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Solo dev, 1.5 years of work, 1.4mb in size, runs locally in the browser

how did he do it???
>Unfortunately Pikimov cannot be used in Firefox.

Did you take a picture of your computer screen?
Computers is difficult sir
Using reddit is pretty cringe, but using the reddit redesign instead of old reddit is just retarded.
>in the browser
into the trash it goes
This. Fuck this stupid online only trend. I get that you want to make some bucks from ad revenue, but at least have a paid alternative or something
this guy will 100% get hired by a big company and make well over 6 figures just for this project btw
a good reminder that the best way to get hired is proving you have passion and can accomplish things on your own
resumes and degrees arent shit anymore and never should have been anything. proof is in the pudding
>the best way to get hired is proving you have passion and can accomplish things on your own
It's more like be bought out because you're threatening their business by releasing something that's your paid product except free and easy to obtain.
If Blackmagic buys his project and develops it properly, I won't be mad.
>runs in chrome
fuck that shit actually
>online only browser app
>Chrome only
>"NO AI" touted as a feature
this is a toy
"NO AI" is based feature though.
Some AI tools are good, what I don't like is the machine learning stuff. I haven't used Topaz's newer versions, but their 2018 tools were great.
>this is a toy
a cool one though
>runs locally in the browser
>in the browser
What a fucking waste of potential.
> browsershit

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"free" to beta test
bi Oof, still better than nothing though
Why are webshitters so afraid of desktop? Even when these sóydevs make something outside the browser, they still bring along their bloated web frameworks and build with either Flutter, React Native, or Electron.js . They seem incapable of making a regular application without making it a web app.
not a webdev here but it's because frameworks on desktop computers are a fucking mess while chrome is pretty much universal on every device it runs on
that's why you containerise it
What a joke.
Davinci Resolve is free btw and so is Blender.
what's the catch though, what's in the premium davinci that's not on the free version?
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developing apps for chrome makes sense for a single developer whos biggest bottleneck is developer resources.

you cant afford wasting even a second of your time on anything but the core value-add, so outsourcing everything under the sun is very important. to this end, chrome is very attractive:

ui toolkit: 100% outsourced (html + css + react)
video acceleratio: 100% oursourced (<canvas> + getContext("3d"))
fast compute: 100% outsourced (wasm)
cross platform: do i even need to say?

the reason why its chrome-only is i suspect because chrome tends to be more liberal with the resources that a website has access to. for example, chrome gives websites the ability to connect to USB devices on the host, which lets you do cool things like flash various gadgets by simply accessing a website, but firefox tends to be against that. both have strong arguments, and usually chrome tends to be more liberal, and firefox more privacy/safety concious.

anyway, like other anons have said, if this video editor gets even the slightest of traction he will get a buyout offer almost immediately simply to prevent a potential competitor. this is a pretty good exit strategy if youre a competent programmer, but it might not last much longer given that money isn't free anymore.
>picture of a monitor screen showing r/eddit

yeah, but firefox is being held hostage by google and who knows who else, by "donations"
>t. making it all up, but I'd be surprised if that isn't the case 100%
quite a few effects and filters aren't in the free version
>not having a tab saying "how to take a screenshot"
>no downloadable version because that would totally be harder than hosting it
>also its closed source because reasons
>but it'll totally be free forever guys
>seething about ai
red flag
it might be webshit, but it's surprisingly well done. Plus just 1.4MB is impressive. Learn that, webshitters. 1.4MB.
1.4 mb is not large enough for a video editor, so what's the library that's actually doing all the work?
>1.4 mb is not large enough for a video editor
zoomers born in the new millenium cannot fathom that software could ship in less than 10GB filesizes
>so what's the library that's actually doing all the work?
i really dont get the new ui you cant even highlight text to drag to a new tab
>just work for free and you'll maybe get a job
>for free
working for yourself is only working for free if what you produce is worthless
I tried topaz's AI denoise some months ago and it produces photos that basically look straight out of a smartphone.
Of course since both use AI denoising it's expected, but it got me thinking about how the "smartphone look" may be desirable these days.
If the price is zero then it is per definition worthless.
you can sell things you make yourself. am i going too fast here? am i talking to an actual retard?
air is worthless, so why do you still breathe?
>NO AI feature
ummm based?
>runs in the browser

That means it will depend on what the browser supports.
>use an anti-privacy browser

Just tried to use it. It can't import image sequences which is of the utmost importance for VFX and 3D animation. It also isn't compatible with OpenEXR files or OCIO which means it can't reliably work with the ACES color system used in professional post-production.

It's a cool idea nonetheless I guess, but it won't be competing with After Effects in the professional space in its current state,
You need to pick up something to drop it, retard.
Wrong. He’ll get bought out. The software will go into the trash. He’ll be locked in a virtual dungeon not allowed to build or design anything until his mind starts to fail.
This. We’re working on a dating app whose sole differentiating factor is that there’s no AI. I’ve had VCs call me an “asshole”, an “idiot” and a “chaos agent”.

You can see them seethe when we say we have no intention of adding AI at any point. Usually they just say “not for me” or “not interested” - their response to our app has told us everything we need to know.
you could make a PR, merging images into an mp4 is trivial
>runs directly in Chrome
i hate webshitters so fucking much it's unreal
He's making a resume project, nobody is gonna install your native software garbage especially if it doesn't run on windows, why wouldn't you build it as a webapp in 2024?
>why wouldn't you build it as a webapp in 2024?
Because I'm hetero
>a good reminder that the best way to get hired is proving you have passion and can accomplish things on your own

Nice wet dream, redditor. The only passion you have to prove is passion to be a fucking slave to companies
Buy an ad, faggot!
use ungoogled-chromium
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>guy can make something this cool
>in the side he is begging for work

i don't understand this industry bros
What's there to not understand?
The job market got flooded by cheap wagies and now even the really capable ones can't find employment
Maybe he's just asking too much for most employers
Companies want to pay as little as possible for people just barely good enough to do their job
Unless I can't download this and use locally, I'm not going to even try. Fuck you.
This answer >>101215686 isn't technically wrong but it's very poor
You can't use OpenFX plugins with the free version
Freetards are willing to work for free, so the amount of money anyone is willing to pay for software has gone down to the same price.
not a bad idea to build a folio while you look
Sorry but I'm looking for a fullstack engineer at $20/h.
>video editor
>in a browser
well, that IS impressive. What can you say.
>front end
did he not implement all of the video editing logic and effects and shit? why the fuck would he limit himself to frontend when he can do that...???
It's all front end anon, there is no server side logic
Sadly, this. I was actually very interested at first then read browser only (chrome of all things). Good for him though, but sticking with regular installed software. Figma for example, where you have to log in to a browser to use their installed software, got sick of getting logged out, kek. Now I just use Lunacy. In browser apps are no bueno.

This is standard. How else do you get hired for these sorts of jobs? I had to make a bunch of goofy ass websites before I landed mine.
that's not what is understood as frontend
for example if you write a webgl application you're doing GPU programming and not "frontend" regardless of it running in the browser
after effects = fisher price

this guy does VFX and most likely uses Nuke by the foundry.

this most likely sucks
i doubt it can handle a demanding project without breaking
similar thing with natron vs nuke
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>runs locally
> in the browser
based retard
>he doesn't recognize the similarities between an interpreted language running via a local interpreter and JS running on a local browser.
also, writing GUIs as webapps that you serve via local webservers in whatever lang is portable and just werks.
>runs locally in the browser
So around 1gb
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>waaah waaah, why doesn't this new piece of technology work on my Fisher-Price browser
Use ungoogled-chromium and stop acting like a child.
Firefox is a pitiful browser that's still struggling to catch up with modern browser standards.
The false sense of "privacy" is the only thing of value that dogshit browser provides.
The browser running on your computer locally is the runtime environment for the web app so unless its streaming, which it isn't because its a free app, yes. You can confirm this by inspecting the webpage in your browser.
>how did he do it???
/g/ impressed that some people can actually program useful software and not some shitty pseudo code in C/C++
>developing apps for chrome makes sense for a single developer whos biggest bottleneck is developer resources.
so, every developer
the browser is running on your computer, retard, so java can't run locally because it run on JVM? the absolute state of /g/
ok jeet
>After Effects clone
Retard. Should've learned node graphs for VFX like Natron, Nuke, and DaVinci Fusion which is superior to After Effects slop and it all supports Linux natively
Pirated CS6 is still the superior option.
Are you an idiot? Did you hit your head on something?
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>yet another Premiere/After Effects alternative
>when Davinci Resolve is just as good and works on Linux
Who asked for this?
He should've focused his efforts on making a decent Photoshop alternative if he really wanted to land a job as a front-end developer.
>inb4 muh GIMP
No, that dumpster fire isn't and will never be as powerful as Photoshop.

We don't need more VFX suites, we need a decent Photoshop replacement ASAP.
>decent Photoshop alternative
Already exists in Affinity. Pay to own under 100$ too.
Okay but is there a way for me to download it without giving them my email address and other information?
you give out fake infos, duh
That's illegal
>guy creates an alternative to adobe available to everyone regardless of OS
>running on just the browser so you dont have to sell your soul to adobe
>"no firefox no install"
>"eww ads"

this is just sad
Well the only thing I wish it had from what I read here is being open source and free, with an option to run it in electron. It looks like a nice project.
Being incompatible with firefox is kind of a bummer, I'd want my JS apps to work there too.
Webshit apps that run offline are pretty nice because they just work on all platforms.
>no masking
this might be an alternative to windows movie maker
you can just do image and video editing in python if you're not a nodev subhuman retard
You can layer mask, but yes, there's no spline masking for assets.
So did someone actually used already?
If you've used After Effects you can tell within 10 seconds that this is not an alternative.
>cool things like flash various gadgets by simply accessing a website
Jesus christ how horrifying
>visit website
>usb hard drive is now formatted
What a way to announce your arrival
ironically, adobe programs back then barely occupy 1 gig in storage, so loading an entire program at the memory is possible now given how massive their capacity is. [spoiler]future Adobe apps will be memory-only so it will be impossible to pirate.[/spoiler]
>what's in the premium
mainly GPU-based stuff. you can absolutely do 90% of most professional level stuff without premium tho
Man everyones jealous and salty in this thread lmao
But specifically, the OP tech guy is working for free.
OP made this thread to advertise his malware
OP is a redditor
OP doesn’t even know how to take a screenshot
OP is a faggot
Mods are faggots
>runs in chrome
so its trash then.
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nah. its pathetic tripe and we enjoy laughing at it.
>runs locally in the browser
wow it's shit
pajeets are so gross

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