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> computers will be 1000x faster in 15 years according to Moores law
What happens when ChatGPT scales to that level of compute?
GIGO but faster.
Are you seriously this stupid to not answer this one yourself?
Cute girl.
that's a man
>computers will be 1000x faster in 15 years according to Moores law
1/Moore law is now bullshit
2/Even if Moore Law was still true. It's not what it is about. Moore made a prediction about the number of transistor on a chip. Not the chip performance.

TL;DR : (op) is a faggot and should kill himself.
i hope she wears maid outfits!
imagine not knowing what a supercomputer is.
our government already have that kind of processing power, dumb nuts
I can be as faggoty as I want. Im anonymous, anon
>It's not what it is about. Moore made a prediction about the number of transistor on a chip. Not the chip performance
The continuing trend is that performance scales even faster than transistor count.
No shit.
love this guy! so many cool things under his name.
Zoomer's law: absolute dumbfucks under the age of 30 don't know anything about anything
Moore's law is retarded. Processors have been stuck at 4GHz for the past decade and there isn't anything being worked on that would make them faster
That's a man in a wig.
No, it's probably only 10-12x more compute from 2022 to 2037.
It's still useless because it's still stuck at [mimicking human performance with random errors].
Moore's "observation" is about transistor density, not speed. And the rate of increase is tapering off. The game now is to make things "wider". And BTW 4GHz was surpassed a couple of years ago, at least for short bursts of work.
Thats a jew
It's common knowledge that Moore's law is dead.
Clock frequency increases used to be facilitated by Dennard's law, but that law has been dead for a decade.
How does a 5% increase every 2-3 years translate to 1000x
>What happens when ChatGPT scales to that level of compute?
Ask ChatGPT.
ugly tranny
> adams apple
> ugly man face
> (((Rosenzweig)))
this is clearly bait
Can xer at least try sounding and behaving feminine? Doesn't even sound or act like a gay man.

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Doesn't matter because software will be at least 1500x slower in 15 years.
Damn, that is one unconvincing tranny. Once you see them in action and hear the voice you really get the sense that it is just a guy with long hair.
ChatGPT with 1024 parallel processes that does quantum AI
Moores law is not really a law, it's an observation.
gonna slam that bussy till the shit leaks out
moores law observation or whatever stoped being true when the node size started being tolerances instead of transistor sizes
HRT really is the crack epidemic but for tech
nothing, software retards will make sure everything runs 10000x slower.
a man in a Rosenzweig
that lot doesn't have a milligram of testosterone between them eh
And it has to be weird to be a programmer for some obscure platform and to rock up to a conference thinking "which one is going to be dressed like a girl this time"
>1/Moore law is now bullshit
its own creator said it wasn't meant to be used as a literal guide. people just ran with it anyway.

>>TL;DR : (op) is a faggot and should kill himself.
would be for the best.

> that jawline
jesus fucking christ.
any footage of the gang rape afterwards?
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>> computers will be 1000x faster in 15 years according to Moores law

Moores law was for CPU.
NVIDIA GPU cluster are already 1000x faster for AI then what would have been possible with CPU's. Also optimized algorithms and dedicated AI hardware can raise AI power to 1000x much faster while minimizing energy consumption. The limiting factor is production capacity.
those freaks voices make me want to puke, I can't listen to a troon more than a few seconds
stupid faster

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