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>No. All VPNs are honeypots. Especially Mullvad VPN
do you have any proof that Mullvad will sell or give your location and data do your local government or to Israel? You keep promoting TOR while TOR is widely known as run by CIA and literally code written by american jews

Plus what is that website that a guy maintained that says 99.9% of internet is honeypot but he did list a few good options?
Do you have any proof of that Tor is compromised?

Mullvad logo is literally a mole, they will never be trusted no matter how many shill campaigns you guys keep posting.
Just make your own OpenVPN server.
All you need is the cheapest VPS with a linux distro.
even if all VPNs were honeypots, it's not worse than just raw dogging public torrents with your home IP address
>just raw dogging public torrents with your home IP address
been doing this for years, I don't thin its even illegal here, the big media corps tried to shut it down, but they couldn't I think they stopped trying, they were targeting local torrent collection sites that were displaying ads, the moto was that they were profiting from piracy, but even that was shot down and nothing happened to them, all thanks to this guy:
They never do, even though they literally just have to point at the part in the source code responsible for it, which is publicly available with every push being heavily scrutinized.
The proof for Tor, commercial VPN's, whatever else, happens when the door is kicked in and a boot is on your neck. Nearly everyone will be afraid to speak up opposing gag orders. Should someone be brave enough nobody would believe them aside from the same people that believe 5G reprograms people into zombies and we ignore those people. /x/ aside.
Ah, so untracable random word vomit is why TOR is insecure and that people on "gag orders" (security clearance thing, not a citizen thing) are just too scared of saying anything, and somehow that's why fags like you are constantly saying it's compromised yet never point to the publicly available source code, right?
>implying VPNs and TOR are the same thing, or should ever be used at the same time
tech illiterate newfags talking about big boy secuirty, moar news @ 11
fags like me would not reference source code, as that would never be how things are captured. The devil would be in the implementation details. Also source code by itself is useless unless one can analyze how it plays with other components such as ebpf but that is neither here nor there. It is well known that Tor exit nodes are mostly run by same group of people and commercial VPN's can say they don't "log" anything when lawful intercept is buffered in memory and could be accessed by a lawful intercept "debugging" API.

At the end of the day, nobody here would know if they were being monitored until the door is kicked in. So plan accordingly. Adapt, improvise and overcome. Use Kevlar buttplugs.
>still comparing VPNs with TOR
VPNs are centralized and, being proprietary, often have built in backdoors because there's no way to audit them.
>the code source is too complex for me to understand
You're a paid voice, I know you have nothing to do with being able to audit source code. You don't have to tell me that.
You sure do fit in, much organic.
>You sure do fit in, much organic.
I was agreeing with you...
My bad, it didn't seem like it. I was assuming it was the same person.
>resorting to ad hominem
I accept your surrender and concession.
glowies dont want you doing things that make their jobs inconvient. a vpn wont protect you from the full force of the government if they want to ruin your life, but at the same time it would be extremely rare for someone torrenting goyslop_season3 to get attacked by the full force of their government.

its jewish pilpul: an intellectually dishonest arguement that is rooted in technically true statements. these technically true statements can more or less be fact checked, and so the arguement feels valid to the casual observer.

Just like how 'hiding behind 9000 proxies' wouldn't stop the entire nsa from tracking you, but it will make the 1 agent assigned to audit your shitposting history just say 'fuck this', lets arrest the dumb retard who said illegal things on facebook, signing his post with his name, number, and real world address. wow good job, democracy is saved :D

if we were living in the 1950s, and the government was filled with straight white men who took 'fighting the heckin communists' seriously, then maybe you should be concerned about the full force of the law coming down on you for small traceable crimes. But we dont. We live in 2024, where the government is staffed by people who just want easy pay and good retirement. And who can blame them, all of society is like that. We've gone through decades of corruption and political exploitation, very few people take their jobs seriously unless an issue effects them personally.

Just dont be a retard, and don't do something really illegal and your life will be fine.

>why does the tunneling program have a mole as a mascot
>oh because it's le mole, le heckin spyrinos are heckin undermining you #trust_the_plan #two_more_weeks

that being said, you should always use a vpn not to hide from glowies but to protect yourself from mccorpofaggots making fake and gay profiles on you and your alleged habbits, and to protect yourself from discord jannies trying to dox you

if this guy had been using a vpn, chinese gold sellers in a videogame wouldn't have been able to dox his location and send some scrawny sperg to hammer his head in.

this is wht you need vpns for, to protect yourself from schitzos
>the government is staffed by people who just want easy pay and good retirement. And who can blame them, all of society is like that
that's why we have a good chance to fall
>you'd do the same
I wouldn't you fucking pieces of shit, for me "the people" is sacred
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It's not ad hominem, you are literally not in a position to audit code updates, yet you presented you yourself as a leading source as to why auditing source code, seemingly in general, is somehow infeasible, even with the amount of tinfoil hats surrounding TOR. It is completely fair to point out that there are plenty of people who can and do audit its source code, regardless of what your opinion of reasonable is.
read the news article retard it's literally a sperg from new jersey getting mad at some other fag over discord drama, the game they were supposedly having an argument over is dead
your daily ration of מַצָּה is in the usual drop location, agent ishmael.
I cant find a VPN I trust, all reviews online feel like botted responses, I dont know who to believe when it comes to a VPN
Exactly the opposite.
Let's assume that the full force of the US government can track almost anyone (though I still doubt it)
VPN is still useful.
If you do some medium crime they won't use the full force because they don't want to reveal their cards for some pleb.
They will only use this stuff to prevent something extreme like the President being assassinated.
The government is compartmentalized, not every NSA agent has access to the full force, nor can he get it. He probably doesn't even know the extent of the full force himself.
And that's not to add the most important part of VPNs like others have said, which is not protecting you form the government, but from other people.
rec me a vpn as good as mullvad but with port forwarding
no. i dont want you ruining it.
Your last sentence betrayed your ignorance.

The most secure (anonymous) way to browse the Internet afaik is Tor browser over double-hop Mullvad on a Linux box.
so you people all use this privacy stuff for child porn, right? I really don't know what other use case could explain so many anons needing this stuff.

I get that Americans use these services for pirating movies and such, but in that case you wouldn't expect all the hysterics about back-doors/vulnerabilities/getting disappeared in an unmarked van/etc

The only other explanation I see is that you all think of yourselves as dangerous elite hackers and/or prominent political dissidents, which, I mean... lol.
I want one just to make it easier to break local sports blackouts
Tor is compromised because of traffic analysis at the ISP/backbone level, which has always been theoretically possible. When the NSA talked about randomly de-anonymizing a subset of tor users in the leaked documents they were talking about a combination of controlling nodes and analyzing traffic patterns. This isn't a vulnerability, it's just a fact that has to be factored into your thread model if you're trying to hide something.
>but I'm behind le 9000 proxies
Here's what they'll do: they will try to look at things like file uploads, forum posts, etc. over a long period of time while mass-monitoring traffic, and will create a subset of regular residential non-tor IP addresses whose outbound traffic match the timing of those logs. This will take a long time, but they will narrow it down. Then they will narrow it down further by introducing little artificial micro-outages and fluctuations in the traffic and looking to see whether your traffic on the nodes and servers they control match those fluctuations. Once they've narrowed it down to even a few thousand IP addresses, they can easily run checks on everyone's clearnet internet activity, look for interests that might correlate with what they're looking for (whether your search history, text messages, email addresses, online purchases, etc. match topics such as internet privacy or anti-government ideology) and probably rule out 98% of the herd. You can literally do nothing to stop them, it's a function of time.
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>brought to you by nordvpn
Consolidating traffic but encrypting it isn't the same thing as making its sender and reciever infeasible to pinpoint in the first place. Using a VPN with TOR almost always means introducing a failure point for most people who would go that route.
>Generally speaking, we don't recommend using a VPN with Tor unless you're an advanced user who knows how to configure both in a way that doesn't compromise your privacy.
>betrayed your ignorance
In the age where we have AI translators, and you still use literal translations to make shitty arguments. This isn't a game of who can make the best sounding argument, you're just fucking retarded with opsec.
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tor behind vpn breaks stream isolation, its retarded and nobody should do it
come and find my hidden service chat server, im waiting
>tor behind vpn breaks stream isolation
This is a generalization and only applies if the VPN and the tor router software are running on the same system.
show me setup where
torsocks curl ip.me
gives different ip everytime with tor through vpn
lmao at nonfree malware
qubes whonix still doesnt have stream isolation even in template updates, LOL
Yes it does nigger what the fuck are you talking about? Stream isolation works out of the box with qubes whonix. In fact you actually have to disable it in some contexts (like with a vpn through tor setup rather than tor through vpn) and there are instructions and warnings about the way certain tools like apt interact with whonix stream isolation on the wiki.
you dont seem to monitor tor control commands and nyx stats often
Unironic skill issue
That's literally you
Most common use cases are avoiding copyright fags, geoblocking and the speech police (that exist in every country that isn't America). If you're doing actual criminal shit then you should have a criminal vpn, like the expensive ones used by people doing cyberattacks.
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I went back in the archive and looked at some of your old posts
>how would your vpn get stream isolation when they dont run tor on their servers?
How do you get stream isolation when connecting directly to tor when your ISP doesn't run tor on their servers?
How do you think stream isolation works? Because it sounds like you think it's some kind of voodoo that astral projects your connection down the line, rather than just a protocol that runs locally and controls how local streams are treated before they leave your network.
Either you're confusing a "user-->tor-->vpn" setup with a "user-->vpn-->tor", or you're just retarded. In the latter setup the tor router setup actually sits before the VPN client software transparently in the software stack.
The fact that you've been on this tirade this long is embarrassing, you read something on irc that referred to an entirely different kind of setup and now are confidently wrong about something that would be easy to test for yourself if you actually had higher than room temp iq.
This tirade combined with calling whonix malware leads me to think you might actually be a fed.
im from that community. the official game is dead, but the people in question migrated to the private server after the shutdown was announced. Everyone involved (except the attacker) is still playing it and griefing one another. The attacks are the result of a multi-year long drama involving multiple groups, on multiple servers, in multiple versions of the game. The victim belonged to a gaming community that had used their in-game influence to get a group of enemy chinese players banned. They apparently had direct access to game master and community manager staff on the official version of the game and some how convienced the company that this group of players were illegal chinese gold sellers, and thus they all got them all banned. The chinese were pissed about that, and then started doing similar shit back to them, including baiting members into exposing their personal information and then going after them irl. They achieved this primarily through various discord exploits to trick people into clicking links, downloading pictures, ect to expose their ip and other personal information.

A year or so goes by and its all water under the bridge. Some people stay on official, some go to the private server, some play both. People move on with their lives and forget about it. archeage is a game that had lots of 'fresh start' servers, and a few private servers, and it was normal for groups who lose badly to just reroll to a different server/version of the game to lick their wounds and wait for the meta to change/people to quit/ect. But then the offical version of the game announces its shut down, and everyone was forced to migrate back to the main private server.

Now all the worst people in the community are on one server fighting each other, and everyone with an ax to grind starts bringing up old drama. Allegedly, the chinese players somehow convinced the korean player to go 1v1 the victim irl by claiming the dude was a pedo using the dox they had.
isn't using a VPN basically connecting your computer to someone else's network? doesn't it mean that this someone can make connections directly to your machine? kinda "stare into the abyss and the abyss stares back" situation. it seems like people are putting a lot of trust in those services.
Personally I only use NordVPN because it's being promoted by a lot of influential tech tubers.
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I like mullvad personally, so I recommend that. You can also just mail them a wad of cash and your account will get activated, it's what I did.

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