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>arch is for trann....
>*look up the founder of Arch Linux, Judd Vinet*
>is Chad
if he was a chad he would have KDE as default DE and a simple install script to set up his distro for gayming out of the box, the moment that happens the year of the linux desktops begins, a thousand year reich
sudo pacman -S plasma-desktop

Arch is arch your way anon ;)
-S is no longer supported sweaty. Rtfm
Why are you people so fucking gay
What the fuck are you talking about
you should -Rns yourself
Right wingers doing right wing shit.
Distros for straight, white, working men:
>Arch (primarily for home use, though)
Anything else is either a meme or trannyfied.
if he was chad he would have never put systemd in Arch Linux
nope, those are all compromised with systemd
i'd probably return to arch if they switched to dinit.
Debian can use any init, you can choose during installation
we want to BE him not IN him
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Craving to be someone else instead of making the best out of what you have IS incredibly gay.
this thread taught me there is no difference between a /g/entoomen and a /fit/izen when it comes to liking dicks
Arch can use any init, you just install Artix
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penis is very asthetic.
lmao even
he didn't
Systemd is one of the only parts of Linux that's actually good
i tried artix yesterday. it's shit. the fuck with those repositories. chromium doesn't even work because it's systemd dependant. firefox crashed just as i opened it.

i stay with void
works on my machine
No it's:
For noobs and just works types
For home user
For server

Anything else doesn't have a use case.
cool. can you run ungoogled chromium?
why would I want to run this garbage?
>is Canadian

pick one
so no. okay.
I can't run something that depends on systemd, no, use your brain anon
it's an AUR package, so tell that to the maintainer, not me
okay. no need for the salt.
While I don't fully agree, you're clearly a rare fellow actual Linux user. Hello.
>what is buying support in an enterprise environment
tell me you're a NEET without telling me you're a NEET
Yet I still use Ubuntu. Funny how that works, huh?
>the defining trait of a well-adjusted hard-working man is him splurging money on services he doesn't need
I'll be nice and not report you for being underage
Beta testing branch
Works but proprietary cancer
>splurging money on services he doesn't need
Try telling the execs that you are going to run your shit on OSes without opportunity for support. "just trust me bro, I run Arch linux in my spare time, so let's run our enterprise software with only me as a backup solution of shit breaks suddenly"
Are you an Indian sysadmin?
Judd hasn't worked on Arch for like a decade.
He left long before all the systemd crap.
this useless "chad" needs to learn how to code pacman to update the keyring better, until then he is a useless pile of dogshit. there is no reason this bug has been going on for 5 years unfixed where twice a goddamn month the keyring shits itself in confusion.
idk what you're doing but the only time i ever have to manually update the keyring package if if i'm updating an installation that hasn't been touched in like a year
>distro relies on torrent for distribution so the feds can track me
into the trash it goes
there's like 50 different mirrors
and every single one only offers a .torrent to download, no thank you, keep your fed spyshit. You glow brighter than the fucking sun agent smith.
I use garuda because bloatware you fucktard
He is ftm thoughbeit
you WILL submit to the chad arch dev
This distro is for schizos
at least it doesn't force torrent tracking shit down people's throats masquerading as being "free of entanglement"... like for fucks sake, does anyone ever fall for this shit? why the fuck would I use a piracy pozzed downloader just to use Linux?
It's Allan's fault.
>install spyware torrent clients just to use our systemd free OS!
no thanks
imagine what they would inject into the download stream... fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
he was based enough to no have package signing at all actually.
That came later after arch finally caved to the "lol no package signing" memes.
At least the feature was implemented reasonably well. It wasn't like how Go caved to the "lol no generics" and "lol no package manager" memes with the most retarded design and implementation possible.
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*not have
Arch Linux is the OS equivalent of a fidget toy for autists.
KDE is not for chads anymore, KDE transitioned with 6.0 and its purely for trannies now. If you are man install some WM instead.
I kneel arch chads
Debian is for trannies tho, they literally cancel conservative men there. RHEL is fucking anti-white distro, Fedora too by extension. Ubuntu? IDK feels like mini-Microsoft with paid security updates. Arch is the only decent distro here.
>Works but proprietary cancer
Lol I don’t think you can suddenly be considered proprietary for trying to circumvent people taking without contributing much, and trying to profit from it too. Red Hatters seems perfectly fine with the idea of Alma.
It's not fullly proprietary but it's legally so cancerous that you might as well consider it as such. I would absolutely not use RHEL. Everybody who needs that already uses Oracle Linux.
>Everybody who needs that already uses Oracle Linux.
why do /g/tards feel the need to participate in discussions where they know nothing about the subject matter?!
>people taking without contributing much,
You mean how RedHat doesn't contribute their kernel patches upstream?
Has Manjaro been forgiven yet?
Well at least he's not American.
That's it. I'm installing Arch right now.
I would agree IF kwin wasn't utter complete garbage. Unfortunately, it is, and last time KDE received a huge donation ($200k) they redirected these money to develop a shitty office suite. Of which, by the way, I never heard again since then.
>lmao even
dilate tranny
>Beta testing branch
CentOS is the new home for RH beta testing lab rats.
I mean, Fedora was shit even before this move.
I can't imagine how it is now.
I remember around 15-17 years ago, the street wise move was to upgrade to Fedora version X right after version X+1 is released.
This mostly came from masochist fans left over from before the RH-Fedora split. And that was the only way for them to get a system that is somewhat settled.
Many years pass, and Fedora *upgrades* to alpha "stable" (lol) status, and yet some still treat it like it's some sort of a stable distro.
One would think all the masochists had moved on by now, so I'm not sure who would unironically suggest Fedora as a productive choice nowadays. Probably non-Fedora users, non-Linux users even.
Fedora may *upgrade* to pre-alpha "stable" (lol) status, and a /g/tard or two would still list it as a "productive" choice for "the straight white working man" (maybe that's a euphemism for a retarded man who treats any polished marketing as gospel).
Could be worse
Arch is actually pre-pre-alpha. The Gnome developers push extremely buggy versions of Gnome to Arch and spend a large amount of time collecting bugs from their victims. And not just ordinary bugs, it’s stuff like five different crash bugs they refuse to fix until after a long time of bug collection.
arch doesn't come with Gnome pre-installed or as a default DE choice retard
try harder
>removed h264/h265 acceleration from mesa
they're even less likely to be forgiven now
Arch is a chad to it's users. Wanna install a programm? Some Autist already figured it out for you. Wanna use on latest hardware? Ships with newest Kernel by Default. Want to be an Xtard? Doesn't have default Desktop
The GNOME developers do not push anything to Arch. Arch maintainers build and package whatever is the latest stable upstream release. If that happens to be a buggy piece of shit, then that's what it happens to be. Spread your FUD elsewhere.
you're not confused! this happened?
I can't image there were concerns about legality
like that's the most legal way to decode, since the hardware vendors paid the license
> calls a system that needs constant upgrades and maintenance like a suckling baby “chad”
> completely ignores the absolutely based “let it cook” philosophy of debian

I’m sorry, I tried debian. Suddenly, I wasn’t at risk of bricking my pc ever, wasn’t at risk of downloading from a repository hosted by basement nerds, and it was as reliable as chad himself. I need nothing more
>program i want is only in arch repos/the aur
>creating openrc scripts, without fully understanding what the lines are that im copying, because every script is wildly unique and unexplained
it just feels so dirty but otherwise is pretty serviceable
Most users are better off with Windows and trying to sell them on Linux just shits in the collective punch bowl.

My anon, we forgot about bloat already?
That, or the system changing settings randomly with updates and shitty recommended defaults and permissions.
Linux doesn’t have these things unless you update like a blind monkey, and honestly a lot more people would be on it if windows wasn’t synonymous with computer for the vast majority of the world’s population
>I presently carry a 2012 MacBook Air 11" around with me wherever I go. I maxed out the RAM (8GB) and put an SSD in it
>I wasn’t at risk of bricking my pc ever
If you understood what you were doing you wouldn't have that risk with any distribution.
>wasn’t at risk of downloading from a repository hosted by basement nerds
Most universities have an Arch mirror.

Exactly the problem, I don’t have to worry about “understanding” my OS or package manager as much. It’s a means, not an end. I’m not using arch to learn arch, I’m using arch to do other things besides arch. Unfortunately arch makes me do a whole bunch of shit to understand it and removes my focus from more important matters than the peculiarities of my OS. I don’t care, give me the updates with minimal risk and let me work without major changes to my apps. Debian does this well, as did early windows
you will never be judd vinet
Red Hat people think hardware vendors avoid paying the license, and didn't want to take the risk because they are a big target.
manjaro guy thinks he is red hat lol
>Debian does this well,
I've had the opposite experience with Debian. Installing software unavailable in the official repositories was, usually, a nightmare. Far too often I was forced into compiling software just to get a specific package I needed to work. This made me worry far more about the peculiarities of the operating system, especially with how far from vanilla many Debian packages can be. The same problem occurs when I need to install any newer versions of software. I'm sure flatpaks have since alleviated many of those issues but it's far from being an encompassing solution.

In contrast, Arch, through purity, providing the AUR and just offering the latest releases manages to get the fuck out of my way far more than Debian ever could.
>since the hardware vendors paid the license
apparently this is not necessarily the case
i don't know much about it, and probably few people really do, so i can completely understand commercial linux vendors erring on the safe side by just not providing a complete solution ootb
yes. works for me
There's the glass ceiling some people have you're failing to consider.
I suppose it's only righteous to start admiring those who can do more if you've found out you've hit your limit.
It becomes more a test for those who can, in fact, do more.
Arch has no default DE, that what it makes it based.
Also most of Arch based distros have KDE as the default DE which is based and chadpilled.
Total Footfag and Footdev Death btw.
*bbbbrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTT*
Think they even have it in their repos, unlike arch. Ignore the trannyfox retard.
well think better then. and no, there's not even normal googled chromium in the repos
Enable repos in pacman.conf?
which ones? they're all enabled except the testing (gremlins) ones. I even have the Arch repos in there
Omniverse I think, don't remember. Go on the wiki or search for packages on their site.
right, it is there
ctrl+f arch: zero results
ctrl+f debian: six results
thanks, i'll stick with debian.
>no SUSE
What makes him a "chad"?
> chad
> gayming
pick one.
op thinks he’s hot
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All some ancient issues. New Debian is like this example.
Opinion discarded
What faggot uses a DE anyways
I am a black working man and I use Debian. You can go fuck yourself
The "manual" still shows -S

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