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Placing chairs edition

/gedg/ Wiki: wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Gedg
IRC: irc.rizon.net #/g/gedg
Progress Day: rentry.org/gedg-jams
/gedg/ Compendium: rentry.org/gedg
/agdg/: >>/vg/agdg

Requesting Help
-Problem Description: Clearly explain the issue you're facing, providing context and relevant background information.
-Relevant Code or Content: If applicable, include relevant code, configuration, or content related to your question. Use code tags

Previous: >>101180862
Progress Day 6 is 6 days away

Is there a better way to software render in SDL? Currently I'm setting pixels in surface->pixels, which sucks. I just want to render individual pixels
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>6 days away
Its over, I am not going to make it
Me either, but I'll submit what I got anyway.
>froggy didn't use the screenshot with GEDG.
thanks for using my webm, much appreciated!
>6 days

I'm currently making assets. Any more progress would require some major refactoring. So I'm saving that for after PD/DD.
>running into circular dependencies in godot already

How bad is this going to bite me in the ass later?

>class MapSystem (extends Node), references TileMapSystem
>class TileMapSystem (extends Node), references MapSystem and TileMap (built-in node)

Rough call tree:
>MapSystem._ready(): calls generate_map()
>MapSystem.generate_map(): generates the map (duh) in a class var, and afterwards calls TileMapSystem.update_tile_map()
>TileMapSystem.update_tile_map(): Updates the TileMap by peeking into MapSystem.map_data, and paints the correct tiles in the correct positions on the TileMap node, while being responsible for autotiling (no concern of the MapSystem itself, which holds and mutates mainly internal data)

I mean, it works. But I wonder for how long.

How would you guys solve this?
just pass the data as an argument to update_tile_map?
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Time for the wheel of fate again.
Of course. I'm a fucking idiot.

That just sprung to mind after posting this lmao. Thanks!
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sigh, not again
Guess I'll actually use rust this time.
Bjarne forgive me, for I am about to sin.
What's the issue exactly? Circular dependencies aren't a problem
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That better not be an attempt of remaking the sims.
No issue. I was just being dumb

>t. almost 2am here, going to bed. gn anons
You can just put the generation functions on the nodes themselves instead of adding SystemManagerControllerRoyaleWithCheese indirection, but otherwise it doesn't matter. Classes needing to know about each other is normal for a game. There's a reason nobody makes games in Rust
Turns out I do need more than just the cell data here.

Fuck it we ball
Should I start my engine from scratch or just fork Irrlicht?
I'm *really* considering the latter and have been for a while now but the "I wanna do it myself" part of me has been taking hold for a while now too.
why irrlitch specifically
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Here is a webm of using scheme while the game runs. It only takes like 50 lines of scheme code to do this (notice how it switches from the base professional blocking repl to my crappy makeshift non-blocking repl when the game starts).

My repl is shitty so I think I'll recycle my "ribbit console"


so I can tab autocomplete, but replace the lua with chez scheme. But maybe I can do something a bit more fancy so that you can load it with chez scheme.
Question regarding how you guys do platform-specific code, I'm curious.
Do you have main() defined per platform and have the game implement functions main() calls, or do you have the game implement main() and call interfaces to the platform-specific code?
Which is better: Supporting only SDL but thus any platforms SDL supports, or supporting multiple platforms independently (but thus writing more code per platform)?
supporting SDL
SDL supports anything you would ever want to support.
>the overhead is so minimal though, barely non-existent on unique_ptr
Is this a Sims clone? An "OpenSims" would be pretty awesome. Wouldn't threaten EA but... it'd still be better than Sims 4.
It's a walmart tycoon game with "sims 1 aesthetics" iirc
that fucks so hard
Should I program in C99 or should I program in C++20? I'm developing on >windows and afaik in the year of our lord 2024 Microsoft still refuses to implement post-ANSI C in their MSVC compiler. I could set up mingw but idk.
Use an earlier C++ version
C > C++ always
What's your problem with it? Isn't drawing to a framebuffer expected?
It is a little funny when you have to post something so obvious.
and with this the thread is going to suck again
uhm can you merge cdda with this
nice chair
lol filtered
For those perhaps making RPG/RTS how do you handle resources/items in relation to gathering/trading?
I know this is a vague question but I'm quite clueless
Sir, why making an engine? And especially with the least suitable languages like cpp?
It s a vague question so you should try and clarify it
Ok. I'm wondering if there are particular ways items tend to implement items. e.g.
items =
(oak, collectable, trable, can't be crafted, $10, oak.jpg)
(sherry, collectable, trable, can't be crafted, $10, sherry.jpg)
(lumber, not_collectable, trable, can be crafted, $15, lumber.jpg)

def tree:
if oak
*drops 10 oak*
elif sherry
*drops 10 sherry*
elif mutant
*drops x% oak, y% sherry*

def crafting
if 5 sherry or 5 oak
*create 5 {}_lumber*
I'll tell you how it works for my RPG
consider we have 3 class, ItemDef, Item, and Container
ItemDef contains all the properties of an item type like the ones you've listed, these are loaded from JSON file at the start of the game and stored in a globally accessable table
Item is an instance of an item. Item contains a pointer to its ItemDef, along with instance-specific data like stack size
Container contains items. At its most basic level it's just a list of Items which can be added or removed, but a Container might also be a grid in which case the Item would store its X,Y values inside the container, the Container can have certain flags so that specific items are allowed or not allowed which you can use to create equipment slots

In-game objects like NPCs or shops can then have their own Containers or Items attached to them. GUIs can be created which reference existing Items and Containers and allow the user to manipulate them
That makes a lot of sense.
why dont you replace rust for zig on the wheel and add odin to it
its fun
Procrastinating through life with no survivors.
until you have to do something non trivial
>Sir, why making an engine?
because i'm not a cucked gameshitter
>And especially with the least suitable languages like cpp?
>tfw not making progress
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>C, C++, Rust, Odin, Zig
People enjoy suffering and I enjoy looking at them from afar.
You're the class clown and everyone laughs at you
>python-like syntax

Low iq nocoder
today i'll play vidya
Custom engine?
{ sorry; there is an issue with my parser; can you rephrase your post?; }
>You don't like pythonic syntax? Wow, lmao, what a nocoder, go back to C and play with the other little kids. Real adults use the fucking slow-ass scripting language as a game programming language
>2 space indent
It's not pythononic syntax, retard. It's Pascal/Modula/Ada Wirth-style syntax.

Only nocoders think
>ummm indent = pyton
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Pleb, everyone knows the real Chad's language.
>indent = pyton
well yeah pascal and ada don't use indents to delimit blocks, they use end
>acshually it's not pythonic, its [pythonic]
Ah, now you'll say Haskell and F# have Python style syntax because you're a retard
>r-retard! It's not pythonic, it's [another pythonic lang]!
takes one to know one :-)
I don't know anything about those languages
indent blocks are pretty retarded though
>acshually it's not ignorance, its stupidity
stay mad B-)
nimtard going all in today
Brown hands typed this
carry on with your pajeetsharp
I like your attitude of pretending you are not an irredeemable idiot.
Don't feed the Nimschizo guys
Look in the mirror before you call someone a pajeet lmao :-)
cope B-)
i think ill distract myself from distracting myself with vidya too
>cope B-)
>>cope B-)
Don't forget to use
 --cc:tcc --passL:"-ldl -lm" --tlsEmulation:on -d:useMalloc 
nimtard hasn't posted in a while, worried about him...
Big O is an important thing to understand
>it's called Big O because when you finally understand what's going on you go OOOOOOOOOOHH
1. Use libraries whenever possible. They've put more work into it than you will
2. Call a universal interface and hide platform switching behind that
Something that abstracts away both raw memory layout and internal pixel format. Current solution is incrementing a void* and using surface->format.BytesPerPixel a few times. But if there is no better way, oh well
mod and div as modulo and divide with remainder operations for integers was a deal breaker for me. I'm petty that way
Which is best:
>IUnknown (COM) classes, COM directors, System Services, Framework/App, message queues, all the OOP shit, etc (The Sims 2 does this)
>GameObject system (i.e Unity's)
GameObject system
Is suffering if you're a retard
Is suffering if you use it.
Is suffering because you'll cut your dick off and regret it later.
Is suffering because it's not better than what's already out there.
See Rust above.
big oh my yes the oh is so huuuge <3
IUnknown is great
>Is suffering if you use it.
Odin is a sane inbetween of C and C++. It's better than C, and it's not suffering like C++
learn rust
Isn't Unity's GameObject system an example of ECS?
And to answer your question, anything but OOP shit
what do you think a component is?
Nobody who says OOP is shit has any idea what they're talking about
Odin + OpenGL.
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Considering making a soccer game. Anyone ever look at those fifa leaks? Wondering what their code looks like...
>>101214431 (Me)
>fell asleep from lack of sleep and suddenly had a dream where dream me was programming and said "the best object system is no object system" and had each type be a separate final class that uses no inheritance, no composition, no ECS, nothing, just functions
Is my subconscious trying to tell me something
there's you're problem. use an real engine instead, like the one you make from scratch.

if you use godot, unity, or unreal, then you aren't a real game dev.
you can run in circles all you want, but all you do is a circular delusion of your own delusions.
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Alright lads. It's the last day of the month. I'm looking to into game dev. My weapon(s) of choice is going to be C with some C++ ( but not a crap ton because I don't want to over-engineer my shit). I'll have to use Visual Studio because every other offering is "WAY" worse.
I'm gonna use OpenGL because Direct3D is a fucking shitshow to startup and manage. I'll post progress when I see a /gedg/ thread up. Also I have OBS installed and I need an FFmpeg script to compress the video so that progress video can be uploaded. I know that there is one in here, but I can't find it having check previous threads.
yknow I'd be really cool if you updated the engine to use hd2d like lighting, something like octopath traveler but kept the low res textures and models
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Fixed bug with mesh instances.
Uniforms can suck my dick, vertex buffers for life.
why so many tabs froggy
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High iq

I use it as a pre-search engine tool. Basically, how do I do "x" or "y". Then I look at the leads that aren't bullshit and do a proper search. I have no problem with ai as long as you aren't copy and pasting shit.

>main thread hangs
windows sure loves to enter modal (dragging and resizing) and menu loops (any time alt is pressed) without letting me know, one day ill fix it, but not today
why did you change name again?
you just need good ai
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Fucking shit. Check that shit out. Seriously, do write any actual code you fat fuck?. How many years have you been at this shit? Post the garbage sprite video again, fatso.
>dungeon keeper-style game
>but it's a sex dungeon
plz make it happen guys
Is anyone going to play a soccer game that doesnt have the permission to use the actual players and teams names/likenesses?
I post on crpg /vg/ general and on /v/ sometimes. There is a guy called Froggy who is very infamous there.

I'm not sure why you are making fun of me. Unless I'm missing something, I don't see anything to make fun of.

>fat fuck

But I've been losing weight ....

>How many years have you been at this shit?

I think I've been working on this program for about 2 months in my freetime.
in a bad way?
By definition infamous means you have a bad reputation. Infamous means being famous but in a bad way.
what is "sof"
C > C++
>want to make my own game from scratch with no engine
>also want to make a hobby OS just for fun with the UI of old 6th/7th gen game console OSes
How do I focus on the former and resist the temptation of these "side projects"
Do it yourself coomer
> KeeperFX 1.1.0 Released 2024-05-10
90% of the work is done already
Do you need the original media to make that work?
take certain vacation days where you just focus the side project or split your day up with a majority side project focus and lesser main game focus.

Think of it as a vacation.
Ah yes forgot about that but it's if you want to play DK1, you can use it as a base for your coomer thing.
Sure just have a popular IP like Mario
shape of fantasy, the name of the game
you can use formerly knwon as webmforretards
should I use raylib
you should use Vulkan
Give it a try and
Love the C
What the other anon said but use this: https://github.com/miki151/keeperrl
Would be easier to make a mod for since it's 2D
no, you shouldnt
I wonder if it would be possible to use idtech 2 or 3 as an engine to make non-FPS games in (i.e RPGs, sim games, etc)
thanks I didn't know about this one
> You will dig deep into the mountain and build dozens of rooms, corridors and traps
So kinda like a DF without the troon and fps death after 1h of gameplay ?
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Here is a look at view mode
takes a lot of fantasy to turn that shape into something interesing
How to make fullscreen window popup with no library or framework im on win7
>im on win7
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Overhang cove.
What c++ subset do you use?
gamedev is not just about programming
it's also about the art stuff
if you invest heavy on the art you can make a good game with ready made engines

if you do both, then you make a masterpiece, but that's kind of hard solo
Should my (first) lifesim/rpg be 2D with tilebased graphics (ala Dwarf Fortress) using SDL's built in renderer, or should it be super simple "90s arcade" 3D (ala Virtua Fighter) using OpenGL? Again, this will be my first real game, so I'm leaning towards the former just to be safe.
whichever one appeals to you more.
stop the virtue signaling to crabs by way of "look at me, crabs, I'm starting small just like you crabbed me to do."

do what you want.
But both appeal equally. And it's not just about appeal, it's about feasibility too.
no it isn't about feasibility , that's a crab who crabbed you talking. That's not you talking.

Pick the one you'd like more.
But I like both.
you will never finish it
you might finish it
t. crab
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>Finally, the engine is done! Now, let's get started with the game ...
at first, >>101219045 this guy's post made me want to just do 2D instead since the term "crab" is a bit overused
but now >>101219086 this guy's making me want to do 3D instead
I don't know who to disappoint more.
I'm already at this , using Vulkan and C.

Just build what you need for your game. You don't build a Unity clone and then build your game. You build the game.
Don't tell my what to do.
I will build a Vulkan open source engine, which I will publish on github to improve my resume.
Meanwhile in as I am making the engine, I am working of my art-skills.
When the engine is complete and my art-skills are decent I will start making the game.
Thanks. I wouldn't mind revisiting this old friend again.
>needs AviSynth
FFS. More fucking addons. Fuck that.
I'm pretty sure someone in here posted literal one line script that converted (whatever format OBS shits out) into webM and under 4 megs too. But it's in an old thread and I can't find it.
Thinking more. Maybe instead I should use 2D for prototyping and 3D for the actual game?
What's wrong with using ffmpeg directly ? I can't bother learning all the specifics so I use :
ffmpeg -i whatever_obs_shat.mkv -c:v libvpx-vp9 -crf 30 -b:v 0 progress_for_gedg.webm
Someone can surely post something much better
I plan on using ASCII with ncurses for protoyping pure logic stuff.
Stick with 1D. Better yet just keep thinking on it.
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all of it
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You cannot finish a game.
Why would I want to use Lua?
>you cannot finish a game
Fuck you I will
kek, did that really happen in (I'm assuming) /int/'s /djt/?
Masahiro Sakurai basically said no; sportsball fans want their own team.
>Oops, turns out my game needs me to overhaul the engine ...

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