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if you support arm for desktop you support the destruction of decades of backwards compatibility for very slightly better power consumption as well as the inability to upgrade ram CPU or GPU without throwing out the entire machine and buying a new one arm is a bad direction for desktop PCs and if you think otherwise you know nothing about computers we should just keep doing x86 forever and there is no good reason to ever switch from it
I agree but please use punctuation.
i neve do its not worth the effort or beating myself up over eve little mistake i have to go back and correct no one else proof reads why should i?
Patents should just be dissolved and we should have x86 or ARM co-processors and see which is better.
x86 will always be better cause it has the compatibility advantage and still very much the performance advantage
Surely you can have an ARM desktop with a PCI slot...
>inability to upgrade ram CPU or GPU without throwing out the entire machine

Yes, but your options are extremely limited
>X86 compatibility is so good, I love running my superseded software as the old janky versions had SOUL.
Most business software and databases are going cloud based. Let's be honest, old videogames are not a reason to keep and architecture that has reached its limit around.
Options are severely limited for ARM laptops as well. What if I don't want a Microsoft, Apple, or Dell machine? I'd probably have to deal with defects and garbage performance issues for multiple generations. (and desu even if I do go with one of the above manufacturers that still might happen)
Not to mention bad Linux compatibility problems...q
>architecture that has reached its limit
Yeah, I agree. Looking at the latest server CPU benchmarks and the Graviton flop over at AWS, ARM should just die and make way for better architectures.
x86 is no where near its limit though and if not old games what the hell will i play? i will not use cloud gaming
If you're part of the anti-ARM brigade on /g/, I don't know what else to say. You're just retarded. I've seen them be confidently wrong about everything from the difference between a CPU and a SoC, what firmware is, how bootloaders work, what UEFI is, how operating systems detect hardware, how software gets ported between architectures, how drivers work and who writes them, and more. It's pretty common for them to reveal they only know about ARM from jailbreaking their phone or buying chinesium SBCs, and they have no clue about how ARM works in enterprise workstations and servers.

If you're "scared" about ARM on the desktop, but you:
>don't know what OVMF is
>don't know what device tree is
>didn't know that all Win11/ARM64 laptops have UEFI and ACPI
>have never written or debugged x86/amd64 assembly
>have never written or debugged arm/aarch64 assembly
Please do not opine about what you think will happen if/when ARM becomes dominant on the desktop, because you just don't know. Your time is better spent listening and learning than it is posting.
compatibility only matters for businesses, where you have winforms applications written in 1998 which still are used to do the payroll for 10000 employees
>how bootloaders work, what UEFI is,
Don't most ARM computers so far have locked bootloaders and no UEFI?
look i just want to be able to play my games and choose my performance level without needing to buy a whole new machine you can buy a PC right now in payments by buying it by the part with arm you will not be able to do that and i will NOT save up money
Correct, he's most likely the ARM shill who got BTFO'd in a discussion about SecureBoot in another thread.
arm computers are a clusterfuck, vendors do whatever they please, dont buy arm unless you actively care about hurting freedom.
shut the fuck up.
Depends on what you mean by "computer."
Phones and tablets: yes
Laptops, workstations and servers: no

But it has nothing to do with ARM vs. x86. Several years ago, some Android manufacturers were experimenting with x86-powered phones and the bootloader situation was just as shitty on those as it was on the ARM ones.

>with arm you will not be able to do that
Incorrect. A consumer-oriented ARM gaming motherboard, if it ever exists, will likely have a PCIe slot you can attach a normal PC graphics card to. Did you think ARM processors didn't have PCIe? There's even been people who've attached consumer GPUs to their Raspberry Pis. You'll be fine.
but will i be able to install ram? will i be able to swap the CPU/SOC?
>you support the destruction of decades of backwards compatibility for very slightly better power consumption
Yes. I support Free software so this isn't an actual issue. If I need some gay Intel chip I'll use an older computer.
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It's just like any other computer.
>but will i be able to install ram?
Probably. Most desktop/workstation ARM boards take DDR DIMMs or SODIMMs.
>will i be able to swap the CPU/SOC?
Maybe. Some ARM workstation/server boards take socketed CPUs.
i thought arm didnt need a ton of cooling? like isnt that the entire point?
It has 128 cores.
>if you support arm for desktop you support the destruction of decades of backwards compatibility

wtf I love ARM now
why would you want to lose backwards compatibility/?
Not really, I want parallel develop with overlap or having different use cases
If I was rich I'd fund ARM, Risc, Power, or some other AND fund the OS/software alongside it
Imagine something like Haiku brought back to life on a niche dedicated system that could daily drive for most things without issue and was trying to develop it's own ecosystem
>for very slightly better power consumption
your terms are acceptable
because periodically starting over with a clean slate is a good thing.
just think of reinstalling the OS.

x80shit is the equivalent of running the same windows ME install to this day.
>change for the sake of change is... le good!
certified gigatard take
ya until that clean slate excludes every program i use and every game i play why shuld i buy a computer that the only thing i can do with it is sit and stare at it?
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ARM has been around for a long time, it's just that the x86 monopoly induced by Windows 95 stopped it. It killed Amiga too.
I blame x86 for these shit takes - without x86 there would be no democratized access to technical information and people to shit all over x86 and ruin my day with shit takes for fake internet metric points.
ARM is good for specialized code sets and specific applications eat shit x86 will rain supreme as a veritable lightning in the stone rosetta stone uniting human kind for unprecedented advancement everyone is btfo and seethed and now trying to rewrite what already happened get bent gg no re
Don't be fucking stupid. The only software that matters is Free and it all compiles just great on ARM.
what part of " i dont want to lose my games" do you not understand?
ARM in desktops is dead and Microsoft's incompetence killed it, again.
It makes you seem retarded.
buy an ad, Intel
Freetards need not apply
ARM is better in every way. Better instruction set. Insanely better power consumption. Only an idiot admires complexity.
ok but it wont play even 1 percent of my games at this point
>why should I buy?
you don't have to
>why should new hardware be designed for software few use
it shouldn't

you're the equivalent of a carriage driver assblasted about cars.
thats not even close to the case i just dont want to lose my games i need them i have literally nothing else i want to spend my time doing
x80shit is so fucking bad software ran faster emulated on apple ARM than natively.

Can't think of a better sign that it's time for it to die or massively cut the instruction set and have a corporation with infinite money write an actually good modern OS for it.
emulation is improving all the time
keep your current hardware then, or buy new hardware that can emulate it in a satisfying manner.
there will be x86 hardware for at least two decades before they start to stop producing. by then you should have grown out of it or emulation has become perfect.
thats because im retarded
>Yes, but your options are extremely limited
Upgrading a PC/laptop is so last year.
What are you, a poorfag?

Most laptops are just ARM tablets with a non-removable keyboard.
Chinks have had more than a decade to optimize for this.

noVidia try to buy ARM. I dislike ARM then

ARM niggers survived due to PDAs/Symbian and other mobile devices.
I think they deserve a piece of the pie
Freetards will be the only tards who can exist long term. You'll just buy product, and then buy next product indefinitely, no matter what shit they shove in front of you.
As long as vendors don't go the SoC route, I'm fine with ARM.
I really, REALY don't want to have another computer around to fuck with the bootloader just to MAYBE get a working device. I've been on the outskirts of the ROM scene since it peaked and I've dealt with mediatek and snapdragon SoCs and if you're not both lucky and graced by the Generous Vendor it is pure hell.

As long as I get UEFI, ACPI, PCIe and better efficiency I'd welcome a new arch on my desktop, shit I can even patch and coompile my software if I need to.
us free software chads will just recompile, we don't give a fuck
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Actually, it gets obliterated both in terms of raw performance and power consumption. Maybe you should stop being a room temperature IQ fanboy?
>better power consumption
Or we could just go the full distance and embrace RISCV.
Emulation? Or translation? Aren't people focusing on making a compatibility layer like WINE/Proton?
what exactly do you think that chart proves, dumb faggot?
that you're a dumb faggot
quite easy to own too
Play your old games on the old computer and use the new one for new games. Problem solved
>We should just keep doing x86 forever and there is no good reason to ever switch from it.
"We" are not "You". You need to learn how to write without claiming ownership of others or authority over things you have no say in.
That being said, x86 will eventually be replaced, just like everything else. Nothing lasts forever grandpa, and that's a good thing because there's improvements to be made.

P.S Killyourself.
>you support the destruction of decades of backwards compatibility
Why the fuck would you write code that only works on exactly one architecture?

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