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Why not just use pure Arch Linux? You srsly can't take 5 minutes to install it? then customize it to your liking?
>binary blob goyslop distro
He fell for the Gentoo shitposters
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I found your pic to
not sure which part I was supposed to fall for, but I indeed need customizability
>FSF cultists be like
>5 minutes to install
Yeah, if you're a speedrunner.
>boot into live USB
>test internet connection
>partition root drive
>setup the base system (hostname, fstab, etc)
>setup grub
>install gpu drivers, lightdm, terminal, wm/de, browser
>you now have a full graphical environment and an arch install ready to go
The install process is honestly faster than most Live CD distros.
honestly if you're using arch you may as well use all of systemd's services.
that is to say, doesn't make sense to go halfway into the pool
How much of an arch/fartix install could be streamlined with a shell script? I imagine chroot would be a problem
oh. i'm still on arch and my last couple of installs i just used everything systemd had to offer. i rather like the integration
Can't you just use the Calamares isos?
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>how well could I do X?
My niggas in Christ... archinstall exists...
>using some random bash script
>instead of just being a non tech illiterate and reading the Arch Wiki which already easily gets you setup
>Why not just use pure Arch Linux
BasedstemD bootlicker reporting in *whips out neovagina*
All of it. See: archinstall
I want to write my own script which will do what I need and leave options for what I want to change. Also arch install is python, not bash
EndeavourOS is awesome, it exists because arch devs would rather philosophize about software than make usable desktop operating system.
>muh KISS
Don't care, I just want to use pacman.
Most concise archtranny schizobabble
You don't see any Ubuntu nerds denouncing derivatives as "not true Ubuntu!" and "not 1337, you need to spend days reading the wiki to learn every nook and cranny of the operating system like me!". Being employed really changes your attitude.
EndeavorOS is literally a faster Arch install, why would I intentionally do a slower one?
Chroot shouldn't be a problem. Just spawn a new shell inside chroot and abandon the parent. Your environment variables should carry through and you will have a working bash interpreter with base
same result at the end of the day
>Completely missing the point of my post like a retard
My point was that there's already an easy, retard proof way of installing arch without needing to bothering with shit like manjaro, artix or endeavor.
Wrong, this is endeavorTrannies pretending their OS isn't completely and utterly redundant in 2024.
Yeah this is kind of how I look at it. Unless I was looking for a way to spend my time doing this the slow/hard way, I can't see a justification.

Sure you can say it's good for educational purposes but I could also use a VM for that and not worry about spending extra time or effort on my actual OS. For small things I might take the "scenic route" for the fun of it, I like linux as a hobby just like a lot of you, but I just want the most efficient method for setting up major portions of my primary system whenever possible, while being sensible.
Arch install is literally always broken

I just use endavouros to install arch. Easy
99.99% of linux users don't know how to partition a drive
>1MB of free space at the very beginning
>512-1GB for the boot drive as FAT32
>Rest of the space on root as the root partition
>Create a home partition if you're a distrohopping faggot, otherwise you don't need it
>Create a swap partition if you're stuck on a hard drive and have less than 16GB of RAM, if you have an SSD or M.2 it's better to make a swapfile or not even bother with swap to begin with if you have enough RAM
I don't get it. Why does this filter people?
your brain on rms.org
artix still uses systemd services. things like elogind and systemd-dummy. if you want a truly sysd-free arch, i would suggest using obarun. packages are compiled without the need for systemd at all.
if you've never used linux before, it would be rather confusing, so you use a simple installer. since you used a simple installer you never learned how to partition a drive in the cli. time is a flat circle, q.e.d.
>aritx still uses systemd services
What's the point of Artix then?
>5 minutes
I'm not an arch install speedruner. I couldn't do it without the arch wiki. I think I'd need an hour or two. I also don't like to do manual partitioning and all that crap
>then customize it
I don't want to customize it. I want a good solution out of the box.
I'm not autistic about Linux. I just want the benefits of arch without the work. I have installed arch manually exactly once and will never do that again. Why should I bother if endeavour exists? Actually I'm still on the same Manjaro installation I had from 5 years ago.
You don't need to install arch manually
Isn't archinstall buggy as fuck?
idk, ask the devs
Works on my machine
Based. I always wanted to try Obarun, but kinda forgot about it. Is the project still active? Do you use it? What's your opinions on s6+66?
i installed arch, tried to install ungoogled-chromium with pacman, didnt work, installed vivaldi, tried to open it and it didnt work, had to open the terminal to understand what the fuck was happening, it threw a random error and i had to spend a considerable amount of time trying to find which library i needed to install for it to work (because for some reason it didnt install it automatically)
at this point im not sure if its arch or just linux in general, but those few hiccups make the thing unusable, i have better shit to do
>tried to install ungoogled-chromium with pacman, didnt work
Computer is not for you, just use a fucking calculator at this point
All of it. People literally write custom single command scripts for this.
Because the whole point of Arch is that it ships with developer defaults. Pre configured Arch is just brainletry.
Because Linux is normie now.
>Arch Linux, a lightweight and flexible Linux® distribution that tries to Keep It Simple.
paru -S ungoogled-chromium
its that simple!
exact reason why i use eos lmao, its the exact same thing as arch with easier setup
>The install process is honestly faster than most Live CD distros.
Its literally not in any way.
>click install
>partition drive
>pick username
>skipping the part where you wait 10,000 years for the bloat to finish installing and updating
I want my OS to have only what I want on it, which makes Arch easier and faster to setup because I'm only grabbing essential packages instead of massive amounts of bloat.
>The install process
Your anus is more flexible gauging by the guys that line up outside your pod every night.
>the abbreviation is EOS
what did they mean by this?
Valid questions. In general, there are probably more Linux distros than should really exist because users are overly particular and they enjoy having fun projects of their own.
>5 minutes to install
>A lifetime to configure
No thanks
No one configures Arch. We all have the perfect rice for ourselves that we figured out when we were 13 or something after that we just copy the .config directory.
Debian is well tested and just works. Thanks for beta testing for me.
Fix the Discord problem and the Gaming problem and I'll think about you community clusterfuck driven pile of shit. Not even those alternatives make it work 100%
>artix still uses systemd services. things like elogind and systemd-dummy
mine also uses söystemd-boot
They meant Endeavour OS.
it took me 2h to install today on my new computer since windows automatically enabled secure boot
your loss

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