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Caturday edition

How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference (basshead, female vocal, treble sensitive, etc.)
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio, Bloom Audio, MusicTeck, Elise Audio (UK)

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>Frequency Response Graph Tool

>Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:
• Tangzu Wan'er S.G (mild V) - $20
• EPZ Q1 Pro (Harman) - $35
• TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
• Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90

>Bullet IEMs:
• Tanchjim Zero (bright neutral) - $15
• Final E500 (dark) - $25
• Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30

>Flathead Earbuds:
• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
• RY4S 32Ω mmcx Plus (V-shape) - $10
• Yincrow X6 (warm) - $10

• Moondrop Dawn Pro - $50
• Tanchjim Space - $90
• Tempotec Sonata BHD Pro - $90
• Qudelix 5K - $110

• Surfans F20 (Rockbox) - $120
• Shanling M0 Pro - $130
• HiBy M300 - $200
• Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200
• Tempotec V3 - $200

Previous thread: >>101189713
Yo they give you the option to switch the dac internal amplifier into AB mode!
This is now the best dual CS43198 dongle on the market
>DAC OM: Or DAC Operating Mode, which “is an output mode that converts digital signals to analog signal output to provide a listening experience closer to the original audio signal”. This is the material that EPZ has sent me. Basically there are 2 options, AB or H. From my testing, I found nearly no difference between the 2. So I just set it to AB mode.
They did an awful job of explaining what it does but fuck it as long as it works.
music sounds so good on my pos bros
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This shell looks strangely similar...
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How long until artificial intelligence becomes able to comprehend graphics and give IEM recommendations? Would IEM-related forums, such as Head-Fi, end up losing popularity?
imagine being this illiterate and retarded.
are zoomers actually this fucking retarded? it's already bad enough they get recommended by the loudest shitheads constantly repeating each other: HEXA, NOVA, VARIATIONS, HOLA, whatever big 3 releases and whatever shartrur pushes becomes the meta.
what pos bro
Sharur is genuinely mentally unstable and unwell.
fuck you fag
your foams arent fully stretched bro, you should wash a pair so they expand a bit more and cover those vents.
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Earbud Chads Rise up!
Everybody hates the trash shartur recommends tho
Good. Everyone should copy perfection. Shells have been solved.
Should I buy the vidos to see what the fuss is about, or am I getting memed again? I know it's only like five dollars, but they could be better used in a fleshlight instead of a possibly bad pos.
fleshlight will make u happier no doubt
Budfuckers getting uppity again
budchads are listening good tonight
Fleshlights are crap anyway. Save for a Bad Dragon or get some of that jp shit that gets you flagged by customs in 28 states.
So far i've bought:

>2x green wankers
>1x trn conch
>2x iris 2.0

what are cheap iems i can use to make a stock? somewhere between $5-20 was thinking of buying couple more iris 2.0's, and perhaps another conch.. but i dunno.. $20 is almost 4 iris's
nvm already bought just now
Redeem gato.
€19 where im from and 2 weeks shipping time. i wen with celest wyvern abbys instead, bit over budget but decent price for €23.65, also grabbed couple of iris2.0's
Someone gibs me iems
Is there any better options than moondrop space travel in that budget range or is that the best? Can you stretch ouy the budget a bit and get something better?
Steal some AirPods from some unassuming white girl
Post addy
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The Simgot Supermix 4 is spectacular. Just very resolving and precise for the price, they set out to soundly beat the Truthear Nova. If you're looking for something under $300 I don't think you can do better.

I like the earfun air 2, they have ldac and basically everything but anc.
Remember to EQ. And listen to real music
When 25dB errors in tuning don't bother you then you can listen to anything.
Start with legit and replicable measuring method before you start bitching and moaning about your scifi tier projections.
Bud measurements cannot be replicable and that's what my ears tell me too. The tiniest tug on the table ruins the sound, even if you somehow manage to salvage the tuning.
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this sums up all "scientific" earbud pro and against takes, including that 25db
I don't get the hate for Sharur. He is objectively correct. You are just seething.
shut up you hairy turd moron
You'll see some bud measurements with flat subbass extension("buds can do bass bro! I tuned mine to Harman!") which are made by jamming them hard into the coupler, completely unrelated to how they actually sound. The only way to actually tune them is full-range by ear and not move while listening to them at all, and at that point why even bother. Go outside, touch grass.
Good morning sir.
I know him IRL he always smells like curry
I don't get the appeal of earbuds when there are already iems that offer a shallow fit but good bass.
Than you Sir. India together strong!
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You have completed no fucking clue abot the topic and larp as armchair expert. lolmao
>Go outside, touch grass
I'm literally phoneposting on a walk. You can't be more wrong with every single thing.
Wow this guy is seriously delusional about his $5 earpos
Can anyone else relate to when you put iems on and one side of the ear (mine is the left) feels like it's too deep in compared to the other side that it bothers you?
Searching for your buds that got snagged on the weeds?
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Why would I use wired stuff outside?
budchud more like budhurt lmao
>he actually lost them
No way.
>buds are so great bros!
>doesn't use them
What the fuck did he mean by this.
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im ready to listen to music
>how come person likes more than one thing and is not militant about it
real world isn't twitter bro
You lose one thing like an idiot and then you start liking another thing, simple.
>budtroons are also twshitters
To think they could get even more pathetic
Couldn't even be consistent and get non-pro airpods. I would at least admire the dedication. But that's just genuine room temperature IQ moment.
I know it's hard to believe but I also have speakers, heaadphones and wired iems. Who could have thought this kind of sorcery even exists, haha?!
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Got Hexa, got Gate, now waiting for the next Truthear release to consoom.
If they're as bad as what you've shown us so far then don't bother posting them.
Okay resolve, I won't even try to offend your "certified personal audio equipement pro specialist" feelings with inappropriate picks.
(aka go choke on a bucket of dicks, faglord)
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Zero 2, Chu II or wanker for comfort & isolation?
Wanna try & make a flight easier
Any recommended tips if the stock ones are bad (or can be a lot better)
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I fucking wish
Kinera Celest Wyvern Abyss
For many years I used the bullet style in ears that came with my Samsung gt-n7000. I remember they were comfortable and had notably better isolation than IEMs. I also remember that it felt kind of refreshing when taking them out, so maybe they weren't vented? But I remember they blocked much more noise than stuff like Zero 2 or Gato. So maybe the answer is none of the above.

Is this just my memory playing tricks on me, or do those bullet IEMs do provide better isolation? And what would be some non-vented IEMs for maximum isolation (inb4 etymotics)?
I don't know about isolation, but both flatties & bullets felt horribly uncomfortable for me, maybe it's different with newer ones though
Do they need new tips or are the stock tips good? Glancing at youtube, people seem to like these and they obviously look great
Just bought one with divinus velvet included
Never use stock tips, they are almost all dogshit, unless it's those aftermarket ones bundled.
>Never use stock tips, they are almost all dogshit
Any good cheapish aftermarket ones, feels annoying to have to spend another 20 on the tips
Does anyone else hate iems because they're too in your ears
Penon Liqueur Black is good.
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Thoughts on Dunu Alpha 3?
Well-fitting IEMs don't feel like anything.
Been a while since I've used them, I had this issue with all the tips & IEMs I tried until I started using Comply Foam
Bit of a pain to get it in & get it to form well but once that happened the IEMs basically vanished from existence
I will have mine next week. I'm starting to have second thoughts because of BGVP, FF3s and Rikubuds around that price.
btw Dunu has them on their website for $65 for summer sale. I've never ordered directly from them so I don't know about shipping and customs.
MOONDROP Stellaris. Remember to post receipt.
Fox IEM(endgame).
Yincrow Calf
i was unironically considering this just with different images, you get second try if you know any good mic cable
talk about a pos
Obravo RaCuckU
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What is this specific style of earbud called?
Does anyone do it aside from Apple?
Aful MagicOne + Aful Snowy Night
Moondrop Starfield but this new Wu Heyday is alright too I guess
lol, lmao even
Ultimate Ear Live Pro, Nieve Preamp
>25% off with coins ($6/600)
>$5 off with $29+ shake to win coupon
>$12+ football winnings exchange
Grabbed an EB2S Pro for around $6. Haven't had an earbud since Apple's wired earbuds that came with old iPods.
Oh boy, please at least get Vidos before you start repeating nobass memes. It's NiceHCK tuning fault, not earbuds in general.
>25% off with coins ($6/600)
>$5 off with $29+ shake to win coupon
>$12+ football winnings exchange
Wait you can stack normal coupon and the exchange thing and can use multiple exchange things for one purchase?
lol. I'm aware of it and I only intend to use them for YouTube and emulation.

Store coupon
Discount finder (coins)
Exchange balance (they're a single balance so $10 + $1 + $1 = $12 total.)

You can stack all of the above.
>You can stack all of the above.
holy fuck
then I'll be able to get better savings than I expected, but at the same time, I probably should have bought some during the summer sale then since I had 4$ off 20 & 19$ worth on the exchange. I thought you could only use one & was trying to get the 20$ one lmao
NTA but there's no proper reviews for these things :(
I saw them when I was looking at buds earlier.
Isn't X6 better option for just $10 more?
Daily reminder that techs are brought to you by the delivery boy
X3 > X6 > X10
so lower is better. X6 != LBBS though afaik
I know how they are named, It's more like price differences $25-$37-$100. I've seen one review that called X6 warmer, more polished LBBS, overall improvement. And it's still cheaper.
I've ordered one (X6) but change returned my package after it left the warehouse. Afterwards I've lost my interest for now but X6 was the one I would still consider (I prefer warmer tunings).
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how come most agressive people are the ones defending Harman peaks?
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I dunno the Harman upper mids/treble is fine.
wow you actually have hearing loss insane
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The real Chad answer is banbeucmas targetwhich has upper mids/treble of the 2018 OE Harman target.
way too shouty
Harman target has less upper mids/treble than is necessary for accurate audio reproduction.
Its upper mids/treble is similar to HD600 and ER-4S, two long-time standards representing excellent reproduction of upper mids/treble. It's also similar to Bob Katz' target.
Its upper mids/treble are fairly in line with what has been considered "correct" in audiophile circles for quite a long time now.
It's its joggerfied bass response which has been somewhat controversial and innovative. The upper mid/treble response is nothing new or revolutionary.
how is the isolation on the wanker?
Some say the X6 and X10 are identical in sound, and that only the cable is different. others say that the x10 has more bass and less emphasis on mids. But the x10 doesn't have a ton of deep bass anyway. i believe they are identical.
ugh everyone is so unlucky in this thread
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Wow you're deaf as well as blind.
They're both ~10 dB boosts. That's similar. I didn't say they matched.
Its not similar at all, shartman has way too much treble. In other words, you have hearing loss.
If Harman target had flat bass, then yes, that'd be too much treble.
It has joggerbass though, so that treble is necessary.
Best TWS I can buy for a maximum of 60 dollars?
Holy deaf it's over for you
So, to be clear, what you're advocating for is the Harman target with less treble but preserving its bass boost?
Is there any difference for Tangzu Wan'er's different colors?
I'm not advocating for shartman at all retard.
What kind of target curve do you advocate for then?
they all look different
Variations anon -10db at 3K target
...in English this time?
we all should be talking in chinglish here honestly
campfire holocene target
What's about tuning?
all the same
the SE varient will have more neutral-ish tuning, graphs coming soon
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Everyone has their preferences but in objective sense, you’re wrong.
Chadbeucmas is not perfect but it is one of the best targets. IEF 2023 is also not bad
I've got a pair of Moondrop Aria since they came out. Obviously, the paint fell off and they are an actually nice grey metal color now. Should I get the EA500ML for 84€?
No you should get Kefine Delci or Kinera Abyss
kick away shrillgot
how good is the isolation?
>NGGAR bass
this target is objectively inferior to my target
Harman needs less treble and more bass.
fuck it. time to spend $5off$29 x2 on accessories/pos i dont need
based pos visionary
Isolation? I use the smallest tip, since I can't fit anything else, and even then, any kind of in ear will hardly fit. But, the over the ears and that first mixed in-ear and earbud xiaomi launched like 10 years ago are ok, since they kind of just hold their place.
So I can't talk about isolation, as I will have to reset them every so often. But, I'd say they are pretty good when I fit them inside.
The first one are 58€, the second 26,50€ (I could only find the Celest Wyvern, do you mean that one?).

>EA500ML 84€
>Kefine Delci 58€
>Kinera Celest Wyvern 26,5€
No it's Kinera Celest Wyvern Abyss, sometimes called "Black" instead of "Abyss". Delci and this has a much better fit than whatever memegot went for
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I have been out of the IEM world for some time. I first got the Xiameme Hybrids, the first ones (they released maybe 3 different variants), since they were, well, hybrids, and I was sure they would fit, which they did. Then got the KS ZS6, which where the first real IEM I got, and loved the all metal build, so that's why I got the Aria two years after, maybe 3, and the waifu. But after all this time and the paint falling apart, I think it's time for an upgrade.
So I just got into the thread and read the EA500ML on the OP and didn't think much about it (though I prefer black all metal IEMs). I would reuse the tips if the ones coming from a new IEM don't fit me.

I listen to mostly electronic music, from shitty dubstep to soundtracks like Doom and nujabes. If that helps with the options. Budget under 100€.
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It really doesn’t. HBB target has as much bass as zero 2
well then, only get the EA500LM if you're in for modding nozzles to remove some of the shout this shit has, otherwise go for the Delci for a slim fit, good build quality, good cable and an ok case.
I use truthear x Crinacle
>I am not a faggot
Pick one.
nice pinna but not tilted enough
Well I guess I'm a faggot now, and a retard
Most unfortunate. Your earussy will never recover from those nozzles.
Not that guy, is this a good deal? Would i be an idiot if i bought two of these?
it's a fine deal. don't bother buying two unless it's to meet a solid %off coupon. just get one friend.
thanks bud
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pos pits uuuoooohh
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how many more revisions before they nail the tuning?
All the flatpos shilling is done by the same guy, right??
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And it's saint.
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Moondorp Chu 2 + Feaulle H570 tips
2 more weeks
Fox IEM(with a fox).
Chuzo, just give up already. Go find another hobby that doesn't involve buying things with money.
Do you care about decent ANC/Transparency Mode or more about audio quality? At that price range you can usually just get one or the other.
Shozy P20 (on sale Linsoul right now)
+ Onix Alpha XI1
+ 4.4mm 2-pin cable
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link? They're 35 € for me
I need to do the needful, which new fotm pos should i buy?
Truthear Gatos
nta but here, also with divinus velvet SML pack (would rec)
Sir, kindly redeem truthear nova with foam tips, the most harman iems ever made.
Thanks, anon
at that price I feel like there's no question I should get these (since gatos don't ship here)
for that price it's worth a shot
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Muh dick

My IEM journey ends here
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No really
I give that it lasts a month
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see you when they inevitably break (or when you can't deal with the broken DSP anymore (or when you realize that the comfort sucks (or when the nozzles clog up)))
Looks like sea shells from the future on a toilet seat.

seriously though, those look expensive.
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I saw a popular streamer wear IEMs so I looked them up. It's this set.
Any good?
>he really thinks this dsp dumpster fire is the endgame
a sub $100 single dd would have been more fitting than this
anon streamers are fucking retarded what do you think
can you explain what's wrong with it? it's pretty expensive.
it's the redeem guy. I thought he had a good taste but apparently not according to you guys
fuckin KEK
talk about low set bar
there are no smart streamers except for my favorite vtuber kosekibijou
>can you explain what's wrong with it?
1) It's an old design from an old company. It likely has a terrible peaky frequency response with roll-off on both ends.
2) You're looking specifically at a model including a shitty BT adapter, making it even costlier and shittier.
3) Even at the ~$100 MSRP for the MP-120 model, it's ass.
4) People complain about the MMCX connection or drivers failing.
5) Chi-Fi options are available at all prices, lower, equivalent, and higher. Price does not universally correlate with quality whatsoever. There are excellent affordable products and dogshit terrible expensive products.
he already gave up unfortunately
First, you're buying something completely blind because you saw a streamer wearing it. Do you even know what it sounds like? Second, $200 for a single Dynamic Driver IEM from a brand not known for any well-regarded releases is a waste of good money. 1DDs are already being implemented well in Chink-Fi for so much cheaper. Talking about implementation, I have zero faith those MMCX connectors were built to last.
>it's the redeem guy
why would he have good taste? his videos now are all either staged or it's a pajeet that is just reverse trolling him to waste his time while the other jeets can keep scamming people
I care about audio quality more.
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oh god, that's a guy who's pretending to be a little girl, right?
Thanks. I'm no expert on these things. I just wondered why it's so expensive.
well, I assumed that the company spent a lot of money making it sound good so they charge a premium. this shortcut for thinking usually works out/
are they really staged tho? I think the vids are real because jeets are seething so hard. he's the guy who exposed their true nature so i understand why he gets so much hate.

anyway, this is the pic. I think this is the model I posted.

so if not this IEM, what's a good IEM for gaming???
Why are you watching a guy who wears a cap and shades in his room? Get a grip my man.
>so if not this IEM, what's a good IEM for gaming???
Literally anything from OP / rentry. There are some affordable new options like Celest Wyvern Abyss or Kefine Delci.
Monarch MkIII + DX3Pro+
>oh god, that's a guy who's pretending to be a little girl, right?
No you're thinking of saint of trannies, he's a regular namefag here.
Nova + Shiroi blocks.
I don't really get flathead earbuds, the direction of the speaker isn't aimed at your ear canal so isn't the sound just genuinely going to be worse no matter what?
kek trips don't lie. post the proof you followed through anon. prepare for bunnywhore pos
nigga can't get sound reflections
>isn't the sound just genuinely going to be worse no matter what?
yes. it's decades old form factor that like 3 poorfag tards are spamming about. truth is they are fine for very casual listening where you don't care about varying frequency response from the unstable fit. barely a tier above bone conduction / open-ear sound quality.
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Sorry and see you in shipping purgatory.
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pos haul mk2
pls respond
it's just a wired earbud. yes cheapo chink's like baseus / ugreen make knockoffs but the apple one is simply better. other earbuds like those listed in OP are slight different design where the sound holes are spread like a "showerhead" instead of funneled into a narrower sound nozzle like earpods.
>fell for every single headfi meme
holy shit lmfao
I don’t know if you know this but you only have 2 ears bro
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>mystery meat dongle
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>A/C: On
>Drink: Cold
*crack* *sip* Ahhhh, time to use music to listen to gear.
I'll show my collection next week.
where did you buy them??? store on online?
also, how much did you spend?
ignore haters... you got some good stuff.
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Where do i buy this..?
>good stuff
>the ONIX plays little floating notes as a screensaver
guys this is dongle is pure sovl and techs in one. i'm shedding tears...
Yes. The Aliexpress listing sells the combo together.
i just noticed
fuck you whore for the overpriced chink statue
>HeadRoom/headphone.com shutdown 6 years ago
>Only now learning of this
Fuck I'm old. I went to check their frequency response graphs and everything is gone. RIP.
New moondrope phone sneed it or keep it? I have their moondrop usb dac amp it's pretty mid.
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Does she listen to real music?
the techs are stored in the
if it's anything like that saint tranny listens to, it's garbage
Techs are stored in the balls.
That's why you avoid any iems a woman or a ((woman)) recommends.
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Shanling ua4 had them too, sold that noisy garbage.
holy based
i kneel.
pmpbros, dapbros.. what PCM filter should I use?
fast/short, hybrid/natural, smooth/slow?
NOS (non oversampling) gang
What's the appeal of listening to stairsteps.
>eurofag moment
woah, what a surprise...
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That style comes from Apple's earpods.
It's a pretty unique design, and there are still lots of copies/knockoffs of it. But since they are trademarked, you won't really find it from any major brand besides Baseus and Ugreen and a few similar ones, like the other Anon said.
For me it is NOS for relaxation and chilling
Super Slow as the most versatile option, multi-purpose allrounder
And linear fast for snappy transients and extra fidelity for analytical and critical listening
Yeah it's odd they only ship to third world countries
such a shame there's no upgraded version of it, they're super comfy.
What do you do next when you reach audio nirvana?
unironically take shrooms
Android audio player?
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i want some really cheap stuff under 30 whats best
i like bassy maybe a warm V
extra points if anime girl in the package, but will settle for one without if its better
hop aboard the Abyss fotm train
question i'm interested in a dac to also use on my headphones
it measures the power in vrms im only used to mw at 32ohm what is the equivalent of 1 vrm
Anon its fucking placebo just pick whichever one sounds the coolest.
send me your most hateful songs
gay as shit nigga, get some taste
Wait fuck, is the plug 3.5mm screw on or exclusively 3.5mm?
Am I going to get fucked out of an amazing option by the fucking plug of all things?
Can I use IEMs as regular earbuds?
Where can I find AES papers for free?
of course newer, I saw the guide

You only need the one hate anthem

No, next question.
Why not what's the big difference
Nova shippinghell anon here. Apparently, my package is in the Netherlands? The fuck do I do? I had already ordered from truthear's store, and they got it right the first time. What the fuck happened?
>order from ali
>complain about slow shipping
just wait and if it gets stuck somewhere with no updates for a long time or gets delivered to the wrong place, dispute it
A lot of packages go through NLPost as a transit country. Idk the logistics of why I'm sure the interwebz has the answers. Patience gweilo
serves you right for ordering pos faggot, i ordered my fiios, kz, along with several accessories and they're all arriving under 10 days of ordering
Chang solved audio... but cant solve shipping???
Last time I ordered from the same store, the package arrived in under 10 days, and so do most stuff I order from ali. This is a strange occurrence.
Full name?
Product name: KZ As10
Full legal name: Knowledge Zenith A(s)S(hit)10
File: 1719806180178.jpg (1.78 MB, 2153x2220)
1.78 MB
1.78 MB JPG
Cable upgrade, not all that microphonic considering it's cloth.
Lads I just bust a niggers jaw open
That's it, I'm buying it
since** it's cloth

Glad you like it
is that kinera abyss actually good or should i just get the zero red
either are fine bro but red arguably has worse wearing ergonomics
Someone should really do a reviewer ranking list lmao
I might just do that actually. I'll think about it.
i really like fabric cables

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