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What do you guys think about Vim Wiki? Is it a viable alternative to Obsidian?
>muh second brain
Just fucking use QOwnNotes
Video link? I want to laugh at some guy jumping through hoops to get his text files from one program's format into another.
I've been through Vim Wiki, Obsidian & finally Emacs with Org-Mode (and Org-Roam) and I can tell you that alls of this note-tacking shit is a fucking meme.

Use a text file or better take a piece of paper and pencil and write down your todos for the day if you have to, everything else is just smelling your own farts.
Retard, obsidian doesn’t use any special format it’s just markdown .txt files (.md)
You would write a simple python script to turn the notes from obsidian to vim
This, the culture around "personal knowledge management" is awful
>jumping through hoops to convert from one plain text format to another
You could probably do it with a sed one-liner.
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I literally couldn't work without Obsidian (or an alternative)
I like pen and paper when learning (higher retention %) but it's a mess to keep track of stuff, I used to have piles and piles of notes, unmanageable.
I don't think Obsidian itself is the issue - it's the intense obsession around how to OPTIMALLY organize and store notes.

If you use it just as a UI for multiple Markdown files I think that's fine. Personally I have a single text file I just keep adding to the top of, and use OS utilities to search or extract stuff from it
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People obsses over how to take notes on paper to make them look like this, doesn't mean taking notes is bad just because some people care more about the presentation than the content
For me the greatest thing about obsidian is how fast it is to use, the philosophy of using plain text files and external resources are stored in a folder, and how good the tagging/searching works.

Suppose there's a command line tool I have to use once a month, without Obsidian I had to spend 10 minutes googling it, learning how to use it, writing the command.
Now I search for it and copypaste the command, 30 seconds. It's a huge time saver
>learning how to use it
remembering how to use it*

It's also a timesaver for checklists and processes. Whenever I have to do any taks that requires doing things in order, I used to have checklists on paper but again, a mess to remember where I put them and keep them organized.
With Obsidian I search for the keyword and it's there, I always know where it is, even if the last time I had to use it was two months ago
Again, I think it's useful to take notes. I'm glad Obsidian works for you. For me personally it does not provide any utility over a single text file and awk/sed/grep
Right, and you're not the only one who matters. Idk if you're the anon who said it's a fucking meme or the one who said the community is awful, but just because it doesn't work for you, you're fucking stupid for trying to insult anyone who likes those programs.
The community behind Obsidian is pretty damn good (despite some people taking it way too far, which honestly why do you even care? it's not like they're pushing anything onto you), you can reach out the main developer on X if you want, and it's definitely not a meme.
What do you guys write inside those notes that you need an entire piece of software dedicated to manage them? The few notes I have are plain txt files that get deleted a couple of days after their creation because I simply don't need them anymore. Anything else I can just search on the internet in a few seconds. I'm not judging anyone, I'm just genuinely curious.
hating notes is pure dunning kruger
Just write normal markdown files and organize them in the file system.
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For example
>Things that you won't find on the internet
Left panel is a script I learned from a senior TD at ILM, blurs any arbitrary attribute on a point cloud. I have several algorithms that you won't find anywhere.

>Things that will take you a few minutes to figure out how they work if you look for them on the internet
Right panels have encryption keys which are available, but not easily if you don't know where to look, and even if you do it's not really a google search away. The processes aren't on the web either, they're workflows I came up with.

>Things that you may forget exist

And there's more but I can't be bothered to keep writing
I like Logseq.

I guess it's not as polished as Obsidian but it's OSS and it also understands org files. I take almost all of my notes in emacs and sync them to other devices via syncthing, and logseq functions as a decent mobile frontend.
You can take a look at any public "note garden" or other bullshit and you'll see that it is 90% notes about taking notes. It's pure productivity snake oil.
Ayy houdini gang what up
>vim notes.txt
Here's your notes bro
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So Obsidian, vim, orgmode, except you don't get an editor? not saying you should used obsidian but using some kind of editor seems pretty smart to me

sup bro
working on a title screen, generating points on text and finds matching pairs to get kind of a network effect
nb use org mode instead of markdown then you can import it into emacs or logseq if you need a graph view. nb is quite powerful vimwiki is also pretty great with some very good defaults but it lacks features.
I usually use it to remember articles I read have most of them tagged and given a short summary which I then grap after query. Works quite well. Logseq has a nice pdf notes feature but its half baken no idea if the devs will ever fix it...
This looks interesting
I fell for the Obsidian meme and it's just so bloated I don't need that shit, so I reverted back to Notepad
does vim wiki allow images to be inserted?
Looks pretty neato. I'm just getting back into things after being hyped by the 20.5 trailer. Really looking forward to the new Copernicus feature.
20.5 is looking insane. I love sidefx so much
20 years ago I got into Mind Mapping, and I think that's been the most usefulapproach for me to take notes, but... it's really just a paradim to wast etime -
I mean it's vim innit?

>have a thought while behind computer
vi note.txt
>shopping list, or irl stuff
pen and paper

There's not really a reason to use anything else (for personal notes). When writing documentation for others you should of course use something else.
this is better than obsidian how?
What about Joplin
>When writing documentation for others you should of course use something else.
Yeah this is something I wanted to touch on as well. I spend a good chunk of my day writing technical documentation, (most of the stuff even in Markdown), but obviously this is for other engineers to look at so any sort of personal note taking doesn't make sense as well.

If you have so much to write that you need sophisticated tooling why not do it in a collaborative fashion?
>lists 3 plain text systems
>Use a text file
>mentioning todos when talking about notes
kys you retarded nigger, I bet you haven't used any of them
Plain text is greppable. Nvim with telescope is all i need.
>Anything else I can just search on the internet in a few seconds.
yea that's not really true anymore, Google is absolutely dogshit in current year, although ChatGPT does makes searching a bit more bearable again.
but it's just great to refer back to stuff organized in your way and in your own words, also helps with retention to create notes like that in the first place
>or logseq if you need a graph view
does that properly support org-id links?
org-roam-ui still works, even though it's not being worked on anymore
I just do this
jot () 
echo "$(date '+%F %a %T') -- $*" | sed -z 's/\n/\n\t/g;s/\t$//' >> "$jotnotes"
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Sure, but I'll get a vim extension to make and save the files for me and link them to each other, and also do a little syntax highlighting for headers and whatnot
>Retard, obsidian doesn’t use any special format it’s just markdown .txt files (.md)
>You would write a simple python script to turn the notes from obsidian to vim
You sound like a crazy person justifying there is no special formatting but requiring to write a script for transforming from one format to another.
>just use a text file
What if I have images and links embedded in my notes (diagrams for example), now what ?
but there's no use case for that.
I like orgmode because is easy and automatic so I dont use markdown much, therefore I am between Emacs and neovim and all the ecosystem behind.

The best normie-friendly markdown editor, nothing wrong and has the sanest GUI and is the easiest too.
Nah, its not as robust to replace Obsidian, logseq on the other hand would if it wasn’t for strictly adhering to bulletpoints.
I tried Logseq but that piece of shit is broken on Android.
He doesn’t use 99% of his notes guaranteed.
Logseq is stuck as todo-shit, how the fuck can I change the interface?
You can use standard markdown ![]() to link to images and open them with an external viewer
You'll need to git gud if you need anything more
I want something that allows me to write notes and drawing sketches, showing them together in the same file. I only tried logseq but it keeps forcing this diary style of taking notes that just gets on my way. I'd try obsidian but it feels like overkill and is not FOSS.
Obsidian doesn’t let you draw directly on the note anyway because the developer is autistic about plaintext
So even if you used obsidian, all you could do is save the sketch as a png and embed it with ![]()
>all you could do is save the sketch as a png and embed it with ![]()
I've tried Joplin with a plugin that does just that, but allowing me to draw "directly" in the note. I'll probably stuck with it if Zettlr doesn't convince me.
>basic, flexible organization/dir structure
>TODO lists broken up where it makes sense, per project, etc
>python script creates daily TODO list
>python script automatically creates note links
>python script syncs with neo4j graph database
>Graph RAG LLM with voice/text interface
I mostly just smash in any random thought, idea, etc into a /random folder then organise when it autolinks.
The LLM also makes suggestions, i.e. move this note here, etc.
Will also probably drop obsidian at some stage for something more basic as the linking is redundant with neo4j
I'm trying to use Neorg.
His is Vim Wiki better?
i'll tell you right now, doing anything more than the most basic note program you already have installed is a complete waste of time

don't get sucked into the productivity second brain nonsense it will steal hundreds/thousands of hours with very little benefit, if any at all
Or just learn that sometimes we forget shit, if it's worth keeping in mind, then it will be there when needed.
the absolute state of python devs. maybe use bash / zsh history and write code that doesn't require a novel alongside it
Not even close, perhaps look into a yt video called “the holy grail of neovim note taking”.
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Just use Anki
Most people who do this note taking software stuff want to feel smart but aren't. They don't think anything that matters, so their notes are not worthy of anyone's time.
I actually write notes that matter, I use them as tools to think some things through systematically. I'm a researcher and it makes sense for me to do so. The point is not to have a second brain but to have secondary stimuli and methods that can help come up with ideas. Retards think the point is to write a personal Wikipedia, when nothing is further from the truth. You use it as tool for advanced reasoning and research, end of story. Most people don't need obsidian or orgmode or whatever and most who do use it don't need it either.
I'm happy to be in the minority.
I use Zettlr by the way, it's got exactly what I need and nothing more. Plug-ins are bloat.
I write notes of whatever's in my mind in obsidian, then once in a while switch to graph to view how b1g my brain (notes) is and close it.
I use Logseq. It's comfy. I take my notes effectively and comfortably. You should be able to figure out how to take notes.
i'm very smart btw, unlike all those normies
I've been using vimwiki for years now to journal. I have an alias for vimwiki creatediary to "today". Some bindings to quickly read other entries. Anything more complex and I just use grep -ri from my notes/journal Dir.

Hope that helps.
I'm verified 79 IQ, on benefits, unemployment etc. I use Vim and gentoo. Also I'm posting from chance while on the toilet. I am your target demographic
vimwiki works with .md though
I just have a handful of text files.
I've tried vimwiki or something similar in the past but it didn't really add anything I needed/cared about.
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I use picrel, but it hasn't blown me away
I should probably move, but migrating will be a gigantic pain, and researching a new lightweight notes app with comparable functionality will be a huge headache
Vim wiki is great if you already use vim and live there. For me personally Zim is like the perfect offline wiki for all my worldbuilding needs without any complication.
What does it have to do with classic Vim though, it just works and is easy to learn
Doesnt logseq use markdown? I thought these programs use markdown, making it easy to move from one to another
I'm thinking of rolling my own note system with SQLite. Mostly as a tool for thinking. I like relational databases better than filesystems, so I'd prefer an SQLite db over a bunch of markdown files
Anki is not suitable for everything but it worked for me while note taking has always been a gigantic waste of my time.
Use TiddlyWiki! It's the ultimate FOSS solution, comes with its own client baked into the HTML file, and is cross platform to everything.

You're right Anon, I shouldn't be harsh on the people that enjoy it. I'm venting my own frustrations about the software and my experience that led me to just a text file, which I like.

The more tools the better
I notetake all the time, and cherrytree has been my go-to for a long time.

QOwnNotes looks like the best markdown version but cherrytree does the things I want. Basically the main thing is copypasting images/screencaps.

I mainly use them to record commands, copypasta, and things that are detailed and hard to remember.

Cherrytree supports SQLite, xml, and filesystem formats now.
I'm using Obsidian, but I looked into cherrytree and I like how apparently you can run code from codeblocks. That's one feature I miss from when I was using orgmode.
Not that I'm going to switch, but I wish we had that.
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>I'm verified 79 IQ, on benefits, unemployment etc. I use Vim and gentoo
>Use a text file or better take a piece of paper and pencil and write down your todos for the day if you have to, everything else is just smelling your own farts.
Pretty much this. Make shit up as you go and use what works for you.

I take my notes in markdown files in a git repo. There's a main README at the root where I have TODO notes from every day this month, and then there's an archive folder with a markdown file from all past months. That's it. That's all you need. You're not building fucking wikipedia, you're just taking notes. Stop overcomplicating it.
How come these guys all grow beards and look completely dysgenic? Its like why the funny shapes nigga?
Houdini is probably one of the few software that actually gets better with newer releases, crazy amirite?
Yeah but the usage of an SQLite db I want to make is pretty specific. I wanna use notes for thinking with tools such as hegelian dialectics. This is naturally modeled by three-way links, which I can do with SQL . Does cherrytree allow me to modify the db schema?
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>thinking with tools such as hegelian dialectics
NTA, but I think he means thesis, antithesis and synthesis.
If I were to imagine it would be something like
Thesis presents an idea as shown ie. in a textbook
Antithesis shows all your mental barriers against that idea. "I don't like it" or "I don't understand X" or "I read something contradictory somewhere else"
Synthesis represents the consolidated knowledge, your own idea after you deal with the antithesis. Maybe you resolved all your issues, or maybe you decided to only accept part of the given knowledge, or maybe you transformed the initial knowledge in some way.
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Is that so? Continental philosophy is gay and useless anyway, so I couldn’t care either way. I just googled Hegel dialectics and found that about synthesis and stuff.
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what Kant deficiency does to a mf...
Naga my beloved
Digital note taking should feel as effortless as possible including possibility to add media on the fly into the notes. Plus vim keys are a must. Everything right now sucks for all this. Unfortunately Obsidian comes the most close, it even has a decent vim plugin.
> Continental philosophy is gae and useless

Almost every piece of great literature, movie, anime and media all contain elements of existentialism and absurdism to some extent. Even the feel good philosophy draws upon Kant and Schopenhauer.
Analytic philosophy on the other hand is something that math heads joke about in their coffee breaks for spectacularly failing at having any use other than looking mathy and pretending it’s a science to get “papers” out. Even in science, the social paradigm and intersubjectivity concepts are extremely useful at understanding the way scientific research is performed compared to atomic statements and falsification theory.
that entire paper looks like useless trash and attention seeking distractions
>"oh looky wooky at my cutesy artsy fartsy paper"
>ok but where's the info
Oh fuck off, you're attributing to your shitty philosophers ideas that are inherently humans (except made shittier by continentals)
Shakespeare, Dostoevsky, already mastered what you may call existentialism
Cervantes was a master of what you call absurdism

The Greeks already used to deal with those themes, and so did Asian poets.
Continentals are the vegans of the literary work. No, they're not nearly as important as you wish they were. Stop smelling your own farts
I've fallen into 'knowledge management system' with zettlekasten or whatever bait at first, but then after realization that it mostly a BIG BAIT I still kept doing it because I have realized even though I waste my time - it turned into small autistic hobby of mine of hording my knowledge, even though ultimately pointless, and seeing all those things organized gives me huge motivation boost to keep learning interesting to my field things when u look at the graph and see how neatly things intersect between each other + small bonus of ACTUALLY using it when u need to remind urself of some topic instead of having to find this particular network programming thing and spend time looking for particular topic
Cherry tree allows what you're asking.
I will shill it because I've tried dozens of notetaking programs.
>They force you to go through a hero's journey every time you want to customize behaviour and make you feel like you "leveled up" when you eventually find the correct config json to copy paste
kek, this hits close to home.
why does no one ever shill treesheets on /g/? https://strlen.com/treesheets/docs/screenshots.html
that's too many lines of text anon
All bloat. Ditched all of those. My final destination: folders, files, txt.
as much as >>101221734 the image is just as wrong
i think it's kind of fun to imagine the person who took time out of their day to make this

like how mad do you have to be to spew this word salad out into the world because they saw a coworker using vim once
I can add pictures/audio/video with an Emacs/neovim plugin. The problem is normies cant do what I do, that's the truth.

Just go for Joplin normies, thank me later.

If it fits what you do is great. Personally I can only use it for mindmap-like tool. Might try it again but just for that.

I can tell you dont work in academia. That's fine but dont pretend to cover all cases.
>I can tell you dont work in academia.
Is that supposed to be a bad thing lol? I had my time writing Latex. You know what? Even that is bullshit. I'll take txt files in a folder, formulas on fucking PNGs, and data/code just put into the folder as a separate file. Fuck documents.

Bookstack is better
Sounds incredibly time consuming. I'll stick to meme text editors at least they have tools to automate shit.
Same tool issue in both cases.

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