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nu-linux is such extreme basedware that even trolling guides tell you to shill it lol
lmao kek heckerino extermely based troll opreating system /g/bros it's such an-antireddit move kek lol
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What makes you think trolling guides are a metric?
no such thing, why do you keep making up names? linux is a kernel, it's called linux. always has been, always will be
He read about rust support in Linux and immediately got butthurt without understanding what it really means.
dunno what this means. use what works, stop using dumb 4chan words you fucking homosexual loser
The fuck is wrong with Pipewire?
Its be best thing to happen to Linux audio in a LONG time.
mass sharty suicide for the light of day
the problem is that ALSA has lower latency and just works on my machine, so I won't use your trannyware
Straight ALSA handles it's buffer so poorly that I get better latency WITH the extra layer of Pipewire
I'm running plain ALSA and have no interest in anything that uses dbus so PipeWire is out
everything in linux uses alsa, including pipewire... you can skip the resampling OR you can use pipewire-jack, which is what musicians use, and unlike the original jack you don't have to spend days of your time to set it up.
Must suck living in a söyworld being ignorant and proud of it, where trannies live in your head rent free
Sacrificing 3ms for a MASSIVE increase in flexibility is an obviously positive compromise but you won't admit it because you're just a contrarian like any other faggot on this site (me included)
The difference between us is that I have life experience and know that everything is a compromise, I recommend getting a grip
>musicians use Linux
completely delusional pipewire tranny shill thinks real professionals actually unironically use this garbage when in reality if they used Linux, they'd be using ALSA.
It's trolling to convince people you are retarded?
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>"real" professionals
>if you want to work on music instead of maintaining your distro you are not a REAL professional
>"if they used Linux"
Dishonest wintranny who is pretending to be a Linux user. Many such cases. Why are wintroonies so pathetic?
>ALSA has lower latency than something that has lower latency than ALSA
????????????????????????? what, you're retarded. got latency numbers to back that up? because pipewire has lower latency, which is exactly why people use it. lol you're fucking retarded
Not sure what to say, I have a friend who is in the field and I decided to annoy him with a custom gentoo build for lowest possible latency, ALSA won in every case, and no amount of shilling on /g/ will change that you don't even have any friends nor are intelligent enough to configure Linux for music production so you in fact know nothing about audio subsystem on Linux whatsoever.
>because pipewire has lower latency
burden of proof etc etc
>Must suck living in a söyworld being ignorant and proud of it, where trannies live in your head rent free
are you ok? is the "s𐐬yware" in the room with us right now? pipewire just works. it's a literal drop in replacement for alsa, alsa is literally less performant and way less compatible
What is straight ALSA?
What were the latencies, which you of course measured?
burden of proof is on the claimant. the first post that claimed about superior latency is this post: >>101206408
so whoever that poster is need to provide proof. don't worry, they won't, they can't
post your Linux config first, so I know that my time isn't wasted replying to a tranny that uses prebuilt kernel aka binary slop where performance is irrelevant
>Using ALSA device in Reaper - 8.1 ms
>Using JACK(PIPEWIRE) in Reaper - 29.6 ms
>I then tuned pipewire as described here:
>NOTE: It may be possible to do something similar via ALSA and speed it up as well
>Using JACK(tuned PIPEWIRE) in Reaper - 7.25 ms
or maybe you are just a dumb windows troonoid who is using dishonest tactics without doing ANY sort of extensive research on topic, and is trying to argue with a strawman as opposed to actually having some facts and arguments on your hands. Shut the fuck up, retard, just admit that you lost.
didn't read your irrelevant blogpost, copy relevant text ITT
Your reading comprehension is quite something, I'm surprised you even found a way to post on this board.
you'll never get numbers, alsa trannys cannot under any circumstance provide proof of anything they say
>moving goalposts
>doesn't provide latency numbers
>MUH BURDEN OF PROOF except it's on me
>doesn't meet buden of proof
lol typical alsatard
I love linux but picrel
>no linux config
>binary slop where performance is irrelevant
are you ok? you're saying really retarded shit. and where are the latency metrics? you still haven't met the burden of proof you're so concerned about
>no burden of proof
>no latency metrics
>pipewire-jack, which is what musicians use
>musicians use
You seem to have forgotten your meds

>MASSIVE increase in flexibility
Being able to switch input / output devices without needing to restart your application is just about the only increase in flexibility PipeWire brings to the table. What's actually MASSIVE is PipeWire's dependency tree

>pipewire has lower latency
pipewire has almost 2x higher latency
nice Linux config buddy, you know so much about Linux despite never having configured it
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>>Using ALSA device in Reaper - 8.1 ms
>>Using JACK(PIPEWIRE) in Reaper - 29.6 ms
>>I then tuned pipewire as described here:
>>NOTE: It may be possible to do something similar via ALSA and speed it up as well
>>Using JACK(tuned PIPEWIRE) in Reaper - 7.25 ms
>>didn't read your irrelevant blogpost, copy relevant text ITT
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>ignores 29.6ms vs ALSA's 8.1ms by default
>ignores the fact that "muh lower latency" amounts to a sub-millisecond difference
>ignores the fact that the author doesn't even know what caused it
That is one based troll
oh yeah, professional musicians use chink shit USB plug and play garbage and not things that connect directly through a special audio jack, hahahahahaha this fucking thread
>linux config
tell me where to find my "linux config" KEK
I accept your concession.
Windows will not give you low latency BY DEFAULT either, you have to install custom ASIO audio drivers. The original claim was that
>pipewire has higher latency and there is no way to avoid it
while in reality this is configurable. Your shitty LARP is glowing, you know nothing about audio production.
Your seething has been noted
well, musicians don't need to worry, because they will just buy a mac, like anyone who has a real job
wait, but why can't you tell me where my linux config is? why don't you know? you said you know where it is, tell me where it is. why can't you?
probably because it's as existent as your brain
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The original claim was
>the problem is that ALSA has lower latency
>pipewire has higher latency and there is no way to avoid it
And yes, PipeWire does have higher latency in almost every single case with a possible exception of a single forum post you linked, where some literally-who made an unsubstantiated claim that
>uhh... it somehow went down below ALSA, I mean I don't know why but...
and now you're LARPing as a Linux musician
Your seething has been noted. I accept your concession.
Snap is the only objectively bad software on that list.
no amount of cope will make any professional seriously using kikewire
did you notice that the alsa trannys say it's lower latency than pipewire but can't provide proof. did anyone notice this? LOL
it may have something to do with your inability to scroll up in the thread
before you worry about latency of alsa, you should fix this painfully noticeable latency in your brain
Which is what I said: if you need lower latency, use pipewire-jack and your latency issues will be gone. Which is where you proved that you are a dishonest windows tranny who LARPs as a genuine Linux user. I never claimed to be a musician either, quote it right now or it didn't happen. I just absolutely mog you because I am honest.
>What is straight ALSA?
ALSA without pipewire.... come on anon
>What is straight ALSA?
What were the latencies, which you of course measured?
LMMS without Pipewire, ~48ms before there was any audio pops/cracking
With Pipewire I got it as low as ~14ms before any pops/cracks.
If you do it with JACK+Pipewire its even better.
never heard anything like this in my life, way to out yourself as low IQ shill
if you ever read into pipewire even for one second you'd learn that professionals actually prefer pipewire because it's lower latency and also is shit for professional work, but you haven't and won't because alsa is your identity. you're just a 4chan faggot who does nothing but play video games. you know nothing about audio pipelines, or audio latency
I talk to professional musicians and they all prefer using a mac.
alsa has poor latency
So you admit you've never don't anything that required low latency audio.
Guess I can easily ignore you're retard take then
You just absolutely mog yourself because your own "proof" shows that by default, pipewire-jack is 29.6ms against ALSA's 8.1ms while simultaneously implying that professional musicians use Linux at all
no I just have a good audio card and a well configured system which doesn't cause random pops/cracks
lol, retard
lol, poorfag
Was developed by Red Hat, and a lot of people hates on Red Hat just because, while ignoring they are still using Red Hat software, or using software by companies worse than Red Hat.
Red Hat haters are like digital vegans.
yes, we are aware that you're a Red Hat shill
no need to make it THAT obvious
>pipewire has almost 2x higher latency
Linking a closed bug report where the user was doing things wrong.
You're not really the brightest there anon
I'm not a Red Hat shill, but accept the fact corporations contribute to pretty much anything, you can't use Linux without something from RedHat/Google/Microsoft or some other big corporation. You would be left with a stripped down barely functional ugly ass looking system.
>doing things wrong
indeed, he was using pipewire, which is wrong
>well configured system
i've literally never touched probably a single config in my system. do you losers actually "configure" your system? there's nothing to configure in linux, it just works. are you actually serious? you sound like a liar and a faggot and a fucking TINKERTRANNY
by default, because by default it is configured to serve as a consumer audio server. IF pipewire had no way to decrease the latency, it would be a completely different story and you would be right, ALSA would be the only viable choice.But what happens in the reality is that if you need audio production, you configure it to give you lower latency.

So your actual argument is that ALSA gives you low latency without the need to configure it, as compared to pipewire where configuration is needed. The concept of configuration is too hard to grasp for your peanut brain and it shows. You are also a glowing retard who thinks that audio latency is the only thing that matters and disregards muxing and virtual channels.
>nn-nnoooo! pipewire isn't slower, you're just using it wrong!
holy shit, you have no self-awareness whatsoever
>you're a redhat shill!!!!!!
>redhat is a massive contributer to the kernel
oooooh no no no no noHAHAHAHAHAHAH
>there's nothing to configure in Linux
that's one way to out yourself as a wintoddler
>using something makes you a shill
anon, i...
>liking something makes you a shill
anon, i...
>saying something is good makes you a shill
anon, i...
>you're a shill
>also uses redhat software
anon, i...
if I need audio production, I go to a real musician and he uses a mac and not some redhat trannyware
Mac's audio stack is about as bad as Linux's.
Unironicly Windows when bypassing most of it's audio stack with a ASIO supported hardware driver (not ASIO-4-All, a proper one from the hardware vendor) gets you the best latency out of all available options. JACK is the only thing that comes close.
>Being able to switch input / output devices without needing to restart your application is just about the only increase in flexibility PipeWire brings to the table.
you can do that with mpv anyway.
you can even change ao
tell me what i should be configuring. i can't wait to laugh at your answer. but you won't answer, will you kek
>redhat trannyware
anon, tell us where the redhat touched you
>redhat bad
>overpriced plastic pedo spyware crapple mac good
anon, are you really this much of a retard?
you could start from reading Linux manual then configuring it, you know, the Linux, you do know what Linux is, right?
>is that if you need audio production
...which never happens on Linux
>you configure it to give you lower latency
I like how you assume that an average producer would have a skill set overlapping with a typical tinker tranny enough so that he would even bother wasting his time with PipeWire (in order to achieve a sub-millisecond difference compared to ALSA)
instead of, you know
buying a mac like every single one of his peers

again, you have no self-awareness whatsoever
Why do you need a guide to troll? Are you stupid?
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Really interesting that retards like you never popped up when Linux was dominated by pulseaudio, which is a definition of MicrosoftPoetteringWare and used to be the worst thing to happen to Linux on desktop, especially remembering how painful the transition was. Like not even once I saw anybody here crying about how bad pulseaudio was (which it was). But suddenly, when the things actually improve drastically on the audio part, we have an influx of retards who are waging a war against it. Really makes me think.
ah ok, so you can't tell me. you know nothing about linux, you scumfuck piece of dogshit
I was using ALSA, not sure what pulseaudio is, is it something like pipewire except already failed because I accepted its concession? Pipewire is next.
yup, really makes me think. there's some definite FUD demoralizing campaign going on. anti-linux agents are making threads and spamming in threads. it's very obvious this is a spam campaign. anyway, nothing they do or say can change my mine. pipewire is far superior to alsa, these alsa pedophiles shitting up this thread are just dogshit scum that should and will be ignored. there is literally nothing they can do.
You forgot to mention that besides doing audio stream magic it's also a unified wrapper for all audio APIs on a messy ecosystem
>Like not even once I saw anybody here crying about how bad pulseaudio was
Guess you're new here then you basedjack posting fuck tard
yes I cannot tell you how to be intelligent, it's just not how this world works
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>enter thread expecting shartyteen shitposting to report
>find it was completely taken over by audiophile spergs
Looking for copypastas
>troll people into using things that just work
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So let me just confirm what you just wrote: you came into a Linux thread, hating on Pipewire, where your argument is: Pipewire has high latency (which only matters for audio production). Then, when you get answered that latency can be configured in case you need said audio production, you start screeching that actual producers use Macs. Then you say that it is ME who has no self-awareness. Is that correct?

In that case, why are you mad at Pipewire having higher latency (by default configuration) in the first place, if you are not a producer? Something in your words does not add up to me. Something here smells very sussy. Really makes me think.
>only audiophiles notice audio problems
absolute state of pulse-CRACK/pipe-POP shills
I like Linux which is why I will continue using Linux and not some redhat trannyware meant to replace a driver that's literally in Linux and just works.
lmao. Stop LARPing. This is getting pathetic.
Some of us even used OSSv4 back then, not just ALSA.
Off you go LARPer.
Google or GPT OSSv4 and come back pretending you knew all about it.
>Like not even once I saw anybody here crying about how bad pulseaudio was
Where in kindergarten back then, or still in semen form?
>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
You're arguing (with the evidence being a "trust me bro" forum post) that PipeWire, after spending significant effort, can be configured to achieve a margin-of-error decrease in latency over ALSA, which doesn't need to be configured at all.
Yes, you're both delusional by assuming anyone would do audio production on Linux AND retarded for ever making this argument in the first place.
Again, you are clueless about audio production so you simply don't ever think about channel muxing and virtual channels, which is something ALSA does not provide and never will, because it's just a thin audio layer. Just kill yourself and admit that you've lost.
I would expect "professional" software to handle that, if it is required, which in very many cases simply isn't.
>audio production
Again, glad to see you admitting to being a deranged schizophrenic
And again, it is not me who started to screech about latency - but latency only matters for audio production, which is WHY I explain that you can lower it, in case you need it.

I never implied that professionals or musicians extensively use Linux, I only talk about this because you always mention latency, which is the only field where it matters. You just shit this out of your head and pretend that it was me who said it. You are so dumb it's pathetic. Lol
there's another field where it matters, it's called power consumption, not going to run your bloated trannyware that wastes my time and my cpu cycles, sorry.
>actually, on a second thought I never argued or even implied that PipeWire is superior to ALSA for the mythical Linux audio producer
Interesting 180, keep me posted
>You are so dumb it's pathetic. Lol
Your seething is audible
>going this low being desperate for arguments
Did you eat your bug breakfast already? Bug production wastes less energy than meat if anything.
Rule of thumb unix philosophy is incompatible with having a job
Case in point any art package ever created
Deluxepaint was bloated (featurefull) for it's time coming on 4 floppies and that's why people loved it
>a person I just imagined in my head did a 180. Guys look I win the argument so hard
>and I still could not manage to prove how pipewire is bad exactly while losing every argument posted here
this is getting really sad
yes that's why pipewire will never be relevant, it's just redhat optimizing development costs by writing more frameworks like webshitters do
>t. reaches the headcanon stage of seething
Keep me posted schizo, it's entertaining
Have you been living under a rock?
I don't even have to justify the merit of pipewire, maintainers and consequently majority of the userbase decided for me
so you've got nothing to say except call me meanie words? Cool, so I won an online debate. It wasn't hard, thanks for being so stupid.
retards like you who can't even configure Linux
>tries to argue against a point
>gets proven wrong by his own evidence
>tries to argue for imaginary Linux producers
>concedes that no one produces audio on Linux
I've got nothing to say except that I almost fell off my chair laughing trying to read through your posts
I couldn't describe you better myself.
>and other things that definitely happened in my head
so when are you going to dilate yourself mactranny?
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>t. pic related
Link to that trolling guide? Looks funny
>Concerned about fractions of a penny over the span of a year
You spent more money posting in this very thread
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Latency only matters for producers. If you started talking about latency, you implied producers from the beginning and other anons simply tried to prove the point why pipewire is useful in the usecase that (You) mentioned.
Every time you were proved wrong you just started screeching about buying a Mac. So the conclusion here is obvious.
>I've got nothing to s-ACK!
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>just one penny
slippery slope, once you use tranny redhatware, it's more like 5 pennies each second
you literally said you know where "the linux config" was, why can't you tell me where it is? weird right? i wonder why you can't tell me where "the linux config is" you'd think you would know considering you're a linux professional kek
on the guy's who compiled "your" kernel machine, maybe you should go and ask him since not like you're intelligent enough to do it yourself
not the config guy but get a job nigger
I don't get paid to get a job, so I won't do that.
>redhat trannyware
can you explain why you keep saying this yet you use the linux kernel which has like a billion redhat commits? you clearly have no fucking clue what you're talking about and you keep getting called out and BTFO constantly in this thread over and over LOL, you ganna answer any of the charges or just be a dumbass pedo retard?
>you ganna answer
lol at the alsapedo having pipewire and redhat living rent free in his homosexual head
>if you don't like corporotard tranny bloat, you're le... um... well... PEDO, yeah!
lol, tranny ran out of projection, has to fully admit what xhe is
lol at the schizo that doesn't want to reply correctly because retarded schizo pedophile
guys, some faggot on a parade told me to use PipeWire, which pronouns should I pick?
just shove a 4x2 in your anus
I remember the little audio tool that used that sample of Linux Torvalds pronouncing Linux as Linux in the very early 2000s, using mandrake 6.5
does anyone know why the alsa shill is shilling alsa as hard as possible? is he a paid fed?
retarded schizo pedophile schizo pedophile retarded schizo schizo pedophile schizo retarded retarded pedophile schizo pedophile retarded schizo pedophile
It's easy to tell that you're not a Linux user, or a distrohopper who read distro release announcements where pipewire is sold as a new feature (same happened with PulseAudio btw).
There is no one ALSA "shill" here. I'm one of many who commented here. And ALSA is not something to be shilled. It's the default an correct choice of all users who choose how to output audio.
The only reason to use pipewire is bluetooth. And using that is often retarded. I'm not going to say it's always retarded because I'm not trolling or shilling or LARPing like the other retards here.
One other thing pipewire is good for is PulseAudio compat. But that's not a feature to celebrate. It's more like how mplayer supported DLL decoders many moons ago (something zoomertards here never heard about). It's a shit hack/shim because other shit decided to depend on other shit.
And those of us who are competent know how to run pipewire on top of ALSA dmix devices, so it doesn't get exclusive access.
So we use ALSA by default, and may pipewire for the use-cases where it is (via PulseAudio, not on its own) a forced choice.
this is what happens when you let Red Hat shills roam around /g/ without their tard wrangler
lol not reading that you fucking fag
>muh redhat shills
>redhat rent free living
>uses linux kernel with thousands of redhat commits
kill yourself, annoying "non"-homo
>decides to be angry not at the user who was dishonestly arguing evading arguments presented and cherry-picking answers, but at the user who is shutting down the dishonest arguer
you are everything wrong with t his board
why did you bump this shit thread you stupid motherfucker?
i think that this thread is proof that there is a coordinated shilling effort aiming at making linux shit.

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