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I'm thinking about selling my thinkpads and buying the latest apple product. Bye /g/ you guys are faggots for promoting ancient thinkpads I dont care if it has lights on the front or it can get run over by a car and be fine you can't do anything with it.
>thinks a Mac can do more things than a chinkpad
what are you hoping to accomplish with this thread
This is my final thread here. Convince me not to sell them.
Cause outrage and see how you guys will try to convince me not to sell them
don't sell them.
throw them in the trash instead.
I bet you guys will call me an Indian or that moderator that got doxxed hahaha
based, I used a jackhammer to smash my CRT monitor, made a lot of CRT losers cry
Or you could just buy your mac and stay? That's what I did and I lead a normal, happy life.
I can't
I need the money from selling the thinkpads for mac iPhone or ipad
>convince me to make your hobby more expensive
why would I want to do that exactly?
You can't play games on old thinkpads
nor can you do that on a mac, very low quality thread
But you can on an ipad
>nor can you do that on a mACK
New muktiplayer games not singleplayer games from 20 years ago
/g/ hasn't been any good in years, especially not now. The only threads that occupy this shit board are tech support questions, twitter screenshot threads, and arguing over which product is better because majority of this board's user base's self worth and identity is based on which Linux distro they use. Your fault for taking a board like this seriously when more than 3/4ths of this board don't know shit about technology.
lol, is this it, hardware x5 more expensive than high end gaming setup can run games at 67fps, this is so good, wow, x86 is dying
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>dude you play the latest call of halo 2: ghost recon yet?
>they added real league of legos dlc!
The main reason for me, to go to macos, are the shitty DEs in linux. Gnome is the least shitty, but it's not even close to macos. For desktop computers, they are way, way betters than linux and windows. Just accept this. Linux is only good for servers.
>moving goal posts
it's not a gaming machine
your high end gaming setup doesn't have magsafe, a retina display, 24h of battery life or any of the other things that make people buy macs
the fact it can run games at a playable presentation and performance is merely a plus
>24 battery life
my diesel generator can run for literally 7 months, I will run out of food before that becomes a problem, seethe mactoddler
>oh, why, yes, I always carry my diesel generator with me every time I leave my house or go on vacation
I swear freetards and wincucks turn off their brains to try and come up with excuses to shit on macs
t. also have a desktop with a 3080 that I use for gaming along my m3 pro macbook
>go on a vacation
>with xher macbook
good vacation lil timmy, I leave my computer at home though
So you are poor?
your larping ass never worked a day in his life and wouldn't know why you'd want a device that has a longstanding battery life
because my boss won't suddenly call me and tell me to work during my vacation?
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>I quit linux. Moving to mac
imagine unironically paying $5000 for a currybook with a built in hardware backdoor that has it's own CPU, OS, and 2GB RAM that monitors and spies on everything you do 24/7 for uploading to Tim Apple's pajeet botnet
Linux on desktop is good for a narrow subset of things, and having few moving parts as possible helps to dodge some mess you’re sure to encounter. That’s why I prefer the minimal setup with WM. I don’t even bother trying to “replicate” Windows or Mac.
Its almost inevitable that you’d have to supplement with Mac or Windows, somewhere along the way, anyway.
Try using Linux on a good PC.
It's pretty good.
Linux has no games though
It has all the good games.
Half life 2 and frozen bubble?
I use both. Linux because I like it, Mac because I have to, for work. I have no idea why anyone likes the DE on the Mac. It's worse than even modern Windows. I like the MacOS overall better as an OS than modern Windows but the DE itself is the worst I've ever seen.

XFCE is my poison of choice.

Gnome is barely bearable and the project is governed by retards.
t. never touched a mac
You're not missing much.
you'll be baclk
you can't just turn black, you're born that way
>I quit linux. Moving to mac or windows

Thanks for the blog update, Jay.
Windows is still dog shit. Go with macOS if you must.
I can't blame you for wanting a macbook, but I have multiple people that can give me an employee discount at Apple and I still went with a thinkpad z13 because I refuse to buy another macbook until they get rid of the notch. And I love macs
your other two options aren't getting any bettter. I can at least track improvments
lol the notch is literally more screen real estate without sacrificing a camera
you're talking about screen real estate that is worse than useless unless you have an os that accounts for it. which means that eventually, when apple stops supporting the laptop and you have to install linux on it, it's gonna be gay
nta but it got all the features average user needs, like you all say here "let me guess you need more?"
also on macOS you can turn off some telemetry shit and it just werks as is, windows is unironically worse around that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJiOv2sLVxY&
The fact that all you niggers on this board only care about games makes me sick. Is that all anyone uses a computer for nowadays? Just get a console and shut up
?? who cares about linux
anyway just put something up there, even a black bar, it's going to look the same. all the pixels that make up the notch are addressable, they just don't "show" anything
Buy the latest Apple product first
If you hate it return it in the 14-day window and go back to what you know
That was for Intel machines only
you seem upset. is the grass on the other side really that much greener? sleep over it.
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>just buy now goy worry later
I love my macbook pro m3. It just works. Zero headaches.
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your toilet is a street
more people in India use Linux than they do Mac OS faggot. Imma start calling you freejeets because that's what you act like.
I can play anything fine with proton, except those shitty games that come with spyware anti-cheats parasitize the OS kernel.
If you already know how to use Linux, then switching to Mac or Windows is only free if you don't value your time.
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>more people in India use Linux than they do Mac OS faggot. Imma start calling you freejeets because that's what you act like.
Old bait

pay for your fucking advertisements Apple
>freejeet is a soijakfag
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