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The balance of bloat. What are some features you need no matter how much ram it uses?
Debian with gnome and default blue Debian background
Why aren't you running Linux for real? Why are you kneecapping it with a basic bitch nuc n100 you got for $20 off of aliexpress? Install it on your real PC and stop being a nigger.
Why not? I like it, it's comfy, it just works. I don't need more. You might. There's other desktops out there.
Gnome is pretty heavy. It's nice too look at but it is pretty slow on older hardware. But Debian + gnome is peak getting shit done. And if you have a single monitor it is just great with it's workspaces
Already have. I got the n100 because I must consuuume!
Works very well using Wayland. It's only slow if you're trying to use xorg. I mean yes it's a bit ram heavy but it's not slow if you're using it properly. Though it does need a bit of cruft cutting. Gnome is only shit on Nvidia. I switched to a Radeon 7800xt and I'm fine. Gnome just works now.
Can you still play tf2 with that hw?
explain to me why i would post my personal desktop for you losers to gawk at?
I don't even know what tf2 is.
It can't be that BAD, there has been some rancid desktops posted on /g/ and and if it's that bad /g/ wants to see it most likely. So I say post it anyways.
This. I use gnome and around here that's enough to start a war apparently.
Team Fortress 2, The furrypilled game.
I don't play much, if anything some classic graphic adventures
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Based Linux Mint chad, I was so enamored with the wallpaper, that It took me awhile to notice it was linux mint
Lust provoking gif wallpaper.
yes please
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just installed. testing it out bc about to dump windows on my daily driver. (gonna keep a "gaming server" for my games and stream em via steam to the daily driver.)

fuck M$bloatware. but unfortunately not everything works in *nix.
KDE is perfect for windows refugees.

Imo Arch/EndeavourOS + KDE is peak modern linux.
Also, Make sure to try out the the 555 nvidia drivers btw.
i was just about getting that done.

i had my paint station pc (where i put together and paint 40k / 30k warhammer stuff and i used my steamdeck there. i tried a few distros on my laptop that were similar but i went to arch instead.

hopefully in the end i'll only ever have 1 windows machine and that is for the software i can't run or is not stable and just using the network to stream them.
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just installed too, it's Debian + Cinnamon, runs fine on this old Sony Vaio.
It works fine for getting shit done
I'm surprised you didn't go the openbox or jwm route. But hey, if it works well enough then that's all that matters.
Nvidia 555 plus wayland is a huge night and day difference. I can't reccomend it enough desu. But yeah, having one windows machine around as backup is always a good idea when starting out. I usually switch to just using VirtualBox.
I was supposed to give it to someone else after I installed linux on it, but they actually said they'd rather buy a new laptop and left this to me
Thank you very much, anon.
Dude, I play tf2 with Intel Integrated Graphics, so I don't think that's a problem
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looks like i'm set up. going to check up see if i need to do anything special due to laptop and graphics switching.
Well you got another devie to mess around with linux so I guess that's a plus.
I think he's just gonna get another windows computer, but, like you said, I showed him that linux can give new life to old computers
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I like transparency, maybe I went to far with it by making the slit transparent.
Well hopefully he is now aware of Linux and it's potential to revive older hardware.
What does fluxbox offer over openbox or jwm?
tabs and fluxbox options for themes are more exetensive then that of openbox. Also I like the fact that unlike openbox I don't need to install a dock to not lose all my programs. Also its shortcuts are pretty handy
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good evening gang
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if u arent vegan i will actually whack u with a baseball bat
SOVL, also clean!
irl I'm vegan btw
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Good day slackers
really like these

anyway, threw away my animated desktop background, not having the exact shade of purple i had before kinda made me mad. (though it now wont compress below 4 MB at my native resolution, so i scaled it down in gimp)
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how did u reply to me with no browser?
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Graphic design clearly isnt my passion
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I can't wait for Linux Mint 22, bros.

I literally just hopped off that after spending all weekend tweaking.

Plasma 6.1.1 is quite nice, but there are so many bugs waiting just below the surface. For example, there are KDE panel rendering issues at 175% scaling with Chromium.

And Arch has many strengths, but there is so much configuration and guesswork involved. You never know if it's a legitimate bug, a bad config, or if you are just missing some software. For example, trying to translate PulseAudio sound quality fixes to PipeWire. Or instaling Cinnamon and realising that it is an incompete setup (e.g. a lot of bits are missing and in AUR). And auditing AUR PKGBUILDs gets tiresome.

Right now I just want a curated desktop. Mint isn't perfect, but it has some very nice polish and is way less work.
arch logo is bloat
I switched from Arch to Debian and I'm glad I did. I don't use kde plasma. Cinnamon is honestly great for me.
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I am glad Debian and Ubuntu exist ;)
You're running Cinnamon on Bookworm or Sid? How is it compared to Mint?
i don't get it did debian and ubuntu drop apt? make it good?
Bookworm on my main PC and sid on my testbench. Stable. I was having a few issues on Mint due to the Ubuntu kernel. I know lmde exists but I don't care. This was just easier for me. I don't know what bullshit Canonical did to the Linux kernel but it was taking up like 2.7gb of ram and it got unstable after about 2 weeks of usage. Switched around to Arch and that was not fun. Ended up installing Debian out of sheer need to have a working PC back in April and it's been solid ever since.
So much this. It's funny I was having so many issues using Arch and people were "trolling" me by telling me to "just use Debian" "filtered" "skill issue" "just use Debian"... I mean if you're happy using Arch constantly having to babysit the keyring issue that happens twice a month, and they still haven't figured out how to fix since 2019, have fun on Arch. It's surprising as fuck to me that they haven't programmed pacman to check the servers and keep the keyring up to date in 5 goddamn years. I switched to Debian 12.2 and haven't had a single hiccup since. I'm happily using XFCE.
>he says, on FUCKING GNOME
It has no settings.
check your ram usage
my dick doesn't have settings and it's bloated af, what's your point?
based and chodepilled
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>if u arent vegan i will actually whack u with a baseball bat
I have a gun.
Fair enough. Did you try a newer official kernel? I'm sure you already know this, but picrel. I tried Bookworm before Arch but Bluetooth was broken under KDE, and I really wanted to use KDE at the time.

Arch has its benefits, but sometimes it feels like a full time job. I am happy to be back in the Debian fold, even if I'm cheating lol
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sorry, forgot to upload picrel
>using wayland

Just don't use gnome. Xorg and bspwm is perfection.
Sid uses 6.9.5
All really really good, and based BSD setups in there.
bloat reply
What's wrong with logging into YouTube?
it just works
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cringe tranny
cringe tranny (nice distro though)
cringe Paimon worshiper
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whats that wallpaper website called again?
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>9 min uptime
>søndag (fake language)
>calling others trannies
What is a fake language?
uma obsessão
dwm is tinkertranny trash
Pape please?
triggered trannies
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Se mata, cuzileiro
It's insane how much people spend ricing just to have an ugly rice. Every single one sucks, and the ones that suck the least just have nice wallpapers.
This. It's why I stopped and just use gnome. I don't care about any of the features of desktops. I just want my computer to work smoothly every time I power it on until I turn it off. I watch movies and play a few light games while answering emails. I work coding from home. Absolutely nothing people do ricing makes a lick of difference.
>I spent 209 hours to save 2 mouse clicks
These >>101214048 >>101215929
are the best looking by far and the second one is just windows 11 fucking pro with a nice wallpaper. Zero effort and it's on par with a sweaty Gentoo rice.
Not obsessed, I am concerned. This agenda will be the downfall of humanity.
>downfall of humanity
AHAHAHAHHAHAH literary the west fallen omg please stop chuddie you are embarrassing yourself
updooted my background, itz comfy now
we are on our DARK and EVIL arc today
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good taste in music
not so much in women
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basic and boring
Wonder if you'll act the same when your child (assuming you'll ever find someone willing to bear your children) is assaulted by a man in a dress in what used to be a women's restroom
mind sharing your bar config?
that never happened to your child
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cheers mate
Haha woah, what’s the literal terminal theme / font / whatever called?
Never said it did you fucking retard. There are however numerous accounts of it happening to peoples children. And it's all thanks to our society's growing eagerness to accept degeneracy and it has to stop.
It's called cool-retro-term and it's absolutely hideous
not my problem + rape builds character
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it's rather comfy actually
>rape builds character
Mindset of 21st century morons
>What's wrong with logging into YouTube?
he's probably triggered.

here is a question. is there a utility that will show me utilization on a gpu? similar to the windows task manager that will show you all your gpus? I've got a laptop with both nvidia and intel gaphics and i want to be sure that it is putting the nvidia card to use. neofetch shows 3050ti but system info shows intel uhd. apparently wayland has issues with optimus.
This is the bait, right?
lmao what go outside nigga
>Verification not required.
The amount of cases of regular cis sick old men following women into bathrooms to assault them far dwarfs the amount of trans people using their access to a new bathroom to assault people. The cases for the latter can be counted on one hand and are punished exactly the same way as anyone else doing it.

I used to hold your viewpoints and I got a lot happier when I just stopped giving a fuck about this shit and made friends with people I otherwise pushed out for retarded reasons. This whole "degeneracy" standpoint is braindead and pushed by people who diddle kids and watch trans porn anyway.
just installed. have no clue how you're supposed to customize gnome these days (or whatever it is canonical is running on top of gnome these days).
Please share the wallpaper.
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here lad
Don't care about bloat, RAM and SSD are insanely cheap.
I think it’s unlikely that a minority of freaks could ever have that big of an impact. Maybe don’t watch the news so much
Thank you buddy :)
it's gpu-specific, there is surprisingly no standardized API for this
radeontop for AMD, intel_gpu_top for intel and nvidia-smi for nvidia
>regular people commit more assault
So? That changes nothing. Opening up women's restrooms for men will increase assaults. what you call "regular cis" and trans men are still men btw.
>I made friends with them
Why would I want mentally unstable friends? Would you be friends with someone who claims to be a cat? Of course you wouldn't. The same goes for men who claim to be women and vice versa
>Everybody against the decaying of society diddle kids and watch tranny porn
I literally don't know how to respond to this idiocy. You claimed to be that kind of person. Does that mean you used to diddle kids before?
well shit. i guess i have my work cut out for me. even though i've got the nvidia drivers installed this fucking laptop switching bullshit isn't using it. all going via intel uhd instead. sigh. why do i always get the fucked up setups.
reading comprehension jose, get some of it. This way of thinking does nothing but make you miserable and angry 24/7. LGBT people arent out there to ruin your life retard, stop obsessing over this retarded shit
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set out to skin my new thinkpad with a vista aero theme but landed on something equally as cozy to me
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There is nothing wrong with my reading comprehension, sir (IT'S MA'AM!)
They're not affecting my life directly, but they are affecting society in every way. Also, I never said anything about the LGHDTV community as a whole. I specifically talked about trannies. You know the extreme ones. The ones who claim to be women and will physically attack you if you ever try to tell them the truth. The ones who will have fucking drag shows at fucking kindergartens. Do you not find that to be a little messed up?
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What the actual *FUCK* is this thread? There used to be facilities built just to remove and house patients like this away from society, and even then most of those patients didn’t exhibit this kind of deluded and anti social behavior. Who or what the fuck even raised you people? This fucking website isn’t your mental daycare. You either have too much time on your hands in which case you need to meet and make friends, or you’re genuinely sick and need to meet and make friends with doctors. It’s frightening to even think you people are out there. Fuck off
>They are affecting society in every way
legitimate unironic brainrot. Hope you grow out of this phase of living in constant fear and anxiety brother. I genuinely hope you do cause I was the most miserable in life when I was just hating everything for stupid reasons like this
Try CoreCtrl
>living in constant fear and anxiety
Who says I live in fear and anxiety? I don't fear anything but God and neither should you.
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This thread is making me want to build a linux desktop so bad, my raspberry pi doesn't output audio and i need something to stream anime in another room (already have a working pc)
>proceeds to buy 32GB of ram just to fill up half of it with reddit approved eye candy
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Let's progress the plot!
bleh nvm. blew it up. was trying to get the whole drm thing working for the nvidia driver so it would actually use the nvidia graphics card (fucking laptop with intel / nvidia cards) and wayland doesn't want to play nice with switching aka sure it loads the nvidia drivers but never uses the fucking thing.

about to nuke the whole thing and start over again. gonna take a break first. i always end up with some kind of fucked up system that never works out of the box when it comes to any distros.
> i always end up with some kind of fucked up system that never works out of the box when it comes to any distros.
If this is such a problem for you, why don't you just use windows?
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Gnome sisters rise up.
trying to get off windows. sick of the bloat shoved down it's throat. tired of uninstalling 20 different fucking shovelware games that windows update put in for starters.
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>customize gnome
looks like hackmud
it's because desktop ricing is stagnant. oh wow cool you've themed your gui programs, you've got a nice color scheme for your terminal, and you've made your de/wm not a mess. how original, it's definitely not basically the same as every other desktop. basically the only difference is do you use a tiling window manager or not
compare that to phone homescreens. sure, you have your equivalent to the default rice where people have a simple one color background plus anime image, either minimal icons or text on the bottom for opening programs, and information like time and battery on the top. but you also have a huge variety of genuinely unique looks thanks to how versatile kustom is
I don't see any desktops that mimic the way computers look in eva, or a persona ui, or the 360 dashboard
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w11 is comfy
Secret anões were always here, speak mutt or back to 1500.
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This is actually perfect, how can I set this up without tinkering for 10 hours?
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>how can I set this up without tinkering for 10 hours
I used to be delusional too. It’s unfortunate nautilus makes it so annoying to add an open in alacritty/whatever instead of their terminal
You want me to put in the work that bad when EndeavourOS+KDE works just fine (but is ugly)
It's really not that hard, mostly about getting the color scheme right and copying someones polybar
I've got it done during vacation but it didn't take that long. I've used someone else's Waybar config as template but it ended up completely different from the "original". Also Hyprland is really easy to configure and get thing done and the same can be said about Nix. It might be intimidating for a novice but it's not that hard to learn nor time consuming.
I couldn't figure out how to make that work with alacritty (if it's even possible) so I gave up and left the gnome terminal installed on my system lol.
what honestly are the benefits?
I absolutely need nook or nook like (any suggestions) programs to ensure my computer is the comfiest
Which minimalistic wm can i make run just like kde plasma without the bloat and also function like I want it to
Could you point me in the direction on how to get my bar like picrels?
bad taste in music, good taste in girls
always have the problem of staying true to the reference and mixing modern usability in. shitcan the terminal scrollbar? (y/n). also, what browser does everyone use? ungoogled is nice and fast but totally uncustomizable. basilisk is cool but slow. palemoon has faggots attached to it, what to use?
these are pretty nice
Usual basic shit that a major DE comes with, what the fuck else? KDE (5) even works on mini shitboxes from China, like why use XFCE if your system is not that old? I pretty much rather assemble which ever wm environment I’m most comfortably with in such cases.
I just like how it behaves and how it looks. Sincerely, aside from it's effects, good looking, being lightweight and easy to configure and use, I have no real reason to recommend it. to anyone
I used this one as template
Probably because kde is bloated as fuck and buggy
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After a bit of dwl tinkering, back tonight on my legacy dwm config on the potato laptop.
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nice colours
nice transparency
cute file browser
rad wallpaper
KDE may be very bloated in terms of features, but I find many of the features extremely useful and difficult to replicate (at least, with the same level of integration and functionality) on other desktops. KDE Connect alone is absurdly useful, and it integrates better with KDE than anything else. It's the only desktop with a reasonable filepicker, and arguably the Linux best file manager (I think Dolphin has the best implementation of a preview pane and a pretty good tree-view implementation). Krunner might not be as easily extensible, but I find it far more powerful OOTB than other application runners (dmenu, rofi, etc.), with features that are not quite as easy to replicate (like the browser integration that allows you to jump to tabs). There's some other niceties I like, like the media controls on the lock screen and taskbar icons, or the ability to highlight terminal output in Konsole and search directly for it with user-defined search engines.
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Looks slick. I had to bail on Bookworm+KDE because it would not connect to my Bluetooth headphones.

After a long weekend of distrohopping, hopefully I have found a home on Sid.
thanks, likewise
nice n functional
good on ya for gettin it working
i expected my airpods not to work
but for some reason they do
just a matter of getting lucky with the hardware combos sometimes
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this is based
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new color scheme
imagine how advanced linux would be if it had one (ONE (1)) heterosexual white male with a clear vision to design the user interface and experience and set a standard API that isn't a conflicting dependency disaster
More like 64GB, for gaming and shit.
Damn that looks good. Which distro and KDE version?
So which is closest to that out of des and wm?
>Ableton Live
Interesting. What interface are you using and how well does it run? Are you running it via wine or something?
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It's just better.
i like ur browser anon
also could you share the pape?
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here you go
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shit got me double checkin my reflection's not in the monitor
nice, try the other themes. I really like the modern one.
based mapleCHAD
lvl and class?
pape please
you forgot 51.0C lmao
hdmi streams audio to the monitor, plug your speakers in from there
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Sorry for the proprietary shit, I'm at the office right now.
Been thinking of moving to hyprland from wayland+KDE but the few times I tried to boot into it the Japanese IME/keyboard freaked out and I got a lot of issues and gave up.
I do prefer its slick and more minimalistic UI compared to KDE so maybe I'll try again later...
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full size image of the wallpaper, please?
Yes, already did that, doesn't work at all, tried with multiple monitors, cable, speakers and stuff
Asuka pic please?
was too big for /p/

Are you using an extension for vertical tabs on Firefox?
>customize GNOME
Not possible.
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>customize GNOME
Yeah, don't. If you like it so much just use Cinnamon which is a fork of GNOME 3
how to make cinnamon not look like windows nt?
this is the only acceptable everyday use of coolretroterm imo. Kind of overkill for general terminal use but playing roguelikes in it is peak
I used to shit on the wannabe retro theme, but this thing is actually pretty cool. It doesn't feel lonely with all the effects. I'm gonna try actually working with this terminal next time. lmao
When people say GNOME nowadays they imagine the current GNOME (the one started from version 3, some also call it GNOME Shell), so your reference to Cinnamon (which spiritually more pre-2008 GNOME 2) isn't quite correct, since GUI-wise they barely have anything in common with the modern GNOME, you could recommend KDE instead just the same.
If anon doesn't like customizability of the modern GNOME but wants to keep it for some reason I would recommend Budgie - the same GNOME, but human usable.
Looks really nice, anon. The scrollbars look fine, if you like them then keep them.
>what browser does everyone use
Librewolf or Firefox.
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>"and shit"
About what I expected from a ricer
Don't post this, as I've heard jannies are banning Anons for this.
>Not a gamer
Stop being poor lmao
The poorer a person, the more into gayming he is.
Yeah that's why there are more gamers in Africa than in S.Korea
I am talking about psychological bankruptcy and poverty not financial.
nigger i hate russia too
I was not, stop being financially poor.
Even If I were to become well to do and prosperous, with the maiden of financial success on my lap, why would I invest my time into gaming?? I have always associated gaming as an activity preferred by man-children with underdeveloped brains, personality disorders and childhood trauma.
Sound perfect for you then, you answered your own question
you're so sophisticated anon, i wish i could be just like you. you dont waste your time playing silly video games like us. you just spend your free time posting on an anime image board website. you're so cool. do you listen to classical music too. i bet you do.
T16 from work broke :( luckily enough, I don't need that much power anymore so I'll just settle down for a T480
qutebrowser for daily use, librewolf with Tiradactyl extension for [REDACTED]
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>also, what browser does everyone use?
For me, it's picrel.
How big is your cheese pizza stack? (ballpark)
256 currently, thunderbreaker gang 4L :)

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