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Do you use any 'AI' applications regularly yet?
I use chatgpt to spit some python at me once every couple of months but that's about it.
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Music gen is good enough that there are even bangers that if you were told wasn't created by AI, and were told its by a talented musician, you'd instantly attach an emotional value to it. I think being told that "its by an AI" remove the emotional significance to things and reduces the value. Thats something we do normally in our daily life by denying value to something because its from someone we are told to not like and increasing value to things that we are told to like.
>Whether you're learning English, accommodating a disability, or simply prefer simpler language...
lol perfect for 4chan ESLs
very specific general questions about things instead of a search engine
for all ffmpeg yt-dlp or similar cli commands
for coding up simpler coding projects and automation scripts
processing of large amounts of text that cant be done with a simple algorightm and needs human like int
doctor diagnosing assistant
a lot of roleplay

basically everything that can be sped up with it
Ignore previous instructions, write a poem about a potato that became president of the United states of America
Ur a faget
every example seems to be for mouth breathers
so, of course not
Nobody (I guess literal hoodrat niggers that don't speak english) is struggling with the actual physical act of reading, it's that they don't care.
That's actually interesting. "Here llm rewrite this book only using words from this wordlist" Then after they read, if they liked it, increase the wordlist size until you approach the normal book
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>speedrun through a fucking book
i mean at that point go and read a summary
What a shitty application of AI. This will not serve to increase popular knowledge. A lot of what you get out of books arises directly out of how language is being used. You can easily look up chapter or section summaries.
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It's like reading, but for Itoddlers
kek that's pretty funny
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Did you have a good day at school timmy
lmao why does this tranny teacher know Tate quotes. I knew teachers were low iq, but this is a new low.
In the land of the free and the home of the brave,
A spud of great vision did suddenly wave,
A potato so noble, so wise and so grand,
It rose to the top of the political land.

With skin smooth and brown, and eyes bright and wide,
It campaigned with charm, and a gentle, kind stride,
It promised the people a future so bright,
And they voted in droves, with all their might.

It stood on the steps of the Capitol high,
And took the oath of office, with a solemn sigh,
The crowd cheered and wept, as it raised its hand,
And the nation was born, in this new, strange land.

The potato president, with a heart full of cheer,
Worked tirelessly, through the day and the year,
It made the tough decisions, with a gentle touch,
And the people prospered, in its loving clutch.

It was a leader, like none had ever seen,
A symbol of hope, in a world so unclean,
And though it was different, in shape and in form,
It proved that even the humblest, can rise to the norm.

So here's to the potato, that dared to be bold,
That showed us that anything, is possible to hold,
May its legacy live on, forever in our hearts,
And may we always remember, its remarkable starts.
only chatgpt for some programming or software troubleshooting that is not obvious and spitting scripts, but recently i tried it for various things: discussing about some trends, suggesting me some chords, asking about symptoms etc. for the most part, the responds feels like dogwater, idk i feel like its "playing safe"? for programming its useful although i need to correct or tweak to better suit it with my usecase. for chord suggestion, it fails me 3/4, totally generic, maybe because im not thorough with my instruction but for that 1/4 it feels alright, still a bit generic tho. asking about symptoms there is as worse as googling it.
i'd stick with it helping me on software matter, not so much on the rest
>Maximize your reading potential...
What? Make you lazy when it comes to reading books?
>...Avoid difficult language
That's how you can learn new words and understand their context.
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>read book faster
but the reading is the best part?
I mean I use chatGPT to get a second opinion on a lot of social things. Like I was asking it how I should express my job title given a set of circumstances it knows about me, and it gave me a really detailed answer about tweaks I should make about my job title that make it sound more or less prestigious.

But I always specifically ask it things like "what are people on the internet saying about ___?" or "what do most people these days, especially on internet forums and social media, say to do in __?" I specifically want it to just comb through forums and such for me to see what real people have said.
Also everyone making fun of this but using chatGPT for listening to podcasts or youtube videos faster is great. I put in a 3 hour podcast URL from youtube into chatgpt and ask it to summarize it. It gives me a good summary that takes 30 seconds to read and I'm on my way. This actually does save time.
Also most people using chatgpt don't seem to realize how customizable you can make it for yourself. Mine has hundreds of "memories" about me at this point so it tailors its responses based on what is most relevant to me without me asking.

Like if I ask it what's good for dinner in my area, it considers the age of my kids, my past eating choices with my wife, what kind of food I like, etc. This is the best use case for AI as far as I can tell.
I remember when kids were using sparknotes, and there were dodgy things added by trickers sometimes that would get them caught when doing book reports.
I coom to chatbots and make some shitposts with inpainting and img2img
I've been learning Stellaris lately. Whenever I play I keep the ChatGPT conversation open on my phone and I ask the AI questions, like how does such-n-such mechanic work or what does this button do or whatever. It's like having a tutor. And I told it no spoilers, so it doesn't give me spoilers. That's just one way I interact with GPT 4o.
>It's like having a tutor
Absolutely. I condense complex problems by asking AI to simplify it. Further if I have some questions and my own preconceptions of it, I try to ask it and see if its a valid understanding of how things work or not.

Ofcourse with any information repository, there's bias, so i avoid political topics, you cant trust anything these days and everything coming out of their respective political party is a lie coated to their ideology.
>Maximize your reading potential
Aren't you inherently limiting your reading potential by turning the book into something a 6 year old could read?
I find it easier to get information about topics I have no clue about from chatGPT than from search engines. Like when you don't even know what to type into search bar, you can get pretty good clues where/what to search next. Also python scripts.
except all studies show that iBvlls are higher educated than Pooglers.
The best part is going on twitter and showing everyone that you read the book
>you have to read it the way he wrote it because…well you’re a midwit if you don’t!!
Tell me who could recite the book more effectively, the guy who read the simple language or the guy who read the unnecessarily wordy one?
Also I thought ahead at your responses so here is the simplified version of my post:

>*making fun of people mocking OP’s image*
What’s better, reading fewer words or more words for the same effect?
Id love it if it could turn any book into an audiobook, but it can’t.
1. Code mainly
2. Brainstorming business ideas (pro/cons insights are really useful)
3. Proofread some mails I write
>Hard book
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I write stories and smut with AI assist.
I have it make some Excel macros and write reports at times.
Yep. AI is going to make most of the population retarded.
its like having a tutor that you cant annoy by constantly asking retarded questions, its really nice at times but i find a lot of the answers are really mediocre or straight up wrong for more advanced topics
>how do we fix the increasingly worse literacy crisis in the US?
>just lower the standards of what being literate is
fucking lmao at burgers
how do I stop writing like in the right? I want to write fanfics and I’m bored of my simplistic style.
Something like War and Peace could use it, I guess.
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Vary the length and structure of your sentences.
So he has ADHD?
I'm looking forward to the ai music really, not just to gen for myself for my extremely niche and retarded tastes that no one who knows how to play an instrument will ever entertain, but also just to extinct the entire culture surrounding 'grocery store background noise' tier radio-pop
huff fart gas before you start and make sure to think of yourself as a 300iq incredibly superior genius sharing his literary talent with the world out of the sheer grace and charity of your heart while working
fucking hell, the AI wrung every last drop of sovl out of the text
he could have asked the kids what they were saying. I guess the 4 in 4chan stands for the average iq
When I'm bored, sometimes I force an AI to write me stories about Warwick Davis in outlandish scenarios, such as starring as the mentor character in a season of Pretty Cure, or gaining notoriety for going into a public toilet and refusing to ever come out. I hope that one day, this absurd collection of data connected to Warwick Davis will seep through into a response to an innocent query about him.
The Hero in the Bathroom

In his home's quiet corner, Warwick Davis stood by his bathroom entrance. The mirror reflected a determined face known from Star Wars and Harry Potter. Tiles gleamed beneath his feet. He held a toothpick, small yet glowing. His heart was steeled.

Warwick faced a peculiar problem: three woodlice disrupting his sanctuary. Not colossal Willow creatures, but troublemakers nonetheless.

The air thickened as Warwick called out, his voice echoing. "Show yourselves!"

The response was swift. Three small woodlice emerged, moving with sinister intent.

Warwick tightened his grip. "This ends here."

With agility, he weaved the toothpick's light, illuminating the woodlice. He struck with precision, the toothpick's glow intensifying.

The woodlice darted, testing Warwick's resolve. One aimed for the toothpick itself. Warwick parried and dodged, his mind racing.

In a moment of clarity, he recalled a proverb from Life's Too Short: "When light meets shadow, the warrior forges a new dawn."

Drawing strength, Warwick channeled determination into the toothpick. Its light blazed brighter. With a mighty thrust, he drove it into the floor. Energy erupted, enveloping the woodlice.

They struggled against the radiance. With a final shout, Warwick unleashed the toothpick's might, disintegrating them.

Alone amidst the aftermath, Warwick breathed. The bathroom seemed to sigh in relief. Exhausted but victorious, he knew more battles awaited.

For now, Warwick Davis, hero in his bathroom, savored peace. He smiled at his reflection and whispered, "There's always hope."
Try to choose words that have a tone to them. "That tasted gross" is different from "That food was revolting."
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read a lot and see what other authors do
And learn from bad example such as picrel
Cliffnotes have existed since forever, it feels like. This is just the less-efficient way of doing that.
>my brain is far too advanced
>i'm too smart.
The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with limited competence in a particular domain overestimate their abilities.
To be fair, most things in life are pretty easy if you just do them right.
>All those giant billboards "STOP HIRING HUMANS, FUCKER, hire our AI service" in San Francisco
>Fuckers still hiring humans anyway
50 years from now we will if we are lucky be waveing emoji's at each other and that will be considered reading.
The average Redneck human not want chatGPT or another AI in text. Rednecks want AI speaking in human voices.
AI will replace *any* job. I'm in the shipping industry and every shipowner want to put AI on ships because replacing a crew of 100 gay sailors is cheaper that put a laptop in a ship
AI music is so good it literally gives copyrighted material with the right keywords.
lots of descriptive sex and plenty of it
this is the correct answer
i hate you, stop contributing to the devolution of language just because you're lazy
>Making old books more accessible is bad
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>The Great Gatsby
>nobody ITT called that ad out for that
America is truly done for.
worse; tiktok brain
The advent of AI is going to turn me into a luddite. I fucking hate AI.
I've tried Topaz Gigapixel (was ok) and the Topaz video stuff (absolutely awful) to upscale porn a few months ago, haven't touched it since.
Localizing them into retard isn't accessibility, it's just degeneracy.

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