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>like RHEL but don't like GNOME
>decide i want to try it with MATE and some old GNOME themes instead
>install the minimal system and start getting ready to install packages
>try updating things first
>wifi doesn't work, bit odd but okay
>have to plug in my phone and use tethering like it's on life support (laptop doesnt have ethernet)
>now i can get shit in gear
>install xorg
>try installing mate as a group (read this off the fedora forum, assumed it'd be the same)
>group isnt found, okay whatever
>install the mate-desktop package
>install lightdm
>configure a bit of shit
>login and get greeted by an incomplete desktop environment, there's no file manager nor a terminal
>have to fuck around to get into a cli
>because there's no mate group, i have to look at the repo on my phone and type in all of the package names manually one by one
>reboot and finally have a working system
Why do they make this shit such a pain? What should've been a 30-minute job turned into like an hour of bullshit. To be fair I'm really pleased with it now, but I don't want to ever do that again.
>>decide i want to try it with MATE and some old GNOME themes instead
you brought this on yourself.
Not OP but it's not MATE's fault there's no meta-package for everything, that is on packagers.
its on op for being a retard and using fucking rhel on his desktop
Why would you use RHEL? just run Mint Mate or
Its still his fault for deciding he knows better than the defaults and then going out of his way to change shit despite lacking the skill to do so.
It does indeed look like this isn't a problem on Debian...
I mean, it was a bit of a pain, but I got everything working in the end. Why did they make it such a pain in the first place?
>ur supposed to use gnome faget
They had package groups for KDE and XFCE, I don't think that's the case. Having to enter shit like it's San Andreas cheat codes for 15 minutes isn't something I should've had to do.
What's wrong with that? It worked fine on GNOME, and now it's working fine with MATE. The packages are a little old, sure, but why should I care if they work?
I want a rock-solid system, that's all. My last straw with Debian was when Chromium started crapping out after an update.
>despite lacking the skill to do so
What skill? There's nothing I could've done to somehow make things easier. Was I supposed to just type the individual package names faster? Please tell me what I'm failing to understand.
I did this only because I had such a good experience with the standard GNOME version. Had I known that straying away from the defaults would've been such a pain, I probably would've stayed. There's literally zero guides online about installing MATE on a minimal RHEL 9 system.
No reason to use it for personal use.
No Wayland.
I'm using Debian and I like it. It doesn't have the corporate pozzed licensing as rhel. Never tried installing chromium, Linux is for servers.
lurk more idiot, and don't try to use linux shit you don't understand like rhel for no reason just to feel 1337. here's your "enterprise linux" distro with mate already installed.
>install distro that isn't meant for consumer use
>complain it's a "pain" because it's not set up for consumers/the average user
you're a retard nigger
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Hyperland Arch tranny here.

Yes. What you describe op is the average linux install experience in general. You fucking goofed though with mate.
There's never an "average linux" anything. Pop os and mint may as well be for toddlers for how easy they are to install and use.
Fedora is literally right there, retardanon
RHEL is a server distro first. You're looking for Fedora.

go back retards
How is suggesting Fedora retarded when OP is trying to use RHEL as a desktop OS? He explained in the first post the issues he had with it.
if you don't understand why fedora is bad YET, you need to go back
there were no "issues" he just had to install it normally without the luxury of group/metapackages
he knows what he's doing, autistic retard
OP's post is literally complaining about the issues he had which would not have occurred with Fedora. OP likes using Red Hat stuff and Fedora more like RHEL than Debian based things. What is your issue with Fedora any way?
you don't understand the "issues", they're abstract to you because you need to go back
and therefore think they're _issues_
OP went under the exact same procedure you would've gone for if you wanted a debloated less shit fedora. fucking "spins" are bloated garbage abominations
no im not going to elaborate more on fedora, it's bikeshed EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY ON THIS STUPID FUCKING BOARD
go back to >>>/r/linux NOW
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I'm pretty sure these "issues" with Fedora entirely exist within your head given your inability to explain them. Specificalyl referring to OPs situation he could have either installed the Fedora Mate spin and had it set up right out of the gate with working wifi or, if he did want to install the DE himself the Group he wanted to install actually exists there by default so he could have just installed the minimal system and installed the group.
now do
 dnf group info "MATE Desktop" 
that's a shitton of bloat
 dnf group info MATE 
would you niggers shut up
i learned my lesson, i'll use RH's image builder next time to make things easier. is this system meant for desktop usage? no, but it fucking works and that's all that matters. it's the price you pay for rock-solid stability.
>use fedora
lmao if im gonna use the antichrist linux i'll use the one that doesn't make me a cuck beta tester.
i love how /g/ raves about how much you can do with linux but you faggots freak out when someone tries to do something unusual. did i spend a little too much time on this? yeah, i did. but i got what i wanted.
Anon let's be honest here. You're going to use that system to browse the internet...
You need a distro providing nonfree packages in the iso anon, distros such as fedora and suse are careful with licensing but there are those based on either of then that has you covered.
Also, what were you thinking when you decided to get laptop without ethernet???
What a fucking retard you are.
>Besta testing argument again
Using the Linux kernel alone is beta testing for Red Hat and other corporations, no matter which one you're using
Can agree, MATE on Debian is quite comfy
>it's the price you pay for rock-solid stability.
>Can't have rock-solid stability when installing MATE
>Calls Fedora the antichrist distribution
>Uses RHEL which would be Satan's distro itself by that rethoric
>i got what i wanted
>A watered down backportreliant and unstable when changed system with underperformant kernel settings with self-support licensing distro that is meant to run on server hardware is what this wise anon wanted
You're a dumbass
>How is suggesting Fedora retarded when OP is trying to use RHEL as a desktop OS?
Bleeding edge vs stable LTS?
1 year of support vs 10 years?
How are you *not* retarded?
EL can be used perfectly fine, especially nowadays, as long as you have the right expectations / use cases.
They will ALWAYS defer you to Fedora regardless as it’s more versatile.
Why would you use 1 OS version for 10 years? Are you installing it on an ATM?
10 years? are you a paying customer?
Bleeding edge is what you want as a desktop user. LTS is for servers.
Just use Fedora for desktops and Alma for servers and as DE use something not retarded KDE or XFCE.
Should've checked if RHEL packagers have done that though
Just use Debian. For fucks sake ...
still no answer?
seething fedora cucks
dilating arch trannies
redhat employee
Enjoy using your LTS distro that's years out of date. Maybe in 20 years you'll have a working Wayland session like what the bleeding edge distros have now.
You will remember what a fool you make out of you and will not laugh
>Enjoy using your LTS distro that's years out of date
thank you! EPEL and flatpak thank you very much!
you're the newfag
you just can't grasp it and whenever someone is using a serious distro like rhel or alpine that isn't a tinkertroon distrowar /g/ meme
>that isn't a tinkertroon distrowar /g/ meme
>"wastes time tinkering to install mate"
Why did you make this shit thread? Make a blog you retarded faggot.

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