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Why do you care about other people using linux? Do you get paid by them using it?
Because I’m an idealistic man child that values freedom. Microsoft is the devil.
I offer my guidance and experience
It's what humans do
You should try it, Microsoft jeet zombie
yes I get paid by microsoft to shill idiots into installing linux
I just really hate to see people complain about stuff but do nothing about it. Oh, Windows 11 is getting worse, is it? They're making it harder to use a local account, are they? Did they add another feature that forces you to open Edge? The new context menu in file explorer takes longer to load and has less stuff in it?
Guess what, retard. There's one simple permanent solution to all your whining and you only have to step out of your comfort zone for a second. Don't want to do it? Stop complaining.
>There's one simple permanent solution to all your whining
Which is? This problem doesn't exist in linux?
I don't card as long as techlets don't shit up /g/.
Linus build me a $10000 water-cooled PC filled with tech Shrek's bath water
Being troons they are, they crave validation.
The more people who use Linux the less likely it is that hardware vendors will fuck us over or things like browsers will stop working. Also
They are troons. Their "permanent solution" is 41% themselves
I use Linux happily and I want others to feel my unending joy. Debian is quite incredible. Every time I boot my PC and see all the free software I get this whelling inside, like I am part of something bigger than me and greater than a sum of it's parts.
Based idealist
I don't, I believe people who use linux are doing it to get away with illegal activities and I call them out for it.

If you aren't doing anything illegal, why do you think you're so important you need an OS without telemetry?
You're stupid there's nothing else to say
>can't answer the question
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if you weren't stupid you'd be able to imagine why people don't want an operating system with telemetry
quite the opposite, I am a poorfag so I tend to just use free software. I refuse to be a pirate, because my skin is white.
I don't care, most people don't care. The only people who seem to care are the ones who are up to no good or have a deluded view of themselves.

No one with a stable mind gets worried about telemetry.
idk it kinda bugs me because I am on a limited data plan because europe sucks. I don't want to waste a single byte of data unless Microsoft is going to start paying for more gb for me.
The amount of data collected is like 1-2 MBs a week.
you wanna pay me to use that? with Windows I am forced to update, with Linux I never update. I installed Debian 12 and updated to 12.6 after using 12.1 today. It is WAY more than 1-2MBs. I had Windows and would blow through my high speed before 2 weeks even with the check box "limited data" AND fighting with 3rd party tools to block windows 10 updates. I will NEVER go back to that bullshit. Fuck off kike. When you design Windows to stop using up my data like a data vampire I might consider switching back, but as it stands, I am going to continue to happily use Debian and will tell others about how great it is.
You can get Windows 11 for free. You probably had a RAT on your computer, the telemetry Microsoft gets is barely 2 MBs a week that's a fact.

Linux is unusable as a desktop OS, always has been. Enjoy not being able to play the newest games and enjoy no Adobe.
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>Fuck off kike
yet I have been happily using Debian since 11.7 and I am on 12.6 and have zero issues. Windows is only free if your skin is brown or you are some hook nose kike and you are ok with stealing and pirating software. I don't break the law faggot.
>enjoy not playing the latest goislop pro LGBTQIA+ agenda body type 2 and body type 1
only games worth playing require nothing more than a GTX 960.
>enjoy no Adobe.
don't they steal all your hard work and didn't they just get sued over it? Glad I learned how to use Gimp and Krita.
I don't, I insult wintoddlers for the same reason why it's funny to keep kicking down someone who's already on the floor. It makes sure that I'm the only one standing. My own success and freedom is not enough, I like making others suffer and oppressing them, I don't talk about gentoo in real life, I just recommend everyone to not care about privacy because it's for pedophile schizos only, etc etc.
There's no agenda, here we go with the conspiritorial bullshit again. Back to >>>/pol/.

>GTX 960
Thought Nvidia doesn't work on Linux.

>Adobe steals
First I heard of this bit I don't care.
you don't live in a good part of europe, I have fiber unlimited internet with static IPv4 address despite living in postsoviet shithole, you must be living somewhere like russia which is not europe because russians aren't white.
>I don't care.
No principles or ideals, no humanity, got it.
My only principle is fending for myself and sabotaging others, which is most human thing ever, you cannot find anyone on >>>/his/ who can debunk this fact.
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People on Linux care way more about other people using anything other than Linux. There is a reason why people call you guys cultists and vegans.
you are not human you're an animal
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>nooooo be a good boy follow my lawwwws!!!
Sure sure cattle, keep looking for the herder to fix your problems.
if enough people want to use it someone competent might come along and finally make it usable.
As opposed to being a paedo with CP on his computer? Pretty sure normal people would rather follow the law.
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Why do you think you get to get away with wasting my bandwidth and electricity on useless, meaningless telemetry if I'm doing nothing wrong?

I've used linux since 1999 and the machine I used it on still sits under the stairs running my home automations. It's uptime is 44k hours. It would've been longer but I moved house.
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Funny that the people who say that are usually the guilty parties.
right I think the feds need to investigate this dude >>101212348 and take a long hard look into his browsing habits. I use Linux, not because I want to hide, not because I have anything to hide, but because I can't afford Windows and Adobe and MS Office and I refuse to break copyright laws.
Wasting 1 MB of your bandwidth, boohoo.

>I've used linux since 1999
I doubt you've been alive that long son, otherwise you would have switched back to Windows along time ago.
I don't look at loli or cp like some of you incel freaks here.

Windows is free.
>Rights? What do you need those for? sounds dangerous... why don't you just give them up?
you belong in an institution for the criminally insane
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I'm 35 you dumb nigger. I've been using linux since I was 10. I don't even have a problem with windows I just don't like using'em, simple as.
>Windows is free.
It isn't, a license is $99 from Microsoft.
>you belong in an institution for the criminally insane
Or the EU parliament
I was 19 years old, am 40 now. I have been using Linux since Mandrake. I switched over to Debian back when it was a pain in the ass to install, then to Red Hat 6 or 8, I can't remember the version. I am on Debian 12.6 now. Everything just works as it should. If you don't use pointless shit like Arch, Linux is fucking amazing.
Most people don't look at that stuff because most people aren't pedophiles. It's like a select few. Windows is only free if you're a thieving pirate. You're a bad bad man and should be locked up for software piracy.
A select few? You know how much loli posters on 4chan?

I don't pirate stuff either I have a job and have an income, I spend my monkey.
My video games, music and video production software don't work on Linux though.
Pajeet detected. Ask me how I know.
Learn better software anon. This is your own fault. We've been warning you for decades.
Saying you use linux is like coming out as trans.
Nah. Linux actually has practical applications.
The computing equivalent of coming out as trans is using WSL and having an apple-close windows explorer shell.
Then why are so many linux users trannies? Why is the community trannies? The creator of Linux is a tranny supporter.
Games work. Like 3 people on /g/ do actual music or video production.
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Bill Gates should be sent to Gulag
The only tranny here is you.
What are these video games that don't work?
I'm a tranny as much as you're a chad with a sex life.
This is why you think about "woman" with dicks when someone mention an operating system.
Just something I've noticed, most Linux users are queer or support LGBT+ cause. It's a common phenomenon in Linux community, more than Windows or Mac. I'm not anti-trans or anything, just an observation.
Linux sucks in many ways but I hate Windows so I wanna trick people into using Linux so that it will potentially attract people who have the knowledge to code better Linux software and make Linux better eventually.
Linux is great in many ways,but it has a huge problem of having a majority ultra nerd low IQ userbase that keeps sperging amongst themselves and keeping Linux down as a whole. It needs more normal nerds to make software that actually works and adding convenient features that people want instead of spergs who always resort to "buh why do you even want that feature??"
The most retarded Linux FUD, I've ever seen.
mate I'd take one cooled by baked beans if linux built it for me
This, they literally have stockholm syndrome
What is FUD?
Yes. Canonical pays me 10 cents each time I say linux, and 60 cents when I say Ubuntu.
It's like chud but for Linux users
I for one think 11 is a vast improvement, but that's just me.

Enjoy playing 3 games from 2005 on shitty GPU drivers with constant crashing and tinkering.
Stop playing video games with kernel level anficheat.
What production software are you using?
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Here's your average linux user
A schizophrenic who killed himself?
You mean “paid by them not using it”? I mostly see people complain about people using Linux, not vice versa
linux doesnt seem much like freedom to me. nothing I want to run runs on it, when I do find things I want to run I am forced to spend hours and hours and hours and hours configuring kajigerring and debugging, and at the end of it all I am forced to slave away my time all on the ediface of freedom. In microsoft's platform I uncuck it as much as reasonably possible, run it, and get to do things I want to do using it.
Anon, this year alone I played dragons dogma 2, persona 2 reload, ghost of tsushima, no man's sky and witcher 3 on Linux. What newest games don't work?

>no Adobe
Imagine the horror
Skill issue. Go back behind the microsoft fences and suck that corporate cock for us too.
>Do you get paid by them using it?
I want them to fuck off and use Windows and quit bitching about how confusing package managers are.
Maybe they would kill you before that.
It's the collectivist mind worm, personally I use linux but I don't care if others use it or not. In fact I tell people who can't computer just to use a mac because it's made for normies.
What was the performance like vs on Windows? What GPU do you got? What did you have to do to get them to run?
Yes, the shill me shit that wastes my time. And time is money.
About the same, better frame times
Just install steam
they get their sudo pacman -Syu to print them a lot of shit and thats it, use windows if you want your programs to work, use linux only if you want to program or want some privacy for everyday work use (better use a second 'puter for that)
It's hard to describe if you're unable to even conceptualise it, so bear with me. It's like, you see somebody with a problem, and you have a solution to that problem, so you're compelled to offer assistance to aid them. And people aren't always grateful, they don't always want your help, but something inside us empathetic people just won't give up, we cannot stand to see people struggling, and we'll take a bit of flack if it means helping them.
Does any of that make sense?
I don't want telemetry or anything else because it's bad and scary. Not because I'm some criminal lmao. Get real.

Maybe I don't have a stable mind, but I value privacy, and you should too. Would you like random people coming up to your house and looking through your windows? Or snooping through your shit and stealing your information, using it however they please? Or constantly asking what you're doing? I bet you'd like random people to use your gf/wife too.
>bad and scary

What's bad and scary aout it?

>Would you like random people coming up to your house and looking through your windows?

That's not the same thing.

>Or snooping through your shit and stealing your information, using it however they please? Or constantly asking what you're doing?

These aren't the same things.

>use your gf/wife too.

How autistic do you have to be to compare those things?
Maybe not exactly scary, but creepy. That random people are knowing everything I do at every moment, keeping tabs on me, building a profile on me, and selling that information, or maybe worse.
It's scary as an unnecessary feature creep and a retarded overhead.
>How autistic do you have to be to compare those things?
Well you seem pretty careless. If you've got nothing to hide, why are you on 4chan? What's your real name? Where do you live? Where were you born? What are your parents' names? What's your SSN? Birth certificate? Credit card info? Where do you work? How much money do you make? What car do you drive? Where do you like to eat? Who are your friends? What's your gf/wife's name? What does she like to do? Got any pets? What are their names? What are your hobbies? You like sports? Who's your favorite team? Do you use any drugs? What do you look like? What about your gf/wife? Have you ever cheated? Huh, Anon? Tell me. If you've got nothing to hide, it doesn't matter, right? Or are you some criminal?
You're not that important, don't worry.

You think that stuff is all the same as some automated telemetry witch doesn't even do anything but create personalize ads and user experience. That's not the same thing.
Linux has different problems. A lot of the problems with Windows are ultimately because Microsoft's interests and your interests don't align. Even the shitty UI in Windows 11 is a result of you wanting a UI that works and Microsoft wanting a UI that looks good (or at least consistent) because it's better for marketing. If you're sick of that kind of problem, you should try Linux. At least with Linux you get the occasional hobby contributor who's interests align exactly with yours because he's basically you but he learnt how to contribute.

The problem with whining is people who ask "when is Microsoft going to do <thing that's in my interest but obviously not in their interest>." Literally never, dude. You're retarded for waiting. Bite the bullet and switch now.
Most people that use Linux use it because they see themselves as better for using it.
Like, it is difficult and requires a lot of time, so it is like a little bubble they control and makes them feel superior.

That's why tutorials, community and the user experience with Linux is all shit; it is not about making a good product or teaching others, it is about ego.
because the proprietary alternatives range from bad to evil
It's social clout. Look how many reddit posts are about their girlfriends or moms using Linux.
>Why do you care about other people using linux?
More people = better support = more developers.
Developers developers developers developers.

You occasionally need to collaborate with retards. Modern software is tooled to generate retards who do retarded things and assume that everyone else is a retard just like them, so it's fine if the only way to interact with something meaningfully is via a phone app.
To that end you generate value when you don't have to guide a retard through the process of saving a file locally or opening it with a program that doesn't intentionally break formatting.
Muh gaymes. Get a grip faggot. If you don't like *nixes don't use them. Simple as. Stop preaching corporate goyslop as if it is better that done open source alternative, you are a list and a disgrace.
I hate microsoft for ruining windows and want for them to burn.
Stop preaching a tranny OS that only autists with too much time on their hand even use as solutions to small problems that people learn to deal with.
Sounds more like the things you're trying to do, also don't respect your freedom and you're feeling the pain of them trying to wrest it from you once again.
its obvious the more people use linux, the improvement and support will increase as well. i dont care what anyone uses, i use windows sometimes but daily drive arch. i dont go into threads calling people trannies or jeets for using a certain os
Anymore I can’t bring myself to remotely believe any post about how they had to spend hours debugging basic shit in Linux as genuine. Most shit is so plug and play with Linux, there’s less setup involved on a fresh Linux install vs a fresh Windows install
>cant use local user
will be transparent to 95% of users
it should be fucing crystal clear obvious why and how that becomes the case, and i am that anon by the way
MOST PEOPLE learned to use linux by putting it on some old hardware or locked bootloader device and almost always their problems are down to kernals not built to work with applications or the kernal CANT be built to work with applications. occasionally other problems show up too like trying and failling to install anything on an immutable OS because why should an everage windows user be expected to know what that is?

in the end linux has its use cases but I find it tiresome to include, not any safer for my information due to prism, and easy to strip out windows protections and telemetry. theres basically not a reason to care. it's not the 90s anymore. the enemy you guys should care about is ARM not wingay. windows is an os for baby duck millenials to rice into windows 98
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Ever wonder why
these blatant troll
threads that violate
the only rule in the
sticky are never
deleted while the
mod is literally in
these threads all day
deleting posts?

Because the
apple nigger mód
is the OP posting
from his iphone.
He spends 20 hours
a day of his worthless
NEET life posting and
babysitting these falseflag
anti-linux anti-windows
flamewar troll threads,
deleting posts
exposing him as
the OP, and saving
his troll threads
from page 10 after
every 1-4 hours
of no bites.

The only way to purge these shit threads off /g/ is to put a bullet in his head.
DoB: 2/2/1983
Age: 41
3004 Nor.folk Dr.
Austin TX 78745
(864) 421-3980
2020 Toyota Camry SE Nightshade

Larry Richard Irwin
8 Manly Drive, Greenville, SC 29609
(864) 232-2849
DoB: 3/20/1958

Alicia Hilley Irwin
DoB: 8/5/1956
Died at 58 on
April 3, 2015 when
she realized her
son was a faggot.
He then immediately
blew his inheritance
on fag virtue
signaling toys:

Lawrence Richard Irwin
DoB: 5/19/1985
Cocain addict
shoplifter brother

Leila Alexandra Scogin
DoB: 1/27/1991
Thot halfsister
between his mom and
Richard Gordon Scogin.
TL;DR mom was a whore,
dad was a cuck.
And in one trip to DC,
Rachel Bieder
dumped Jay and
engaged David Woolston
(must have been
going on for a
long time for
it to all happen
in one trip),
making Jay
a cuck as well.
This is why cuck
in all caps is
word banned.

Ever wonder why
these blatant troll
threads that violate
the only rule in the
sticky are never
deleted while the
mod is literally in
these threads all day
deleting posts?

Because the
apple nigger mód
is the OP posting
from his iphone.
He spends 20 hours
a day of his worthless
NEET life posting and
babysitting these falseflag
anti-linux anti-windows
flamewar troll threads,
deleting posts
exposing him as
the OP, and saving
his troll threads
from page 10 after
every 1-4 hours
of no bites.

The only way to purge these shit threads off /g/ is to put a bullet in his head.
DoB: 2/2/1983
Age: 41
3004 Nor.folk Dr.
Austin TX 78745
(864) 421-3980
2020 Toyota Camry SE Nightshade VIN# 4T1/G11AK8LU913695

Larry Richard Irwin
8 Manly Drive, Greenville, SC 29609
(864) 232-2849
DoB: 3/20/1958

Alicia Hilley Irwin
DoB: 8/5/1956
Died at 58 on
April 3, 2015 when
she realized her
son was a faggot.
He then immediately
blew his inheritance
on fag virtue
signaling toys:

Lawrence Richard Irwin
DoB: 5/19/1985
Cocain addict
shoplifter brother

Leila Alexandra Scogin
DoB: 1/27/1991
Thot halfsister
between his mom and
Richard Gordon Scogin.
TL;DR mom was a whore,
dad was a cuck.
And in one trip to DC,
Rachel Bieder
dumped Jay and
engaged David Woolston
(must have been
going on for a
long time for
it to all happen
in one trip),
making Jay
a cuck as well.
This is why cuck
in all caps is
word banned.

Ever wonder why
these blatant troll
threads that violate
the only rule in the
sticky are never
deleted while the
mod is literally in
these threads all day
deleting posts?

Because the
apple nigger mód
is the OP posting
from his iphone.
He spends 20 hours
a day of his worthless
NEET life posting and
babysitting these falseflag
anti-linux anti-windows
flamewar troll threads,
deleting posts
exposing him as
the OP, and saving
his troll threads
from page 10 after
every 1-4 hours
of no bites.

The only way to purge these shit threads off /g/ is to put a bullet in his head.
DoB: 2/2/1983
Age: 41
3004 Nor.folk Dr.
Austin TX 78745
(864) 421-3980
2020 Toyota Camry SE Nightshade VIN# 4T1/G11AK8LU913695

Larry Richard Irwin
8 Manly Drive, Greenville, SC 29609
(864) 232-2849
DoB: 3/20/1958

Alicia Hilley Irwin
DoB: 8/5/1956
Died at 58 on
April 3, 2015 when
she realized her
son was a faggot.
He then immediately
blew his inheritance
on fag virtue
signaling toys:

Lawrence Richard Irwin
DoB: 5/19/1985
Cocain addict
shoplifter brother

Leila Alexandra Scogin
DoB: 1/27/1991
Thot halfsister
between his mom and
Richard Gordon Scogin.
TL;DR mom was a whore,
dad was a cuck.
And in one trip to DC,
Rachel Bieder
dumped Jay and
engaged David Woolston
(must have been
going on for a
long time for
it to all happen
in one trip),
making Jay
a cuck as well.
This is why cuck
in all caps is
word banned.


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