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Was it that bad?
yes, it was terrible to use with a mouse as it is a UI for touchscreens - and within ten years there will be daily threads about how much soul it had and hordes of autistic linuxites will configure their DEs to look just like that
>12 years ago
>360 ui
On tablets it was great, if you only used desktop programs. On desktops and laptops it was also pretty usable after you got used to it.
Also it was much more stable than 10 and had basically no ads
yep, it was shitty af, was good for lil tablet but for a fuckin laptop or desktop it was a nightmare to use for non-touchscreen devices, ppl keep telling it was stable
THEY SHOULD SHUT THE FUCK UP, it was slow as hell on my laptop (windows 8 manufacture-installed on it) and then when I upgrade to windows it's "magically" faster, fuck it, still I loved the design for touchscreen device but we hqd windows phone for that
upgrade to windows 10, sorry mistyped
Yes, it was slow as shit for me too.
99 percent of the time people would just click show desktop. It was a complete failure.
Yes, it killed the start menu. Even windows 10/11 haven't recovered - no one uses the start menu anymore.
8 = bad
8.1 = good
Metro UI was bad for keyboard and mouse but at the desktop it was great.
>it was slow as hell on my laptop
Because your laptop was a piece of shit, I bet you didnt even have an SSD
something was wrong with your pc. i ran it on a nettop at work and it was snappy, even a bit more than7.
yes top kek. There's no defending this shit like retards do with Windows 11.
well then how the fuck windows 10 ran better on it? also it had an ssd
idk, it was not that slow but still slower than windows 10
no. we didnt know how good we had it
Because it removed some of the spyware that your manufacturer preinstalled
kek, didn't shitty unknown microwave maker thomson had spyware
didn't knew*
Yes, each version of windows rewrites the definition of terrible. Such innovation. They constantly discover new and novel ways of making windows even worse, in ways not previously even imaginable.
it was bad but usable. ironically they perfected the start menu with windows 10 but suddenly regressed it with 11 and also removed a bunch of features for no reason.
weird. 10 is definitely the slowest version of windows ive used.
Yes, the start menu from Windows 7 is objectively better.
oh ok, don't use win11 then, fr, have a 16gb ddr3 ram, i5-4570 and it barely work with nothing opened
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It was a nice experiment with a fully resolution-independent vector UI.
That's not the 360 ui
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*hijacks your superkey binding*
It's a touchscreen UI on desktops. Of course it was bad!
ballmer dropped the...ball. hahahaha
i hate boomers so much its unreal. we lost the most soulful era of windows because muh desktop
Nah, I learned to like it. (Although I've never had to use windows 8 without classic shell.)
Having a screen for all of your (un)commonly used programs separate from your desktop was nice. The 10 start menu should be an objective improvement, but idk I still liked having an entire screen for that.
You know you can there's an option to use the Windows 10 Start menu as full-screen, so its just like Windows 8, right?
I didn't actually. I just tried it now, that's pretty cool.
I have used older windows all my life and I was gifted a windows 11 laptop a year ago. Nothing wrong with windows 11 to me, despite being resistant to change all my life and in general not liking new technology. Only thing I should have done was NOT put anything in the folders that went onto my Onedrive automatically, that was a huge mistake as a youtuber. And putting film on the 100gb c drive instead of the 931gb d drive... Yep didn't think that through but it's been about a decade since I got a new computer so I wasn't even thinking about features like this was a possibility.
install classic shell and it was the best fucking os ever
I hate windows 10 so much
but 8 is decrepit and unusable in 2024
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>install classic shell and it was the best fucking os ever
8 was dogshit. 8.1 was a big improvement due to a) restored desktop Start button and b) more variety in Start screen tile colours
You don't want to run this on a HDD. But they were still very common when 8 came out.
>Perfected the UI back in the 1990's
>Still trying to reinvent the wheel
Is Microsoft retarded?
that's why I like macOS, they stick to the fundamentals of their UI no matter how old they are because it just works
Great on a phone
Mediocre on PC (partly because of mouse, partly because the tiles were buggy)
>Great on a phone
Any windows phone had dogshit battery life
Yes, but 8.1 with Classic shell was better than 7 because flat > glossy.
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>Any windows phone had dogshit battery life
OP was obviously talking about metro UI
I liked it.
Haters gonna hate but 8.1 was the best Windows ever released. Simple, clean and modern looking interface. No apps. Extremely light and fast. Start menu was weird but you could always just press Win key and start typing to find shit.
I liked it on Microsoft Surface for Windows 8 Pro. I feel like they should have kept the start screen as an option for tablet PCs, and a classic style start menu as default. The in-between we have now is abysmal.
Yes. Fucking monkey niggers ruined Windows.
>tablet is the next big thing(tm)
>make your desktop os into a tablet os
>it doesn't hit with a 99% of your user base
>windows tablets are extremely underpowered and their battery life is very bad
Gnome is still trying to make this work.
Even on tablets the UI is absolutely useless and trash if you're not a spit gurgling retard primitive that's only just learning to use a computer in the 21st century. They went with big pictographs because they were targeting actual cavemen, and had these cavemen design it.
They've got enough precision that you can use the normal gui and get things done decently enough with the virtual keyboard, though not ideal. Even you're using the tablet, you've probably got a keyboard attachment.
>yes, it was terrible to use with a mouse as it is a UI for touchscreens
objectively wrong
start screen is superior to a start menu
I don't need the local alphabetical index of only what's installed because the explorer gets me what I need. The start screen offers much less and still harder to make useful than the obsolete start menu.

Kill them both, open to the desktop or the file explorer and keep the simple button that swaps between them. At this point however Microsoft wants to kill everything to replace it with a small gpt prompt on a static screen that feeds everything to the government.
No, people were just upset because it moved their cheese. It still had all the features of Windows 7.
I remember when W8 came out, the only way to shut down was through that "charms" shit, had no luck teaching my elderly mother at the time
I had to pin a shortcut to a shutdown script on the metro UI and desktop
thanks micropeen

W8 had the prettiest window decoration of any windows version imo
8 was dicktits terrible
8.1 was surprisingly stable and fast
It's still better than Shitdows 10 and it's still my goto if I need a Winfag box

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