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>still no replacement for torrent protocol
What problems does the BitTorrent protocol have that would necessitate a replacement?
>still no replacement for the wheel
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let's see
>outdated and broken hashing protocol (sha1)
>end-to-end encryption is rc4 which is hilariously weak in 2003+21
>no global file deduplication, swarms that have the same file are split
>no privacy or anonymity in any shape or form
Torrents but with some sort of tor like mechanism to hide the users.
some code janny needs to get to work on a better protocol (not me, of course)
Doesn't BitTorrent v2 use SHA-256?
>What problems does the BitTorrent protocol have that would necessitate a replacement?
The biggest issue is that user IPs can be seen by anybody who connects to the swarm so it is not private. We need a modern replacement that gives users a layer of obfuscation like using i2p + BT2.0.
Exposure of your ip address for example.
None of these matter unless you're downloading something illegal. I don't care if you do, but that explains why nobody is promoting a protocol to address these things. ISPs don't block torrents because they have legitimate uses.
>Exposure of your ip address for example.
use Tor
>Tor is too slow
wow, you're telling me there are tradeoffs in protocol design? this is the first i'm hearing this
>user IPs can be seen
So what? You have a firewall, right?
>Doesn't BitTorrent v2 use SHA-256?
Nobody is using BTv2
It should be replaced by an entirely new protocol that solves all the issues that BT has.
Something "illegal" is downloading marvelshit on an American ISP. Have you ever stood in front of a train?
No reason to get defensive anon. Only gods chosen people (including totally safe vpn salesmen) and the feds would have it worse when a replacement would manifest.
>use Tor
Tor is not for filesharing. A replacement for torrents should have their own way to hide IPs like i2p instead of connecting directly to each other and the i2p-like layer should be suitable for heavy filesharing.
a biblical deluge to wash away all the accumulated filth off the streets
but really, decentralized streaming
Deduplication actually makes illegal stuff way harder but is great for legal things.

Also mutable torrents would be awesome.
>>outdated and broken hashing protocol (sha1)
There have been proofs of concept of SHA-1 collisions found, but as far as I know it's still not easy to just create them at will. So it's not clear how urgent that problem is.

>>end-to-end encryption is rc4 which is hilariously weak in 2003+21
I'll take your word on RC4, not too familiar as to how it works.

>>no global file deduplication, swarms that have the same file are split
Merging split swarms that have the same file is a good idea. Maybe the clients would coordinate to track all the torrents that have a file with the same hash. However sometimes swarms are deliberately split and communities want to keep it that way (thinking of private trackers not wanting to have peers from public trackers). And besides that, hashes can still change a bit too easily. For example, different repacks of some software release, or slightly different transcodes of some video files, would all have different hashes despite actually representing the same thing. So that makes it harder. But IMO despite these challenges it's probably still worth doing.

>>no privacy or anonymity in any shape or form
In my opinion you have plenty of privacy and anonymity if you don't use features like PEX or DHT, and if you somehow hide your true IP address. But of course it can always be better.
>>101210515 (me)
Just looked it up, and yeah I was wrong about SHA-1. There are practical attacks and it needs to be replaced.
torrents just werk
just don't live in a JEWED country like US or Germany that will prosecute you for your downloads
he doesnt know lmao
>>outdated and broken hashing protocol (sha1)
BTv2 uses SHA-256
>>end-to-end encryption is rc4 which is hilariously weak in 2003+21
I think this is only feasible in a closed tracker where all peers have a TLS client certificate issued by the tracker. Keep in mind if you know the infohash (e.g. they participate in DHT) and can join the swarm then e2ee is useless. Kind of like a public chatroom that uses e2ee. The rc4 mode mentioned was just created to stop shit ISPs from throttling. Or, use an overlay network like i2p.
>>no global file deduplication, swarms that have the same file are split
BTv2 has per-file hash trees, but I don't think swarm integration is automatically performed (and it probably shouldn't be, see >>101210515). You have to do it yourself, e.g. https://github.com/kovalensky/tmrr
>>no privacy or anonymity in any shape or form
i2p or other overlay network integration.
You expose your IP addr here and every website you go to. It is designed to be exposed.
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I'm pretty sure private trackers can separate their swarm from the DHT table in the v2 revision. Global file deduplication should be the default and if that is not desirable, it's on them to implement countermeasures. There is no sense to have the same file that is shared individually and in a batch to be restricted into separate swarms.
but really, streaming
whoever made this shit is awesome, also qbittorent which I primarily use. Epic stuff
>In my opinion you have plenty of privacy and anonymity if you don't use features like PEX or DHT
This just ruins the public nature of torrenting. The ultimate goal is to make torrenting public and anonymous by using i2p or a new filesharing-friendly protocol for users to connect to and seed without worry.
>still no replacement
lmao is this bait
Torrents are antiquated. They work but technology should free you from shit like laws in Germany. Imagine if everybody in the world could seed while being anonymous. Then everybody would do it and piracy would flourish.
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>he needs a torrenting condom
>i2p or other overlay network integration.
the issue is that i2p is beyond most people's grasp. The goal should be to have a new protocol that works like torrents but is better, more secure and completely anonymous while being as easy to use as torrent clients. Then piracy will be perfected.
The whole world should be able to install a client on their machine, connect to it, download and seed while being completely anonymous. Then pirates will truly win.
>every new upload in private trackers have been hybrid torrents for a while
I'm on top trackers and we ban v2
sar BLU high quality top tracker sir kindly redeem v2 torrent in india we rely on the UTORRENT 2.2.1
do you need another file sharing protocol that won't be usable after 15 years, yet all its fans will hawk on you for not using it? why
Why would you want to watch capeshit though?
Perfect Dark was great. It had freenet like anonymity and a decentralized search engine.
p2p like napster was always a bad idea
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nope, only people from countries that aren't rulecucked should be able to do that, such as my own, cucks like you should continue being forced to pay for VPN, while I will continue rangebanning VPNs and countries like India in my client settings.
He's afraid of receiving scary letters from his ISP.
The point is that eventually, all countries will be rulecucked by THEM.
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yes I know why your country is cucked when your mind is this weak
weirdly I did get one (1) of those when I lived in the UK. I emailed back saying I left my wifi network unsecured at all times. never heard anything else.
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Torrent 2.0
will never use this just like I will never use IPv6
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>bittorrent v2
Why did it fail?
nobody is going to seed from their phone, and that is 90% of users. P2P dies with PCs
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There's BitTorrent v2, most clients have implemented it but I have seen zero usage of it, sad
>Why did it fail?
Not enough of a meaningful change from BTv1
BTv2 was DOA because it was too much of a boring, meaningless update to 99% of torrenters.

Somebody somewhere is working on the next major filesharing protocol and it has to be a huge breakthrough over BTv2.
And I heard that Amazon Prime now has multiple ad breaks while you're streaming one episode of a series, despite that you paid for the subscription.
imagine paying extra for that
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>there's a solution but nobody is using it
>we should make a new solution
>not backward compatible with the thousand of km of already established railway
Won't take off sorry
story of IPv6
basically everything is compatible with IPv6 though, people just think IPv4 adresses look cooler or something
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>ctrl + f IPFS
>0 results
real summer /g/
nobody cares about irrelevant meme, still using bittorrent
>boomie learned one form of piracy 20 years ago
>can't learn new things
>stuck in the past
>smug about it
old man syndrome
>use this new thing that's slower and worse than old thing, I beg you!
>there's a solution but nobody is using it
no, there isn't
DOA. Nobody is using it. A real solution will take over the world by storm like Napster and torrents did. It is time for something to replace torrents.
I remember. I tried hosting with it too but it choked my router like bittorrent in 2006.
biglybt bundles an i2p router
that's why I will never use it
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LibGen is but I can't think of any other examples. IPFS seems much more complex compared to BitTorrent though.
it's not about rules, i just don't need the family members i'm sharing our photos with to know that i downloaded the anarchist cookbook
>biglybt bundles an i2p router
It shouldn't be bundled into an existing torrent client. The means of obfuscation should be built into the protocol. We need a new filesharing protocol with privacy built in.
everyone says this, but it's not that easy.
like when a guy here was on about making a p2p protocol without somehow using and exposing IP addresses.
>p2p protocol without somehow using and exposing IP addresses
not possible and will never happen
no, you shouldn't have to reimplement onion/garlic routing for every new p2p application, that's dumb
Can you see my ip, anon?
Didn't think so.
nothing, it's perfect
>everyone says this, but it's not that easy.
neither was the creation of the torrent protocol but it happened.
>no, you shouldn't have to reimplement onion/garlic routing for every new p2p application, that's dumb
Not every new one, but for the one that is going to take over the world like napster and torrents did, yes.

And who said it has to be onion/garlic? Maybe it can be something completely new.
I love torrents so much bros
I can share anything I want and don't have to upload anywhere or post links
I just keep the thing seeding and others go find the same magnet from tpb or wherever
It is easy and fast
It is impossible to take it down off the net
I could share the fucking Epstein flight logs if I had them and they could whack me but not the files
Holy fuck lads tormenting is the people's choice!
it was perplexing to me to find out that there are cucks whose internet is behind CGNAT and they cannot just open a port and seed, in fact in most cases they can't even directly connect to me and leech from me unless the swarm is big enough already.
t. static public IPv4 chad who can permaseed due to unlimited bandwidth in a country where torrenting is legal for personal use
this is me, but i have a public IPv6 too, so i can seed from that address too
my internet plan doesn't even include IPv6, not my problem
Just don't post CP here. Exposing your IP would be fine if the lawn enforcement and copyright mafia couldn't request your details from the ISP
normal people don't need to be told to not share child porn
That's pretty much the only thing that's not allowed here, just an example of the dangers of exposing your IP. You can do filesharing just fine here but people do get their details accessed sometimes on P2P networks.
Why does it need one? Why does something need to come next?
>Why does it need one? Why does something need to come next?
Because technology improves over time, anon. Stop being such a damn luddite.
Do you want pirates to be limited to the same technology forever, anon? Are you really this cucked? God you are a homo.
you can easily do it anyway, the question I have is what's the usecase for child porn?
Why are you so hung up on CP? It was just an easy to understand example of content that might get you in trouble because of IPs.
because pedos like you keep bringing it up, it's like you have nothing else to share besides trying to rape children and complain about people who want to kill you because ofi t
yesterday it's CP, today it's death threats, tomorrow it's saying nigger
name one service that came for you for merely typing "nigger"
that's why i said tomorrow
>just 2 more weeks
yeah I'm sure it's any moment now...
keep getting boiled, frog
I'm not a pedophile so nothing bad will ever happen to me. All of my disks are unencrypted.
of course it wont take off its attached to a fucking rail
>pedos ruining another privacy thread
back to torrent talk you kiddie fiddlers
>muh privacy
sorry but I want bittorrent to be 100% public with no privacy, I have nothing to hide
good thing I use private torrent sites then
do you mind sharing your credit card details ITT?
bittorrent doesn't require that
you said you have nothing to hide
don't pull a 180 now
and I'm not going to hide anything
so if you can have a choice between having privacy, and not having it, you would choose not having it...
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>I have nothing to hide!
>umm... uhh... I mean except my credit card of course...
yes, I want the world to know what I am seeding
don't need to hide anything, my credit card doesn't even have a password, my bank doesn't let me use their bank account without biometrically authenticated 2FA + chip in my ID card.
that just means discovering new techniques gets easier, it doesn't automatically invalidate already acquired technical knowledge
>technology improves over time
Software has been pretty consistent in getting worse over time
People used it for NFTs a few years ago, kek
bittorrent protocol is too complicated, that's why there is like only 1-2 maintainted implentations.

all of this complexity is unnecessary anyway because majority of the time you just download from seeds.
bittorrent v2 must be a stateless and as simple as HTTP: i request a file piece and you give it to me, that's all a torrent client should ever do.
Direct connections.
We have overcome the need for torrents through raw data throughput.
literal dimwit thinks bittorrent doesn't have direct connections lol
no matter how fast the connections are, you can always make them faster by pooling them in a torrent
>shows your IP
>None of these matter unless you're downloading something illegal
KYS faggot
Not with the overhead.
If you are saturating your Internet connection, you can't improve on that, but torrents incur more overhead. The best you can get is parity.

Yeah, technically they are still direct connections, but it's still a term used to differentiate client/server download methods from p2p.
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torrent is not even replacing usenet
let's take as an example the simple case of one uploader and two downloaders. a torrent will take size/uprate1 + size/(uprate1 + uprate2) while direct connections take 2 * size/uprate1 which is obviously slower
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Nobody usesnet though
>bittorrent protocol is too complicated, that's why there is like only 1-2 maintainted implentations.

Literally what are you talking about. There's DHT, PEX, and traditional torrents. There are magnet links and torrent files. It's not fucking complicated, you drop the file or copy and paste the magnet link in your torrent client and it fucking works.

>all of this complexity is unnecessary anyway because majority of the time you just download from seeds.
bittorrent v2 must be a stateless and as simple as HTTP: i request a file piece and you give it to me, that's all a torrent client should ever do.

Oh, he's retarded.
If you're saturating your Internet connection, you cannot improve on that.
I do. 100thousand others do. everything is readily available movie, tv, porn, group sex, gay sex tiny pussy bid penis sex without worrying about cops I can download , I dont need to use a torrent condom(vpn)
>outdated and broken hashing protocol (sha1)
>mutable torrents
>no global file deduplication
BitTorrent v2.
>>no privacy or anonymity in any shape or form
The entire point of Torrent is to be P2P file transfer, you will have to expose your IP to peers if you want to connect to them there is no fucking way around it at the protocol leven neithe there should be a way to do it because it's not the Torrent protocol business at all.
Just use a proxy you fucking retard.
The solution is to start using BTv2 then, thread solved.
>Somebody somewhere is working on the next major filesharing protocol
That was supposed to be IPFS and it's a piece of shit.
IPFS lost.
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Can your brain really not keep track of a one-to-many relationship between posts?
Damn they were right about zoomers brain being fried by tiktok.
It's many-to-many because backlinks are an official feature now, grandpa.
ok but guaranteed bandwidth is expensive and you can lower the total cost of all participants by pooling unused bandwidth which was the problem bittorrent solves and which isn't affected by "raw data throughput"
If you want privacy that's something you gotta live with.
this is why I will always be against privacy, I'm ok with unencrypted communication even if all it does is remove all mentally ill schizos and pedophiles
What's the point? Go on, sell it to me.
it's torrents but it looks for peers by block hash instead of infofile hash and replaces infofiles with a global (multi-root) hierarchical filesystem
the catch is that it isn't as mature
Mutable torrents? Wouldn't that make for a pretty obvious vector of malware? That seems to obvious of a problem. How does V2 do it?
>makes illegal stuff way harder
another way to word this is it makes censorship way easier. Imagine if the contents of Bidens son's laptop was on the protocol
I've always beloved in Stallman's idea that the meta norm and technology are really separate things and we should focus on the technology.
I seed from my phone...
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How do you know your machine is not compromised? Who is going to believe you dindu nuffin?
That's one thing I won't be telling you, glownigger. My machine is tamper-proof.
Retards think "mass replying" is just whenever you reply to multiple posts at a time because they are uncomprehending newfags
>no privacy or anonymity in any shape or form
You can torrent over i2p.
Find the original leaked Amiga Moana Loader (OS4) for the Mac Mini (file AmigaMini.iso, 11,993,088 bytes).
>outdated and broken hashing protocol (sha1)
>end-to-end encryption is rc4 which is hilariously weak in 2003+21
1. Do one thing and do it well. The communication protocol does not need this at all. Simply have the author distribute a small gpg signature file separately, or let a trusted authority maintain a database of secure checksums.
2. Peer-to-peer is fundamentally public, the "end-to-end" part of E2EE is completely orthogonal to its goals.
>no global file deduplication, swarms that have the same file are split
Atomic updates would be nice, but would bloat the protocol immensely.
>no privacy or anonymity in any shape or form
Would require significant R&D to integrate a Monero-like system into the protocol.
>muh anonymity
omegakek, kys.
>Software has been pretty consistent in getting worse over time
Maybe if you are a Windowsbabby
Where are the 3D printed organs? That shit is still the reason I'm still alive
Tribler is exactly this.

yes the bittorrent protocol is shitty and outdated.. like why does the filename have to be exactly the same to share it ? why can't it just compare the checksum? why does it also need files to be in specific folders?
If I wanted privacy I would disconnect my router
the only reason people use usenet and torrents is because there is nothing better out there.
>Just use a proxy you fucking retard.
Nobody wants to pay for that. Piracy should be easy and free.
>You can torrent over i2p.
I'd rather use a filesharing protocol that is private by default.
>like why does the filename have to be exactly the same to share it ? why can't it just compare the checksum? why does it also need files to be in specific folders?
That's not really a dealbreaker, anon.
such as?
that's the point of this thread. it's not out yet. we want something new.
Remember, the'res lots of CSAM content that's considered an terrorist act, and putting malware is the fastest solution.
and it has gone nowhere because it offers nothing worthwhile
Well, what's there to replace? It's pretty efficient as it is, has error correction and lets you host files if you want. What it needs is to get more legitimacy as a distribution method.
Jannies can. They laugh at your contradictory LARPs.
sha1 is only a problem if someone is intentionally creating collisions. In bittorrent's case, the result is that you get the wrong chunk; and this wrong chunk will be, 99% of the time, just some random bits. SHA1 won't detect anything wrong but your file will be corrupted.
Worst case scenario is that someone sits on torrents hosting bad chunks and poisons the entire torrent. Surprised the media industry hasn't tried this already desu.

>End to end encryption
Who cares

>no global file deduplication
True, but there's no way to fix this. What, global servers? DHT?

>No privacy or Anonymity
Who cares? Torrent is a protocol, if you want privacy or anonymity, wrap another protocol around it. For example use a VPN.
Well, there's only one country with data caps and other countries haven't adopted them.
>Now there are 15 competing standards
Some retards, probably you, love to quote the entire thread with something irrelevant, thoughwithstanding.
Few know this but pirating movies and games is actually illegal.
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I laugh at their salary
What does Bluetooth have to do with it?
Isn't it just a glowing honey pot?
how will you bootstrap your new anon network if there's next to zero users, meaning shit bandwidth, compromised anonymity and a utter lack of content?
>What comes after torrents?
Searching "watch ____ online free" and streaming it at 360p surrounded by ads on a dodgy website.
>how will you bootstrap your new anon network if there's next to zero users, meaning shit bandwidth, compromised anonymity and a utter lack of content?
by making it actually good and worth using.
>not me, of course
>dumb retard doesn't know what a collision attack is
What you are attempting to describe is a preimage attack.
you mean like i2p?
What the fuck is CSAM? Can you talk like a normal person?
dumb retard
Tell that to literal Cisco.

what! you dont even need vpn to download from usenet. thats why Germans prefer usenet
last I checked Cisco is IPv6 compatible
Legitimacy-seeking is a plague that strangles technology. Compare private ftp servers to rghost and, later, rghost to mega. Compare mail and irc to modern proprietary messaging. Look at the death of archive.org and at the agony of the modern web as a whole. Where there are people seeking legitimacy, there's control and observableness; where there's control and observableness, adventurous spirit is gone and fibrously remodeled into bureaucracy. Legitimacy: not even once.
What it really needs is more stuff that tends to scare legitimacy folks away. Long words, strange confusing concepts, complex diagrams encrusted with bits and pieces of abstract algebra for no valid reason. Basically anything to keep outsiders bamboozled by technology and, with any luck, push them back to their blissfully inconsequential IRL occupations.
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>Legitimacy-seeking is a plague that strangles technology
This is true for everything that has value: art, literature, cinema, etc.
>Long words, strange confusing concepts, complex diagrams encrusted with bits and pieces of abstract algebra for no valid reason
Hackers should have embraced a form of technological neo-Hermeticism but instead they haven choses to greedily sell their world to corporations, gatekeeping is indeed very important but now it's too late.
>still no replacement for torrent protocol
there's still no replacement electricity, or wheel. or sun for that matter. you know how old this cunt is?
yes, I do distinctly remember using the bittorrent protocol on my carrier pigeons to send books back and forth
Why bother making a comment when you're obviously clueless? At least do a proper shitpost.
bittorent has been designed in the era of low bandwidth and it's very anal about it. there is too much unnecesay ceremony and tracking built in into the protocol.
ideally the fie sharing protocol should be as simple as http file server with additional component that sends info to the tracker server.

there is one edge case when there is a new torrent with hundreds of peers. instead of requesting each piece individually from each peer, it would be better to just implement a pub/sub. when a peer received a new piece, it loops through all its subcribers and just sends it to everyone who is interested.
works on my machine
and that's what he did, meneer Dunning-Kruger
nonsensical post written by a dumb retard
i know, that's what i'm saying
Is this the part where you pretend to know something nobody else does and refuse to elaborate?
IPFS, where the 'magnet link' is simply the hash of the file you need. Two files are the same? it'll share the same peers. No more split activity between different torrents of the same file, easy to automate with crypto (so you could pay a service to always seed certain files). that said, it's a nice upgrade but torrents still work for me and my media habits.
>I want to be anonymous so someone should set up a protocol like torrents except of being decentralized it should be centralized and require a central server tracking everyone's IPs to function
Torrents work because the protocol doesn't require centralization.
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>0 mentions of Veilid
It's basically IPFS + i2p/Tor in one package, but supposedly faster and good at keeping a stable connection even on mobile, even when switching networks.
It doesn't just take care of anonymizing traffic, but allows serverless storage on top of that, so you could have anonymous torrents that don't even require servers to host data.

Seems like it could do that for any application, for that matter, but I don't see why torrents wouldn't work.
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we already have magnets
the implication being of course that it supports everything INCLUDING mobile applications and usecases, not just phone apps.
compared with how clunky setting up tor on phones is, that's a good thing..

you could put it in any application, or even any website, no setup needed.
>>makes illegal stuff way harder
>another way to word this is it makes censorship way easier.
how? it just makes it so two files that are the same hash share the 'magnet link' that retrieves them. Say Biden's laptop _was_ on IPFS, how do you stop me from getting to hunter-MyDocuments.zip if someone already told me the hash is 1Yadayada (this isnt a realistic hash but just for sake of argument) and someone else is always hosting the file online from anywhere in the world?
Why does it need to be replaced???
You need to expose your IP at some point while connecting to Tor. And yet you still get your data ""anonymously"".
illegal vs legal is a made up thing anyway.

At times in history it has been illegal for gay men to have sex, now in some countries it is legal for them to get married.

Ultimately laws are just a way to punish people for their actions without a resulting riot in times of injustice.
IMO privacy. What would be preferred is if instead of torrenting being a cleartext protocol, it instead behaves more similarly to an onion protocol like Tor. Where each chunk is anonymized and the difference between seeding and leeching is unapparent to a peer.

A peer should never know what the other peers are doing. The fact they do is what leads to lawyers grabbing entire torrents and tracing each and every seeder down to send DMCAs. This should have been addressed long ago but people decided that the DMCAs are toothless and it's easier to just ignore letters from the ISP.

Ideally something like a wireguard protocol which connects peers to a VPN cloud and starts to share traffic over it using anonymized IP listings and endpoints would be a quick patchwork solution.
It breaks stream isolation.
Who the fuck cares. It's illegal in Texas right now to look at porn without an internet drivers license, does anyone do that? no.
This is actually what I'm describing.
>legal downloads
You can easily purchase digital files for music, booksand artwork. Movies on the other hand, stuck in old paradigm of streaming and have no prefered format for digital file distribution (except on the pirate scene). The moment there's a lossless video solution, on par with flac, purchasing digital video files will take off. Piracy though, will never completely go away
>no global file deduplication, swarms that have the same file are split
emule does not have this problem
>lossless video
hmm, yes, I do want to waste 1TB of space
even blurays are just encodes
Cisco is infamously ridden with bugs related to IPv6, from lower bandwidth to downright packet losses they got about everything in their bug tracker. Admittedly it got better after rona, but the meme is pretty much alive.
The Internet fundamentally wasn't built with anonymity in mind though. A switched packet network has hard links in it; uses destination addresses for routing; and has customer accounts provided by ISPs. Anonymity solutions that offer strong privacy guarantees seem to be slow as fuck (TOR) or fast but have weaker privacy guarantees (VPNs.) I actually think it won't be a software protocol that solves these issues. It will likely come from technological developments in long-range wireless networking whereby broadcasts can be made with a higher level of privacy.
No, it was perfect from beginning, now all we need is can download without seed
I'll do the marketing and update the terminology so its hip and fresh with the current gen crowd.
Does not discriminate against jeets.
this is even more meaningless than the logo... Fuck it I will come up with the font for the title. ( in the 90s I actually liked the innovative font for Diablo 2 and SC , but these days every game has the very innovative font of Helixa if not based in sky and shit like Space Boards Font for space shit. ). I propose Helixa as the most boring title font possible other than Times New Roman.
annas archive only exists because of ipfs
>Why does it need to be replaced???
It's not good enough anymore.

>No, it was perfect from beginning, now all we need is can download without seed

IPFS is only good for books and other tiny files.
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>Holy fuck lads tormenting is the people's choice!
There has to be a term for this. I see it everywhere here.
>/g/ knows everything about everything
>except for really obvious shit that's discussed routinely in which anon will *pretend* to not know, will not search for an answer, but instead will aggressively proclaim he doesn't know what it is in order to ...???
To what, exactly? It's inexplicable narcissist behavior and once you see it, you can't unsee it. It's not genuine retardation nor autism, it's posturing.
It's some uncreative form of trolling. I don't know why retards do it. Maybe they find it funny in their discord groups or some shit.
Some people here act like 4chan is an AI chatbot and demand answers to every dumb thing they want to know.
> P2P dies with PCs
Heh, nothing personnel kid
what other alternatives are essentially impossible to truly kill and also decentralized? even without a tracker, dht can still magically discover peers
you don't need to reinvent the wheel, you just need to spruce it up a bit. isn't that what bittorrent v2 is?
desktop PCs might be on their way out but the number of normies using a stationary home computer of some kind or other for storage, entertainment or smart shit is going up, not down
Not viable for mass scale until high temp superconductors.
Which is NEVER.
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>desktop PCs might be on their way out
nah they are just getting smaller like pic related. Most people don't need a huge ass box next to their monitor especially now that ARM and Risc V are on the horizon.
>Some people here act like 4chan is an AI chatbot
it isn't?
looks like vaporware
I can't wait until all desktops look like this.
You can triangulate any signal, even if you sent it from multiple places at the same time, as long as the entire route is known. This would be akin to security by obscurity.

Onion routing works because even if you know where a signal originates from, it all looks the same, so that information becomes useless.
i wish we could have onion routing at IP level
but alas, we can't even have ipv6
I2P or P2Cloud with scaled encryption and AI or blockchain index sorting. Boom. Done.
We don't need a replacement.
>What comes after torrents?
USB dead drops
>It's not good enough anymore.
That's not an arguement.
>buzzword buzzword buzzword. Boom. Done.
poo loo
She is right, faggot
except for the bencode autism the bittorrent protocol is perfect as is
That's the pretext for on-device scanning. Nobody cares about the children. The intelligence agencies want your data (information awareness office)
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That's how tech works and why you still don't have a job zoom zoom
No, tech works because the people in it do understand it. Something which you will never be able to do.
>Dismissing anything because muhBuzzword
Enjoy begging for help desk tasks
files get corrupted when not enough seeders
it's a glaring issue
Not for public filesharing you moron.
Why not? Not like anyone gives a shit about it's current onlyfans sharing circles.
deluge sucks man

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