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why is this little motherfucker so great?
>so great
That's not Java though????
good morning sir
Error handling in go is dogshit. Makes it unusable.
a cnile created Go, of course error handling isn't a priority.
I just love the gopher desu
there is already a go thread. do not make redundant threads, it is rude to other users.
I like C# more. Microsoft is the Chad of designing programming languages.

I wish Mozarella would go bankrupt and Microsoft would pick up Rust.

Go, I don't know what to say about it. Seems like it would force me to type a lot.
so you really don't know hot to return an error from a function, faggot?
He's that guy in school who everyone made fun of for being weird and different.
was he also beaten up regulary? because then I might be a Gopher and that'd be cool
It does require more typing but it’s nice and it’s easy to get used to coming from C# but C# definitely is easier to get something running
Fuck off if perfect. I fucking hate exceptions I fucking hate try catch syntax.
C# is dog shit if you want to use an IDE you don't want to spend a penny for. It's virtually unusable without Visual Studio.
>Seems like it would force me to type a lot.
Yeah you got the right impression, that's the entire point of Go. It's supposed to be verbose with as little magic as possible. Everything is clearly shown in the code.

Whether that's good or bad is a different question though
Can someone post that graphic that shows how bloated C# as a language is? It's fucking dogshit.
love me some Go
good standard library good tooling single purpose not trying to be best everywhere.
bloated, yet it's garbage collected and on top alongside rust in webframework benchmarks.

struct X {
// magically inherits the methods of some other struct

yeah, thats kind of magic to me

I could get used to it though, but why? Also, them being annoying with their compling (Oh no, you didn't use that variable yet goy, sorry, chud, you can't compile that)
>C# is dog shit if you want to use an IDE you don't want to spend a penny for. It's virtually unusable without Visual Studio.
I am using it in VSCode. better support in vscode than many other languages. I'd argue it's better supported in vscode than TS.
>yet it's garbage collected and on top alongside rust in webframework benchmarks.
Why are you lying? That's Java, not C# https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=test&runid=33dbb661-22f2-4501-9215-b18575a13f86&hw=ph&test=composite
this is literally a method, idiot.

type Vertex struct {
X, Y float64

func (v Vertex) Abs() float64 {
return math.Sqrt(v.X*v.X + v.Y*v.Y)

func main() {
v := Vertex{3, 4}

the thing is, c# can do everything go can, it can give you the same flow you want to have in go. but go can't do what c# can, so which is better?
>c# can do everything go can
Actually no. Go can guarantee low latency, .NET can't. Also .NET can't have green threads and has async/await instead. .NET fags are brainwashed normies kek.
dependency injection + Go = Love.
>func (v Vertex) Abs() float64
why this is not
func Abs(v Vertex) float64
this looks retarded
nice now import a 3rd party library without nuget, go on. Let's see.
Microsoft is a cult
once you are in their ecosystem you are locked forever and they spy your family
Go's standard library is good for malware development
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>nice now import a 3rd party library without nuget, go on. Let's see.
dontnet add Mapster in cli

pic related, it's better than go, and the benchmark is outdated.
It's a great result for what you get OOB with dotnet
Low IQ niggers who have beginner level programming experience think returning errors is some le heckin based innovative feature.
Go returns errors in some tuple which makes it a pain in the ass to chain calls.
Zig handles errors perfectly.
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lalala "it's better than go" lalala
>pic related, it's better than go, and the benchmark is outdated.
The benchmark you posted is from almost a year ago you retard. I posted the last one that was finished https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=environment
go could of been great, but they are just too restrictive.

they want you to do exactly as they planned. It's like that faggot from gnome. What's the usecase for that language feature.

Disclaimer, I only once programmed in go. I used php swoole though, which stole some of go's features, like goroutines, channels, defer etc. It's nice to have those.
1 rupee has been deposited into your account
Sorry, wrong link https://tfb-status.techempower.com/
>they want you to do exactly as they planned
thats because it was made by educated proven software legends and 99% of programmers are uneducated unproven codemonkey retards like yourself
you are welcome
Fuck off, Rahool
I am not even using c# actively right now. I am learning it, and desu I like it.

It seems a bit intimidating at first, but once you get their gist, seems easy enough. And the language itself getting crazy upgrades every few months is incredible. pattern matching, better extension methods.

I am switching to it and you can't dissuade me. I thought about switching to go, but its too boring to me. Tried also rust, but the DX is bad. the language server lags as fuck, build takes forever, also, it being made by literal trannies does not help

I could see myself using java (kotlin, scala), csharp, thpescript, maybe even go, and maybe even rust (but only for small projects).

I am not a go hater, I just think more language features is better for the developer.
>infamous reddit spacing .NET poster
>I am not even using c# actively
How about ransomware?
>I am not a go hater,
And here you are, in a Go thread, promoting C# and trash talking Go KEK
>Tried also rust, but the DX is bad. the language server
100% skill issue. Rust is the last language that has any sort of latency problems wtf.
doesn't matter.

I am not him. I have a job lol, I only post on weekends.

You don't have to use it if you don't care. Use whatever the fuck you like.

If you think go can't be improved, your out of your fucking mind. Instead of returning a tuple, with optional error, they should return a wrapper for the value like rust and some other functional programming languages.

That would literally help avoid the if(err !== null).. I'd feel like a junior dev having to write that shit every 2 minutes.
language server lags, as in the thing that's supposed to lint your code, give your autocompletion and and show errors

go language server is 100X faster than rust.
U split the method into object that the function is called upon and parameters

>Func (v *vertex) Abs() float64


It's like object class methods
>Golang should be turned into an over abstracted mess like Rust

sorry, i forgot they were annoying faggots trying to improve the names of widely accepted keywords and primitives.

>dimwit doesn't understand difference between nil and null
Nice typical web application bros
>why is this little motherfucker so great?
if some programming paradigm becomes more popular, the language should try to support it.

if you look at c#, it was an OOP langaguge from the start, but they adapted over time to support more and more functional programming stuff.

The monad bros can do all their magic in c# now lol. Almost all of it, they do need to create some abstractions


I am out, I'll GO learn c#. Even if I wanted to learn GO, whats there to learn? GO is only GOod for your employer, since, once he lets you GO, he can find another one to freplace you quite easily
the list should be named
>why go is not java
Fucking kek
get the fuck back to >>>/r/eddit you cringe downer
>weird mascot (gopher)
>streetshitters seething itt
just go back to java, c# and php you brown monkeys
entire blog btfoed by the first sentence of the first comment
>complex library enforcing good architecture is for brown monkeys
>simplistic language, which down syndrom people can pick up, inventend by some borderline tranny boomers who probably vote for Biden, is for the white man

I prefer not working with down syndrome sufferers
I'm literally too intelligent for go. Sorry.
>complex library enforcing good architecture is for brown monkeys
Yes, what is your point?
>Yes, what is your point?
brown people are more intelligent then, since their language of choice makes them less replacable, because of a higher learning curve

if you were truly white, you'd use some cutting edge functional language, which nobody understood but you.
so when you have a function, that writes stuff to a file 10 times, instead of the code looking simple and easy fo read, every 3 lines theres a
if err != nil {
return err
and you have to type it in manually like a retard or use copy and paste like an autist programmer
then why are countries of brown people literal shitholes hell on earth and you flock into our white countries ?
they should make a snippet for this.

Imagine the productivity, 2x faster than someone without the iferrnull snippet

your white, feminised countries invite them in. your politicians believe they are better than you, but you are too low test to complain
>skill sssue
imagine if there were exceptions and you could like, wrap the branch of code that does I/O in a try catch block and then log the error that never happens because writing to a disk never fails unless user is too poor to get more storage or his disk fails, saving programmer hundreds of hours of cognitive overhead while the code also is cleaner because errors that literally NEVER happen are moved aside from the essential bits.
>your white, feminised countries invite them in
why do you accept then?
why dont you stay in your high IQ brown successful first world countries? oh wait
>Can't add library without CLI tool
The absolute state.
I am central european. I am brown, but because I live in the Mediterranean.

this or the functional approach with chaining monads that return the value in value wrappers, that contain the error or the value.

although, one thing thats nice with the go approach, it does tell you when something can throw and forces you to acknowledge it. In most other languages you don't even know if something can throw unless you are expreienced with it.
>I am central european. I am brown, but because I live in the Mediterranean.
my point still stands
you live in brown shithole
>In most other languages you don't even know if something can throw unless you are expreienced with it.
every manual I read documents what each function can throw, in every language I ever used.
>my point still stands
>you live in brown shithole
in a western brown shithole lol, with western values. I am also not proud of that fact
pajeet detected
Who the fuck cares? I have no interest in being confined to microsoft's ecosystem
you'd rather be confined to google's ecosystem?
There is no such thing
I'm not interested in developing for windows. I don't want the shit I develop to work only on windows and cross platform management to be a clusterfuck. You can cope all you want but the fact is that Go is much more portable than jeet#
C# is cross-platform and has been for a long time. I develop for unix on a unix system with C# and the only issues I have are caused by using non-standard environments.
The LSP is not very good/buggy on Neovim and you can't really use their debugger (but you can use the one by Samsung) so I agree with this guy >>101212694 on that but other than that I have had absolutely 0 issues. It just werks
>It just werks
Why do you lie? The .NET ecosystem is only worth using if you're a windows user.
You are arguing someone with babyduck syndrome
>reddit spacing
opinion discarded
do I have to keep repeating myself? .NET is cross-platform
the only thing that isn't are the GUI stuff, which is a non-issue (especially on linux)
he cute
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>.NET is cross platform except when it isn't
isnt Rob Pike a LISPfag
I actually really like it. I hate actually writing it, but I write stuff to use it, not for the sake of writing it/maintaining it. It makes me very aware of what could go wrong, and makes me not only take care of it, but to consider all of the things which could go wrong at each step.
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>.NET is cross-platform
You keep telling yourself that. Java doesn't have these problems.
It technically is. The first is syntactic sugar for what you posted. I know that you dislike it, so to you it's syntactic shit, but it's written the first way to clearly show that the function is meant only for that particular struct because you can't define "methods" in the struct itself, because they're structs, not objects, so they're really just functions in which the struct is passed in for use inside the function.
>I thought about switching to go, but its too boring to me
This is unironically one of the best features of Go
I can open any project I've written in Go and go line by line and figure out exactly what's happening immediately.
>.NET is this
>.NET is that
.NET isn't even backwards compatible. It's complete utter garbage. And I'm not even talking about .NET Framework -> .NET Core. Even porting from .NET 6 to 8 is painful.
>Even porting from .NET 6 to 8 is painful.
You should sign your posts "complete imbecile" so others don't have to waste their time replying to you.
HAHAHAH https://x.com/DanielW_Kiwi/status/1807351448159850741
its the best of any mainstream language
kill yourself exjeeption tard
worst lang i have ever had the misfortune of using, second only to perl
We have been doing that in C since the beginning. Why do you think we have options like -fno-rtti and -fno-exceptions? Exceptions are fucking retarded.
> Zig
Buy an ad nigger
>have an unused variable
NOOO you can't just have an unused variable while you're experimenting. Instead of a warning I'm just not going to compile it (the program). Think of the six gorillion errors that could have been prevented!!!
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>NOOO you can't just have an unused variable while you're experimenting. Instead of a warning I'm just not going to compile it (the program). Think of the six gorillion errors that could have been prevented!!!
why is there a daily shill thread for this shit? is it some kind of desperate death rattle from Google to send shills here?
while u retards discuss C, Rust or whatever trying your hardest to optimize performance of basic bitch data structure, Go-chads stay actually building shit
fuck you
anyway I'm almost done with my 2nd coffee and need to Go (lol) program more on my 16th project or whatever
Go is good, but I'm finding that C++ is also pretty good these days.
I'm kind of torn, because C++ has all of the libraries. Like all of them. Go doesn't even have a GUI library that works.
I enjoy programming in both, but C++ seems like such a huge investment of time to learn properly. Go is retard simple and I do reach for it if I need to get something done quickly.
you sound a little defensive desu senpai. I equally hate all language shills, as I believe in using the right one for the right application.
i agree with this one
its too much
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keep on surfing go-san
how does Java not have this problem?
different platforms have different JCE providers -- that's assuming you are using JCE which you shouldn't.
LMAO. Java on Android isn't even Java and has nothing to do with the JVM. All cryptographic primitives of the JDK work on all operating systems with no problems.
>>101221852 for >>101221820
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>accessing null in the 21st century? not my problem
>error handling? result types? not my problem
>map(), filter(), reduce()? do for loops after for loops subhuman, not my problem
>can't even apply generics to methods? not my problem
>enums? sum types? not my problem
>A non meme way for conditional compilation? not my problem
>pattern matching? not my problem
>a non retarded way for embedding C code? not my problem
>ternary operators? not my problem
>accessing null? that's compilable. Unused var? that's dangerous, can't compile.
>concurrency directly over OS threads? not my problem.
>non amateurish LLVM/gcc tier compiler? lol fuck you. The code is as unoptimized as a compiler made by a 17 yo tranny with half the binary is unnecessary text symbols.
>a serious npm/cargo-tier dependency management? lol, lmao even
>regex slower than fucking python? not my problem
this sounds like you are weaseling your way out.
so you are saying no more Android nor any of the advanced authenticated encryptions in the JDK.

be specific. i want this table >>101216085 for Java.
>this sounds like you are weaseling your way out.
I am not. Why the fuck are you even mentioning Android? Everoyne is using Kotlin on Android. We are talking about the main use case which is backend programming and a lot of cryptographic primitives don't work on all desktop/server operating systems with the CLR which is not the case with the JVM.

Java doesn't have such a table because all cryptographic primitives simply work on all JVM targets. That inclues AES, ChaCha, KEM etc.. And by the way, if you AOT compile Java code to Android, it will work as well. It's just that Android has its own "JVM". You can install the JVM on Android and it will also run.
Just to make my point clear because you were babbling about the table. The ciphers on that table work on EVERY JVM target on ANY OS since Java 11 (that's when Java got ChaCha).
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what does JVM target even mean?
tried to find a table just about general supported platforms for JDKs. MS only having one CLR sounds saner.
You don't have the intelligence to understand a brilliant language, but (((they))) want to use you to build good software.
>what does JVM target even mean?
all architectures and operating systems
.NET is basically like everything else Microshit produces. It's basically hyped up marketing shit that looks pretty from the outside, but when you look at it closely, it's utter garbage. Worse, its fanboys have been so brainwashed and demoralised that they'll defend it with their lives, even if they subconsciously know they're wrong.

The .NET ecosystem is complete garbage and practically dead outside of Microsoft. Let's not even mention that on the JVM there are complete and established languages with ecosystems like Scala, Kotlin and Clojure that are not tied to Oracle, and how Scala completely destroys F#, and how .NET has nothing like Clojure except a cheap dead copy. The amount of high quality frameworks and libraries available on the JVM is staggering compared to .NET. You will find everything for everything, literally everything. On top of that, the JVM gives you two (soon to be three with Kotlin Compose) battle-tested GUI frameworks, while Microshit has yet to get its shit together. The closest they have is Avalonia, which is still a buggy piece of alpha shit.

They don't give a shit about backwards compatibility, even though they say they do. For one thing, they completely broke compatibility after moving from .NET to .NET Core, which they called .NET again (WTF). Microfags will tell you to use their shitty migration tool, which is the biggest snake oil in the software industry. You will spend days or even weeks rewriting your shit and porting your code to the new APIs. And they even break backwards compatibility between .NET Core versions. I can run a 20 year old JAR on Java 23 95% of the time, and even when I can't, it's usually just a matter of adding a module that has been removed as a dependency, and that's it.
Also considering they have completely rewritten .NET, its performance is utter garbage. It still gets BTFO by Java on Techempower, and that's without Java having value types and reified generics. On Valhalla's preview JDKs, you'll get a performance boost of about ~60% just by using the JDK instead. How the hell is the CLR going to compete with the JVM once they release Valhalla, which by the way is backwards compatible like Project Loom.

It's not even really cross-platform, as already mentioned in this thread. Some of .NET's internals like cryptographic ciphers don't work.

It's not even open https://isdotnetopen.com/

C# is the most bloated language there is. It's literally becoming the C++ of managed languages - it has one of the largest grammar sizes of any language. Microshit half-heartedly implements every possible feature without thinking about how it might affect the language in the long run.
>why is this little motherfucker so great?
Because he fucks your mother, despite her being dead. Based necrophilia FTW!
>The .NET ecosystem is complete garbage and practically dead outside of Microsoft.
No. I wish it was true, but no, it isn't. Enough with the boy-in-a-bubble wishful thinking; we've got enough of that with goddamn politics.
There's not even a proper torrent library on .NET with all features available. Not even close.
Its just comfy
you cant explain it
the old one is called .NET framework and it should've been mercy killed completely
>torrent library
holy shit it's this retard again. in a way I'm impressed by your stupidity, I really am
zigger piece of shit
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Nice argument. Torrent is one of the most popular protocols out there and .NET doesn't have a proper library for it. Nice ecosystem you got there.
>holy shit it's this retard again.
I could say the same about you. You have nothing in your life except for being a braindead fanboy for a shitty platform developed by the most goyslop enterprise out there. All you have to do is go on X and check out the average .NET shill/fanboy. All of them n**GERS and LGBTQ f*ggots.
Go is trash. If you think Go is great you are a midwit or a boomer.
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That Nuget founding n*glet with his black pride bullshit is even worse
so every JDK distro can decide what the JVM targets are.

going back to this table >>101216085, Eclipse Temurin distro only would have AES-GCM and no AES-CCM nor ChaCha20Poly1305.
as for supported platform it's only Windows, Linux and macOS. no iOS/..., Android nor Browser.
this is worse.
What the fuck are you stupid or something? This is not what I said at all.
>Eclipse Temurin distro only would have AES-GCM and no AES-CCM nor ChaCha20Poly1305.
All JDKs since Java 11 have every single of of them on ALL platforms and ALL operating systems.
>so every JDK distro can decide what the JVM targets are.
this retard still doesn't understand what JVM target means
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I am 99% sure >>101222861 is the .NET marketing guy who wrote pic related from the /g/ infographic. He often writes shit, trying to sound like he knows what he's talking about even though he doesn't know shit.
>Every implementation of the Java platform is required to support the following standard Cipher transformations with the keysizes in parentheses:
>AES/CBC/NoPadding (128)
>AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding (128)
>AES/ECB/NoPadding (128)
>AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding (128)
>AES/GCM/NoPadding (128)
>DESede/CBC/NoPadding (168)
>DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding (168)
>DESede/ECB/NoPadding (168)
>DESede/ECB/PKCS5Padding (168)
>RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding (1024, 2048)
>RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-1AndMGF1Padding (1024, 2048)
>RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-256AndMGF1Padding (1024, 2048)
so no AES-CCM nor ChaCha20Poly1305
You fucking retard, you didn't even read.
> These transformations are described in the Cipher section of the Java Security Standard Algorithm Names Specification. Consult the release documentation for your implementation to see if any other transformations are supported.

All of them listed here. You fucking embarrassed yourself again.
i cared about the mandatory transformations, so i quoted those.
i don't see how naming the optional transformations are relevant.
JDK even supports KEM out of the box which is dope https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/21/docs/api/java.base/javax/crypto/KEM.html
>i cared about the mandatory transformations, so i quoted those.
They are all implemented in the reference JDK (openJDK) and hence are available on all other JDKs. The only difference being that other JDKs might have ADDITIONAL ones. The list of modes is fucking huge on OpenJDK.
troon language that will never replace c++ no matter how hard you niggers shill it
Just go through the list https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/security/cross-platform-cryptography#sha-3

SHA-3 has only been supported since .NET 8 and only works on Windows. Java has had this for YEARS. Jesus Christ.
>SHA-3 has only been supported since .NET 8 and only works on Windows. Java has had this for YEARS. Jesus Christ.
is that a good thing?
sounds like Java implemented SHA-3 and similar in Java which must be impractically slow. so big Java shops like Google or AWS made their alternative fast JCE providers.

meanwhile .NET just uses fast native code from the start.

looking at Go which likes to have everything built-in, even their SHA-3 implementations had to resort to assembler.
>so big Java shops like Google or AWS made their alternative fast JCE providers.
You googled for almost an hour and all you came up with is this bnullshit? What kind of a redditfagging leftist cocksucker are you lmao? These JCE providers were needed many many years ago (pre Java 11). Now they don't need em anymore especially since there are even backports of modern features to Java 8. See, there are tons of large enterprises working on the JDK. There's everything for everything. Something .NET never had and never will. .NET doesn't even provide basic backwards compatibility.
>sounds like Java implemented SHA-3 and similar in Java which must be impractically slow. so big Java shops like Google or AWS made their alternative fast JCE providers.meanwhile .NET just uses fast native code from the start.
You are one of those faggots who started programming late in life and googles is arguments but in reality does nothing except for trying to sound smart. I think you don't even know the difference between heap/stack and how JIT compilers work. Java's crypto implementations are basically all native and they have been sped up additionally ever since they implemented the new Vector API (SIMD etc).
go is literally bad on purpose. It basically exposes mainstream PL design as the overengineered circlejerk it is. It says fuck your research, no you don't need all this shit, yes you can still be productive, here's C with training wheels and a nice concurrency model based on an old ass paper that every PL dork has read but never bothered to implement for some retarded reason. And you get portable binaries for all your cloud shit. That's it. That's all you need.

it's not great by any means. It's just a language that forces you to code one way makes you realize how much worthless cognitive load and unnecessary bullshit is introduced by other languages in this broken industry.
>It's just a language that forces you to code one way makes you realize how much worthless cognitive load and unnecessary bullshit is introduced by other languages in this broken industry.
This is why I like it. I fucking HATE typing it out sometimes because it can and will be a slog, but dammit it's just clear as fucking day every time. I come back to old shit I wrote, and other people's shit all the time and can go line by line and understand exactly what's happening.

I used to love Ruby for the exact opposite reason. I liked being able to do what would be 30-100 lines of Go in 1 line of Ruby, but there's just a lot of cognitive load going on all over the fucking place when there are 100 different keywords and methods chaining off of each other and maintaining/adding features to languages like that is 100x more annoying and time consuming than just slogging through and writing Go in the first place.
Designed for well adjusted White men, for well adjusted White men.
I mean... sounds like you're on the money.

Because Go reliably triggers people. Snowflake coders who need their special features start seething at the language that makes them write code instead of macros. Guaranteed responses every time, and guaranteed argument from the Go stans who can never shut up about their precious perfect language.
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Go is based. C++ is gay.
its not
also remember that the language creator said he literally created the language for pajeets
The key point here is our programmers are pajeets, they’re not researchers. They’re typically, fairly young, fresh out of school, probably learned Java, maybe learned C or C++, probably learned Python. They’re not capable of understanding a brilliant language but we want to use them to build good software. So, the language that we give them has to be easy for them to understand and easy to adopt. – Rob Pike
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the same can be said about every higher level language
the thing is Go did it right
good cope
and he's right no matter how much you seethe about it. You probably fit that description too except for the young part maybe, so you're probably better off using Go for your own projects than those memelangs you jerk off to. Unless you're a 130 IQ CS PhD (which is what he means by "capable of understanding a brilliant language") you have no business using ocaml or haskell on the job or for any purpose - you'd be shit at it, like most people.
>130 IQ
Isn't like 125 the minimum bar for Western devs? 130 isn't a ton when you're already selecting for engineer-tier jobs.
good projection
I can smell this post from the other side of the planet. Keep your poo in the loo and out of our board, rajesh.
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It's not as good as pic rel.
For most programming jobs, 110+ is plenty. 95+ if you just want to do webshit.

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