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File: cloudfare_updated.png (13 KB, 773x567)
13 KB
That's a really fat butt with a glowing asshole
File: 1719620079660132.png (10 KB, 750x750)
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Fuck off, jews are based. Death to palirats.
>how long until they reveal the other side of the coin?
What does this even mean?
probably a non-native speaker confusing expressions.
probably meant something like showing their real face/dark side.
You mean when will they start abusing their power?

They previously stated a commitment to free speech but routinely deplatform websites that are inconvenient to their reputation.

They fired a bunch of people from their sales department without explaining why.

They tried to charge upgrade a client to a plan that cost them thousands of dollars and when the client refused they simply removed all their services off Cloudflare.

Which story do you find more interesting? Look them up
% dig '@' +noall +answer +https -t HTTPS azure.com

M$ fail
% dig '@' +noall +answer +https -t HTTPS aws.amazon.com
aws.amazon.com. 6937 IN CNAME tp.8e49140c2-frontier.amazon.com.
tp.8e49140c2-frontier.amazon.com. 60 IN CNAME dr49lng3n1n2s.cloudfront.net.

amazon fail
dig '@' +noall +answer +https -t HTTPS cloudflare.com
cloudflare.com. 192 IN HTTPS 1 . alpn="h3,h2" ipv4hint=, ipv6hint=2606:4700::6810:84e5,2606:4700::6810:85e5

cloudflare win
Those who mindlessly hate Cloudflare don't understand the internet.
they already blatantly run a protection racket dude
underage user reported
Instead of delivering value to the customers that would make them as big as MS or Amazon, they're busy impressing dudes on /g/ with the fact that they can respond to "dig" correctly
thank you for providing a showcase for
>Those who mindlessly hate Cloudflare don't understand the internet.
Nah, I was commenting on their priorities as a company. It's rather mindless of you not to comprehend that
And I was referring to the "respond to dig correctly" which shows you don't even know what I was testing for. The would also apply to most posters here.
Also, how good/bad Cloudflare are at capitalism is irrelevant to the subject matter.
>muh heckin valid digerinos
Virgin ass mfer lmao
Lol I was on the internet in the 90s fucking your mom on web cams streaming with realplayer.

I could be your father
already starting to extort businesses
Cloudfare dns( has some problem with JAV sites.
I switched to and all jav sites are opening without any lag.
the fact cloudflare is so common and needed means the internet design is broken and all this shouldve been solved at fundamental level long time ago
>It's irrelevant because I said so
>the other side of the coin
is requiring something like world coin to prove you're a human for the captcha
why should they fix it, it's way easier to spy on everyone like that
Difference I see is who honors TTL. CF does, Googie caps.

# dig +nocookie +noall +answer @ -t https nochan.org
nochan.org. 1209600 IN HTTPS 69 . alpn="h2" ipv4hint=

# dig +nocookie +noall +answer @ -t https nochan.org
nochan.org. 21600 IN HTTPS 69 . alpn="h2" ipv4hint=

# dig +nocookie +noall +answer @ -t https nochan.org
nochan.org. 86400 IN HTTPS 69 . alpn="h2" ipv4hint=

# dig +nocookie +noall +answer @ -t https nochan.org
nochan.org. 43200 IN HTTPS 69 . alpn="h2" ipv4hint=

Seems only CF passe the right record TTL.
They never really tried to hide that they're a government run protection racket, people just don't want to see it because as always it's so (((convenient))).
Many websites aren't big and important enough to need DDOS protection. The Internet works remarkably well, I think for many of those website owners it's completely fine.
Until friends of CDN's learn of your site and say, "It would be a tragedy is say ... something were to happen ... to that cute little website..." and your boss then says, "Why don't we have a CDN?!?" and thus you get extorted into moving to a CDN.
I was actually pointing to Cloudflare's effort to push for and support ECH (and ESNI before it).
Which is why visits to the first two sites leak domain names, even with encrypted DNS, because of SNI in unencrypted client hello.
While visiting cloudflare.com (or 4chan.org for that matter) does not leak.
Interested readers can test this by enabling DoH in Firefox (https://dns.mullvad.net/dns-query can be used instead of the provided options), and grepping tshark's output for visited domain names.
The irony is not lost on me, that Cloudflare are the first to push ECH, when in fact they decrypt the URL for most of the internet, log all the DNS. I could not think of a better way to capture all the usage behavior of every person on earth, by saying "DoH / ECH = privacy so we are privacy" when they are in fact in a position to monitor and censor the entire internet once their government pull the trigger, likely after mass adoption which I would argue we are at. Not argue here of course, too many contrarians.
The world is bigger than Cloudflare or "their government".
A service can switch providers and/or use multiple ones, while end users will then continue to reap the benefits of ECH and similar improvements.
>but muh conspiracy is much bigger...
Then we are not really talking about Cloudflare.
Ideally, what I would have liked everyone to use doesn't look anything like the current opennet, but that's the world we live in.
And from an end user PoV (including the average tech illiterate /g/ poster), Cloudflare, which does do annoying things like their CAPTCHAs, is actually helping under the hood in ways end users will never come to understand.
>then continue to reap the benefits of ECH and similar improvements.
Are you saying ECH support is in OpenSSL? If not then most people will not be leveraging that, certainly not in a corporate environment where anything other than OpenSSL will not likely be used.

Do you have ECH enabled on your site without using Cloudflare? Have Cloudflare worked with the OpenSSL devs to get support added?
Hey man, I'm not a spokesperson for ECH. But anyway..
ECH is still relatively new. But it's coming.
As always, libcurl has the best info:
You can search openssl's github to check the latest developments there.
Wide spread adoption may only come after ECH gains RFC status. Changes since the last draft are not in flux. So it looks like it's mostly ready:
>once their government pull the trigger
It's already being done.

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