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Now that Firefox is shown to be made by evil people who would fire someone with cancer what browser should we use?
that bitch really looted mozilla until its (and apparently her) death
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>the story this lawsuit tells is a game of thrones style power struggle
It is
>fire CEO that actually gave a shit about the software being developed because of his personal politics even though those never interfered with anything
>get some bitch that destroyed the previous company she was on to be the new CEO
>drives market share to 5% while massively raising her own salary
>sues the company on her way out to get even more money from them
Mozilla's death can't come soon enough. And I say this as someone who only used Firefox for the past decade and a half
Mutts are not able to go a sentence without referencing some pop culture
Wait it's not Mitchell Baker suing it's her successor instead.
Well the rest of the post still applies
Lets be honest, the whole thing was clearly pozzed without room for misunderstanding when they fired the CEO for spending his own money on anti faggotry
It's not her successor, either. It's some random executive that isn't the CEO.
mozilla was going down the shitter even under eich's lead. brave isn't doing great either. it's chuck full of adware and it's sitting squarely at sub %1 market share. I wouldn't call that success in any form.

>remember that brendan eich is responsible for the cyber aids known in common lingo as javascript

shiggy diggy doo
kill yourself brendan
It's a mutt thing
>implying they would still have contributors if they had kept that idiot
>Implying they won't
catholics lost
i hate postmodernism so much it's unreal
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get real?!
Mozilla was pozzed from the very beginning. They pissed off a lot of the competent devs who left right around the Netscape -> Mozilla transition and it's been trash ever since.
faggots will get their just desserts
>Trend line is increasing
>five year old graph
Thank you for this positive news.
Rent free.
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The young are healing
are you african? ew
Excuse me, fellow Mozilla editor, but G*me of Thr*nes is very problematic. *nc*st and fan-service show with r*pe. Not to mention Daenerys is (1/2)
>nuh-uh, we will keep ad blockers usable, thank you
fast forward to today
The web needed some kind of way of doing client side processing. JavaScript is trash but we could have ended up with VBScript and ActiveX as the standard instead.
he had cancer and cancer is cringe. Good riddance and based Mozilla. Go cough and whine some more, cancerfag
>drama addicted op
Mozilla is a tranny/feminist infested shithole that begs for scraps from Google to stay solvent. Use Brave or literally anything else. Shit, even Chrome is a better choice
moz://a is just a cash cow
they have enough money to have employees
>what browser should we use?
certainly not brave, fuck that bloated shit
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I wonder who's behind all these anti-firefox threads
bullshit, there was no reason to abuse the web for applications that require interactivity and i sincerely hope the dev who first bore that idea from his perochial mind feels really bad right now and lives a long life of regret
No one wants to make a round trip to a server to be able to inform the user that they left the postal code field blank.
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Mozilla runs itself like a government program because they know their funding is irrespective of their performance.
Google will dump money into Firefox to prevent accusations of Monopoly no matter what. Mozilla knows this.
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it's this guy
>ITT: Pajeets trying to feed their families with BAT
you don't understand, there should never have been postal code fields because there never should have been web shops because online shipping should have been its own set of standards
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What has happened to Thorium? Is the guy still alive?
don't care, still using it
Game of Thrones? Who was fucking their sister?
More like dead horse.

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