rewrite the change.
/s just kidding, you are so valid, queen!
It's not a desktop OS, it's a fork of FreeBSD. Inasmuch as you want a unix system without X installed by default yes it has sane defaults.
show me an IME packet on your network
Just formated my USB disk when trying to install OpenBSD, I'm tardpilled.
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if they are truly honest and not CIA niggers how do you think they send the data? up your ass? sacrificing lambs to YHVH?
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they would have to use the network. what does an IME packet look like?
>The ME has its own MAC and IP address for the out-of-band management interface, with direct access to the Ethernet controller; one portion of the Ethernet traffic is diverted to the ME even before reaching the host's operating system, for what support exists in various Ethernet controllers, exported and made configurable via Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP).[14][15] The ME also communicates with the host via PCI interface.[13] Under Linux, communication between the host and the ME is done via /dev/mei or /dev/mei0.[16][17]
>The ME shares the same network interface and IP as the host system. Traffic is routed based on packets to ports 16992–16995. Support exists in various Intel Ethernet controllers, exported and made configurable via Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP).[35][36] The ME also communicates with the host via PCI interface.[34] Under Linux, communication between the host and the ME is done via /dev/mei[33] or more recently[37] /dev/mei0.[38]

there are pdfs inside the wiki that detail the ethernet interface and the packet blueprint that the interface is supposed to send and receive.
code and firmware is closed source and obfuscated. that's enough to be paranoid and not dismiss it as "it does what it's supposed to do". if you think that, go back to windows and redeem pajeet
Okay /BUG/bros, I have an Anus eeePC 900 that came OEM with Linux. I installed OpenBSD okay, and everything worked good.
Except for the Wifi! ifconfig showed ath0, so I figured everything would work, but dmesg spat out ath0: unable to reset hardware; hal status 0.
Further investigation of dmesg reveals I have an Atheros AR5424, which ath doesn't support. The driver for this card was apparently involved in a GPL spat with OpenBSD, and the Linux ath5k driver supports my card. What are options? Am I just SOL regarding wifi on my Anus?
Also they're not distributions but actual forks (quite long ago too).
You can go with NetBSD.
>The ath driver provides support for wireless network adapters based on the Atheros ... AR5424
stop link wikipedia, they are faggots and its all opinionated sources


i use corebot with me_cleaner BTW
also forgot
m.wikipedoa.org lmao phonefag
talking about malware while using smartphone KEK
That's what I figured, that's not too bad. I don't understand why the card isn't supported though, googling ar5424 reveals tons of mailing list discussion where people wrote patches for it...
> Traffic is routed based on packets to ports 16992–16995. Supp
okay perfect: block those ports on your network firewall. now you need never worry about IME ever again.
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post em

need to upgrade to 10
it's not a page about donald trump don't repeat everything you read on the internet like a monkey
no shit i use a phone to do normal things and post on fucking 4chan sherlock, i cannot even post from my MAIN unbloated rig and use js + cookies like you do right now. do you think you are on a super secret anonymous board for hackers lmao
can you read the article and see that AMT was the basis for the current IME that uses an out of band protocol?
an out of band protocol? forwarded over ethernet?
it sounds impossible but it's true
do you know how ethernet switches work?
I want to try out BSD on my chromebook because it looks cool, but i want to know if my laptop is compatible
you aren't doing that on obsd's hypervisor lmao
Is it okay that when NetBSD asked for random numbers for entropy I just smashed my head on the keyboard? I don't want to type a bunch of numbers or whatever, I'm not using the computer as a server.
Yeah that's probably fine. PuTTY generates randomness for SSH keys by wiggling a mouse.
Probably not. A bunch of Chromebooks can't even boot regular Linux properly.
You can try booting a live BSD.
How do we know any of the current RISC-V chips aren't backdoored? SiFive literally partnered with (((Intel)))
chflags uchg /path/file

...but really I'd copy it to a new name, service_user/service_local and add that to rc.conf.local
pkg_scripts=... sockd_wg100 ...
sockd_wg100_flags=-f /etc/sockd/wg100.conf
no shit retard
I got really spoiled by OpenBSD. After it using most other operating systems feels like you're a beta tester for some toy hobby projects.
Can you game on FreeBSD? I want a system for same gaming but really don't want to install Loonix.
>Can you game on FreeBSD?
As in steam, proton, etc?
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My anus
The GPL is great. I like OpenBSD better than any other OS, but I don’t like the BSD license. Linux sucks but it has nothing to do with its license, in fact it would be even worse without it. Sue me (oh wait you can’t)
>>>Extra user-friendly
Which one of these do you guys prefer?
GhostBSD, they have a very active community so it's easy to get help on their matrix.
Will I be getting basically FreeBSD with a preinstalled DE and without the demon logo? I'd like to have all packages like >>101229769
Is there an easy way to report battery percentage or use zzz without apmd? apmd manpage says I should use acpi but apm -l is very easy and it doesn't look like there's an equivalent with acpi. On NetBSD.
>Will I be getting basically FreeBSD with a preinstalled DE and without the demon logo?
Yes. All FreeBSD packages work on GhostBSD, as it's FreeBSD with with quality of life improvements, like scripts that detect hardware, easy installation of drivers, and so on.
envstat -d acpibat0 | grep charge:
>OpenBSD's purpose is being at the bleeding edge of software security,
That's a PR meme. It became "focused" on security because Theo got pissed off when someone hacked him. The security isn't meaningfully better than FreeBSD.
The purpose of OpenBSD is that Theo got blacklisted from the FreeBSD SVN so he made his own BSD with blackjack and hookers.
All the Himes and Otomes are hot.
>dilating this hard over gooktoons.
I cannot fathom being so thin skinned.
OpenBSD’s purpose is not being developed by tranny kikes who actively hate you and want you dead, your wife raped and your children castrated, as opposed to FreeBSD, Linux, Mac and windows. This is reflected in that it never bent the knee to a modern (((code of conduct)))
or modern wifi modes
Theo got kicked from NetBSD, not FreeBSD. He was on the founding team of NetBSD.
This isn't as good as apm -l though, it's got a bunch of other stuff I'm gonna have to filter with a script. I want something to put in the corner of my tmux status bar.
>>101231948 (me)
I'm trans btw
write a shellscript then
Is there any advantage to that over just calling apm? I don't even need the daemon running.
Also, I still need zzz or equivalent.
The man pages for the acpi stuff is not great.
apm talks to apmd, you might get wrong info
apm man claims acpi provides apm emulation.
Also, I figured out how to list just the value with envstat, it's envstat -s acpibat0:charge -x /cur-value
Still, how zzz?
She's such a brave Leunechs sister!
Why did you post a Linux user in the BSD thread?
My sides
>no bluethooth stack
>poor graphics cards support
why would I want to use linux but with years of regressions?
does SteamVR work on BSD?
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>OpenBSD systems are unaffected by this bug
>netbsd on server
>not openbsd
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Okay I figured it all out NetBSD bros.
zzz is now
sysctl -w hw.acpi.sleep.state=3

apm -a is now
envstat -s acpibat0:charging -x /cur-value

and apm -l is now
echo -n "$(envstat -s acpibat0:charge -x /cur-value|rev|cut -c 5-6|rev)"%%echo 0

Mileage may vary for that last one, for some reason they gave me 4 zeros on the end, so instead of 80 like apm -l I'd have 8000. Might be battery specific. Also, if you want it in your tmux status bar like me remember that the outer quotes need to be single quotes.
Anyways, all makes sense, yeah?
how do you disable ipv6 on netbsd? I tried everything it's still on
Nice work, anon!
Is there somewhere to get all the copyrighted—AT&T I think–docs? I was poking around the doc folder—NetBSD again, although I suspect it's similar on OpenBSD—and it's been totally gimped. The programmer's reference, for example, is just a fucking table of contents and title page. What's even the fucking point of keeping that?
is freebsd even better than linux? both seem like troon-toys.

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