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whats up /g/

what the best programming language to do EVERYTHING in?
i want to cover as many bases as possible with just a single programming language

i'm thinking C++ is the answer
Clearly the answer is V.
Botnet. Use binary
can you do embedded with V?
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This clusterfuck of a language will survive the fallout.
You can do everything in it and it beats every other language in terms of performance, comfy syntax(yes I said that, fuck off) and features ...
what makes c++ better than say python or rust in your opinion
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Python is a horrid script language with batshit stupid syntax (empty space indentation based scopes ...), it is slower than C64 trying to run Crysis 7, idiots throughout the world are using it for high performance computing such as artificial intelligence.

Rust is an impractical but mostly security oriented language with dumb and over engineered syntax.

It takes 10x longer for a seasoned rust troon to achieve similar results compared to a mediocre C++ dev.
no trolling of the board pls
For EVERYTHING? Brainfuck.
that's a man.
Don't care, would.
To cover all the bases, assembly.

If you want a higher level language, then C.

if you want a higher level language still, then C++

If you want a higher level language still, then C#

If you want a higher level language still, then Python

If you want a higher level language still, then just ask ChatGPT to write your code for you.
You don’t know what you’re talking about.
God damn it
Nobody is using python for AI, all the heavy workloads are done with CUDA, and the CPU numerical computations with C. Python is just a glue language
C or Java

c++ is trash, python is trash, js is trash
Theres no perfect language, only tradeoffs
What's the tradeoff?
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ladyboy (web browser)
Speed of development vs speed of execution
SIMD being faster but being extremely limited in what you can do
Memory safety vs speed (of development or execution)
Features vs tooling / community
There are more (complexity, package management, UI libraries, cross platform development)

There is not one single language that maxes out all sliders.
There are only trade offs
how would you rank your favorite languages on those scales?
c++ will take you from an arduino to the highest end supercomputer. Its a fine choice.
>Speed of execution
>Speed of development
Python + Qt
>Overall middle of the road between speed of development and execution, type and memory safety, complexity, features
C# + F#

But my choices are also shaped by my requirements. I have to program in C++ and Python, so that's all there is to it. The whole company management system is in C#. I don't have a choice. It's what I do.
The only language that was a personal choice was F#, and only because it plays nicely with C#.

Again, tradeoffs. Sometimes the tradeoff isn't even "what's best for X" but "what's best among the things I'm allowed to use"

If I could, I would probably replace Python, C# and F# all together by Go. It's a pretty fast language that also runs decently fast and is memory safe, and type safe as well unlike Python.
There's no real replacement for C++ except C or maybe Rust.
Even replacing those languages by Go has its own tradeoffs.
In this case, I would reduce complexity, but I would also be missing out on many features I take for granted.
F# is amazing at making DSLs, so I would probably lose that feature.
Python is great because of Qt, and Go sucks at making UIs, so that's also another thing I would lose.
Suppose I were given the choice to make the jump, would I? Now that I think about it, I'm not that sure.
Walking will take you from New York to California, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t fly there
Ruby with C extensions
Idk if i would equate c++ to walking. Assembly, yeah, but not c++
Python has one of the least bad syntax(es?) of all the mainstream languages, I have no idea how space-based scoping is still debated, it's such a non-issue. Bitch about it with YAML, not with a programming language with dense text that would be indented anyway.

Rust has an ugly syntax indeed, but at least it isn't C++.
not much
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trips of truth
Doing everything in the same language is a retarded idea. Just learn whatever trending algol clone others use in the field you're interested in, you lose a weekend but gain years by not having to reinvent the wheel.

anyway, interpreting it as a theoretical question: Nim
story: she took hella drugs
Everything? Python.

This guy gets it, there is no one language that is the best at everything, each language is a tool with its use cases. You want to avoid carrying around only a hammer because then everything looks like a nail.
HAXE translates to everything,
so you can have the same codebase compiling to e.g nodejs/c++/python/C#

>note, it is not entirely newfag friendly, but is is capable and strong enough
what's the comfiest programming language?
Honestly C.I love C++ a lot more but honestly C is more comfy.
C++ is (very slightly) faster than C.
I call BS. Source?
>inb4 trust me bro
>C comfy
hello non coder
I hate to say this but rust or zig
Have you considered that you're retarded and don't know what you're talking about?
>clueless zoomer logic
name? she's so cute I want to impregnate her
also c++
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>wants to pay alimony from impregnating whores, is virgin
Grab the rope, NOW

if alimony is the price I'll gladly pay it
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Object Pascal.
Is this how desperate you guys are ?
Fucking terrible development...

Gimme your age for my autistic statistics:
a. 16-18
b. 19-24
c. 26-32
d. 33-36
e. 37-48
fuck. 49-99 (you're done)
Practically? C#

Literally? C++, because you can add
>sound/video processing
and quite literally everything else, really.
Unironically javascript.
>Fast enough
>Massive amount of (questionable) packages
>Used in webshitting
>Used in GUI shit
>Used in backend shit
>Some degenerates even use it for gaymen and ai shit.
I want to eat your dog right now
Sorry, i meant your transsexual cat
Every trick available in C is also available in C++. C can't into inlining and metaprogramming (templates are pain to write, but they absolutely can tailor implementation to a specific call site).
You can’t do embedded in JS

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