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It's an Indian century now chuds.
So weird how they can't be successful in India but as soon as they step foot in the US they become rich even though the companies they work for don't produce anything good and just scam advertisers.
I don't like Indians
Now whites won't work there because the poos smell so bad.
the only reason that this happens is because tech pays a shit-ton. jeets have been draining the tech cash-pile for decades in order to become high earners in the West
They check the dei/esg box. As always it's the jews.
pajeets dont qualify for diversity hiring anymore. its all about increasing the labor pool to eventually decrease the average salary of workers
>"NOOGLERS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this neighborhood before. There could be NOOGLERS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE NOOGLERS" he thought.
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>big ideas
The Turks used Janissaries to work at important places in slave regions too. The Janissaries were good at their job sometimes, sometimes not. What mattered for the Turks is that they were quite likely to go further than needed in their slave jobs.
Some of these will try to play the system if they are smart, but given that they are indians... I think they will be good slaves and will even like it that way. Janissaries actually had balls... well not physically, but some did mentally. These indians are slaves by birth.
Also their creativity is as creative as that of a dog.
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>its all about increasing the labor pool to eventually decrease the average worth of an human life

What's happening is that India has over a billion people, the US has 350m people, and Silicon Valley is the single largest concentration of investment capital in the entire world.
I am assuming that you aren't actually racist, and just hate Indians because they smell bad, not because you genuinely think they biologically are dumber.
Every Indian who possibly can is going to try to get out of India, and SF is both traditionally an immigration hotbed and also has Silicon Valley. So all of indias best programmers are leaving India and coming to pay 20% income taxes to Uncle Sam.
Would you rather these people be in India helping them catch up, or coming to the US to prop up your social security and also reinforcing our near complete tech and financial hegemony?
remember when gas was around $2.
>I am assuming that you aren't actually racist, and just hate Indians because they smell bad, not because you genuinely think they biologically are dumber.
retard alert
Not him, but regardless:

There is truth to your post, but as someone who works in a non-software engineering hard sciences field, we also notice quite a lot of nepotism among ethnic Indians and Pakistanis that you just don't find among those of other ethnic groups.

For instance, I did grad school primarily (long story) under an ethnic Chinese person from China. His grad students were a mix of different races and ethnicities, and there was definitely no favoritism shown towards Chinese or over-representation thereof in the cohort. Conversely, an ethnic Indian colleague of his had a cohort of grad students in the same general area which was comprised almost exclusively of South Asians despite that there were not many in this particular program. I believe that professor had like 90% of the relevant Indian grad students at the school.

Anecdotal, but something to consider.
Indians are unable to create anything good; they can only as act skeletons crews for things others created.
The end of meritocracy. I doubt they will contribute anything of value.
Which is a good thing. I hope the entirety of Google will fill up with these bipocs while literally shitting the company to death.
>face morph
he was a reptilian all along, figures
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>Dumb immigrant slave workers
>Highest earners in the entire country
>Second highest level of education in the entire country (behind Iranian-Americans)
Not sure why you quoted me >>101205194. I'm not disagreeing with the idea that the creme de la creme in India are working technical jobs in the US, I merely find dismissal of the sort of rhetoric to be misguided or motivated by the same tribalism as white racists.

The stereotypes which natives apply to Indians are unique, and I would say from my own anecdotal experience that there seems to be some truth to these notions. These aren't mutually exclusive.

You have a completely incorrect understanding of how immigration works in America. What actually happens is jeets come here to enroll in shady masters programs at degree-mill universities, and then try aggressively to find a company that will take them after they graduate. We are not headhunting the "best of the best", we are headhunting anyone who will enroll into anyone of these masters programs which majority of the time are complete shams.
LOL, /g/ user outs himself as unemployed yet again
Considering how well its going for Windows and how I've recently heard yet another massive outcry from its users I sometimes wonder.
If racism upsets you so much you should be very concerned about how racist Indians are.
> *-Americans
Whites up until the last year or so have been the least racist group possibly ever.
The whole idea of "racism" is retarded.
Let me remind you that Indian bachelor rate is thrice the white rate.

In reality it's a lot worse since the white rate includes Iranians and Iranians have the highest bachelor rate in the US (ahead of Indians)
There definitely a large degree of that with Indians in particular. My comment wasn't disagreeing with that either, but I CAN say that there were some Indians at my school but they were definitely underrepresented relative to their population in the region compared with Jews and East Asians.

Racism is deeply wrong because it retards output on the aggregate. This is why DEI-style equality of outcome is flawed. This is an argument which has been made a million times and it also could apply to whites keeping minorities out of certain positions. It just is the case that such never really happens anymore whereas theinverse happens thousands of times every day due to DEI and the like.

Indians definitely do seem to engage in a lot of racism, agreed there.
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Please do an IQ test. I would literally pay for it.
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Good morning Saar
Thank you for posting this. Belief in equality is one of the biggest evils ever. Its a revolt against nature.
The problem is very simple.

John James Johnson working as a cashier at walmart is scared about recent immigrant Rajesh Singh taking his job, after all even a monkey can do his job.

Rajesh Singh will produce a child that will get the same education opportunities as John James Johnson.
But instead of working at Walmart, Rajesh Singhs child will become a doctor of quantum physics.
yeah, I can tell, this century stinks
>conveniently ignores the fact that indian bachelor rate is trice as high than wh*tes


Indians have the highest per capita income in the US as well my not so educated friend.

mf do u think theres 20 adult male indians in each home in cali r u high have u ever been to sf its all jews indians and iranians
I'm confused what you are even getting at here. The people in this thread are not taking issue with Rajesh, nor his theoretical steelman son.

While the average programmer or other technical worker is not the most advanced educationally, they are very far from a Walmart worker. If technical Rajesh is really relying on falsified degrees or ethnic nepotism, that is definitely a problem. Even if technical Rajesh's supposed son does not engage in that sort of things, so long as there are a steady supply of such people as Rajesh from abroad, the issue will persist, with deleterious affects on impacted countries.
my sir!!!!!
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I recently completed a bachelors in a South Asian country. One of my friends dragged me to a study abroad fest. There were a lot of universities from the USA requiring a 2.5CGPA and IELTS of 6 to apply for Masters programmes.
They brought in White representatives and taught them our local language.
And guess who are representing the universities?
And they are promising employment after completing the masters and showing figures of around 30,000 USD.
Now, a 2.5CGPA is considered a bad student and IELTS of 6 is like barely talking.
And these money hungry US universities are the ones creating opportunity for the Indians and other South Asians.
>indian bachelor rate is trice as high than wh*tes
Common Pajeet self-own.

India is just a bachelor degree farm. A lot of those qualifications are fake, stemming from institutions that exist just so you can get a job in the west with a phoney degree.
Nigger lost my phone again.
the one in front is half jewish. lol dumb pajeets.
>half are women
Obviously DEI at play.

Huwhite males are basically dalits in the NA intersectional caste system.
i ain't using Poople ever again
reminder that leftists unironically believe that a indian boss hiring nothing but his caste for a tech job where you don't actually produce anything means indians are good at technology

I say based.
So brownoids get categorized by country of ethnic origin but whites get lumped together to bring the average down
nepotism is common among pajeets
fucking THIS. go to Tracy or Mountain House, used to be whitopia. walk around a little, go to a hospital or grocery store. For every Poo there's an old hag, a few in-laws, and like 30 poolets. They outnumber the Mexicans now lmao
This. I worked with a highly respected Indian doctor as an undergrad. 90% of his masters and PhD students were Indians. They take their nepo all the way to the topm
This. If you live in Boston, every tech event or remotely tech adjacent space is SWARMED with jeets from Northeastern (and to a lesser extent BU, Tufts, etc) Masters students on the OPT visa scrambling for jobs. It's because an OPT visa is automatically granted and a way to bypass the H1b visa.
Funny how they are not showing European countries. They'd be off the chart and would break the narrative for le smart brownies.
OK, I'll ask the question; what the fuck is a "Noogler"? Is that some Indian cunts joke that white folk don't get because I'm not laughing Niclearse.
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Fun fact: Indians alone account for 75% of ALL immigrant labor in tech. The H1b visa is ONLY over subscribed because of Indians. If Indians were banned the sum of every H1b applicant in the world - China, Europe, Japan, etc, would all be fulfilled with leftovers.
A Noogler is a Googler from New Delhi.
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>rent a room in Toronto with a jeet
>always has other Indians over because the Delhi Network is absolutely a thing
>topic of outsourcing comes up
>he starts praising companies for being "so smart" to let Indians incredible tech talent build for them
too bad they aren't chinese. They could've all been transformed into women
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Remember. No shitting.
Why is it that Indians never found companies to create the jobs they want? Asians have founded companies like Nvidia and Yahoo, why can't jeets do the same?
>>Dumb immigrant slave workers
Yea, they just cheat their way in. I literally caught two the other day from a contracting firm very plainly reading off a second screen. They're not even good at it, but if one pajeet gets in because some dumbass doesn't know to look out for cheating, they all get in regardless of cheating.
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this gets even more striking when you look at the founders of all the big well known indian companies like tata
imagine the smell
>OPT visa is automatically granted and a way to bypass the H1b visa

OPT is automatically given after the F1 student visa but it only lasts for 1 or 3 years depending on your degree (3 for STEM). In those 3 years jeets have to scramble to get someone who will sponsor their H1B
Well that's just fucking pathetic.
normalize it to 1 person per household
Indians are enough of a minority that race-based preferential hiring that's been outlawed for whites for decades in the US is never enforced against them. As soon as once gets into a hiring position the entire company becomes infested in short order.
Jeets virtually all go into STEM so they're all swinging for 3 years. I remember my startup put up a job application for a data role on a Tuesday evening. By Wednesday morning there are 100+ applicants, mostly jeets.
Is that why it's so shit now?
It's not just me, right?
>working on a Google docs on my phone with someone else
>text randomly inserts itself right in the middle of the next word
>India has over a billion people
>Every Indian who possibly can is going to try to get out of India
it's like how gases always move away from volumes of higher concentration until equilibrium is reached. Brownian motion, if you will.
>Indian @Noogle
>Lost the Youtube add war against the white open source CHADS
You literally cannot make this shit up.
I know he won't but I hope if Trumph wins and just does balls-to-the-wall bullshit since he cant' get re-elected that he just obliterates the h1b program and revokes them all for Indians.
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I have the worst possible news for you...
Graduating from a US university isn't the same as bringing a mystery meat degree and soaking up job slots though. For reference I can get an extended visa for Japan because of being a top 100 global university grad.
It's exactly the same, and significantly worse. Green-card is the same as permanent residence and would allow everyone around the word to come to America, study whatever they wanted, and then claim welfare benefits and compete in the job market. At least with H1B visas if they get fired and cant find a job with 90 days they have to go back.

You seem to think that ever US university is the same when that is not the case. There are plenty that qualify as degree mills.
god forbid immigrants would immigrate to a country founded by immigrants
Vast amounts of tech employee immigrants in the US go through the OPT route through a Masters. A green card is by far more potent, while an OPT lasts only 3 years and thats in, a green card guarantees perpetual work. If Trump does do that it will be a jeetpocalypse
>flips 2nd
as a flip i can confirm boomer flips had a ton of babies and now they all live in one house
America wasnt founded for pajeets
>"This will be hunger strike to death"
Yes, by civilized white people. Jeets are the opposite of civilized. We are not the same.
Thanks for enlightening me on the matter Anons. It really is just grim for Cooders.
For young people looking for advice, here's a metric I developed I call the Bombay Express: if you see Indians in the field, the train had passed. Find another field.
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I'm from Poland and work a tech job
I am not getting replaced by jeets
I will hire you to clean my data pipelines
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I will replace them with microservices + Kafka + cope and leave for another company
Yes FOUNDED by immigrants, but it's a well established country with its own demographic now.
What the fuck is "Business Intelligence"? Sounds like a bullshit job.
You were NOT supposed to point that out

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