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>Libreoffice UI is shi- ACK
Cool, but is a pale copy of MS Office the best FOSShitters can do?
>70 choices of GUI styles
>0 good and polished ones
The Loonix(tm) experience.
An exact copy minus MS bullshit, FOSS and free?
Sign me up
good morning sirs
I am using Loonix, #yold. You'd have to be brain-damaged not to see its flaws tho.
Every time I have to interact with LibreOffice it's not a good experience, especially since it's infested with GTKisms.
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LibreOffice? Never heard of her.
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>people using libre office when onlyoffice exists, is free, and open source
but why? ms office 2000 was peak, and that's the only UI anyone should strive to replicate.
stfu nigger
Who cares about the UI, as long as you can get your job done? Not me
Redpill me on onlyoffice
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Just use Google Docs
My bigger concern is pdf editing is still shit. The fonts not recognized so there's no way to edit pdfs properly
>Just use Google Docs
Eww no
>and open source
wake me up when you can actually compile it from source via AUR
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>xlookup doesn't work
Are there any word processors out there that doesn't come with a full on bloated office suite or millions of random features I will never use?

I basically just want WordPad but foss.
>it's not a good experience
Neither is MS office. Every time I have to use this piece of shit I have to google where to find things because the menus are unintuitive as fuck. Also it's blosted as fuck and every time you insert a large picture it freezes for like 10 seconds and becomes unresponsive, this never happens in libreoffice.
You can only download libreoffice writer without the rest of the suite
If that's not your speed look into markdown text editors, those are great for your use case and there's a lot of good FOSS ones
Single toolbar is best.
>just get spied on by google and be reliant on internet
It's more just the nonsensical cluttered interface filled with a billion features I will never use and the laughably slow startup speed that bother me. I don't need enterprise word processing, I just want a braindead word processes that is basically one step up from a text editor.

As for markdown, any good ones that have live preview and a UI with buttons for typeface and font settings, headers, that stuff?
To be honest I have no idea
There's too many of them out there
Search "markdown" in flathub or your distro's software manager and try to find the one you like most
i was looking in alternative too and found abiword
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Where are my WPS Office chads at?
>chink spyware
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why have they still not fixed their docs? Looks garbage when you search anything you get the old docs from 2013 instead of the latest and in general its just way too many words instead of short well rounded examples. Also performance wise it sucks I don't understand why it struggles so much with 100k rows.
>not using hundreds of nested if statements instead
>OnlyOffice relies heavily on online connectivity
no thanks
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>chinatsu themed spreadsheet
>banded row colors match her inner thighs and panties
It works completely offline
Are there any spreadsheet apps that fix the abomination that is excel-style formula language and replace it with a sane functional language with let bindings and functions, with a syntax highlighted editor and built-in lsp?
onlyoffice trannies dilate
>/g/ babby cannot into maintaining local repos and compilation
Excel has LET() and LAMBDA()
I'm aware, but it's far too painful to use excel formula language for myriad other reasons.
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thats shit
hasn't LibreOffice been officially adopted by multiple Indian states LMFAO?
Only an Indian would know that
Is Germany an Indian state?
Too based for this world.
tabbed interface is better desu
You do know the F in FOSS is for free, right?
Just like Micoshaft bullshit, eh?
No, it's an Arab Marxist state at this point.
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try onlyoffice. literally the best.
ACK- you're now at line 1,048,576
>want to apply formula on a filtered sheet?
ACK- that's not supported!
>want to share this worksheet with work colleagues?
sure just use this old 2007 .xls format and hope it's compatible with their excel program

the absolute state
Holy based.
It's unusable, I had to go back to office the next day cause of how slow it is and compatibility issues.
free as in freedom or price?
works for me. must be a skills issue
>sure just use this old 2007 .xls format and hope it's compatible with their excel program
Blatant lying. It works seemlessly with xlsx and other win10+ format
>Formula isn't supported
>has never just pressed ctrl-down too many times excel
Free as in rent free
come home, white man https://pyspread.gitlab.io/
I'm a brown latinx transwoman DOE
>"pyspread expects Python expressions in its grid cells"
>arbitrary effects in a spreadsheet
also this desu
even doe it isnt
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its terrible. I doubt its hard to make it look better they already did 80% of the work
Why would I use ribbons?? Microdick should SELF-ACK for introducing this cancerous UI concept in the first place.
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looks good to me
Stfu boomer
> get spied on
unavoidable, cope
holy retard
>rapist mentality
>also wrong
webdav with selfsigned https certs is still broken with no fix in progress
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its the terrible choice of monochrome icons + text + lack of borders the gtk4 mockup was way better. Onlyoffice avoids it by being cleaner. Probably didn't want to copy MS homeworks but its important as the above examples shows.
/g/ usually hates flat shit so why ignore this?
the notes UI in impress is awful and it is crazy that it took so long to resolve, people have been complaining for about a decade
getting fixed in the next major release though

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