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Do you think e-ink displays for daily use will take off one day?
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>tight pants
>but no cameltoe
sure, once other companies figure out how to catch up to them without infringing on their patents
I use one daily already, on my Kindle. E-ink is really good for a narrow set of use cases, and I think it's already saturated that market.
microled has a better chance of becoming mainstream than e-ink does desu
SEX with topaz
No, I meant for more general use. We have a few e-ink smartphones but they're too slow.
Isn't it in very early stages?
I use mine daily. For reading.
Not sure what to think of this post. But what do you mean by daily use? E-ink will never be as widespread as for example LCD displays. E-ink is useful for signage and things like e-readers, and it is used widely in this day and age, and that won't change. E-ink does not support all types of content, especially movies or tv shows
>lust provoking image
>irrelevant, time-wasting question
i guess the question then becomes do you think we will see a continued increase in decoupling applications that don't necessarily need a high refresh rate from general purpose devices that use lcd
>lust-provoking image
Not without a cameltoe it isn't.
nah, thigh/hip/waist skindentation is much more important
maybe for homosexuals
I bet the sumata would be so good
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Don't hijack e-ink threads for your coffee posting.
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who gives a shit
only poltards care about that shit
It's because cameltoe requires a clean innie, rather than a roast beef outie.
No cameltoe signifies the latter.
first post best post heheheeh
my man
I'm no homosexual, but I do find pussies rather unattractive
oh youre just asexual
No. It spikes cortisol and ruins sleep. Meme drink for NPCs
are you retarded? i can understand not enjoying seeing widespread pussy, but pussy in general...
think you might really be a fag
No, I own a 10" reader for manga and realize that I'm in a tiny minority. Most people want convenience and aren't too picky about health impact. A do anything device that makes you sleep poorly will still dominate the right tool for the job, because the do anything device is cheaper than several specialty devices
>I'm no homosexual
I think you are, anon
nu uh, I quite like women.
it's just a gross flesh slit. a bisexual ex actually agreed with me, she didn't find pussy particularly attractive either!
I'd be surprised if I were
uh oh, tpot moment!
>she didn't find pussy particularly attractive either

>I don't like pussy, and a girl said she doesn't like pussy either! That means I'm not gay!
Impressive mental gymnastics, or bait.
Top ass my beloved
I do not know what that means
heh, if you word it that way it does sound funny. what I meant is that we were discussing things we found attractive about women, and pussies just weren't it for both of us.
the reason I mention a woman instead of, you know, a hetero man, is that I haven't discussed sexuality in-depth with a guy before, I think. off this site, that is. on-site I have done so plenty of times before.
but no, it wasn't meant as bait
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That partially depens on how well it can display images of my wife
>those thighs
>the outline of the inner thighs
>that skindentation
vnf, why is everything surrounding the pussy so hot
cus that's where monke brain wants to go
i would take her shorts off, if you know what i mean
There is a chance they will if the refresh rate drastically improves in addition to the implementation of color e-ink.

There is a large enough niche of people that will adopt them early for health reasons, and they will likely spread from there. There is also a great advantage when using such a screen outside. If it had even somewhat decent color, refresh rate, and resolution... they would absolutely be popular.

People would likely not get a huge dopamine rush from using the device itself, the way they do from using current LCD and OLED screens. However, they would definitely notice the improvements to their well being from using such devices in direct or even partial sunlight. I think the devices would be especially popular in locations with good weather and/or closer to the equator.

The more people that use them and notice their wellbeing improve, the more popular they will become as word spreads.
Nobody mentioned reddit spacing before you, you fucking schizo retard. I can't be assed to hit the Enter key twice before every paragraph on a mongolian basket weaving forum.
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There's no reason to hit Enter twice. And only schizos care if someone does or doesn't.
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The gayest thing on earth is whatever is written after
>I'm not a fag but...
You got the big gay anon. I remember one of your kind describing how a penis was more aesthetic than a vagina but he was, allegedly, not gay.
Incorrect. Regular intake of caffeine reduces cortisol levels. Absence of intake increased it. White, green, black tea and coffee increases the lifespan of healthy adults. Sleep is also not ruined for some. For others who are sensitive to caffeine, don't drink so close to sleeping.
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I'm on my phone so this is the best I can do.
a minor improvement
but the best part of a cameltoe is when you have not just the crease, but the slight bulge of the labia around it
pants are usually not thin enough for that. realistic fabric depiction >>>>>> gooner bait
if she has a fat pussy then thick fabric doesn't stop it
>realistic fabric depiction >>>>>> gooner bait
hard disagree
Tea leaves are hyper-accumulators of fluoride.
Did you even read that study? It proves that coffee raises cortisol levels.
The only thing that changes with regular use is not having an initial spike of cortisol.
You still get elevated levels.
Fucking pseud.
somewhat coomable
I feel no attraction to penises either.
and I deliberately began my post with "no gay BUT" ;)
nobody brought up cock until you did, ya fucking gaybo
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I can't coom to drawings on e-ink displays, so I won't buy one
I agree with you. Dumb unrealistic 'titbag' shirts annoy me as well.
what a faggot
but that's factually wrong, anon.
>>101224683 brought up penises, and then I replied
yeah I bet you couldn't wait to reply to a post about cock ya fucking gaybo
I haven't heard anyone use this insult in nearly 20 years
If Apple ever makes an e-ink device sure.
Otherwise no.
whenever color and a 60hz refresh rate is affordable it would be the ideal for phones and tablets.
I've quite diligently replied to every reply I received, whether it included the word penis or not
Doesn't the patent expire this year
Whatever floats your boat.
There are some people who use e-ink monitor on their pc, if you use it for reading, programming e e-mailing it's pretty good
yeah i bet you don't mind if a post is full of cock do you ya fucking gaybo
knock knock, it's a package
it's for you
(it's more cock)
what are the buttons for on her... pants? shirt?

no function, it's only decorative
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